Meaning of dream dog
Meaning of dream Dog
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Animas in dreams interpretation and possible meaning
Meaning and interpretation of dream dog
Animals in dreams meanings and interpretation
Dog in the dreams
Meaning of dream dog
Some time who dreamed DOG: The first primary symbol is one of loyalty, vigilance and intelligence. Dogs are said to be able to see 'ghosts' and thus warn us of invisible dangers. A dark dog can denote negative aspects in one's life, a black dog were thought to be companions to witches. Hell-hounds are said to accompany Satan. In the Muslim world, the dog is considered to be unclean, but a watchdog is tolerated. In ancient Mexico, a dog was sacrificed and buried with a dead person to guide it's soul to the afterlife. In China, the dog is the 11th sign of the Chinese Zodiac with both positive and negative symbolisms. A white dog can denote a spiritual aspect and guidance that needs to be followed , a sleeping dog shows one is unaware of what is going on, a dog pulling a sled is a helpful friend, In a dream, first look at the behavior of the dog to see whether it is positive or negative because a dark colored dog can be a sign of depression or ferocity as well. A snappy little dog can mean a bad temper. Washing a white dog represents a need to cleanse oneself of a bad aspect of oneself. -Also see separate article on wolf/dogs.
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Dreams quotes :
Freud said: "Dreams are the fulfilment of a wish"
Freud said: "Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a wish"
Freud said: "Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish"
Finally he said: "Dreams are the disguised fulfilment of a repressed, infantile wish"
Dream : a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
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