How to say in polish and what it means




How to say in polish and what it means


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How to say in polish and what it means


100 kg in polish is cetnar

100-zloty note in polish is stuzłotówka

24-hour in polish is całodobowy

4-stroke engine in polish is czterosuwowy (silnik _)

4-wheel drive in polish is napęd na cztery koła

a bit in polish is ciut

a day after the fair in polish is musztarda po obiedzie

a fortiori in polish is tym bardziej

a good deal in polish is sporo

a good year for something in polish is urodzaj na coś

a liking for sth in polish is upodobanie do czegoś

a long time in polish is szmat czasu

a long way in polish is szmat drogi

a low blow in polish is cios poniżej psa

a man of his word in polish is słowny człowiek

a peach of a girl in polish is dziewczyna jak jagoda

a sight for sore eyes in polish is widok cieszący oko

a slice of bread in polish is kromka chleba

a southerner in polish is południowiec

abandon a claim in polish is zaniechać roszczenia

abandon right in polish is zrzec się prawa

abandon, leave in polish is opuszczać /opuścić

abandon, leave in polish is porzucić

abandonment, negligence in polish is zaniechanie

abandonment, waiver (of a claim) in polish is zrzeczenie się (roszczenia)

abasement, degradation in polish is poniżenie

abatement in polish is obalenie 2

abatement of taxes in polish is zniżka podatku

abbey in polish is opactwo

abbot in polish is opat

abbreviation in polish is skrót

abdicate in polish is zrzekać się (stanowiska)

abdomen in polish is odwłok

abdomen in polish is podbrzusze

abdominal in polish is brzuszny

abhor in polish is odrazę (mieć -)

abide by the law in polish is przestrzegać prawa

abolition in polish is zniesienie

abolition, annulment in polish is uchylenie

abolition, overthrow in polish is obalenie

abominable in polish is obrzydliwy

abomination, disgust in polish is obrzydliwość

abortion in polish is przerwanie ciąży

abortion in polish is skrobanka

abortion (have an -) in polish is aborcja (dokonywać/dokonać)

abound in sth in polish is obfitować w+acc

about 3 blocks in polish is około trzy przecznice

About turn! (mil) in polish is w tył zwrot!

about-face in polish is wolta

Above all in polish is Nade wszystko

Above all in polish is Przede wszystkim

above-mentioned in polish is ww. (wyżej wymieniony)

above-mentioned, foregoing in polish is powyższy

abrasion in polish is otarcie

abrasion (wear, attrition) in polish is ścieranie (się)

abrasive in polish is ścierny

abrupt, impulsive in polish is raptowny

abscess in polish is ropień

abscissa in polish is odcięta

absence from work/school in polish is absensja w pracy/szkole

absent without leave in polish is niesprawiedliwiona nieobecność

absent-minded in polish is rozkojarzony

absent-minded, careless in polish is nieuważny

absent-mindedness in polish is roztargnienie

absinthe in polish is piołunówka

absolute majority vote in polish is większość (głosów) bezwzględna

absolution in polish is rozgrzeszenie

absolve s.o. of sth in polish is odpuszczać /odpuścić komuś coś

absorb, devour in polish is chłonąć

absorb, soak up in polish is wchłaniać /wchłonąć

absorb, swallow up in polish is pochłaniać

absorbent, receptive, lymph in polish is chłonny

absorption in polish is wchłanianie

abstain from voting in polish is wytrzymać sią od głosowania

abstract, statement (account) in polish is wyciąg 2

abuse in polish is złorzeczenie

abuse in polish is znęcać się nad +instr

abuse, curses in polish is wyzwiska

abuse, excess in polish is nadużycie

abuse, insults in polish is lżenie

abyss, precipice in polish is przepaść f.

abyss, precipice, depths in polish is czelość

AC device in polish is urządzenie zmiennoprądowe

acacia in polish is akacja

accelerated procedure in polish is tryb doraźny

acceleration in polish is przyspieszenie

accelerator in polish is pedał gazu

accelerator in polish is przyspiesznik

accept, receive in polish is przyjmować /przyjąć

accessibility in polish is przystępność

accession to the throne in polish is objęcie tronu

accessories in polish is przybory

accessories in polish is przyległości

accessory, accomplice in polish is współwinny

accident and theft insurance (auto) in polish is AC (autocasco)

accident rate in polish is wypadkowość

accidental, random in polish is przypadkowy

accomplice in polish is współprawca

accomplice in polish is współsprawca

accomplish, achieve in polish is zdziałać perf.

accomplishment in polish is dokonanie

accordingly, in compliance in polish is stosownie

account for sth in polish is wyliczać się z czegoś

account into arrears in polish is zaległy rachunek

account of expenses in polish is rachunek kosztów i nakładów

account of payments in polish is zestawienie wypłaty

accountable, of sound mind in polish is poczytalny

accountant in polish is kontroler

accountant in polish is księgowa

accountant (public) in polish is rachmistrz

accountant, bookkeeper in polish is księgowy

accredited, authorised in polish is upoważniony

accredited, authorised in polish is upoważniony

accrued interest in polish is nagromadzone odsetki

accrued interest in polish is narosłe odsetki

accrued interest in polish is odsetki narosle

accumulate in polish is odkładać się

accurate (mil), customs in polish is celny

accurately, with good aim in polish is celnie

accusative in polish is biernik

accuse in polish is oskarżać

accuse s.o. of sth in polish is obwiniać/obwinić

accused in polish is obwiniony

ace (cards) in polish is oczko 2

ace of diamonds in polish is as karo

acetic (acid) in polish is octowy (kwas _)

achieve one's objective in polish is dopiąć celu

achievement, feat in polish is wyczyn

Achilles heel in polish is ścięgno Achillesa

Achilleś heel in polish is pięta achillesowa

aching, dull pain in polish is pobolewanie

aching, sore, suffering in polish is obolały

acidity in polish is kwasowość

acknowledge receipt in polish is potwierdzić odbiór

acne in polish is trądzik

acorn, glans in polish is żołądź

acquainted with sth in polish is obeznany z czymś

acquired (trait) in polish is nabyty

acquired disease in polish is choroba nabyta

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in polish is zespół nabytego niedoboru odpornościowego

acquis communataire in polish is dorobek prawny wspólnot europejskich

acquisition in polish is nabycie

acquisition, property in polish is dorobek

acquit, clear of charge in polish is uniewinnić

acquit, discharge, exonerate in polish is uwalniać

acquit, discharge, exonerate in polish is uwalniać

acquittal in polish is uniewinnienie

act in polish is zgrywa

act a wise guy in polish is wymądrzać się

act of God in polish is dopust Boży

act of God in polish is wypadek losowy

act of God, force majeure in polish is siła wyższa

act, bill (pass -) in polish is ustawa (uchwalać -ę)

act, deed in polish is czyn

acting in polish is p.o. (pełniący obowiązki)

acting chairperson in polish is obowiązki (pełniący - prezesa)

acting prime minister in polish is pełniący obowiązki premiera

active partner, working partner in polish is komplementariusz

actively in polish is czynnie

activist in polish is działacz

actuarial tables in polish is tabele aktuarialne

actuarial tables in polish is tabele śmiertelności

actuary in polish is rzeczoznawca ubezpieczeniowy

acute angle in polish is kąt ostry

acute, piercing, sharp in polish is dojmujący

ad mark, grade in polish is dwója

ad nauseum in polish is znudzenia (do -)

ad valorem tax in polish is podatek od wartości

Adams apple in polish is grydka

Adam's apple in polish is grdyka

Adam's apple in polish is jabłko adamowy

adapt, conform, adjust in polish is dostosować

adaptation, adjustment in polish is pryzstosowanie

adaptation, conformity in polish is dostosowanie

add (drop by drop) in polish is dolewać kroplami

add (sugar), throw in, comment in polish is dorzucać /-cić

add chopped vegetables in polish is wkroić warzywa

add salt in polish is solić

add sth to sth in polish is doliczać coś do czegoś

addicted to in polish is uzależniony od

addicted to in polish is uzależniony od

addiction in polish is uzależnienie

addictive in polish is uzależniający

additional in polish is dodatni

additional assessment, on top of it all in polish is domiar

additional charge in polish is doliczenie

additional education in polish is dokształcanie

additionality in polish is dodatkowość

additives in polish is dodatki

adhere, stick in polish is lgnąć

adhesion in polish is przyleganie

adhesion in polish is zrost

adhesive label in polish is etykieta do naklejania

adhesive tape in polish is taśma samoprzylepna

adhesive tape, Velcro, band-aid in polish is przylepiec

adjacent, contiguous, tangent (math) in polish is styczny

adjacent, neighbouring in polish is ościenny

adjective in polish is przymiotnik

adjourn a sitting in polish is odroczyć posiedzenie

adjust the hem of a skirt in polish is cyrklować spódnice

adjustable in polish is nastawny

adjustable light in polish is lampa kreślarka

adjustment in polish is uzgodnienie

admiration in polish is podziw

admire in polish is podziwiać

admissible in polish is dopuszczalny

admission in polish is dopuszczenie

admit in polish is dopuszczać/dopuścić

admit, confess in polish is przyznawać się /przyznać się

admit, grant in polish is przyznawać /przyznać

admixture, tinge in polish is domieszka

admonish, reprimand in polish is napominać/napomnieć

admonishment, warning, reminder in polish is upomnienie

adolescent in polish is dorastający

adopt a resolution in polish is podjąć uchwalę

adopted daughter in polish is przybrana córka

adoration in polish is uwielbienie

adore, worship in polish is czcić

advance in polish is akonto

advance (cash), initial payment in polish is zaliczka (w gotówce)

advance (money), down payment, instalment in polish is zadatek

advance payment, subscription in polish is przedpłata

advance, loan in polish is pożyczka

advanced in polish is wysunięty

adventure, experience in polish is przygoda

adventurous (man) in polish is żądny przygód

adverb in polish is przysłówek

adverbial in polish is okolicznik

adversary, opponent in polish is przeciwnik

adverse outcome in polish is rezultat niepomyślny

adverse party in polish is strona przeciwna

adversity in polish is niedola

adversity in polish is przeciwność

advertise in polish is zawiadmiać

advisable, desirable in polish is wskazany

advise s.o. against sth in polish is odradzać /odradzić komuś coś

advise, notify in polish is zawiadamiać

advisory board in polish is organ doradczy

advisory committee in polish is doradczy (komitet _)

advocaat in polish is ajerkoniak

advocacy in polish is poparcie

advocate in polish is głosiciel

advocate sth, be in favo(u) of sth in polish is hołdować czemuś

aeration in polish is nawietrzanie

aerial, overhead in polish is napowietrzny

aerosol in polish is gazozol

affection in polish is uczucie

affectionately, tenderly in polish is czule

affinity (chemical, electron) in polish is powinowactwo

affirmative in polish is twierdzący

afflicted by disease/problems in polish is dotknięty chorobą/kłopotami

affliction, ailment in polish is przypadłość

affluence, wealth in polish is dostatek

afforestation in polish is zalesienie

after you in polish is Proszę naprzód

aftercooler in polish is chłodnia końcowa

after-effects, aftermath in polish is następstwa

after-effects, complication in polish is powikłania

after-sales service in polish is posprzedażna (usługa _)

aftertaste in polish is posmak

age limit in polish is granica wieku

age of consent in polish is wiek uprawniający

aged in polish is sędziwy

aged in polish is wiekowy

ageism in polish is dyskryminacja wiekowa

agent in polish is pełnomocnik

aggravated assault in polish is napaść kwalifikowana

aggravating circumstances in polish is okoliczności obciążające

aggressive in polish is zaczepny

aggressive, possessive in polish is zaborczy

aggressive, quarrelsome in polish is napastliwy

aggressor, assailant, forward centre (sport) in polish is napastnik 2

agile, nimble in polish is zwinny

agitation, unrest in polish is wzburzenie

agnostic in polish is agnostyk

agonise, die (greed, laughter) in polish is konać

agree, decide in polish is uradzić

agreement in polish is układ

agreement, accommodation in polish is ugoda

aide-de-camp in polish is adiutan/t -ta -ci

ailment in polish is dolegliwość

aim at in polish is brać na cel

aim at in polish is mierzyć do kogoś/w coś z/

aim at s.o./sth in polish is celować do kogoś/w coś

aimlessly in polish is bez celu

air current in polish is prąd powietrza

air grate in polish is kratka wentylacyjna

air gun, air rifle in polish is wiatrówka

air intake in polish is wlot powietrza

air mattress in polish is materac dmuchany

air out (room), smell in polish is wietrzyć /wy- prze-

air raid shelter in polish is schron przeciwlotniczy

air raid, incursion in polish is nalot

air space in polish is przestrzeń powietrzna

air vent in polish is otwór odpowietrzający

air-conditioning in polish is klimatyzacja

aircraft carrier in polish is lotniskowiec

airdrop, drop in polish is zrzut

airlock in polish is śluza powietrzna

air-mattress in polish is materac nadmuchiwany

airsickness bag in polish is torebka chorobowa

air-tight, leakproof in polish is szczelny

ajar, slightly open in polish is nie domknięty

al momento giusto in polish is w samą porę

alarm in polish is zatrważać /zatrwozyć

alarm clock in polish is budzik

alarming in polish is zatrważający

alcoholic beverage in polish is trunek

alder(tree) in polish is olcha

alderman in polish is radny

alderman in polish is rady

alert, wary, vigilant in polish is czujny

alga (pl.algae) in polish is glon

alias, nickname in polish is przydomek

alien in polish is kosmita

alien, foreigner in polish is alochton

alienate in polish is zrażać

alienation in polish is wyobcowanie

alimony in polish is alimenty

alive in polish is żywcem

alkaline in polish is zasadowy

All aboard! in polish is Odjazd!

all alone in polish is sam jak palec

all but (emphatic) in polish is niemal/nieomal +nie

all crumpled in polish is gardła (jak psu z -)

all of a sudden in polish is raptem, raptownie

all of a sudden in polish is wtem

all of a sudden in polish is znienacka

All Saintś Day in polish is Wszystkich Świętych (1 listopada)

All Soułs Day in polish is Zaduszki (2 listopada)

all the better in polish is tym lepiej

all the more since in polish is zwłaszcza że

all things considered in polish is wziąwszy wszystko pod uwagę

alleged, ostensible in polish is rzekomy

allegiance in polish is wierność

allegiance, vassalage in polish is hołdownictwo

allergic to tobacco. in polish is uczulony na tytoń

allergy in polish is uczulenie

alleviating in polish is łagodzący

alley, back street in polish is zauek

alliance, covenant, Testament in polish is przymierze

allied in polish is sprzymierzony

all-in in polish is ogółem

all-in price in polish is cena łączna

allocate in polish is przydzielać

allocate funds for in polish is wyasygnować pieniądze na+acc

allocation in polish is przydział pieniędzy

allow for in polish is wliczać

allow, permit in polish is pozwlać /pozwolić

allowance (food) in polish is deputat

allowance (of weight) in polish is bonificata (na tarę)

allowance, compensation, fee in polish is wynagrodzenie

allowance, expense account in polish is dieta

allowance, pocket money in polish is kieszonkowe pl.

alloy in polish is stapiać

alloy, brake light in polish is stop

allure, entice in polish is nęcić

allusion, dig in polish is przytyk

alluvial in polish is napływowy

ally in polish is sojusznik

ally in polish is sprzynierzeniec

almond, tonsil, tasty thing in polish is migdał

almost three o'clock (it's _) in polish is dobiega trzecia

alms in polish is datki

alms in polish is jałmużna

alphabetical order in polish is porządek alfabetyczny

altar boy in polish is ministant

alter ego in polish is powiernik

alternately, in turns in polish is na przemian

alternating current, AC in polish is prąd zmienny

although, albeit in polish is aczkolwiek

altimeter in polish is wysokościomierz

alum in polish is ałun

aluminate in polish is glinian

aluminium Al in polish is glin

Am Montag in acht Tagen läuft der Termin auf. in polish is W poniedziałek za tydzień upływa termin.

ambiguous in polish is różnoznaczny

ambiguous, backhanded in polish is duznaczny

ambulance in polish is karetka pogotowia

ambush, trap in polish is zasadzka

amendment to a bill in polish is poprawka do projektu ustawy

amendment, correction in polish is sprostowanie

amenities in polish is wygody

amino acid in polish is aminokwas

ammeter in polish is amperomierz

ammonium chloride in polish is salmiak

amoeba in polish is pełzak

amorous, easily in love in polish is kochliwy

amorphous in polish is bezpostaciowy

amorphous silicon in polish is krzem amorficzny

amortise in polish is umarzać

amount due, outstandings in polish is należność

amount entered in polish is zaksięgowana (suma _)

amphibians in polish is płaży

amphibious in polish is ziemnowodny

amplifier in polish is wzmacniacz

amuse in polish is śmieszyć

amusement park in polish is wesołe miasteczko

an A (grade) in polish is bdb (bardzo dobry)

An accident almost occurred. in polish is O mało nie doszło do wypadku.

an argument cutting both ways in polish is obosieczny argument

an der Tür stehen in polish is stać pod drzewiami

an(a)emia in polish is niedokrwistość

anaemic in polish is niedokrwisty

anaerobic in polish is beztlenowy

anaesthetic in polish is środek znieczulający

analog-to-digital converter in polish is przetwornik analogo-cyfrowy

analysis, partition (hist) in polish is rozbiór

anat in polish is brodawka sutkowa

ancestral in polish is rodowy

ancestry in polish is przodkowie

anchor (cast anchor) in polish is kotwica (zarzucić -)

anchovy in polish is anchois

anemometer in polish is wiatromierz

anemone in polish is zawilec

aneurysm in polish is tętniak

Angelus in polish is Anioł Pański

anger (to spite s.o.) in polish is złość (na - komuś)

angina pectoris in polish is dusznica bolesna

angle of inclination in polish is kąt nachylenia

angler in polish is wędkarz

Anglo-Saxon in polish is Anglosas

angular in polish is kościsty

angular, awkward in polish is kanciasty

anhydride in polish is bezwodnik

animal fat in polish is tłuszcz zwierzęcy

animal feeder in polish is karmnik

animal husbandry in polish is hodowla

animal* in polish is zwierzak

animated in polish is ożywiony

animated discussion in polish is ożywiona dyskusja

anise, aniseed in polish is anyżek

aniseed in polish is anyż -u -e

ankle in polish is kostka (u nogi)

ankle joint in polish is skokowy (staw -)

ankle, knuckle, dice, guitar pick in polish is kostka

annealing in polish is wyżarzanie

annex in polish is przybudówka

annex, enclosure in polish is załącznik

annex, outbuilding in polish is dobudówka

annihilate in polish is unicestwiać /wić

anniversary in polish is rocznica

announce in polish is obwieszczać/obwieścić

announcement in polish is zapowiedź f.

announcement, statement in polish is obwieszczenie

annoy, trouble, approach in polish is nagabywać/nagabnąć

annoying, bothersome, nagging in polish is dokuczliwy

Annual (General) Meeting in polish is doroczne zgromadzenie usziałowców

annul, cancel, invalidate in polish is unieważnić

annul, invalidate, cancel in polish is uniważniać /nić

anode, positive electrode in polish is elektroda dodatnia

anointment in polish is pomazanie

anonymous in polish is bezimienny

anorak, wind breaker in polish is kangurka

anorexia in polish is łaknienia (brak -)

another kettle of fish in polish is inna para kaloszy

another time in polish is kiedy indziej

answer back, talk back in polish is odburkiwać/knąć

answer, be suitable in polish is odpowiadać /odpowiedzieć

ant in polish is mrówka

anteater in polish is mrówkojad

anthill in polish is mrowisko

anthrax in polish is wąglik

antibodies in polish is przeciwciała

anticipate, warn in polish is uprzedzać /dzić

anticipation, warning in polish is uprzedzenie

anticoagulant drugs in polish is przeciwzakrzepowe (leki -)

anticyclone, high in polish is wyż

anti-freeze in polish is płyn przeciw zamarzaniu

anti-knock petrol in polish is benzyna przeciwstukowa

antique, old-fashioned in polish is staroświecki

antiques, old junk in polish is starocie

antiquity in polish is starożytność

antler in polish is poroże

anus in polish is odbyt

any other business in polish is wolne wnioski

anything at all? in polish is cokolwiek/co bądź?

ape in polish is małpa człekokształtna

aphid in polish is mszycz

apiculture in polish is pszczelnictwo

apologetic in polish is skruszony

apologetically in polish is przepraszająco

apostle in polish is apostoł

apparent in polish is pozorny

appeal against a decision in polish is odwoływać się od decyzji

appeal aginst a decision in polish is odwołać się od decyzi

appearance in polish is stawiennictwo

appearance, pretence in polish is pozór

appease, calm in polish is uciszyć

appease, win over, coax in polish is udobruchać

appendicitis in polish is wyrostek robaczkowy

appendix in polish is kiszka (ślepa -)

appendix in polish is ślepa kiszka

appendix in polish is wyrostek robaczkowy

applaud in polish is bić brawo

applaud in polish is oklaskiwać

applaud, commend in polish is przyklasnąć

apple cake, cider in polish is jabłecznik

apple pie in polish is szarlotka

apple strudel in polish is strucla z jabłkiem

apple-tree in polish is jabłoń f.

application in polish is podanie

application for credit in polish is wniosek kredytowy

application form in polish is formularz wniosku

application form in polish is formularz zgłoszeniowy

applied (science) in polish is stosowany

applied research in polish is badania stosowane

apply a coating in polish is nakładać powłokę

apply brakes in polish is naciskać hamulce

apply for a job/visa in polish is ubiegać się o pracę/wizę

apply for citizenship in polish is ubiegać się o obywatelstwo

apply, file, lodge, move in polish is wnosić /wnieść

appoint in polish is wyłaniać /wyłonić

appointment, nomination in polish is powołanie 2

appointments book, diary in polish is kalendarz spotkań

apprehension in polish is pojmanie

apprentice in polish is terminator

apprentice in polish is uczeń

apprentice, stagiaire, journeyman in polish is czeladnik

apprenticeship, training period in polish is praktyka

approach to land in polish is podchodzić do lądowania

approach, come up to in polish is dostępować /dostąpić

approachable, affordable in polish is przystępny

appropriate, allocate, earmark in polish is asygnować /wy-

appropriate, suitable in polish is stosowny

approval, confirmation in polish is zatwierdzenie

approximate in polish is przybliżony

approximation in polish is przybliżenie

approximation of laws in polish is zbiżanie przepisów prawa

apricot in polish is morela

apron, doctor's gown, overalls in polish is fartuch

aptitude (for) in polish is uzdolnienie (do)

aptly named in polish is nomen omen

aquamarine in polish is seledynowy

Aquarius in polish is Wodnik

arable in polish is orny

arable in polish is uprawny

arable land in polish is grunty orne

arable land in polish is użytki rolne

arachnids in polish is pajęczaki

arachnoid in polish is opona pajęcza

arbitrariness in polish is samowola

arbitrate in polish is rozstrzygać spory

arc furnace in polish is piec łukowy

arc lamp in polish is lampa łukowa

arcade in polish is podcień

arch bridge in polish is most łukowy

archer in polish is łucznik

archery in polish is łucznictwo

archives in polish is archiwa

arcing, arc burning in polish is jarzenie łuku

Arctic Ocean in polish is Lodowaty (Ocean -)

Arctic Ocean in polish is Ocean Lodowaty Północny

ardent in polish is żarliwy

ardent, fervent, heated in polish is zagorzały

ardo(u)r in polish is żarliwość

are you out of your mind? in polish is byka (z - spadłeś?)

area in polish is obszar

area code in polish is kierunkowy (numer _)

argue about sth in polish is wykłócaś się o coś

argue, dispute in polish is spierać się

argument in polish is sprzeczka

argument, deduction in polish is wywód

Aries in polish is Baran

Ark of the Convenant (the _) in polish is Arka Przymierza

arm rest in polish is podłokietnik

arm, reinforce, develop in polish is zbroić /u-

armed to the teeth in polish is uzbrojony po zęby

armed uprising in polish is powstanie zbrojne

armed, developed, mains connected (building) in polish is uzbrojony

Armenian in polish is Ormianin

armful in polish is naręcze

armistice, truce in polish is zawieszenie broni

armor in polish is rynsztunek

armor (coat of -) in polish is zbroja

armor, shell, shield in polish is pancerz

armoured car in polish is pancerny (samochód -)

armourer in polish is płatnerz

armpit in polish is dół pachowy

armpit in polish is pacha

arms industry in polish is zbrojeniowy (przemysł _)

arms race in polish is wyścig zbrojeń

arouse interest in polish is pobudzać zainteresowanie

arrange, compose, lay down in polish is układać /ułożyć

arrange, furnish in polish is urządzać /-ić

arrangement, line-up (sport) in polish is ustawienie

arrest warrant in polish is nakaz aresztowania

arrival notice in polish is awizo przesyłki (awizowanie _)

arrogance in polish is buta

arrogant in polish is butny

arrogant, overbearing in polish is zuchwały

arrow in polish is strzała

arrowhead in polish is grot

arson in polish is podpalenie

arteriosclerosis in polish is miażdżyca

arteriosclerosis in polish is stwardnienie tętnic

artery in polish is tętnica

arthropods in polish is stawonogi

artichoke in polish is karczoch

article (definite or indefinite) in polish is rodzajnik

articulated lorry, semi in polish is ciężarówka naczepowa

artificial insemination in polish is zapłodnienie (sztuczne _)

artisan, craftsman in polish is rzemieślnik

artist in polish is plastyk/plastyczka

as far as I'm concerned in polish is o ile o mnie chodzi

As far back as my memory goes in polish is Za mojej pamięci

as long as in polish is dopóty, dopóki

as long as I live in polish is dopóki będę żył

as long as it doesn't rain in polish is dopóki nie będzie padać

as much as I'd like to in polish is chociaż bardzo bym chciał

as regards in polish is odnośnie

asbestos in polish is azbest

asbestosis in polish is pylica azbestowa

Ascension in polish is wniebostąpienie

Ascension Day in polish is święto Wniebowstąpnienia

ash tree in polish is jesion

Ash Wednesday in polish is popielcowa (środa -)

Ash Wednesday in polish is Popielec

Ash Wednesday in polish is środa popielcowa

ashamed in polish is zawstydzony

ashes in polish is popioły

ashtray in polish is popielniczka

aside from in polish is abstrahując od+gen

ask in polish is pytać /-za

ask to dinner in polish is zapraszać na obiad

asking price in polish is cena ofertowa

asking price in polish is cena wyjściowa

aspen in polish is osika

asphalt roofing in polish is papa

aspiration in polish is wdech

ass (vulg.) in polish is rzyć f.

ass** in polish is dupa**

ass** in polish is dupsko**

assassin, attacker in polish is zamachowiec

assassination attempt in polish is zamach

assault in polish is napadać/napaść

assault, attack in polish is napad

assemble in polish is montować

assemble in polish is skupiać się

assembly line in polish is taśma montażowa

assembly line production in polish is taśmowa (produkcja -)

assembly room in polish is hala montażowa

assembly, collection, fund-raising in polish is zbiórka

assent procedure in polish is zgody (procedura _)

assessment of costs in polish is ustalenie kosztów

assessment of costs in polish is ustalenie kosztów

assessment, grade (school) in polish is ocena

assessor, expert witness in polish is biegły

assets in polish is wkłady kapitałowe

assets (and liabilities) in polish is aktywa (i pasywa)

asshole** in polish is dziursko**

assign in polish is przyporządkować

assign s.o. to do sth in polish is przeznaczać kogoś do robienia czegoś

assign, devote in polish is przeznaczać /przeznaczyć

assignee, grantee, transferee in polish is cesjonariusz

assignment in polish is wyznaczenie

assignment, crew, cast in polish is obsada

assignor, transferor in polish is cedent

assimilation in polish is przyswajanie

assistant manager in polish is pomocnik dyrektora

assistant, half-back (sport) in polish is pomocnik

associate, combine in polish is zrzeszaċ się

associate,combine in polish is zreszać

association in polish is zreszenie

association, combination in polish is zrzeszenie

assume power in polish is dorwać się do władzy

assumption in polish is pryzpuszczenie

Assumption in polish is Wniebowzięcie

assumption in polish is założenie

assumption of office in polish is objęcie urzędu

aster in polish is aster

asthma in polish is dusznica

asthma (chronic) in polish is dychawica

asthmatic in polish is dychawiczny

astonished, flabbergasted in polish is zdumiony

astraddle in polish is okrakiem

astride, with one's legs apart in polish is rozkrok (w -u)

at a cross-roads in polish is rozdroże (na +u)

at a guess, roughly in polish is na oko

at a snail's pace in polish is noga za nogą

at a snaiłs pace in polish is żółwi krok

at a standstill in polish is w bezruchu

at all costs in polish is za wszelką cenę

at an angle in polish is krzywo

at an early date in polish is niebawem

at arm's length in polish is poufalności (bez -)

at close range in polish is z bliska

at cost price in polish is cenie kosztu (po _)

At ease! in polish is Spocznij!

at first in polish is zazu

at first in polish is zrazu

at full speed in polish is w pełnym biegu

at once in polish is odrazu

at one sitting in polish is tchem (jednym_)

at one's side in polish is bokiem (pod _)

at random in polish is wyrykowo

at random, haphazardly in polish is na wyrywki

at that time in polish is naonczs

at that time in polish is naówczas

at the break of day in polish is skoro świt

at the conference in polish is na odczycie

at the foot of the mountain in polish is podnóże (u -a góry)

at the top of one's lungs in polish is wniebogłosy

at the top of one's voice in polish is na całe gardło

atheist in polish is bezbożny

athlete in polish is sportowiec

athlete, strongman in polish is siłacz

ATM in polish is bankomat

atomic fission in polish is rozszczepienie atomu

atomic mass in polish is ciężar atomowy

atomic nucleus in polish is jądro atomowe

atomic weight in polish is masa atomowa

atrophy, decrepitude, (senility) in polish is uwiąd (starczy)

attack in polish is napaść f.

attack in polish is rzucać się /-ić

attack s.o. in polish is nacierać na kogoś

attacker, assailant in polish is napastnik

attainable, accessible in polish is dosięgalny

attempt s.o.'s life in polish is nastawać na czyjeś życie

attempt the impossible in polish is tłuć głową o mur

attempted murder in polish is usiłowanie zabójstwa

attend (school) in polish is uczeszczać (do szkoły)

attend a lecture in polish is uczestniczyć w wykładzie

attentive in polish is baczny na coś

attentive in polish is uważny

attenuation, suppression in polish is tłumienie

attic in polish is poddasze pl.

attic, loft in polish is strych

attire, dress in polish is strój

attitude in polish is nastawienie

attract attention in polish is przyciągać uwagę

attract, lure in polish is wabić /z-

attraction in polish is przyciąganie

attraction (gravity) in polish is przciąganie (ziemskie)

attractive, charming in polish is powabny

attribute (ling) in polish is przydawka

aubergine, eggplant in polish is bakłażan

aubergine, eggplant in polish is oberżyna

auburn (hair) in polish is kasztanowe

auction in polish is licytacja

auctioneer in polish is licytator

audible in polish is dosłyszalny

Audit Commission in polish is komisja rozjemca

auditor in polish is kontroler księgowy

auditor, chartered accountant in polish is rewident

auf der Hut sein in polish is mieć się na baczności

August 15th in polish is Wniebowzięcie Matki Boskiej

aunt and uncle in polish is wujostwo

auricle in polish is małżowina uszna

aurora borealis in polish is zorza północna

author, culprit, perpetrator in polish is sprawca

authorised in polish is uprawniony

authoritative, competent in polish is miarodajny

authority in polish is mocodawca

auto accident and theft insurance in polish is autocasco

autocracy in polish is jedynowładztwo

autocracy in polish is samowładztwo

automatic ticket puncher (bus) in polish is kasownik

autonomy, distinction in polish is odrębność

autopsy in polish is sekcja zwłok

autopsy, post-mortem in polish is oględziny zwłok

autumn equinox in polish is równonoc jesienna

auxiliary in polish is posiłkowy

auxiliary, ancillary in polish is pomocniczy

avalanche in polish is lawina

avenge sb/sth in polish is pomiścić kogoś/coś

avenge, retaliate in polish is mścić

avenger in polish is mściciel

average in polish is awaria morska

average income per capita in polish is średni dochód na osobę

average intelligence, mediocrity in polish is miernota

average, average adjustment in polish is dyspasza

average, ordinary in polish is przeciętny

aversion in polish is obrzydzenie

avoid battle during wartime in polish is dekować się

avoid sth in polish is strzec się przed czymś

avoid, safeguard in polish is ustrzec

award a diploma in polish is przyznać (dyplom)

away game, match in polish is wyjazdowy (mecz -)

awe, fright in polish is trwoga

awkward person in polish is niedolęga

awkward, insolent in polish is niedolężny

awkward, unpracticle, incompetent in polish is nieporadny

awkwardness, indolence in polish is niedolęstwo

awning, cream-filled biscuit in polish is markiza

axe in polish is siekiera

axe in polish is topór

axe in polish is tupór

axiom in polish is pewnik

axis of ordinates, Y axis in polish is oś rzędnych

axis, axle in polish is oś f.

azalea in polish is azalia

B flat major in polish is B-dur

B flat minor in polish is B-mol

baboon in polish is pawian

baby bottle in polish is butelka niemowlęca

baby buggy, pram in polish is wózek głębowy

baby* in polish is bobas

baby's rattle in polish is grzechotka

baby-sitter in polish is opiekinka (do) dziecka

bacillus in polish is prątek

back benches in polish is tyle ławy

back interest in polish is zaległe odsetki

back rent in polish is czynsz zaległy

back to basics in polish is powrót do źródeł

back up a claim in polish is popierać roszczenie

backbite s.o. in polish is nagadać na kogoś

backdate in polish is antydatować

backgammon in polish is trik-trak

backlog, arrears in polish is zaległości

backpack in polish is plecak

backpacker in polish is pieszy turysta

backpay in polish is zaległą wyłata

backroad in polish is boczna droga

backside, rear end in polish is zadek

backslash in polish is lewy ukośnik

backslash in polish is ukośnik wsteczny

back-spacer (typewriter) in polish is cofacz

backstroke in polish is grzbietowy (styl -)

backward, upside-down in polish is na opak

backwardation (stock exchange) in polish is deport

backwards in polish is wspak

backwater in polish is zaścianek

bacon in polish is boczek

bad break, gaffe in polish is wsypa

bad habit, addiction in polish is nałóg

bad memory in polish is kurza pamięć

bad payer in polish is oporny płatnik

bad weather in polish is chlapa

bad, irrecoverable debt in polish is dług nieściągalny

badge in polish is naszywka

badge in polish is odznaka

badger in polish is borsuk

bad-tempered in polish is skory do gniewu

bagpipes in polish is dudy

bail in polish is kaucja sądowa

bail in polish is zwolnienie ze kaucją

bail sb out in polish is wydostawać kogoś za kaucją

bailiff, marshall in polish is egzekutor sądowy

bait in polish is przynęta

baking powder in polish is proszek do pieczenia

balance (budget) in polish is część pozostała

balance (close) the books in polish is zamknąć księgi

balance accounts in polish is obrachować się

balance beam in polish is belka wagi

balance beam in polish is równoważnia

balance brought (carried) forward in polish is bilans z przeniesienia

balance brought forward in polish is saldo do przeniesienia

balance in hand in polish is saldo kasowe

balance of payments in polish is bilans płatniczy

balance of trade in polish is bilans handlowy

balance to your credit in polish is saldo na waszą korzyść

balanced budget in polish is budżet różnowany

bald in polish is łysy (jak kolano)

bald patch, bald head in polish is łysina

baldhead in polish is łysek

balding in polish is łysiejąsy

ballet dancer in polish is baletnica

ballet slipper in polish is baletka

balloons** (breasts) in polish is balony**

ballot box in polish is urna wyborcza

ballot box in polish is urna wyborcza

ballot box in polish is urna wyborcza

ballot-rigging, electoral fraud in polish is fałszowanie wyborów

ball-point pen in polish is długopis

ball-point pen in polish is pióro kulkowe

balls in polish is mędrały**

balls** in polish is jajka**

balls, nuts** in polish is jaja**

banana plant in polish is bananowiec

band (of thieves) in polish is szajka

banderole in polish is chorągiewka

bandit, robber in polish is zbój

bang on the door in polish is dobijać się do drzwi

bang one's head in polish is łupnąć się w głowę

bang one's head against the wall in polish is bić głową w mur

bang* in polish is walić

bang, hit in polish is łupnąć

bank clerk in polish is bankowiec

bank extract in polish is wyciąg z konto

Bank for International Settlements in polish is Bank Rozrachunków Międzynarodowych

bank holiday in polish is święto bankowe

bank rate in polish is stopa dyskontowa

bank statement in polish is wyciąg z konta bankowago

bank vault in polish is skarbiec

banker's acceptance in polish is akcept bankowy

banknotes in large denominations in polish is banknoty w dużych odcinkach

bankrupt, insolvent in polish is upadły

bankruptcy, insolvency in polish is upadłość

banner in polish is transparent

banns in polish is zapowiedzi

banquet, feast in polish is biesada

banter in polish is gawędzić

baptise, christen, water down in polish is chrzcić

baptism in polish is chrzest

baptism of fire in polish is bojowy (chrzest _)

baptism of fire in polish is chrzest bojowy

baptism part in polish is chrzciny

baptismal font in polish is chrzcielnica

baptist in polish is chrzciciel

bar in polish is palestra

bar (of iron) in polish is pręt (żelażny)

bar chart in polish is słupkowy (wykres -)

bar code in polish is kreskowy (kod _)

bar code in polish is paskowy (kod -)

bar of chocolate in polish is tabliczka czekolady

bar s.o.'s way in polish is zabiegać /zabiec komuś drogę

bar, bolt in polish is zasuwa

bar, obstruct in polish is zagradzać /zagrodzić

barbarians in polish is dzicz

barbed wired in polish is drut kolczasty

barbell in polish is sztanga

bard in polish is wieszcz

bare one's teeth, grin in polish is szczerzyć /wy-

bareback in polish is oklep (na -)

bargain for better conditions in polish is targować się o dogodne warunki

bargain hunter in polish is lowca okazji

bargain, good price in polish is okazyjny

bargaining power in polish is siła przetargowa

barge in polish is barka

barge in* in polish is wpakować się

bark in polish is szczekać

bark (tree) in polish is kora

barley in polish is jęczmień

barley soup in polish is krupnik

barn in polish is stodoła

barracks in polish is koszary

barrel in polish is lufa

barrel, cask in polish is antałek

barren, sterile, arid in polish is jałowy

barrier, tollgate in polish is szlaban

barter in polish is handel wymienny

barter in polish is wymienny (handel _)

barter, trade in polish is frymarczyć

base in polish is nasada

baseball in polish is palant

based on sth in polish is osnuty na instr.

basement in polish is podziemia

basement in polish is przyziemie

basement in polish is suterena

bashful, shy in polish is wstydliwy

basic, fundamental research in polish is badania podstawowe

basics in polish is podstawy

basil in polish is bazylia

basin in polish is zagłębie

basin, wash bowl in polish is miednica

bask in polish is grzać się na słoncu

bask in the sun in polish is wygrzewać się na słońcu

basketball in polish is koszykówka

basketball player in polish is koszykarz

bas-relief in polish is płaskorzeźba

bassoon in polish is fagot

bastard in polish is bękart

bastard* in polish is drań

bat in polish is kij do gry w baseball

bat in polish is nietoperz

bat away (fly) in polish is opędzać /opędzić

batch file in polish is wsadowy (plik -)

batch, instalment, lot in polish is partia

bath mat in polish is mata przed wanną

bath towel in polish is ręcznik kąpielowy

bath/shower mixer in polish is bateria łazienkowa

bathing cap in polish is czepek kąpielowy

bathroom fittings in polish is armatura

bathtub in polish is wanna

baton, conductor's wand in polish is batuta

battered wife in polish is maltratowana żona

battering ram in polish is taran

battery in polish is tuczarnia drobiu

battery-operated in polish is zasilany z baterii

battle in polish is bój

battleship, armadillo in polish is pancernik

battleships in polish is gra w okręty

bay window in polish is wykusz

bay, gulf in polish is zatoka

bay, reservoir in polish is zalew

bayleaf in polish is bobkowy (liść -)

bayonet in polish is bagnet

be a credit to in polish is chłubą czegoś (być -)

be a disgrace the family in polish is zakała (być -ą rodziny)

be a heavy eater in polish is spust (mieć -)

be a light sleeper in polish is czujnie spać

be a success, bear a good crop, go in polish is udawać się

be a thorn in s.o.'s side in polish is solą (być komuś - w oku)

be able, can in polish is móc /potrafić

be accustomed to go (or wear) in polish is chadzać

be ahead of schedule in polish is wyprzedzać harmonogram

be ahead, excel in sth in polish is przodować (w czymś)

be ailing, malfunction in polish is niedomagać

be appointed in polish is zostać wybranym

be Aries in polish is spod znaku Barana (być )

be at fault in polish is zawinić perf.

be at hand in polish is pasem (być za -)

be back on one's feet in polish is stanąć na nogi

be blessed with sth in polish is obdarzony (być -ym czymś)

be blind-drunk in polish is pijany jak bela

be boiling with anger in polish is wrzeć z gniewu

be born in polish is rodzić się /u-

be called in polish is nazywać się /nazwać się

be called in polish is wabić się

be charged s.o.'s account in polish is obciążać czyjeś konto

be chilled the bone in polish is kość (zmarznąć na -)

be conducive to sth in polish is sprzyjać czemuś

be convenient s.o. in polish is rękę (być komuś na -)

be converted to in polish is nawracać się na

be cross with sb (fam) in polish is zżymać się na kogoś

be cured in polish is leczyć się /wy-

be cut off from the rest of world in polish is odcięty (być -m od świata)

be dead tired in polish is upadać ze zmęczenia

be dedicated, devoted to stj/s.o. in polish is oddany (być -m komuś/czegoś)

be defeated by s.o. in polish is ulec komuś

be discouraged in polish is zniechęcać się

be done in, tired in polish is zajechanym (być -)

be down in polish is być w kiepskim humorze

be down in the mouth in polish is spuścić nos na kwintę

be dumbfounded in polish is dębieć

be dying out/die out in polish is dogasać/dogasąć (nąć)?

be eager for sth in polish is rwać się do czegoś

be engraved, etched in one's memory in polish is wryć się w pamięć

be extravagant with one's money in polish is szastać pieniędzmi

be familiar with sth in polish is obytym (być - z czymś)

be fired in polish is zostać wyłanym z pracy

be furious with s.o. in polish is wściekać się na kogoś

be fussy, choosy in polish is grymasić po-

be given notice in polish is wymówienie (dostać _)

be glad in polish is cieszyć się /u-

be green with envy in polish is zzielenieć z zazdrości

be guided (by) in polish is kierować się

be hard up, broke in polish is chorować na kieszeń

be homeless in polish is bruku (być na -)

be idle in polish is lenić się

be ill in polish is chorować /za-

be in a ... mood in polish is czuć się /po-

be in fancy dress in polish is przebraniu (być w _)

be in hiding in polish is ukrywać się

be in league with s.o. in polish is zmowie (być w - z kimś)

be in love in polish is kochać się /po-

be in s.o.'s bad books in polish is krecha (mieć -ę u kogoś)

be in the same boat in polish is położeniu (być w jednakowym _)

be in working order in polish is chodzie (być na _)

be infectious (infect s.o.) in polish is udzielać się (komuś)

be interested in polish is interesować się

be lacking, in short supply in polish is brakować OR braknąć

be late in polish is spóżniać się /spóżnić się

be lavish with promises in polish is szastać obietnicami

be logged in in polish is zalogowanym (być _)

be lost in thoughts in polish is gubić się w pomysłach

be lost, be extremely fond in polish is przepadać

be moved, affected in polish is rozczulić się

be mutually exclusive in polish is wykluczać się wzajemnie

be neglected, lead a miserable life in polish is poniwierać się

be negligent in one's duty in polish is zaniedbywać się w obowiązkach

be obvious in polish is bić w oczy

be of some use in polish is przydać się

be on (heat, lights) in polish is włączony (być -m)

be on duty in polish is dyżur, (pełnić _)

be on duty in polish is dyżurze (być na _)

be on familiar terms with sb in polish is być z kimś za pan brat

be on friendly terms with s.o. in polish is stopie (żyć z kimś na dobrej -)

be on one's deathbed in polish is dogorywać

be on one's last legs in polish is walić się z nóg

be on the air in polish is antenie (być na _)

be on the air in polish is wizji (być na -)

be on the look-out in polish is czata (stać na -ach)

be out of breath in polish is zziajać

be out of stock in polish is zabraknąć (o towarze)

be poisoned with carbon monoxide in polish is zaczadzić się

be pregnant in polish is błogosławionym stanie (być w _)

be pregnant in polish is odmiennym (być w - stanie)

be prejudiced against sb in polish is uprzedzenie (mieć - do kogoś)

be promoted (a higher class) in polish is zdać do następnej klasy

be ready to drop in polish is lecieć w nóg

be reassigned, transfer in polish is przeniesionym (być _)

be referred to a consultant in polish is skierowanym (zostać -do specjalisty)

be reimbursed in polish is uzyskać zwrót kosztów

be released pending trial in polish is odpowiadać z wolnej stopy

be repealed in polish is tracić moc

be roused from sleep, awake in polish is ocknąć się ze snu

be run over by a car in polish is wpaść pod samochód

be saved by a miracle in polish is ocaleć cudem

be short-sighted, not see well in polish is niedowidzieć

be silent in polish is milczeć /prze-

be six feet under in polish is gryźć ziemię

be smoked in polish is wędzić się

be soaked, get a soaking in polish is przemoknąć

be starting out in life in polish is dorobku (być na _)

be stuck up, put on airs in polish is zadzierać nosa

be stung in polish is użądlonym (zostać -)

be suffering from sth in polish is niedomagać na coś

be taken prisoner in polish is dostać się do nawoli

be taller than, outstrip, surpass in polish is przewyższać /yć

be the bane of one's life in polish is zatruwać komuś życie

be tongue-tied in polish is zapomniać języka w gębie

be under siege in polish is obleganym (być _)

be up one's elbows in work in polish is mieć po łokcie roboty

be up to date in polish is czasie (być na -)

be up to sth in polish is sprostać czemuś

be used up in polish is ledwo żywym (być _)

be visible in polish is widnieć

be washed out, below par in polish is wypompowanym (być -)

be wrong, make a mistake in polish is mylić się /po-

beach ball in polish is piłka plażowa

beacon in polish is stawa

bead in polish is paciorek

beak s.o.'s heart in polish is złamać komuś serce

beak, bill, bow (ship) in polish is dziób

beak, spout in polish is dzióbek

beaker (lab) in polish is zlewka

beam of light in polish is snop światła

beam, bar in polish is belka

beam, ray, radius in polish is promień

beaming, radiant (smile) in polish is promienny

beams, girders in polish is belkowanie

bear responsibility in polish is ponosić odpowiedzialność

bear the costs in polish is ponosić koszty

bear, bear seller in polish is blankista

bearable, tolerable in polish is znośny

bearded man in polish is brodacz

beardless, young shaver in polish is gołowąs

bearer (of a check) in polish is okaziciel

bearer of a check in polish is wzstawca czeku

bearing in polish is peleng

bearing, placenta in polish is łożysko

beast of prey in polish is zwierz

beast, brute in polish is bydlę

beat in polish is bić /po-

beat a retreat, change one's mind in polish is chorąkiewkę (zwinąć _)

beat around the bush in polish is obwijać coś w bawełnę

beat it! in polish is spływaj!

beat one's chest in polish is walić się w piersi

beat s.o. it in polish is uprzedzić kogoś

beat sb black and blue in polish is zbić kogoś na kwaśne jabłko

beat time in polish is odmierzać takt

beater, ram in polish is bijak

beating in polish is lanie

beautician in polish is kosmetyczka

beauty salon in polish is gabinet kosmetyczny

beaver in polish is bóbr

beck in polish is potoczek górski

beckon s.o. in polish is skinąć na kogoś

become in polish is robić się /z-

become in polish is stawać się /stanąć się

become a nervous wreck in polish is wykańczać się nerwowo

become accustomed in polish is nawykać

become accustomed to in polish is oswoić się

become cloudy in polish is chmurzyć się

become complicated in polish is wiklać się

become depopulated in polish is wyludniać się

become disconcerted in polish is stropić sić

become disgusting in polish is mierznąć

become due, mature in polish is przypadać do zapłaty

become established, take root in polish is utrwalać się

become extinct in polish is wyginać perf.

become familiar in polish is zżywać się/zżyć się

become familiar, intimate in polish is poufalić się

become frightened in polish is płoszyć się

become hoarse in polish is ochrypnąć

become immune sth in polish is uodporniać się na coś

become impassioned in polish is roznamiętnić się

become infected in polish is zakażeniu (ulegać /ulec -)

become intimate in polish is spoufalać się

become intimate with sb in polish is zżywać się z kimś

become obsolete, antiquated in polish is strupieszeć

become odd in polish is zdziwaczeć

become rancid in polish is jełczeć

become speechless in polish is zaniemówić

become speechless with delight in polish is oniemieć z zachwyt

becoming, flattering (hairstyle) in polish is twarzowy

bed in polish is łoże

bedbug in polish is pluskwa

bed-clothes in polish is pościel

bedridden in polish is obłożnie chory

bedridden in polish is przykuty do łóżka

bedridden in polish is złożony chorobą

bedside table in polish is szafka nocna

bedsore in polish is odleżyna

bedspread in polish is kapa

bedspread, bed cover in polish is narzuta (na łóżko)

bee in polish is pszczoła

beech in polish is buk

beef roulade in polish is zraz

beehive in polish is ul

beekeeper in polish is pszczelarz

beekeeping apiculture in polish is pszczelarstwo

beer drinker in polish is piwosz

beer mug in polish is kufel

beer, hazel (eyes) in polish is piwny

beeswax in polish is wosz pszczeli

beet in polish is burak

beetle in polish is żuk

beetle, may-bug in polish is chrabąszcz

beetroot salad in polish is buraczki

beetroot soup with sour cream in polish is barszcz zabielany

before going to bed in polish is zaśnięciem (przed -)

before he comes back in polish is póki nie wróci

beforehand in polish is zawczasu

beg, invite, ask in polish is prosić /po-

beggar in polish is żebrak

beggar woman in polish is dziadówka

begin to pour (rain) in polish is lunąć

begin, start in polish is zaczynać (się) /zacząć (się)

behavior in polish is prowadzenie się

beheading in polish is ścięcie

behind the façade of in polish is szyldem (pod -)

behind time in polish is po czasie

behind, bottom* in polish is tylek*

belch fire in polish is ziać ogniem

belfry in polish is dzwonnica

Belgian in polish is Belg Belgijka

believe, trust in polish is wierzyć /uwierzyć

belittle, insult in polish is uwłaczać

bell gong in polish is czasza dzwonka

bell-bottoms in polish is dzwony

bell-bottoms in polish is spodnie rozszerzane u dołu

belligerency in polish is wojowniczość

bellow in polish is wydzierać się

bellow in polish is wydzieranie się

bellows in polish is miechy

bellows in polish is mieszek

belongings in polish is dobytek

belongings in polish is manatki (pl)

beloved in polish is umiłowany

below sea level in polish is p.p.m. (poniżej poziomu morza)

bench in polish is ławka

bench mark in polish is punkt niwelacyjny

bench vice in polish is imadło warsztatowe

bench, dock in polish is ława

bend in polish is uginać (się)

bend in polish is zgięcie

bend in polish is zginać /zgiąć

bend (river, road) in polish is zakole

bend down, submit to in polish is naginać/nagiąć

bend over in polish is pochylić się

bend, incline in polish is nachyłać

bend, slump (econ) in polish is załamanie

benefactor in polish is dobrodziej

benefactor, donor in polish is ofiarodawca

benefactress in polish is filantropka

benefactress in polish is ofiarodawczyni

beneficial in polish is zbawienny

benefit in polish is dobrodziejstwo

benefit, testimony, performance in polish is świadczenie

benign in polish is niezłośliwy

benign tumour in polish is nowotwór łagodny

bent, curved in polish is zakrzywiony

benzene in polish is benzol

berth, bunk in polish is koja

beseech in polish is błagać

beset with dangers in polish is najeżony niebezpieczeństwami

besides in polish is przy tym

besiege, lay siege in polish is oblegać

besieged in polish is oblężony

best man in polish is drużba

best wishes (in a letter) in polish is zasyłam pozdrowienia

bestow sth on s.o. in polish is nadawać coś komuś

bestowal, grant in polish is nadanie

bet, plant, institute in polish is zakład

betray in polish is zaprzedawać /zaprzedać

between me and my brother in polish is pomiędzy mną i moim bratem

bewitch in polish is urzekać /urzec

bewitch in polish is zaczarować

bewitch, enchant in polish is urzec

bewitched in polish is urzeczony

bewitching, well-spoken in polish is urzekający

beyond recognition in polish is niepoznaki zmieniony do -)

beyond the grave, hereafter in polish is pozagrobowy

biased, partial in polish is stronniczy

bib in polish is śliniaczek

bib in polish is śliniak

bicameral in polish is dwuizbowy

bicarbonate in polish is dwuwęglan

bicarbonate in polish is wodorowęglan

bicarbonate of soda, baking soda in polish is soda oczyszczona

bicarbonate, hydrogen carbonate in polish is kwaśny węglan

bicycle pump in polish is pompka rowerowa

bid in polish is licytować

bid in polish is wezwać

bid (cards) in polish is odyzwka

bid for sth in polish is oferować cenę

bid, offer to buy in polish is oferta kupna

bidder in polish is licytant

biennial, 2-year old in polish is dwuletni

bifocals in polish is dwuogniskowe (okulary -)

big (boy), well risen (cake) in polish is wyrośnięty

Big Bang in polish is Wielki Wybuch

big deal! I can do without it! in polish is łaski (bez -)

big shot in polish is gruba ryba

big toe in polish is duży palec

big toe,stubby finger in polish is paluch

bigamy in polish is dwużeństwo

bigot in polish is dewotka

bigot, santimonious hypocrite, goody-goody in polish is świętoszek

bike path in polish is ścieżka rowerowa

bilateral (agreement) in polish is dwustronny (układ _)

bilateral settlements in polish is rozliczenie dwustronne

bilateral, mutual, reciprocal in polish is obustronny

bilberry in polish is borówka czarna

bile in polish is żółć f.,

bilingual in polish is dwujęzyczny

bill in polish is projekt ustawy

bill in polish is wystawiać rachunek

bill of debt in polish is rewers dłużny

bill of exchange in polish is trata

bill of lading in polish is konosament

Bill of Rights in polish is akt swobód obywatelskich

bill of sale in polish is akt kupna-spredaży

bill of sale in polish is kwit zastawny

billiard ball in polish is bila

billy-goat in polish is cap

binary in polish is dwójkowy

binder in polish is segregator

binder in polish is snopowiązałka

binding decision in polish is decyzja wiążąca

binoculars in polish is lornetka

binomial in polish is dwumian

Biology just refuses to sink in with me. in polish is Biologia nie chce mi wejść do głowu.

bipedal in polish is dwunożny

biplane in polish is dwupłat(owiec)

birch in polish is brzoza

bird of prey in polish is ptak drapieżny

bird seed in polish is siemię

bird's-eye view in polish is widok z lotu ptaka

birth certificate in polish is akt urodzenia

birth certificate in polish is metryka urodzenia

birth/death rate in polish is wskaźnik urodzeń/umieralności

birthmark, trait in polish is znamię

birth-rate, population growth in polish is przyrost naturalny

bisect, halve in polish is przepołowić

bishop in polish is biskup

bishop (chess) in polish is laufer

bison in polish is żubr

bisulphate in polish is dwusiarczan

bisulphide in polish is dwusiarczek

bit, mouthful in polish is kęs

bitch in polish is suka

bitch, fishwife in polish is cholernica**

bite in polish is kąsać/ukąsić

bite in polish is zgryz

bite one's nails in polish is obgryzać paznokcie

bite one's tongue in polish is ugryźć się w język

bite through in polish is rozgryźć

bite, morsel (tidbit) in polish is kąsek (łakomy -)

bite, sting in polish is ukąsić

biting remark in polish is uszczypliwości

biting, cutting, sharp-tongued in polish is cięty

bitumen in polish is bitum

bivalent in polish is dwuwartościowy

bizarre, outlandish in polish is udziwiony

bizarre, weird* in polish is cudaczny

black and blue in polish is posiniaczony

black berry in polish is jerzyna

black eye in polish is podbite oko

black eye in polish is siniak pod okiem

black marketeer in polish is czarnogiełdarz

black pudding in polish is kaszanka

black pudding in polish is krwawa kisza

black sheep in polish is parszywy owca

blackberry in polish is jeżyna

blackbird in polish is kos

blackboard in polish is tablica

blackhead in polish is wągier

blackhead in polish is wągr

blackhead in polish is zaskórnik

blackjack (cards), run, ladder (stockings), stone (ring), mesh in polish is oczko

blacklung in polish is pylica węglowa

blackout in polish is zaciemnienie

bladder in polish is pęcherz moczowy

blade in polish is klinga

blade (grass), straw in polish is źdźbło

blade (of sword) in polish is brzeszczot

blame in polish is nagana

blame in polish is winić

blame in polish is zganić

blame s.o. for sth in polish is winić kogoś za coś

blame, criticise in polish is ganić

blame, find fault with s.o. in polish is przyganiać komuś

bland in polish is nijaki

blank cartridge, dummy round in polish is nabój ślepy

blank check in polish is czek in blanco

blanket in polish is pled

blasphemous in polish is bluźnierczy

blasphemy in polish is bluźnierstwo

blast furnace in polish is piec hutnicy

blast furnace in polish is wielki piec

blast-furnace stove in polish is nagrzewanie dmuchu

blast-off in polish is odpalenie

blazing (sun) in polish is oślepiające (słońce)

bleach in polish is wybielacz

bleached blonde in polish is tleniona blondynka

bleaching in polish is wybielanie

bleaching powder, limewash in polish is bielidło

bleed in polish is broczyć

bleed death in polish is wykrawić się perf.

blemish, flaw, diathesis (med) in polish is skaza

blend in with the scenery in polish is wtapiać siź w krajobraz

bless, praise in polish is błogosławić

blight in polish is rdza zbożowa

blind in polish is ociemniały

blind alley in polish is ślepy zaułek

blind as a bat in polish is ślepy jak kret (jak kura)

blind date in polish is ciemno (randka w -)

blind date in polish is randka w ciemno

blind rage in polish is szewska pasja

blindfold in polish is omacku (po -)

blindfold s.o. in polish is zawiązywać komuś oczy

blindman's bluff in polish is ślepa babka

blindness in polish is ślepota

blink, flicker, twinkle in polish is migać

blink, twinkle in polish is mgnienie

blinking in polish is mrużenie (oczy)

bliss in polish is błogość

blissful, delightful in polish is błogi

blister, bubble in polish is bąbel

bloated, conceited fellow in polish is pyszalek

block in polish is kloc

block in polish is tarasować

block (ice), splinter group, faction, fraction in polish is odłam

block (road), lay (trap), pawn in polish is zastawiać /wić

block exemption in polish is wyłączenie grupowe

block, fill in polish is zalepiać /pić

blockhead in polish is cep

blockhead in polish is zakuty

blockhead, snowman in polish is bałwan

blood donor in polish is krwiodawca

blood pressure in polish is ciśnienie krwi

blood ties in polish is więży krwi

bloodcells (white/red) in polish is ciałka krwi (białe/czerwone)

bloodhound in polish is pasowiec

bloodhound in polish is posokowiec

bloodshed in polish is przelew krwi

bloodshed in polish is rozlew krwi

blood-stained in polish is zbroczony krwią

bloodthirsty in polish is krwiożerczy

blood-vessels in polish is naczynia krwionośne

bloody in polish is krwawy

bloom in polish is rozkwit

blossom in polish is rozkwitać

blotchy, spotty in polish is plamisty

blotter in polish is suszka

blotting paper, literary trash, illegal political publication in polish is bibuła

blow (wind), scram* in polish is wiać /z-

blow one's nose in polish is wycierać nos

blow one's nose in polish is wydmuchać nos

blow one's nose* in polish is wysmarkać się

blow sb a kiss in polish is całus (posłać komuś -a)

blow soap bubbles in polish is puszczać bańki

blow, flutter in polish is powiewać

blower, blast machine in polish is dmuchawa

blow-out* in polish is wyżerka

blubber in polish is beczeć

blue blood in polish is błękitna krew

Bluebeard in polish is Sinobrody

blueberry in polish is borówka amerykańska

blue-collar worker in polish is pracownik fizyczny

blues, sulks, pouts in polish is fochy

bluff in polish is blefować

bluish in polish is niebiaskawy

blunder in polish is gafa

blunt, blurred, out of focus in polish is nieostry

bluntly, in plain terms in polish is ogródek (bez _)

blur, blurred in polish is zamazać, zamazany

blurt out in polish is wypaplać

boa constrictor in polish is boa dusiciel

boar in polish is dzik

boar in polish is odyniec

board in polish is wyżywienie

board games in polish is planszowe (gry _)

board meeting in polish is posiedzenie zarządu

board meeting in polish is zebranie zarząd

board of directors in polish is rada dyrektorów

board, plank in polish is decha

boarder in polish is stołownik

boarding pass in polish is karta pokładowa

boast about sth in polish is chełpić się czymś

boast about sth in polish is pysznić się czymś

boaster in polish is chwalipięta

boastful, brash in polish is chełpliwy

boastfulness in polish is samochwalstwo

boasting in polish is przechwalanie się

boat hook, sandal in polish is bosak

boat, canoe, dinghy in polish is czółno

boatbuilding in polish is szkutnictwo

body build in polish is budowa ciała

body search, strip search in polish is rewizja osobista

body shop in polish is nadwoziownica

body, frame (machine) in polish is kadłub

bodyguard* in polish is ochroniarz

Boers in polish is Burowie

bog, swamp, quagmire in polish is trzęsawisko

boil in polish is gotować /u-

boil in polish is wrzeć

boil, abscess in polish is czyrak

boil, damage (by frost) in polish is zwarzyć

boiled beef in polish is sztuka mięsa

boiled dumplings with meat or vegetable sauce in polish is kluski kładzione

boiler furnace in polish is palenisko kotła

boilermaker in polish is kotlarz

boiling in polish is gotowanie

boiling in polish is wrzący

boiling water in polish is ukrop

boiling water in polish is wrzątek

boiling, effervescence, upheaval in polish is wrzenie

bold in polish is śmiały

bold text in polish is wytłuszczony (text _)

bolt, steal out in polish is czmychać/czmychnąć

bolt,bar in polish is rygiel

bomber plane in polish is bombowiec

bomber-jacket in polish is kurtka pilota

bond in polish is obligacja

bond in polish is więż

bond (chem), setting (cement) in polish is wiązanie

bond of security in polish is rewers gwarancyjny

bonded warehouse in polish is magazyn celny

bonding electron in polish is elektron wiążący

bonds, ties in polish is więzy

bone in polish is ość f.

bone marrow in polish is szpik kostny

bone of contention in polish is kość niezgodny

boning in polish is obieranie z kości

boning (fish) in polish is obieranie z ości

bonnet in polish is czapeczka

bonnet, hood in polish is maska silnika

bonnet, woman's cap in polish is czepek

bonus in polish is premia

bonus issue in polish is emisja gratisowa

bonus, royalty, percentage of profits in polish is tantiema

bony in polish is ościsty

boo in polish is wygwizdać perf.

boob, tit* in polish is cycek -ki

booing in polish is wygwizdanie

bookbinder in polish is introligator

bookbinding in polish is introligatorstwo

booking confirmation in polish is potwierdzenie bukowanie

book-keeping in polish is księgowość

book-keeping in polish is rachunkowaość

bookmark system in polish is zakładek (system _)

bookshelf in polish is regał

bookworm in polish is mol książkowy

booming voice in polish is buczenie

booming voice in polish is huczenie

boor in polish is gbur

boor in polish is grubianin

boor, simpleton in polish is prostak

boorish in polish is chamski

boorish in polish is gburowaty

boorish, rude in polish is prostacki

boorishness in polish is chamstwo

booster in polish is urządzenie dodawcze

boot, trunk, roof rack in polish is bagażnik

bootlicker in polish is lizus

booty, spoils in polish is zdobycz

booty,loot in polish is łup

booze (fam) in polish is chlać

boozed in polish is nabuzowany

boozer* in polish is ochlapus

booze-up in polish is jubel

borate in polish is boran

border in polish is miedza

border on, meet, be contiguous in polish is przytykać

borderland in polish is pogranicze

bore(hole) in polish is odwiert

bore, drill in polish is świdrować

boredom in polish is znudzenie

boride in polish is borek

boring machine, drill in polish is wiertarka

born loser in polish is ofiara losu

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth in polish is czepku (w _ urodzony)

borrow on security in polish is pożyczać pod zabezpieczenie

borrow, lend in polish is pożyczać /yć

borrower in polish is pożyczkobiorca

boss, superior in polish is zwierzchnik

bossy, domineering in polish is apodyktyczny

bother in polish is dręczyć

bottle opener in polish is otwieracz do butelek

bottleneck in polish is gardło (wąskie -)

bottleneck in polish is wąskie gardło

bottling in polish is napełnianie butelek

bottling plant in polish is rozlewnia

bottom (child) in polish is pupa*

bottom, food in polish is spód

bottomless in polish is bezdenny

Bottoms up! in polish is Do dna!

bough, branch in polish is konar

boulder in polish is głaz

boulder, cobble in polish is otoczak

bounce back, recover in polish is odbić

bound energy, unavailable energy in polish is energia związana

boundless, immense in polish is bezkres

bow in polish is chylić

bow in polish is smyczek

bow (boat) in polish is dziób statku

bow window in polish is okno wykuszowe

bow, bend in polish is giąć

bow, tip hat in polish is ukłonić

bowel movement, defecation in polish is wypróźnienie

bowels, guts, intestines in polish is trzewia pl.

bowels, viscera in polish is wnętrzności

bowl in polish is miseczka, miska

bowling in polish is kręgle

bowling ball in polish is kula do gry w kręgle

bowling-alley in polish is kręgelnia

bowstring, chord in polish is cięciwa

bow-tie in polish is muszka

boxer in polish is pięciarz

boxer, prize-fighter in polish is pięściarz

boxing in polish is pięściarstwo

boyhood in polish is chłopięctwo

boyish in polish is chłopięcy

bra in polish is stanik

braces, suspenders in polish is szelki

brach of contract in polish is niedotrzymanie umowy

bradycardia, slow heartbeat in polish is rzadkoskurcz

brag, boast, lie in polish is łgać

braggart in polish is samochwal

braggart in polish is samochwała

braggart, bluffer in polish is blagier

braid in polish is warkocz

brains, cerebellum in polish is móżdżek

brainstorm in polish is burza mózgów

brake disk in polish is tarcza hamulcowa

brake lining in polish is okładzina szczęk hamulca

brake rod in polish is drążek hamulca

brake, slow down in polish is hamować

bran in polish is otręby

branch in polish is gałąż f.

branch in polish is odnoga

branch manager in polish is dyrektor oddziału

branch office in polish is filia

brand new in polish is fabrycznie nowy

brandish a sword in polish is machać mieczem

brand-name in polish is markowy

brand-name, trademark in polish is nazwa firmowa

brand-new, spick-and-span in polish is nowiutki

brandy in polish is winiak

brass in polish is mosiądz

brass, brazen in polish is mosiężny

brass, bronze in polish is spiż

brave in polish is waleczny

brave in polish is mężny

brave, courageous in polish is odważny

brave, plucky, gallant in polish is chwacki

brave, valiant in polish is chrobry

bravery in polish is męstwo

bravery in polish is waleczność

brawl in polish is brewerie

brawl in polish is rozróba

brawn, headcheese in polish is salceson

brawny in polish is mięsisty

breach, gap in polish is wyłom

breach, split, rift in polish is rozłam

breadboard in polish is deska do krojenia chleba

breadbox in polish is pojemnik na chleb

breadcrumbs in polish is bułka tarta

breadcrumbs in polish is tarta (bułka -)

breaded in polish is panierowany

breaded fried chicken in polish is kotlet de volaille

breaded veal escalope in polish is szyncel cielęcy

breadwinner in polish is żywiciel (-ka) rodziny

break a code in polish is złamać kod

break a strike in polish is przełamać strajk

break camp in polish is zwijać obóz

break even in polish is czysto (wyjść na -)

break free in polish is wyrwać się

break into the shop in polish is włamać się do sklepu

break off in polish is ułamać

break off in polish is ułamywać /ułamać

break off negotiations in polish is zrywać negocjacje

break the bank in polish is rozbić bank

break the ice in polish is przełamać lody

break through in polish is przełamać

break up with s.o. in polish is zrywać z kimś

break wind in polish is wiatry (puszczać -)

break with tradition in polish is wyłom z tradycji

breakdown in polish is zerwanie

breakdown, rupture in polish is zerwanie

breakfast sausage in polish is parówka

breaking the law, infringement in polish is naruszenie prawo

breakneck(speed), daredevil, far-fetched in polish is karkołomny

breakwater in polish is falochron

bream in polish is leszcz

breaststroke in polish is żabka

breath in polish is tchnienie

breathalyser in polish is alkomat

breathe a sigh of relief in polish is odetchnąć z ulgą

breathe deeply in polish is oddychać pełną piersą

breathe one's last breath in polish is wydać ostatnie tchnienie

breathless in polish is zasapany

breathless in polish is zziajany

breathless, out of breath in polish is zdyszany

breathless, panting in polish is zadyszany

breathlessness in polish is zadyszka

breeding in polish is chów

Brevity is the soul of wit in polish is Zwięzłość jest duszą dowcipu

brew in polish is warzyć /u-

brewery in polish is browar

brewing in polish is piwowarstwo

bribe in polish is przekupić

bribery in polish is łapownictwo

brick in polish is cegła

bricklayer in polish is murarz

bricklaying in polish is murowanie

brick-red in polish is ceglasty

brickyard in polish is cegielna

bridesmaid, girlscout, lady-friend in polish is druhna

bridle in polish is uzda

briefcase in polish is aktówka

briefcase in polish is aktówka

briefcase, folder in polish is teczka

briefing, allowance, compensation in polish is odprawa

briefs (underwear) in polish is figi

bright blue in polish is modry

bright, brilliant in polish is lśniący

bright, clever in polish is rozgarnięty

bright, enlightened in polish is światły

brill, turbot in polish is skarp

brine in polish is solanka

bring a case to court in polish is wnosić sprawę do sądu

bring a charge in polish is przedstawić zarzut

bring a lawsuit against in polish is wszczynać proces przeciw

bring a suit against s.o. in polish is wytoczyć sprawę sądową komuś

bring in in polish is wnieść

bring sb somewhere in polish is dowieźć/dowozić

bring to account in polish is pociagnąć do odpowiedzalności

bring to boiling in polish is doprowadzić do wrzenia

bring upon oneself, catch (cold) in polish is nabawić się

bring, prove, demonstrate in polish is dowodzić/dowieść czegoś

brisk, jaunty in polish is raźny

brisk, lively in polish is rzutki

brisk, lively in polish is żwawy

brisk, spirited in polish is hoży

brisket in polish is mostek 2

brisol in polish is bryzol

bristle in polish is najeżać się

brittle, fragile in polish is łamliwy

broad bean in polish is bób

broad shoulders, parallel bars in polish is bary

broadband data channels in polish is szerokoprzepustowe kanały danych

broadcasting station in polish is rozgłośnia

broad-shouldered in polish is barczysty

broadwise in polish is wszerz

broccoli in polish is brokuły

broken (voice), dashed (line) in polish is przerywany

broken glass, porcelain in polish is skorupy pl.

brokerage charges, stockbroker's commission in polish is kurtaż

bromate in polish is bromian

bromide in polish is bromek

bromine, Br in polish is brom

bronchitis in polish is nieżyt oskrzeli

bronchitis in polish is zapalenie oskrzeli

bronchus (-i) in polish is oskrzela (-e)

bronzing in polish is brązowanie

brood, hatch in polish is wyląg

brook in polish is ruczaj

brook in polish is strumyk

brothel in polish is dom publiczny

brother-in-law and wife in polish is szwagrostwo

brothers and sisters in polish is rodzeństwo

brown coal, lignite in polish is węgiel brunaty

brown, tan in polish is brunatny

brownish-red, red(head) in polish is rudy

browse through (a book) in polish is wertować (książkę)

browser (web _) in polish is przeglądarka (do WWW)

bruise in polish is międlić

bruise in polish is posiniaszyć

bruise in polish is siniec

bruise, black eye in polish is siniak

bruise, injury in polish is stłuczenie

brush (paint, shave) in polish is pędzel

brush stroke in polish is dotknięcie pędzla

brush up on sth in polish is podszkolić się w czymś

brushwood, thicket in polish is chaszcze

brusqueness in polish is opryskliwość

brutal, animal in polish is zwierzęcy

brute, boor, yokel in polish is cham

bucket in polish is ceber

bucket in polish is wiadro

bucket, pail, garbage can in polish is kubeł

buckle in polish is sprzączka

buckle (un-) a belt in polish is zapiąć /rozpiąć (pasek)

buckle up in polish is zapinać pasy

buckle, curly bracket in polish is klamra

buckskin in polish is sarnia skóra

buckwheat in polish is gryka

buckwheat in polish is hreczka

buckwheat in polish is tatrka

bud in polish is pączkować

bud in polish is pąk

bud (plant), doughnut in polish is pączek

bud, come out of shell in polish is lęgnać się

budget cuts in polish is cięcie budżetowe

budgetary item in polish is pozycja budżetu

buffalo in polish is bawół

buffer in polish is bufor

buffer in polish is bufor

bug (phone) in polish is pluskwa telefoniczna

bugle, proclaim in polish is trąbić

bugle-call in polish is hejnał

build in polish is budować

building blocks in polish is klocki (budowlane)

building society in polish is kasa mieszkaniowa

building society in polish is towarzystwo mieszkaniowe

building timber, lumber in polish is budulce

build-up in polish is narastanie

built-in in polish is wbudowany

built-in closet in polish is szafa ścienna

bulb (tulip) in polish is cebulka

bulbous, tuberous in polish is bulwiasty

bulge, swelling in polish is wybrzuszenie

bulged (belly), pouted (cheeks) in polish is wydęty

bulging (eyes) in polish is wyłupiasty

bulk carrier in polish is masowiec

bulk freight in polish is towar luzem

bulky feed, roughage in polish is pasza objętościowa

bull in polish is buhaj

bull market in polish is hossa

bull, spelling mistake, hunk* in polish is byk

bulldog in polish is bokser, boksery pl.

bulldozer in polish is spychacz

bullet-proof vest in polish is kuloodporna (kamizelka -)

bullfinch in polish is gil

bullion in polish is kruszec

bullocks, balls** in polish is jajca**

bulłs, very good in polish is byczy

Bullshit! in polish is Gówno prawda!

bully, swagerer in polish is zabijaka

bulwark in polish is nadburcie

bum* in polish is litery (cztery -)

bumblebee in polish is trzmiel

bump, tumour in polish is guz

bumper in polish is zderzak

bumper cars in polish is samochodziki

bun in polish is drożdżówka

bunch in polish is pęczek

bunch (flowers), bundle in polish is pęk

bunch of babbling hens (women) in polish is babiniec

bunch of flowers in polish is wiązanka kwiatów

bunch of grapes in polish is kiść winogron

bunch of grapes, cluster in polish is grono

bunch, bundle, sheath in polish is wiązka

bundle in polish is tobołek

bundle in polish is węzelek

bundle of nerves in polish is kłębek nerwów

bungalow in polish is domek parterowy

bungalow in polish is parterowy (dom -)

bungle, botch up in polish is partaczyć

bungler in polish is partacz

bungler, disorderly person in polish is bałaganiarz

bungling, bungled in polish is partacki

bunk in polish is prycza

bunk bed in polish is łóżko piętrowe

bunny in polish is króliczek

buoy in polish is boja

buoy, floating beacon in polish is pława

burden in polish is brzemię

burden of proof in polish is cieżar dowodu

burden s.o. with sth in polish is obarczać kogoś czymś

burden, charge in polish is obarczyć

burdensome, onerous, bothersome in polish is uciążliwy

burgher, townsman in polish is mieszczanin

burglar in polish is włamywacz

burglary in polish is włamanie

burn down, go up in flames in polish is spłonąć

burn one's bridges behind one in polish is spalić za sobą mosty

burn one's finger in polish is oparzyć się w palec

burn out in polish is spalić

burn out in polish is wypalić się

burn the midnight oil in polish is zarywać noce

burn, smoke, P light up in polish is palić /zapalić

burned (person) in polish is poparzony

burner (gas/electric), torch in polish is palnik (gazowy, elektryczny)

burnout of a lightbulb in polish is przepalenie się żarówki

burp in polish is bekać

burrow, engrave, dig, carve in polish is ryć /wy-

burrow, hole, hovel in polish is nora

bursar in polish is kwestor

burst in(crowd), invade in polish is wtargnąć do perf.

burst into laughter in polish is roześmiać się

burst into tears in polish is rozpłakać się

burst out laughing in polish is parsknąć śmiechem

bury in polish is zakopać

bus bars in polish is szyny zbiorcze

bus depot in polish is zajezdnia autobusowa

bus shelter in polish is wiata autobusowa

bush, shrub in polish is krzew

bushed (tired) in polish is skonany

bushy (eyebrows) in polish is krzaczasty

business day, weekday in polish is dzień powszedni

business trip in polish is wyjazd służbowy

businessman in polish is przedsiębiorca

busker, street musician in polish is grajek uliczny

bust in polish is biust

bust in polish is popiersie

bustle in polish is krzątanina

busy in polish is zabiegany

busy, mobile in polish is ruchliwy

busy, on the go in polish is zagoniony

busybody, meddler in polish is wścibski

but of course not! in polish is skądże (znowu)!

butcher in polish is masarz

butcher in polish is rzeźnik

butler in polish is kamerdyner

butler in polish is lokaj

butt in in polish is wtrącić swoje trzy grosze

butter dish in polish is maselniczka

butter s.o. up in polish is kadzić komuś

butterfingers* in polish is fajtłapa

butterflies (pain) in one's stomach in polish is ściskanie w dołku

butterfly in polish is motyl

buttermilk in polish is maślanka

buttocks in polish is pośladki

button up, fasten, buckle up in polish is zapinać

button, buckle up in polish is dopinać/dopiąć (się)

buttonhole in polish is butonierka

buttress in polish is przypora

buy back, expiate, atone for in polish is odkupić coś od kogoś

buy sb a drink in polish is postawić komuś drinka

buy some more in polish is dokupić

buy up in polish is rozkupić

buzz of insects in polish is brzęk owadów

buzz, hum, whizz in polish is bzykać/bzyknąć bzyczeć

buzzer in polish is brzęczyk

by a fluke in polish is fuksem

by chance in polish is trafem

by divine right in polish is prawa boskiego (na mocy -)

by hand in polish is ręcznie

by inhalation in polish is wziewnie

by mail in polish is listownie

by return of mail in polish is odwrotną pocztą

by the eye, visually in polish is naocznie

by-elections in polish is uzupełniające (wybory -)

by-elections in polish is wybory dodatkowe

by-elections in polish is wybory uzupełniające

by-pass in polish is obejście

by-pass, detour in polish is objazd

by-pass, go around in polish is obchodzić 2

bypass, ringroad in polish is obwodnica

by-road in polish is podrzędna droga

cab in polish is dorożka

cab driver in polish is dorożkarz

cabbage butterfly in polish is bielinek

cabin, chalet, shelter in polish is szałas

cablecar in polish is linowa (kolejka -)

cabotage in polish is kabotaż

cabotage in polish is żegluga przybrzeżna

cadmium Cd in polish is kadm

Caesarean section in polish is cesarskie cięcie

caesium Cs in polish is cez

calcification in polish is zwapnienie

calcify, harden (arteries) in polish is wapnieć

calcium Ca in polish is wapń

calculate in polish is obrachować

calculating (person) in polish is wyrachowany

calculation in polish is obliczenie

calf in polish is cielak

calf (leg) in polish is łydka

calf, oaf, blockhead in polish is cielę

call in polish is zwać

call (of the sea/of the wild) in polish is zew (morza/krwi)

call a meeting to order in polish is otwierać spotkanie, posiedzenie

call a meeting to order in polish is otwórzyć obrady

call a member to order in polish is przywołać posła "do porządu"

call an (early) election in polish is ogłaszać(wczeszniejsze) wybory

call an election in polish is rozpisać wybory

call for an encore in polish is domagać się bisu

call girl in polish is panienka do towarzystwa

call into question in polish is powątpiewać

call it quits in polish is zwijać /zwinąć żagle

call money in polish is pieniądz dzienny

call of the wild in polish is zew natury

call option in polish is call

call option in polish is opcja kupna

call the waiter in polish is przywołać kelnera

call together, call (meeting), summon (parliament) in polish is zwoływać /zwołać

call, cry for in polish is wołać /za-

callous in polish is zrogowaciały

callus in polish is stwardnienie

calm down in polish is ucichać

calm down, compose o.s. in polish is ochłonać

calm down, recover from fright in polish is ochłonąć z gniewu/ze strachu

calm down, soothe in polish is uśmierzyć

calm, appease (quiet down) in polish is uspokojać /usposkoić (się)

calm, composed in polish is opanowany

calumny in polish is oszczerstwo

camel, dromedary in polish is wielbląd

camomile in polish is rumianek

camouflage jacket in polish is panterka

camp stove in polish is kuchenka obozowa

campaign against in polish is nagonka

campfire, focus (photography) in polish is ognisko

campus in polish is miasteczko studenckie

can opener in polish is klucz do otwierania puszek

can opener in polish is otwieracz (do) puszek

can** (rear end) in polish is kanister**

can, tin in polish is blaszanka

canapé, cocktail snack in polish is tartinka

canary in polish is kanarek

cancel a check in polish is anulować czek

cancel each other out, hate each other in polish is znosić się

cancelled in polish is odwołany

cancelled flight in polish is lot odwołany

Cancer in polish is Rak

candid in polish is otwarty

candle in polish is świeca

candlestick in polish is lichtarz

cane, reed in polish is trzcina

canine tooth, fang, tusk in polish is kieł

caning in polish is chłosta

cannibal in polish is ludożerca

canning, tinning in polish is puszkowanie

cannon in polish is armata

cannon in polish is kanonik

cannon fodder in polish is mięso armatnie

cannon, gun in polish is działo

cannonball in polish is pocisk armatni

cannon-boat in polish is kanonierka

canoe! in polish is kajak

canopy in polish is baldachim

canteen in polish is stołówka

canvassing, campaigning in polish is agitacja

CAP in polish is wspólna polityka rolna

Cap Verde Islands in polish is Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka

cap with visor in polish is czapka z daszkem

cap, cover in polish is nakrywka

capacity in polish is możność

capacity in polish is pojemność

capacity (tech) in polish is udźwig

Cape of Good Hope in polish is Przylądek Dobrej Nadziei

caper in polish is kapar

capillaries in polish is naczynia włosowate

capillary in polish is włoskowaty

capital gains in polish is zyski kapitalowe

capital gains tax in polish is podatek od przyrostu wartości majątkowej

capital goods in polish is dobra kapitałowe

capital investment in polish is lokata kapitału

capital outlay in polish is nakłady inwestycyjny

capmaker in polish is czapnik

capricious in polish is grymaśny

capricious in polish is rozkapryszony

Capricorn in polish is Koziorożec

capstan in polish is przyciągarka

caption, headline in polish is nagłówek

captivate, constrain in polish is zniewalić /zniewolić

captivating in polish is zniewający

caravan, trailer in polish is przyczepa kempingowa

caraway in polish is kminek zwyczajny

carbide in polish is węglik

carbohydrate in polish is węglowodan

carbohydrates in polish is węglowodany

carbon dating in polish is radiowęglowa (metoda _)

carbon deposit in polish is nagar

carbon dioxide in polish is bezwodnik węglowy

carbon dioxide in polish is dwutlenek węgla

carbon monoxide in polish is czad

carbon monoxide in polish is tlenek węgla

carbon paper in polish is kalka

carbon steel in polish is stal węglowa

carbon steel in polish is węglowa (stal -)

carbonate in polish is węglan

carburettor in polish is gaźnik

carcass in polish is tusza zwierzęca

carcinogenic in polish is rakotwórczy

card index in polish is kartoteka

card player in polish is karciarz

card punch in polish is dziurkarka kart

cardboard in polish is tektura

cardboard box in polish is pudełko kartonowe

cardigan in polish is blezer

cardinal number in polish is liczebnik główny

cardiovascular -) in polish is sercowo-naczyniowy (układ -)

cardiovascular system in polish is układ krwionośny

care, custody in polish is piecza

care, endeavor in polish is staranie

career-minded in polish is nastawiony na karierę

carefree in polish is beztroski

care-free in polish is niefrasobliwy

careful, solicitous, painstaking in polish is staranny

carefully, penetratingly in polish is wnikliwie

careless, reckless in polish is nierozważny

caress in polish is pieszczota

caretaker in polish is dozorca

caretaker, janitor in polish is stróżka

cargo boat, freighter in polish is frachtowiec

caries, decay in polish is próchnica

caring, protective, welfare in polish is opiekuńczy

carnation in polish is goździk

carnival, Shrovetide in polish is zapusty pl.

carnivorous in polish is mięsożerny

carpenter, wood worker in polish is cieśla

carpenter's shop in polish is stolarnia

carpentry in polish is ciesielstwo

carpentry in polish is stolarka

carpentry in polish is stolarstwo

carpet in polish is dywan

carpet in polish is kobierzec

carrier in polish is prewoźnik

carrion in polish is padlina

carry (by vehicle) in polish is wozić, wieźć /powieźć

carry away, amount to in polish is wynosiś /wynieść

carry out an experiment in polish is przeprowadzać doświadczenie

carry out, fill out in polish is wypewłniać /wypełnić

carry sth into effect in polish is wcielać coś w życie

carry the vote, outvote in polish is przeglosować

carry, wear in polish is nosić, nieść /zanieść

carrying capacity in polish is ładowność

cartilage, gristle in polish is chrząstka

carton of milk in polish is kartonik mleka

cartoon in polish is film animowany

cartoon in polish is kreskówka

carve, scratch, rub out in polish is wydrapywać /wydrapać

carve, slaughter* in polish is wyrzynać /wyrżnąć

carwash in polish is myjnia samochodowa

car-wash in polish is automyjnia

case law in polish is prawo precedensowe

case law of the Court of Justice in polish is orzecznictwo Trybunału Sprawiedliwości

case of mistaken identity in polish is niewłaściwa identyfikacja

casein in polish is sernik

cash (check), sell (property) in polish is spieniężyć

cash a check in polish is spieniężyć czek

cash expenditures in polish is rozchody kasowe

cash in hand, balance in hand in polish is środki w kasie

cash income in polish is wpływ gotówkowy

cash note in polish is asygnata kasowa

cash on delivery in polish is płatne przy odbiorze

cash on delivery in polish is pobranie (po -m)

cash on delivery in polish is zaliczenie (za -m)

cash payment in polish is wpłata w gotówce

cash shortage in polish is manko

cash surplus in polish is superata kasowa

cash transactions in polish is obrót gotówkowy

cashew in polish is nerkowiec

cashier's check in polish is czek gotówkowy

casing, housing in polish is obudowa

cask in polish is beka

cask, barrel in polish is beczka

casserole in polish is zapiekanka

cast (broken arm/leg), gypsum in polish is gips

cast iron in polish is żeliwny

cast net in polish is zarzutnia

cast steel in polish is stal lana

cast steel in polish is staliwo

cast(ing) in polish is odlew

cast, drain (off), mould in polish is odlewać/odlać

cast, mould in polish is ulać

casting ladle in polish is kadź odlewnicza

casting vote in polish is głos rozstrzygający

casting vote in polish is rozstrzygający głos

cast-iron in polish is lane żelazo

cast-iron metal in polish is żeliwo

castle, rook in polish is wieża

castles in the air in polish is gruszki na wierzbie

castles in the air in polish is zamki na lodzie

castor oil in polish is olej rącznikowy

castor oil in polish is rycynus

casual in polish is przyczynowy

casual, unaffected, unconstrained in polish is niewymuszony

casualty in polish is poległy

cataract in polish is zaćma

cataract, film over eye in polish is bielmo

catch a cold in polish is zaziębiać się

catch a cold in polish is zaziębić się

catch a glimpse, perceive in polish is dostrzegać /dostrzeć

catch cold in polish is dostać kataru

catch cold in polish is przeziębić się

catch fire in polish is zapalać się

catch fire in polish is zatlić się

catch hold of sth in polish is jąć się czegoś

catch one's breath, recover in polish is odetchnąć

catch red-handed in polish is schwytać kogoś na gorącym uczynku

catch red-handed in polish is złapać na gorącym uczynku

catch s.o. doing sth in polish is przyłapać kogoś na czymś

catch sb red-handed in polish is przyłapać na gorącym uczynku

catch sb red-handed in polish is złapać kogoś za rękę

catch the eye in polish is przykuwać wzrok

catch up on sleep in polish is odsypiać

catch up on, make up for in polish is odrabiać /odrobić

catch up with in polish is doganiać/dogonić

catch up with, work ahead of schedule in polish is nadrabiać/nadrobić

catch, get caught in polish is wkręcać się

catch, grasp in polish is łapać /z-

catchy (tune, title) in polish is chwytliwy

caterer in polish is aprowizator

caterpillar in polish is gąsienica

catfish in polish is sum

catfish in polish is zębacz

catheter in polish is cewnik

cattle carrier in polish is bydłowiec

cattle, livestock, "brutes" in polish is bydło

cattle-breeding in polish is hodowla bydła

caucus in polish is koteria

caulk, seal in polish is uszczelniać złącza

caulking tool in polish is doszczelniak

cause in polish is powodać /s-

caution in polish is pouczenie

cavalry in polish is konnica

cave in polish is jaskinia

cave man in polish is jaskiniowiec

cave, cavern in polish is pieczara

Caveat emptor in polish is Niech kupujący Się strzeże

caveman in polish is człowiek jaskiniowy

cavern, dungeon in polish is loch

cayenne-pepper in polish is pieprz turecki

cease in polish is ustawać /ustać

cease, be weary, hardly stand in polish is ustawać

cedar in polish is cedr

cede, yield in polish is ustępować /ustąpić

ceiling in polish is powała

ceiling in polish is pułap

ceiling in polish is strop

ceiling light, fitting in polish is plafoniera

celebrate, inspect in polish is obchodzić

celebration, inspection round in polish is obchód

celery in polish is seler

celestial, heavenly in polish is nadziemski

celibacy in polish is bezżeństwo

cell in polish is celka

cellophane in polish is tomofan

Celtic in polish is celtycki

cement, bond in polish is spajać

censure in polish is upomnienie

censure in polish is upomnienie

center of gravity in polish is środek ciężkości

centipede in polish is stonoga

central heating in polish is c.o. (centralne ogrzewanie)

central nervous system in polish is układ nerwowy ośrodkowy

centrifugal (force) in polish is odśrodkowa (siła _)

centrifugal, decentralising in polish is odśrodkowy

centrifuge in polish is wirówka

centripetal (force) in polish is dośrodkowa (siła _)

centrist, middle-of-the-road in polish is centrowy

cereals in polish is płatki śniadaniowe

cerebral haemorrhage, stroke in polish is wylew (krwi do mózgu)

ceremonial in polish is obrzędowy

ceremony, rite in polish is obrzęd

certificate (birth), pedigree in polish is metryka

certificate of completion (Univ.), vote of approval in polish is absolutorium -um -a

certificate of origin in polish is świadectwo (pochoddzenia)

certification, accreditation in polish is uwierzytelnienie

certified account in polish is zaprzysiężony rewident księgowy

certified accountant in polish is biegły księgowy

certified copy in polish is odpis uwierzytelniony

cervix in polish is szyjka macicy

cessation in polish is zaprzestanie

cession of rights in polish is cesja praw

cesspool, cesspit in polish is szambo

CFSP in polish is WPZiB Wspólna Polityka Zagraniczna i Bezpieczeństwa

chaff in polish is piewa

chaff in polish is plewa

chaffinch in polish is zięba

chain reaction in polish is łańcuchowa (reakcja -)

chain smoker in polish is palacz nałogowy

chain, handcuff in polish is skuwać /skuć

chains, shackles in polish is okowy pl.

chair a committee in polish is kierować komisję

chair debates in polish is kierować obradami

chalk in polish is kreda

chamber of arbitrage in polish is izba rozejmcza

Chamber of Commerce in polish is izba handlowa

chamber pot, potty in polish is nocnik

chambermaid in polish is pokojówka

chamois in polish is irch

chamois in polish is kozica

chamois/leather, suede in polish is zamsz

chandelier in polish is żyrandol

chandelier, candlestick in polish is świecznik

change in polish is przesiadka

change (banknote), get the change in polish is rozmienić

change clothes in polish is przebrać się

change clothes, disguise o.s. in polish is przebierać się

change colour, glitter in polish is mienić się

change gear in polish is przerzucać bieg

change gears in polish is zmienić bieg

change lanes in polish is zmienić pas

change one's mind in polish is rozmyślić się

change to another bus in polish is przesiąść się do innego autobusu

change trains in polish is przesiadać się

changeable, floating in polish is zmienny

chaotic whirlpool, confusion in polish is odmęt

chapel in polish is kaplica

char, carbonise in polish is zwęglić (się)

charcoal in polish is węgiel drzewny

charcoal-grey, ash-blond in polish is popielaty

charge (bring a -) in polish is skarga (wnieść -)

charge (elec.), cartridge (gun) in polish is nabój

charge a battery in polish is akumulator (naładować -)

charge controller in polish is kontroler napięcia

charge s.o. with sth in polish is obwiniać kogoś o coś

charge, batch in polish is wsad

charge, debit, debit, incriminate in polish is obciążać

charge, go over the top* in polish is szarżować

charging a battery in polish is ładowanie akumulatora

chariot in polish is rydwan

charity, mercy in polish is miłosierdzie

charity, philanthropy in polish is dobroczynność

Charlemagne in polish is Karol Wielki

charm in polish is czar

charming in polish is ujmujący

charming in polish is uroczy

charming in polish is urok

charred in polish is zwęglony

chase in polish is gonitwa

chase away evil thoughts in polish is odpędzać złe myśli

chase away, repel in polish is odpędzać /ić

chase, pursuit in polish is pogoń

chassis in polish is podwozie

chat up* in polish is podrywać

chat, chatter in polish is paplać

chatter, rattle away in polish is trajkotać

chatterbox* in polish is pleciuga

chatterbox, windbag* in polish is gaduła

chauvinist pig in polish is szowinistyczna świnia

cheap junk in polish is bubel

cheapskate in polish is dusigrosz

cheat (in class), assemble, collect (taxes, debt) in polish is ściągnać

cheat note, crib in polish is ściągaczka

cheat, swindle in polish is oszukać

cheat, swindle in polish is szwabić

cheat, swindle, fib in polish is cyganić

cheat, swindler in polish is szachraj

cheater* in polish is krętacz

check account in polish is rachunek oszczędnościowo-rozniczowy

check in in polish is zgłaszać się do odprawy

check out in polish is wymeldowywać /wymeldować

check, verify in polish is sprawdzać /-ić

checkbook in polish is książeczka czekowa

checked in polish is kratkę (w _)

checkers, draughts in polish is warcaby

checking in in polish is wprowadzanie się do hotelu

checking out in polish is wyprowadzanie się z hotelu

checkmate in polish is mat (dać komuś -a)

checkmate in polish is szach i mat

check-mate in polish is szach-mat

checks in polish is krata

cheek bones in polish is kości policzkowe

cheek, slap in polish is policzek

cheekbone in polish is policzkowa (kość -)

cheeks** in polish is policzki**

cheep! cheep! (bird) in polish is ćwir! ćwir!

cheer on a team in polish is dopingować

cheer up in polish is dodać ducha

cheer up in polish is rozweselać /ić

Cheer up! in polish is Głowa do góry!

cheer, comfort in polish is cieszyć /u-

cheerfully, at a lively pace in polish is raźnie

cheerfulness in polish is pogoda ducha

cheers in polish is wiwat

cheese curds in polish is twaróg

cheese spread in polish is serek do smarowania

cheetah in polish is gepard

chemical composition in polish is skład chemiczny

chemical compound in polish is związek chemiczny

chemical element in polish is pierwiastek chemiczny

chemical formula in polish is wzór chemiczny

chemical reaction in polish is odczyn

chequered in polish is kraciasty

cherry liquor in polish is wiśniówka

cherry vodka in polish is wiśniak

cherry-stuffed batter balls in polish is paczki

chervil in polish is trybulka

chess in polish is szachy

chess-player in polish is szachista

chest in polish is pierś

chest in polish is skrzynia

chest of drawers in polish is komoda

chest of drawers, shirt-maker in polish is bieliźniarka

chew in polish is żuć

chew, ponder over in polish is przeżuwać

chicken coop, henhouse in polish is kurnik

chicken leg in broth in polish is kura w rosole

chicken out in polish is tchórzyć /s-

chick-pea in polish is groch włoski

chicory in polish is cykoria

child benefit in polish is zasiłek na dziecko

child prodigy in polish is cudowne dziecko

child, kid in polish is smyk

childbirth in polish is poród

childbirth, delivery in polish is połóg

childminder, baby-sitter in polish is opiekunka do dzieci

chill in polish is zląb

chilled, cold in polish is zzięnięty

chilli in polish is pieprz czerwony

chimney-sweep in polish is kominarz

chin, double chin in polish is podbródek

chip off in polish is odpryskiwać /nąć

chip, crack, bruise (apple), loaf around* in polish is obijać się

chip, crack, bruise, upholster in polish is obijać

chipboard in polish is płyta wiórowa

chips, crisps in polish is prażynki

chips, shavings in polish is wiórki

chiropodist in polish is pedikurzysta

chirp in polish is szczebiotać

chirp, tweet in polish is świergotać

chisel in polish is dłuto

chisel in polish is rylec

chit-chat in polish is ploteczki

chit-chat in polish is pogaduszki

chivalrous, gallant in polish is rycerski

chives in polish is szczypiorek

chlorate in polish is chloran

chloride in polish is chlorek

chlorine Cl in polish is chlor

chocolate box in polish is bombonierka

chocolate with cream in polish is nadziewana (czekolada _)

choir in polish is chór

choke in polish is krztusić się s/

choke on sth in polish is zadławić się czmś

choke, stifle, throttle in polish is dławić

choke, swallow the wrong way in polish is zachłysnąć

choke, throttling valve in polish is przepustnica

cholecystis in polish is zapalenie pęcherzyka żółciowego

cholelithiasis in polish is kamica żółciowa

choosy, fussy in polish is wybredny

chop off in polish is odrąbywać /odrąbać

chopping board in polish is deska do krajania i siekania

chopping food in polish is siekanie

chops in polish is zrazy siekane

chopsticks in polish is pałeczki

chor(i)oid, pia matter in polish is naczyniówka

chow down, tuck into in polish is zajadać

chow*, grub* in polish is żarcie

Christian-Democratic Alliance in polish is ZChN (Zjednoczenie Chrześciańsko-Narodowe

Christmas carol in polish is kolęda

chromate in polish is chromian

chromium in polish is chrom

chronic disease in polish is przewekła (choroba -)

chrysalis in polish is poczwarka

chrysanthemum in polish is chrzantema

chubby in polish is pucołowaty

chubby, full-cheeked in polish is pyzaty

chunk, practical joke in polish is kawał

church/civil wedding in polish is ślub kościelny/cywilny

churn in polish is ubijać masło

cigar, cigarette case in polish is cygarnica

cigarette butt in polish is niedopałek

cigarette case, holder in polish is papierośnica

cigarette holder in polish is cygarniczka

Cinderella in polish is Kopciuszek

cinnamon in polish is cynamon

circuit court in polish is objazdowy (sąd _)

circular in polish is okólny

circular letter in polish is okólnik

circular letter in polish is pismo okólne

circular saw in polish is pilarka tarczowa

circular saw in polish is tarczowa piła

circular, devious in polish is okrężny

circulation of capital in polish is obrót kapitału

circulation of the blood in polish is krwiobieg

circulation, distribution in polish is rozsyłka

circulation, orbiting, rotation in polish is obieg

circumcise in polish is obrzezać

circumcise in polish is obrzezywać/obrzezać

circumcision in polish is obrzezanie

circumspect in polish is ogiądny

circumstance, premise in polish is przesłanka

circumstantial in polish is szczegółowy

circumstantial evidence in polish is poszlaka

cirrhosis in polish is marskość wątroby

citation in polish is pochwala

citation, summons, writ in polish is pozew

cite, summon,sue in polish is pozywać/pozwać

citrate in polish is cytrynian

city slicker, sly dog in polish is cwaniak

civil disobedience in polish is nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie

civil engineer in polish is inżynier budownictwa lądowego i wodnego

civil engineering in polish is inżynieria lądowa

civil rights in polish is prawa obywatelskie

civil war in polish is wojna domowa

claim in polish is rościć prawo

claim (damages) in polish is roszczenie

claim form in polish is formularz roszczenia

claim form in polish is roszczenia (dokument -)

claim smth from so in polish is doponimać się (o coś o kogoś)

claim sth in polish is rościć do czegoś

clairvoyant in polish is jasnowidz

clam in polish is mięczak (jadalny)

clamp, terminal 8elec) in polish is zacisk

clandestine, secret in polish is pokątny

clap hands in polish is klaskać rękami

clapper (tongue) in polish is jęzor**

clarinettist in polish is klarnecista

clash in polish is ścierać się

clash, clatter, clang in polish is chrzęst

clash, collision in polish is starcie

clasp in polish is spinka

clasp in polish is zapinka

clasp, clamping ring in polish is obejma

class, sort in polish is autorament

classified information in polish is poufna (informacja _)

clatter in polish is stukotać

claw pl. clutches in polish is szpon

claw, clutch in polish is pazur

clawback in polish is cofnięcie ulgi podatkowej

clay pit in polish is glinianka

clay, silt in polish is ił

clean oneself in polish is czyścić się /o-

clean record, no previous conviction in polish is nie karany

cleaning in polish is porządki

cleaning lady in polish is sprzątaczka

clean-shaven in polish is wygolony

clear in polish is widomy

clear a check in polish is rozliczyć czek

clear away snow in polish is osśnieżać /yć

clear of charges in polish is oczyścić z zarzutów

clear one's throat, cough up in polish is odchrząkiwać/knąć

clear one's throat, grunt (pig) in polish is chrząkać -nąć

clear the table in polish is sprzątać ze stolu

clear up in polish is przejaśniać się

clear up (sky), wear away (fabric) in polish is przecierać się

clear up, cheer one's thoughts in polish is rozchmurzyć się

clear, expressive, clear, emphatic in polish is dobitny

clearance sale in polish is wyprzedaż

clearing in polish is polana

clearing bank in polish is bank kliringowy

clearing house in polish is izba rozrachunkowa

cleft palate in polish is rozszczep podniebienia

clemency in polish is wyrozumiałość

clench, close ranks in polish is zwierać się

clergy, priesthood in polish is duchowieństwo

clerical error in polish is błąd pisarski

clever in polish is pomysłowy

clever in polish is przemyślny

clever in polish is sprytny

clever in polish is zmyślny

clever, ingenious in polish is wymyślny

cliché in polish is ogólnik

click on in polish is klinięcie na

click one's heels in polish is trzaskać obsami

client in polish is interesant

client, customer in polish is zleceniodawca

climb (up), rise in polish is piąć się (pnę)

climb a tree in polish is łazić po drzewie

climb up in polish is wspinać się

climb up sth in polish is wdrapywać się na coś /wdrapać

climb, creep, struggle* in polish is leźć

clinch*, can* in polish is paka*

clingfilm in polish is folia spożywcza

clink glasses in polish is stukać się kieliszkami

clip s.o.'s wings in polish is podcinać komuś skryzdła

clip, cut (hair, fingernails), cut down (expenditure) in polish is obcinać/obciąć

clip-on earring in polish is klips

clipping in polish is ścinek

clique in polish is sitwa

clitoris in polish is łechtaczka

clockwise, couterclockwise in polish is wskazówek (zgodnie/przeciwnie do ruchu - zegara)

clogs in polish is drzewniaki

clogs (wooden), moccasins in polish is chodaki

cloister in polish is krużganek

close encounter of the third kind in polish is bliskie spotkanie trzeciego stopnia

close the list of speakers in polish is zamknąć listę mówców

close tight, tighten (screw) in polish is dociskać

close to tears in polish is bliski płaczu

close, compact in polish is zwarty

close, compact, beaten up in polish is zbity

closed-circuit television in polish is przemysłowa (telewizja -)

close-fitting in polish is dopąsowany

close-fitting in polish is opięty

closing the debate in polish is zamknięcie debaty

clot in polish is zakrzep

clothes in polish is odzienie

clothes in polish is odzież

clothes hangers in polish is wieszaki

clothes line in polish is sznur do bielizny

clothes pin in polish is klamerka

clothing, dress in polish is ubiór

cloud (head in the -s) in polish is obłok (bujać w obłokach)

cloud of smoke in polish is kłąb

cloudburst in polish is oberwanie chmury

cloudy, dim, murky in polish is mętny

clove of garlic in polish is ząbek czosnku

clove of garlic in polish is ząbek czosnu

clown, jester in polish is błazen

clowning, tomfoolery in polish is wygłupy

club, truncheon, night-stick in polish is pałka

clumsy, awkward in polish is niezdarny

clumsy, awkward (situation) in polish is niezręczny

clumsy, hideous in polish is pokraczny

cluster in polish is kępa

cluster in polish is skupisko

cluster in polish is zbitka

cluster, agglutination, conglomeration in polish is zlepek

clutch in polish is spręgło

clutch in polish is sprzęgło

clutter in polish is zagracać /cić

coach in polish is podszkolić

coach in polish is szkolić

coagulate in polish is ścinać się

coagulation (clot) in polish is skrzep (krwi)

coal seam in polish is pokład węgla

coal wagon in polish is węglarka

coal, carbonic in polish is węglowy

coalfield in polish is zagłębie węglowe

coalminer in polish is górnik węglowy

coal-tit in polish is sikorka bogatka

coarse, gross in polish is toporny

coarse, ill-mannered in polish is rubaszny

coarse, rough in polish is chropowaty (-kowaty?)

coaster (glass), mat (plate), washer (tech) in polish is podkładka

coasting in polish is bieg z rozpędu

coasting flight, gliding in polish is lot beznapędowy

coasting vessel in polish is statek kabotażowy

coat of arms in polish is herb

coax s.o. in sth in polish is wyprosiś coś u kogoś

coax, trick in polish is wyłudzić

cobblestones in polish is koci łby

cobblestones in polish is kostka brukowa

cobra in polish is okularnik

cockchafer in polish is chrząszcz

cockle in polish is sercak

cockpit in polish is kabina pilota

cockroach in polish is karaluch

cockroach in polish is prusak

cocky in polish is buńczuczny

cocky in polish is obrażalski

cocoon in polish is oprzęd

cod in polish is dorsz

cod in polish is wątłusz

cod liver oil (whale) in polish is tran

code of conduct in polish is zasady postępowania

co-decision procedure in polish is wspóldecydowania (procedura _)

coefficient, factor in polish is wspólczynnik

coffee bean in polish is ziarno kawy

coffee beans in polish is ziarnista (kawa _)

coffee break in polish is przerwa na kawę

coffee-grinder in polish is młynek do kawy

coffin in polish is trumna

cog in polish is zebatka

cog(wheel) in polish is zębaty (koło -)

cognitive in polish is poznawczy

cohesion in polish is spójność

cohesion, compactness in polish is spoistość

coil in polish is zezwój

coil of wire in polish is krąg drutu

coincidence in polish is traf

coincidence in polish is zbieg okoliczności

cold in polish is przeziębienie

cold in polish is zaziębienie

cold beetroot soup (chives, cucumber and cream) in polish is chłodnik

cold chain in polish is taśma do chłodzenia

cold storage in polish is prechowywanie w chłodni

cold-blooded in polish is zimnokrwisty

colder (It's getting _) in polish is Oziębia się.

colic in polish is kolka

colic, bellyaching, beating (slang) in polish is rżnięcie

collapse in polish is zarywać się

collapse in polish is zawalać się

collapse, plummet in polish is runąć

collarbone, clavicle in polish is obojczyk

collateral, security in polish is dodatkowe zabezpieczenie

collect call in polish is rozmowa na koszt odbiorcy

collect duty in polish is pobierać cło

collect, gather, assemble in polish is zbierać /zebrać

collecte séparé in polish is selektywna zbiórka

collective in polish is zbiorowy

collective agreement in polish is układ zbiorowy

collective agreement in polish is zbiorowa (umowa -)

collie in polish is owczarek szkocki

colloquial speech in polish is mowa potoczna

collusion in polish is konszachty

collusion, conspiracy in polish is zmowa

collusive action in polish is zmowie (działanie w -)

colon in polish is dwukropek

colon 2)purse seine in polish is okrężnica

colonel in polish is pułkownik

colonial in polish is osadniczy

colour (fast) in polish is barwnik (trwały)

colour film in polish is błona barwna

colt, foal in polish is źrebię

colt, foal in polish is źrelaki

column (in the papers) in polish is łam (na łamach gazet)

coma, sleepiness, sleeping sickness in polish is śpiączka

comb one's hair in polish is czesać się /u-

combustibility in polish is spalność

combustion in polish is spalanie

come a boil, break out in polish is zawrzeć

come and see me tomorrow in polish is odwiedż mnie jutro

come back to life, regenerate in polish is odradzać się

come back, return in polish is wracać /wrócić

come dragging along in polish is dowiec się

come in time, manage to do in time, I draw towards in polish is zdążać /zdążyć

come into contact, touch in polish is zetknąć

come into force in polish is nabierać mocy

come into force in polish is wchodzić w życie

come into force in polish is wejść w życie

come into possession in polish is posiąść

come out in polish is ujawniać się

come out (newspaper., program in polish is ukazywać się

come running in polish is przybiec

come to a bad end in polish is doigrać się

come to a standstill in polish is utknąć w marnym punkcie

come to like each other in polish is polubić się

come to terms with sth in polish is ładu (dojść z czymś do -)

come, take over (person) in polish is nastawać/nastać

comedy of manners in polish is obyczajowa (komedia -)

comely in polish is urodziwy

comfort in polish is osłoda

comfort, consolation in polish is pociecha

comfort, console in polish is utulić

comfort, reassurance, courage in polish is otucha

comma, decimal point in polish is przecinek

command in polish is zwierzchnictwo (nad siłami zbrojnymi)

command of Polish. (Gregory has a good _) in polish is włada językiem polskim. (Grzegorz dobrze _)

commander-in-chief in polish is dowódca naczelny

commanding officer in polish is dowódca

commandoman in polish is desantowiec

commemorate in polish is czcić pamięć

commemorative in polish is pamiątkowy

commensurate with in polish is współmierny do

commercial relations in polish is stosunki

commercial traveller in polish is komiwojażer

commission in polish is prowizja

commission (on a _ basis) in polish is komis (na zasadzie -u)

commission s.o. do sth in polish is zlecać komuś coś

commit in polish is osadzać

commit a crime of passion in polish is popełnić zbrodnię w afekcie

commit a faux pas in polish is nietakt (popełnić -)

commit adultery in polish is cudołożyć

commitment, liability in polish is zobowiązanie

committee membership, composition in polish is skład komisji

committee of inquiry in polish is komisja śledcza

committee responsible in polish is komisja właściwa

commodity exchange in polish is giełda towarowa

commodity exchange in polish is wymiana towarowa

commodity futures in polish is futures na dostawę towarów

common denominator in polish is wspólny mianownik

common law in polish is prawo zwyczajowe

common law in polish is zwyczajowe (prawo -)

common position in polish is stanowisko wspólne

common position in polish is wspólne stanowisko

common sense in polish is chłopski rozum

common stock in polish is akcje zwykle

common, occurring frequently in polish is potoczny

commoner (not a noble) in polish is nieszlachic

Commonwealth in polish is Wspólnota Narodów

commotion, bustle in polish is rozgardiasz

commotion, stir in polish is poruszenie

commune in polish is gmina

communicating vessels in polish is naczynia połączone

commute in polish is dojeżdżać

commuting in polish is dojeżdżanie

compact, coherent in polish is spoisty

companion, boy-scout in polish is druh

company, escort in polish is asysta

comparable in polish is porównywalny

comparative in polish is porównawczy

comparison, account, breakdown, balance sheet in polish is zestawienie

comparison, gradual increase in polish is stopniowanie

compartment in polish is przegródka

compass in polish is busola

compass needle in polish is igła busoli

compatibility, conformity in polish is zgodność

compatriot in polish is rodak

compel in polish is zmuyszać/zmusić

compel, force in polish is przymusić

compensate, make amends in polish is wynagradzać

compensation for damage in polish is kompensata szkody

compensation for loss of earning in polish is kompensata za utratę dochodów

compensation for loss of earnings in polish is odszodowanie za utratę zarobków

competence in polish is właściwość

competence in polish is znawstwo

competent, qualified in polish is powołany

competition in polish is współzawodnictwo

competitive sports in polish is wycznowe (sporty _)

complain in polish is uskarżać się

complain, grumble in polish is narzekać /po-

complaint (file a - against s.o.) in polish is zażalenie (składać - na kogoś)

complaint, claim, action in polish is powództwo

complaint, sore spot in polish is bolączka

completely, in a mass in polish is gremialnie

completion in polish is ukończenie

complex, compound in polish is złożony

complexion in polish is cera

complexity in polish is zawiłość

compliant in polish is ustąpliwy

compliant in polish is zgodny

compost in polish is kompost

compost in polish is podłoże kwiatowe

compound (ling), presentation in polish is złożenie

compound interest in polish is odsetki składanie

compound interest in polish is procent składalny

comprehension in polish is pojętność

comprehensive in polish is całościowy

comprehensive in polish is pakowny

comprehensive, versatile, broad, wide-ranging in polish is wszechstronny

compress in polish is okład

compress, pre-stress in polish is sprężać

compression in polish is sprężenie

compression ratio in polish is spręż

compromise (reach a -) in polish is ugoda (zawrzeć -ę)

compulsion in polish is przymus

compulsory loan, (capital) levy in polish is danina

comrade in polish is towarzysz

con man, confidence trickster in polish is naciągacz

con, trick in polish is wyładzać

concave, hollow in polish is wklęsły

conceal in polish is przesłaniać

conceal in polish is utaić

conceal from, keep secret in polish is zatajać/zataić

conceal, hide in polish is taić /za-

concealed, out of sight in polish is ukryty

concealment, hiding-place in polish is ukrycie

conceited in polish is zaroaumiały

conceited, bloated in polish is pyszałkowaty

concentrate in polish is zagęszczać

concentrate (chem.) in polish is stężać

concentrate, focus in polish is skupiać

concentrated in polish is skupiony

concentrated in polish is stężony

concentrated in polish is zatężony

concentration in polish is skupienie

concentration in polish is zagęszczenie

concentration, strength, rigor (mortis) in polish is stężenie

conception in polish is poczęcie

concern in polish is troska

concern for sth in polish is obawa o coś

concession (make concessions) in polish is ustępstwo (iść na -a)

conciliate in polish is jednać

conciliatory in polish is pojednawczy

conciliatory in polish is ugodowy

concise, curt in polish is zwięzły

concise, succinct, pithy (article), filling (soup) in polish is treściwy

conciseness in polish is zwiezlość

conclude an agreement in polish is zawrzeć umowę

conclusion of a deal in polish is zawarcie transakcji

conclusions, findings in polish is wnioski

concrete mix in polish is masa betonowa

concrete-mixer in polish is betoniarka (samochodowa)

condemn in polish is potępiać/potępić

condemn in polish is skazać

condensation in polish is zgęszczenie

condensation trail, vapor trail in polish is smuga kondensacyjna

condense in polish is skraplić /skroplić

condensed milk in polish is mleko skondensowane

condensed milk in polish is zagęszczone (mleko -)

condescend, be pleased to do sth in polish is raczyć

condiment, seasoning in polish is przyprawa

conditional in polish is warunkowy

conditional (ling) in polish is przypuszczający

conditioner in polish is odżywka (do włosów)

conducive in polish is sprzyjający

conduct a meeting in polish is prowadzić spotkanie

conduct business in polish is zawierać transakcję

conduct, lead in polish is prowadzić /za-

conductor 2) guide book in polish is przewodnik

cone in polish is stożek

cone, taper in polish is stożek

confer, bestow, grant in polish is nadawać/nadać

conference in polish is obrada

Conférence des Organes Spécialisés aux Affaires Communautaires COSAC in polish is Konferencja Organizacji Wyspecjalizowanych w Sprawach Wspólnotowych

conference room in polish is sala obrad

confess in polish is wyznawać

confession in polish is spowiedź f.

confession in polish is zwierzenie

confession, religion in polish is wyznanie

confessor in polish is spowiednik

confide in so, trust sb in polish is dowierać komuś

confide sth s.o. in polish is spowiadać się komuś z czegoś

confident, trustee in polish is powiernik

confident, trustful in polish is ufny

confidential in polish is poufny

confirmation in polish is bierzmowanie

confirmation in polish is potwerdzenie (rezerwacji)

confirmed bachelor in polish is zatwardiały kawaler

conflict of interest in polish is spreczność interesów

conflict, dispute in polish is zatarg

conform in polish is dostoić się

conform in polish is podporządkować się

confused in polish is zmieszany

confused, dazed in polish is ogłupiały

confused, incoherent, inert, chaotic in polish is bezładny

confused, tangled in polish is zagmatwany

confusion in polish is pomieszanie

confusion, muddle in polish is zamęt

congenital disease in polish is choroba wrodzona

congenital disease in polish is wrodzone (choroba)

congratulate, wish well in polish is winszować

congratulations! in polish is winszuję!

congruent in polish is przystający

conical, tapered in polish is stożkowy

coniferous tree in polish is iglaste drzewo

conjunction in polish is spójnik

conjunctivitis in polish is nieżyt spojówek

conjunctivitis in polish is spojówka (zapalenie -ek)

conjure up in polish is wyczarować perf

conjurer in polish is sztukmistrz

connection in series in polish is szeregowe (połączenie -)

connection, compound in polish is związek

connive in polish is współdziałać

conquer in polish is zdobyć

conquer in polish is zdobywać

conquer in polish is zwyciężać/zwyciężyć

conqueror, winner in polish is zdobywca

conquest in polish is podbój

conscientious in polish is sumienny

conscious in polish is przytomny

consciousness, information in polish is uświadomienie

consensus politics in polish is polityka zgody

consent in polish is przystawać

consent in polish is przyzwolenie

consequential in polish is wynikający

conservative in polish is zachowawczy

consider in polish is rozważać

consider, ponder in polish is zastanawiać się /zastanowić się

considerate, gallant, kind in polish is uprzejmy

consignment in polish is powierzenie

consignor in polish is komitent

consolation in polish is pocieszenie

console in polish is pocieszyć /yć

console, comfort in polish is pocieszać/pocieszyć

consolidate in polish is umocnienie

consolidate in polish is wzmacniać

consolidated balance in polish is bilans zbiorczy

consolidation, merger in polish is połączenie

consonant in polish is spółgłoska

conspicuous, sizeable in polish is pokaźny

conspirator in polish is spiskowiec

constant in polish is utawiczny

constellation in polish is gwiazdozbiór

constipation in polish is obstrukcja

constipation in polish is zaparcie

constipation in polish is zatwardzenie

constituency in polish is okręg wyborczy

constituent in polish is składowy

Constitution Day in polish is rocznica uchwalenia konstytucji 3 Maja

constitution, basic law in polish is ustawa zasadnicza

construction workers in polish is budowlani

consultation, conference in polish is narada

consume, have a meal in polish is spożywać

consumer in polish is spożyca

consumer in polish is spożywca

consumer goods in polish is dobra konsumpcyjne

consumer protection in polish is ochrona konsumenta

consumption in polish is spożycie

contact lenses in polish is szkła kontaktowe

contact point in polish is styczka

contain, include in polish is zawierać /zawrzeć

container in polish is pojemnik

container ship in polish is kontenerowiec

container terminal in polish is baza kontenerowa

container, storage tank in polish is zasobnik

contaminate in polish is skażać /zić

contaminated in polish is skażony

contamination, pollution in polish is skażenie

contemporary in polish is równoczesny

contempt in polish is pogarda

contempt in polish is wzgarda

contempt of court in polish is obraza sądu

contention in polish is dowodzenie

contestant in polish is uczestnik

contestant in polish is współzawodnik

contiguous, adjacent in polish is przyległy

continental glacier in polish is lądolód

continue, last in polish is trwać /po-

continuity in polish is ciągłość

continuous casting in polish is odlewanie ciągłe

contract a disease in polish is nabawić się choroby

contract, agreement in polish is umowa

contracted form in polish is ściągnięta (forma -)

contractor in polish is zleceniobiorca

contractor, performer in polish is wykonawca

contractual liability in polish is odpowiedziałność umowna

contractual, conventional in polish is umowny

contradictory in polish is sprzeczny

contraindication in polish is przeciwwskazanie

contrast, opposition in polish is przeciwieństwo

contribution in polish is przyczynek

contribution (to science) in polish is przyrzyczynek

contribution, input, deposit, refill in polish is wkład

contrition, repentance in polish is skrucha

control panel in polish is rozrządnica

control station, room in polish is nastawnia

control tower in polish is wieża kontrolna

control, supervision, inspection in polish is nadzór

controlling interest in polish is pakiet kontrol

controversial in polish is sporny

conurbation in polish is zespół miejski

convenience, comfort in polish is wygoda

convenient in polish is dogodny

convenient, capable in polish is sposobny

convergence in polish is zbieżność

convergent in polish is zbieżny

conversion in polish is nawrócenie

conversion, rebuilding in polish is przebudowa

convert to Catholicism in polish is przejść na katolicyzm

converted (religion), reformed (sinner) in polish is nawrócony

converter in polish is gruszka 2

converter in polish is przetwornica

convertible in polish is wymienialny

convertible currency in polish is wymienialna (waluta _)

convex, bulging in polish is wypukły

conveyor belt in polish is pas transmisyjny

conveyor belt in polish is przenośnik taśmowy

conveyor belt in polish is taśma przenośnika

conveyor belt in polish is taśma ruchowa

conveyor belt in polish is taśmociąg

convict in polish is aresztant

convict in polish is skazaniec

conviction in polish is przeświadczenie

convinced of sth in polish is przeświadczony o czymś

convincing in polish is przekonujący

convulsions in polish is drgawki

cook sth up* in polish is pichcić /u-

cooker-hood in polish is okap kuchenny

cooking, boiling in polish is warzenie

cool in polish is chłodny

cool down in polish is ochładzać (się)

cool down in polish is stygnąć /o-

cool down (tea, coffee) in polish is studzić

cool off in polish is dostudzić

cool, chill in polish is ochładzać/ochłodzić (się)

cool, refresh in polish is chłodzić

coolant, cooling agent in polish is chłodziwo

cooler in polish is ochłudzacz

cooler* (prison) in polish is kić

cooling (pre-) in polish is schładzanie

cooper in polish is bednarz

co-operation in polish is spółdzielczość

co-operative in polish is spółdzielnia

co-ordinate (axis) in polish is współrzędna

copper in polish is miedź f.

copper in polish is miedziak

copper-plate in polish is miedzioryt

copulate in polish is spółkować

copy down in polish is wynotować

copy, duplicate (invoice) in polish is odpis (faktury)

copy, print in polish is odbitka

copy, transcript, deduction (accounting) in polish is odpis

copyright in polish is prawa autorskie

copyright in polish is prawo autorski

copyright in polish is prawo autorskie

copyright note in polish is stopka

coquettish in polish is zalotny

coral reef in polish is rafa koralowa

cordless phones in polish is bezprzewodowy (telefon _)

corduroy in polish is sztruks

core barrel in polish is gródź reaktora

core melt-down in polish is stopienie rdzenia

core of the matter in polish is sedno sprawy

core subject in polish is przedmiot wiodący

COREPER in polish is Komitet Stałych Przedstawicieli

coriander in polish is kolendra (siewna)

cork, fuse (elec.) in polish is korek

corkscrew in polish is korkociąg

corn cob in polish is kolka kukurydzy

corn, callus in polish is nagniotek

corn, grain in polish is zboże

cornea in polish is rogówka

corner in polish is akaparacja

corner, angle, corner settee in polish is narożnik

corner, pad (apt.), column (newspaper) in polish is kącik

cornerstone in polish is węgielny kamień

cornflower in polish is chaber

cornice in polish is gzyms

coronary in polish is wieńcowy

coronary thrombosis in polish is zakrzepica tętnicy wieńcowej

corporal in polish is kapral

corpse in polish is zwłoki

corpulence in polish is tusza

corpulent in polish is brzuchaty

corpus in polish is ogół praw

corpus in polish is zbiór praw

Corpus Christi in polish is Boże Ciało

corpus delicti in polish is dowód przestępstwa

corpuscle, blood cell in polish is krwinka

corpuscles (red/white) in polish is krwinki białe/czerwone

correct in polish is poprawiać /poprawić

correction fluid in polish is korektor w płynie

correctional institution, penitentiary in polish is zakład karny

corrode, rust in polish is rdzewieć

corrosive, caustic in polish is żrący

corrugated in polish is pofałdowany

corrugated iron in polish is blacha stalowa falista

corrugated sheet, plate in polish is blacha falista

corruptible in polish is sprzedajny

corruption in polish is przekupstwo

corruption of minors in polish is deprawacja nieletnich

cortex in polish is kora mózgowa

cosine in polish is cosinus

cost estimate in polish is kosztorys

cost-effective in polish is opłacalny

cost-of-living allowance in polish is dodatek drożyźniany

cost-of-living index in polish is wskaźnik kosztów utrzymania

cosy in polish is przytulny

cot, crib in polish is łóżeczko dziecinne

cottage cheese in polish is serek grani

cottage cheese in polish is twarożek

cottage industry in polish is chałupnictwo

cotton ball in polish is watka

cotton pad, jeep in polish is gazik

cotton wool in polish is wata

couch in polish is kozetka

couch, sofa-bed in polish is tapczan

cough up in polish is charkać/charknąć

Council of Europe in polish is Rada Europy

count, rely on in polish is liczyć /po-

countdown in polish is odliczanie (wsteczne) -l-?

counter in polish is lada sklepowa

counter in polish is liczydło

counterfeit, forge in polish is podrabiać/podrobić

counterpart, opposite number in polish is odpowiednik

countersign in polish is kontrasygnować

countervailing tax in polish is podatek wyrównawczy

country manor in polish is dworek

country manor, court in polish is dwór

country people in polish is wieśniacy

country-bumpkin in polish is hreczkosiej

country's defences in polish is obronność kraju

county, district in polish is powiat

county, shire in polish is hrabstwo

coup d'etat in polish is zamach stanu

couple in polish is stadło

coupon in polish is odcinek

courage, vigour in polish is animusz

courgette, zucchini in polish is cukinia

court in polish is zalecać się

court martial in polish is doraźny (sąd _)

Court of Appeal in polish is sąd apelacyjny

Court of Auditors in polish is Trybunał Obrachunkowy

Court of Justice in polish is Trybunał Sprawiedliwość

court of the first instance in polish is sąd pierwszej instancji

court order in polish is zarządzenie sądu

court, ingratiate o.s. with s.o. in polish is nadskakiwać komuś

courthouse in polish is gmach sądu

courtier in polish is dworak

courtier in polish is dworzanin

court-martial in polish is oddawać pod sąd wojenny

court-martial in polish is sąd polowy

court-martial in polish is sąd wojenny

courtship in polish is konkury

courtship, advances in polish is zaloty

cousin in polish is wujeczny brat

cousin, uncle's son in polish is stryjeczny rat

cover (book) in polish is okładka

cover (protective) in polish is pokrowiec

cover note in polish is nota kryjąca

cover up, efface (tracks) in polish is zacierać

cover, coat, put on bed-linen in polish is powlekać/powlec

cover, lid in polish is pokrywa

covering note, letter in polish is pismo przewodnie

covet, lust for sth in polish is łakomić się na coś

cow in polish is krowa

cowardly in polish is strachliwy

cowardly in polish is tchórzliwy

cowshed in polish is obora

crack in polish is pęknięcie

crack in polish is szczelina

crack open the door in polish is uchylać drzwi

crack, bang in polish is trzask

crack, burst in polish is pękać /pęknąć

crack, cleft in polish is rozpadlina

cracker, biscuit, rusk in polish is sucharek

cracking in polish is krakowanie

cracking in polish is tłuczenie (orzechów)

cradle in polish is kolebka

cradle in polish is kołyska

cradle (telephone), fork (bicycle) in polish is widełki

craft (industries) in polish is rękodzieło

craftsmanship in polish is kunszt

crag in polish is turnia

cram the room with furniture in polish is zastawiać pokój meblami

cram, crowd in polish is natłoczyć

cram, crowd in polish is stłaczać /stłoczyć

cram, stuff in polish is napychać

cram, swot in polish is zakuwać /zakuć

cramming (for a test) in polish is wkuwanie

cramp in polish is kurcz

cramp, crick (neck) in polish is skyrcz (szyi)

cranberry in polish is borówka brusznica

cranberry in polish is brusznica

cranberry in polish is żurawina

crane in polish is dźwig

crane in polish is dźwignica

crane in polish is żuraw

crane driver in polish is dźigowy

crane hook in polish is hak dźwigowy

crane operation in polish is dźwigowy

crank in polish is korba (ręczna)

crank, fad, craze in polish is dziwactwo

crank, loony in polish is bzik

cranky in polish is nawiedzony

crash (car) in polish is roztrzaskiwać się

crash helmet in polish is hełm motocyklisty

crash helmet in polish is kask

crash, accident in polish is kraksa

crate in polish is paka

crawl in polish is czołgać (się)

crawl in polish is krawl

crawl up to in polish is dopełzać/dopełznąć

crawl, creep in polish is pełzać /pełnąć

crawl, still in diapers in polish is raczkować

cray-fish in polish is raczek

crayons in polish is kredki świecowe

crazy, loony in polish is zbizkowany

cream cake in polish is kremówka

cream cheese in polish is serek śmietankowy

cream of society in polish is śmietanka towarzyska

cream puff in polish is ptyś

crease in polish is zagniecenie

creative in polish is twórczy

creative work in polish is twórcza praca

creature in polish is stwór

creche, day care center in polish is żłobek

credible in polish is wiarygodny

credit bureau in polish is agencja ratingowa

credit facilities in polish is udogodnienia kredytowe

credit rating in polish is ocena zdolności kredytowej

creditor in polish is wierzyciel

credit-worthiness, credit rating, borrowing power in polish is zdolność kredytowa

creep resistance in polish is odporność na pełzanie

cress in polish is rzeżucha

crest (mountain) in polish is grad 2

crest of the wave in polish is grzbiet fali

crest, razor's edge in polish is grań f.

crestfallen in polish is osępiały

crew* in polish is zgraja

cricket, grasshopper in polish is świerszcz

crime rate in polish is wskaźnik przestępczości

crime, felony in polish is zbrodnia

criminal in polish is bandycki

criminal in polish is zbrodniarz

criminal record in polish is lista przestępstw

crimson in polish is pąsowy

cripple in polish is kaleka

crisp, crisps, chips (US) in polish is chrupki

crispbread in polish is pieczywo chrupkie

critical, decisive in polish is przełomowy

croak (frog), cackle (laugh) in polish is rechot

Croat(ian) in polish is Chorwat

crochet in polish is szydełkować

crocodile tears in polish is krokodyle łzy

croissant in polish is rogalik

croke, die in polish is kojfnąć***

crook, swindler in polish is kanciarz

crooked in polish is koślawy

crooked, winding in polish is kręty

crop failure in polish is nieurodzaj

crop rotation in polish is płodozmian

crop, yield in polish is plon

crops in polish is zasiewy

cross off in polish is wykreślać

cross out, delete in polish is przekreślić

cross-beam, cross-bar, traverse in polish is belka poprzeczna

cross-breed, stirring, blending in polish is mieszanie

cross-breeding in polish is krzyżowanie

cross-country car, 4-wheel drive in polish is terenowy samochód

cross-country race in polish is bieg na przelaj

cross-country race in polish is bieg przełajowy

cross-country skiing in polish is naciarstwo biegowe

cross-country skiing in polish is przełajowe (naciarstwo _)

cross-country vehicle in polish is pojazd terenowy

crossed check in polish is czek (nie)określony

crossed check in polish is czek krosowany

cross-examination in polish is badanie za pomocą

cross-examination in polish is indagacja

crossfire in polish is krzyżowy ogień

cross-reference, hyperlink in polish is odsyłacz

cross-roads in polish is rozstajne drogi

cross-section in polish is przekrój poprzeczny

crosstalk in polish is przenik

crosswind in polish is boczny wiatr

crotch in polish is krocze

crow in polish is wrona

crowbar in polish is łomot

crowd in polish is nawała

crowd in in polish is złazić się

crowd in a room in polish is wciskać się do sali

crowd, squeeze in polish is ciżba

crowded, packed in polish is natłoczony

crown (of the head) in polish is ciemię

crowning in polish is zwieńczenie

crucify in polish is krzyżować

crude ore in polish is ruda surowa

cruel in polish is okrutny

cruelty, atrocities in polish is okrucieństwo

cruise in polish is rejs

cruiser in polish is krążownik

crumb in polish is kruszyna

crumb in polish is miękisz (chleba)

crumb, fragment in polish is okruch

crumble in polish is kruszyć po/

crumble (bread) in polish is rozdrabniać /rozdrobnić

crumble, crush in polish is rozkruszyć

crumble, crush up in polish is miętosić

crumble, toddle (child) in polish is drobić

crumple (up) in polish is miąć

crumpled, creased in polish is pogniecony

crunch, grind in polish is chrzęścić

crunch, munch in polish is chrupać/chrupnąć

crunchy, crispy in polish is chrupiący

crusader in polish is krzyżowiec

crush in polish is gruchotać

crush in polish is rozgniatać

crush, crack (nut), flatten, squash in polish is rozgniątać /rozgnieść

crush, overwhelm in polish is przygniatać

crush, smash in polish is rozbić

crush, squash in polish is miażdżyć

crush, squash in polish is zgnieść

crushing, defeat in polish is rozbicie

crust of the Earth in polish is skorupa ziemska

crust, eggshell in polish is skorupa

crutches in polish is kule

crutches (walk on _) in polish is kulach (chodzić o _)

cry baby in polish is beksa

cry one's eyes out in polish is bóbr (płakać jak _)

cry, weep in polish is płakać /za-

crystal ball in polish is szklana kula

CSCE in polish is KBWE - Konferencja bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie (też OBWE)

cub (scout) in polish is zuch

cube (to the third power) in polish is sześcian

cube root in polish is pierwiastek sześcienny

cubic (3rd power) in polish is sześcienny

cubic capacity in polish is skokowy (pojemność -)

cubic meter in polish is sześcienny (metr _)

cuckold, deer, stag in polish is rogacz

cuckoo in polish is kukułka

cucumber (silly season) in polish is ogórkowy (sezon -)

cucumber salad with cream in polish is mizeria

cuddle, fondle, pet in polish is tulić

cuff link in polish is spinka do mankietów

culprit in polish is winowajca

cultural background in polish is zaplecze kulturowe

culture, cultivation in polish is uprawa

cumin, caraway (seed) in polish is kminek

cumulative in polish is zbiorczy

cumulus in polish is kłębiasta (chmura _)

cunning in polish is przebiegłość

cunning in polish is szczwany

cunning, sly in polish is chytry

cunning, sly (as a fox) in polish is przebiegły (jak lis)

cunt** in polish is pizda**

cup in polish is puchar

cupboard in polish is serwantka

cupboard, buffet in polish is kredens

Cupid in polish is Amor

curable in polish is uleczalny

curate in polish is wikariusz

curate in polish is wikary

curator in polish is kustosz

curb in polish is ukracać /ukrócić

curdle in polish is zsiadać się

curdle (milk) in polish is zwarzyć się

curdle one's blood in polish is mrozić krew w żyłach

curdled (milk) in polish is zsiadły

cure in polish is wyleczyć

cured bacon in polish is wędzonka

cured, smoked meats in polish is wędlina

curfew in polish is godzina policyjna

curl, lock in polish is pukiel

curlers in polish is lokówki

curly, fuzzy in polish is kędzierzawy

currant in polish is porzeczka

current account in polish is bieżący (rachunek _)

current account in polish is kontrokorent

current assets in polish is środki obrotowe

current assets, rolling, working capital in polish is kapitał obrotowy

current rush, peak in polish is nagły wzrost prądu

current, stream in polish is nurt

curse, ban, excommunication in polish is klątwa

curse, blaspheme, talk nonsense in polish is bluźnić

curse, excommunicate in polish is wyklinać /wykląć

curtail expenses in polish is obcinać wydatki

curtain, drape in polish is zasłona

curtsey in polish is dygać /-nąć

curtsy, bob in polish is dyg

curvature in polish is krzywizna

curve in polish is wygięcie

curve in polish is wykrzywić

curve (math.), in polish is krzywa

curved in polish is wygięty

custody in polish is areszt

custody in polish is śledczy (areszt -)

custom in polish is uzus

custom of dousing women with water on Easter Monday in polish is śmigus-dyngus

custom, habit in polish is obyczaj

customs clearance in polish is odprawa celna

customs levy in polish is pobranie cło

customs seal in polish is plomba celna

customs tariff in polish is stawka celna

cut in polish is ciąć /po-

cut in polish is kroić po-

cut in polish is ucinać

cut (glass) in polish is rżnięty

cut and paste in polish is wyciąć i wkleić

cut down budget in polish is obcinać budżet

cut down, hack in polish is wyrąbywać /wyrąbać

cut in in polish is wtrącić się do rozmowy

cut in on s.o. in polish is odbić kogoś w tańcu

cut into pieces in polish is ciąć na kawalki

cut off in polish is urżnąć perf.

cut off, beheaded in polish is ścięty

cut off, saw off in polish is odryznać /oderżnąć

cut off, sever, amputate in polish is odcinać/odciąć

cut out in polish is wykroić

cut sb short in polish is odebrać komuś głos

cut through, intersect in polish is przecinać

cut, clipped in polish is strzyżony

cut, murder in polish is kaleczyć

cut, notch, nick in polish is wrąb

cut, saw in polish is rżnąć

cutlery in polish is sztućce

cutlet in polish is udziec

cutting in polish is krojenie

cuttings, clippings in polish is skrawki

CV, resumé in polish is życiorys zawodowy

cyanide in polish is cyjanek

cyanosis, blueishness in polish is sinica

cycling in polish is kolarstwo

cycling cap in polish is cyklistówka

cyclist in polish is kolarz

cylinder lock in polish is zamek bębenkowy

cylinder, roller in polish is walec

cymbals in polish is czynele?

cymbals in polish is talerze

cypress in polish is cyprys

cyst in polish is cysta

cyst in polish is torbiel

cystoma in polish is torbielak

D flat in polish is des

dab in polish is płastuga (zimnica)

dabble in sth in polish is parać się czymś

dacha in polish is dacza

dachshund in polish is jamnik

daffodil in polish is żonkil

dahlia in polish is georgina

daily routine in polish is rozkład dnia

dainty in polish is filigranowy

dairy in polish is mleczarnia

dairy cow in polish is dojna krowa

dairy products including eggs in polish is nabiał

dam in polish is tama

dam, barrier in polish is zapora

dam, weir in polish is budowla piętrąca

damages in polish is odszkodowanie

damask in polish is adamasz/ek -ku -ki

damn it! in polish is psiakrew!

damn you! in polish is bodaj cię!

damnation, blame in polish is potępienie

damned* in polish is zakichany

damned, cursed in polish is przeklęty

dampen, muffle in polish is stłumiać

dandelion in polish is mniszek lekarski

dandruff in polish is łupież

dangle in polish is dyndać

Danube in polish is Dunaj

dare in polish is odważać się

dare in polish is ośmielać się /ośmielić się

daredevil in polish is śmiałek

dark grey in polish is bury

dark rings around the eyes in polish is podkrążone oczy

dark side of the Moon in polish is odwrotna strona Księżyca

dark-haired man in polish is szatyn

darkroom in polish is ciemnia

darling! in polish is najdroższa!!

darn (socks) in polish is cerować

dart in polish is strzałka (do rzucania)

dart -s in polish is rzutka -ki

dash, hyphen in polish is myślnik

dash, hyphen, accent in polish is kreska

dashboard in polish is deska rozdzielcza

dashboard in polish is tablica rozdzielcza

dashed line in polish is kreskowa (linia _)

data compression in polish is zagęszczanie danych

data input in polish is wprowadzanie danych

data processing in polish is przetwarzanie danych

data protection in polish is ochrona danych

date in polish is daktyl

date (have a _) in polish is mieć randkę

date of maturity in polish is data zapadłości

date stamp in polish is datownik

dative in polish is celownik

daughter-in-law in polish is synowa

daunt in polish is nastraszyć

dauntless in polish is nieposkromiony

dawn (it dawned on me) in polish is świtać (zaświtało mi)

dawn is breaking in polish is widnieje

day before yesterday in polish is zawczoraj

day in day out in polish is dzień w dzień

daybreak (at _) in polish is brzask (u -u)

daydream in polish is sen na jawie

daydreamer in polish is marzyciel

daydreaming in polish is rozmarzony

day-dreaming, reverie in polish is rozmarzenie

day's wage in polish is dniówka

dazed in polish is zamroczony

dazed, intoxicated in polish is oszołomieny

dazzling, glaring in polish is oślepiający

DC device in polish is urządzenie stałoprądowe

deacon in polish is diakon

deacon, dean in polish is dziekan

dead in polish is obumarły

dead (battery) in polish is wyładowany

dead drunk in polish is bela (spity jak _)

dead end street in polish is droga bez przejazdu

dead silence in polish is cisza jak makiem zasiał

dead silence in polish is głucha cisza

dead-end street in polish is przejazdu (droga bez _)

dead-end street in polish is ślepa ulica

deadline in polish is termin ostateczny

deadweight in polish is ciężar własny

dead-weight tonnage, load capacity (bridge) in polish is nośność

deaf as a bat in polish is pień (głuchy jak _)

deafening in polish is ogłuszający

deaf-mute in polish is głuchoniemy

deafness in polish is głuchota

deal (cards) in polish is rozdawać

deal a death blow, drive home a point in polish is dobić

deal blows in polish is tłuć pieściami

deal blows in polish is zadawać razy

dean of the faculty in polish is dziekan wydziału

deap-sea fishing in polish is rybołóstwo dalekomorskie

death in polish is zgon

death by starvation in polish is śmierć głodowa

death certificate in polish is akt zgonu

debauch, riot in polish is rozpusta

debauched in polish is rozpustny

debauchery in polish is rozpasanie

debit advice in polish is awiz debetowy

debris, rubble in polish is gruz

debris, ruins in polish is gruzy

debt collection agency in polish is agencja inkasująca

debt collector in polish is windykator

debt payable in polish is wymagalny (dług)

debtor in polish is dłużnik

decadent in polish is schyłkowy

decanter, sedimentation bassin, settling tank in polish is odstojnik

decathlon in polish is dziesięciobój

decay in polish is zgnilizna

decay, division in polish is rozpad

decay, rot in polish is próchniec

decay, tumble down in polish is walić się

deceased in polish is nieboszczyk

deceitful, tricky in polish is podstępny

deceive oneself in polish is łudzić się

deceive, tempt in polish is manić

decent in polish is godziwy

decent in polish is przyzwoity

deceptive, seductive in polish is zwodniczy

decide in polish is postanawiać /postanowić

decide sth in polish is wyrokować o czymś

decided by arbitration in polish is polubowny

decidedly, firmly in polish is stanowczo

deciduous tree in polish is drzewo liściaste

decimal system in polish is dziesiętny (system _)

decimate in polish is dziesiątkować

decipher in polish is odcyfrować

decision in polish is decyzja

decision in polish is rozstrzygnięcie

decision, resolution in polish is postanowienie

decisive in polish is rozstrzygający

deck hand in polish is majtek

deckchair, beach chair in polish is leżak

declaration of bankruptcy in polish is ogłoszenie upadłości

declaration of war in polish is wypowiedzenie wojny

declaration, notice in polish is wypowiedzenie

declaration, statement in polish is oświadczenie

declare a recess in polish is ogłosić przerwę

declare war on Poland in polish is wzpowiedzieć wojnę Polsce

declassification in polish is odtajnenie

decline in polish is schyłek

decline, slump in polish is bessa

decode in polish is rozszyfrować

decommission in polish is wycofać z wyposażenie

decompose, evaporate in polish is zwietrzeć

decompose, spread in polish is rozkładać

decomposed, weathered in polish is zwietrzały

decompression illness, caisson disease in polish is kesonowa (choroba _)

decontaminate in polish is odkażać

décor in polish is wystrój

decorate in polish is krasić

decorate sth with sth in polish is obwieszać coś czymś

decorate with green leaves in polish is maić

decorate, grace in polish is zdobić

decoration in polish is ozdoba

decorative in polish is ozdobny

decoy, lure in polish is wabik

decrease, diminish in polish is ubywać

decrepit in polish is zgrzybiały

deduct in polish is odliczać

deduction in polish is wniosek

deduction, allowance in polish is odliczenie

deed in polish is postępek

deed of covenant in polish is akt zobowiązania

deed of transfer in polish is akt cesji

deep feeling, emotion in polish is przejęcie

deep red (not declined) in polish is bordo

deep water, abyss in polish is głębina

deepening in polish is pogłębienie

deep-freezing in polish is głębokie mrożenie

deer in polish is sarna

defamation in polish is oczernanie

defamatory in polish is potwarczy

defame, make loathsome in polish is zohydzać

defame, slander in polish is oczerniać

default,shrewd, understood in polish is domyślny

defeat, conquer in polish is pokonać

defect in polish is usterka

defect, fault, vice in polish is przywara

defective in polish is wadliwy

defective in polish is wybrakowany

defects in polish is braki

defendant (in a civil suit) in polish is pozwany

defendant, accused in polish is podsądny

defensive, fortified in polish is obronny

deferred shares in polish is akcje odroczone

deficient, refractory in polish is oporny

deficit, shortage in polish is niedobór

definite in polish is określony

definite article in polish is okreżlony (przedimaek -)

definite, indefinite article in polish is przedimek określony/nieokreślony

deflection in polish is wychylenie

deforestation in polish is wycinanie lasów

defray, foot the bill in polish is pokrywać koszty

defrost in polish is odszraniać /odszronić

defrost, thaw in polish is odmarzać/nąć

defroster in polish is odmrażacz

defroster in polish is odszraniacz

defrosting, thawing in polish is rozmrażanie

defuse in polish is usunąć zapalnik

defy, challenge in polish is wyzywać

degenerate, unnatural in polish is wyrodny

degeneration in polish is wynaturzenie

degradation in polish is upodlenie

degrade, disgrace in polish is spodlić

dehumanising in polish is odeczłowieczający

dehydration in polish is odwodnienie

deity in polish is bóstwo

dejected, in polish is struty

dejected, worn out in polish is znękany

delay in polish is zwlekać/zwiec

delay doing sth in polish is ociągać się z czymś

delay timer in polish is samowyzwalacz

delay, grace, credit in polish is zwłoka

delete, remove in polish is skreślać /ić

deletion in polish is skreślenie

deliberate in polish is naradzać się/naradzić się

deliberate in polish is obradować

deliberate, counsel in polish is radzić

deliberate, premeditated in polish is rozmyślny

deliberation, judiciousness in polish is rozwaga

deliberations in polish is narady

delight in polish is lubość

delight, joy in polish is uciecha

delightful in polish is rozkoszny

deliver a speech in polish is wygłosić (mowę)

deliver, hand over in polish is doręczać/yć

delivery in polish is doprowadzenie

delivery in polish is dostawa

delivery man in polish is doręczyciel

delivery of documents in polish is wydanie dokumentów

delivery van in polish is dostawczy (samochód _)

delivery, equipment, maintenance in polish is zaopatrzenie

delivery, supply in polish is dowóz

delude in polish is łudzić

delude, deceive in polish is omamić

delude, deceive in polish is zwodzić

delusion in polish is łudzenie

delusive in polish is łudzący

demand for labor in polish is zapotrzebowanie na siłę roboczą

demand, claim, insist in polish is domagać się

demarcation in polish is wytyczenie

demi- in polish is połowiczny

demolish in polish is walić

demolition in polish is rozbiórka (domu)

demolition in polish is zbużenie

demonstrate in polish is uwidaczniać /uwidocznić

demonstration in polish is pokaz

demonstrative gram. (forefinger) in polish is wskuzający (palec -)

demote in polish is zdegradować

demurrage in polish is postojowe

denatured alcohol in polish is spirytus skażony

denial in polish is wyparcie się

denial of human rights in polish is negowanie praw człowieka

denial, negation in polish is zaprzeczenie

denim, overalls, jeans in polish is drelich (-owy)

denominational (school) in polish is wyznaniowy

densely populated in polish is zaludniony (gęsto -)

dental floss in polish is nić dentystyczna

dental plaque in polish is osad nazębny

denunciation in polish is donos (na kogoś)

denunciation, report, news in polish is doniesienie

deny in polish is przeczyć /za-

deny sth in polish is przeczuć /za- czemuś

deny, disavow in polish is zapierać się

depart from the subject of debates in polish is odbiegać od przedmiota obrad

Department of State in polish is resort

department, faculty in polish is wydział

departure in polish is wymarsz

deportation, exile in polish is zesłanie

deportation, exile in polish is zsyłka

deposit in polish is lokata bankowa

deposit in polish is złoże

deposition, declaration in polish is zeznanie

depot in polish is zajezdnia

depravity, corruption in polish is zepsucie

depreciation, wear and tear in polish is zużycie

depress, upset in polish is przybijać /przybić

depressed in polish is przygnębiony

depressed, glum in polish is osowiały

depression, affliction in polish is przygnębienie

depression, low (weather), lowland in polish is niż

deprivation in polish is pozbawienie

deprive of food in polish is głodzić

deprive, take off (shoe) in polish is wyzuć

depth charge in polish is bomba głębinowa

depths in polish is toń f.

deputy chairperson in polish is zastępca przewodniczącego

Deputy Mayor in polish is zastępca burmistrz

derailment in polish is wykolejenie

deriding, sneering in polish is szyderczy

derision, (laughing-stock) in polish is pośmiewsk/o (przedmiot -)

derisive, sneering in polish is drwiący

derivative, differential in polish is pochodna

derivative, secondary in polish is wtórny

derogate in polish is pomniejszać

descendant in polish is zstępny

descendent in polish is potomek

descent, decease, demise in polish is zejście

description in polish is opis

description (of a person) in polish is rysopis

descriptive, narrative in polish is opisowy

desecration in polish is zbeszczeszczenie

desert in polish is pustkowie

desert in polish is pustynia

desert (uninhabited) island in polish is bezludna wyspa

deserted in polish is opustoszały

deserted, desolate, forlorn in polish is opuszczony

desertification in polish is pustynnienie

desirable in polish is pożądany

desktop computer in polish is stołowy (komputer _)

deslagging, skimming in polish is odżużlanie

desolate, lonely in polish is odludny

despair (drive to -) in polish is rozpacz (doprowadzić do -y)

desperado in polish is straceniec

desperate in polish is rozpaczliwy

desperate, broken-hearted in polish is zrozpaczony

despicably, lousy, rotten in polish is podle

despise in polish is gardzić czymś/kimś

destiny in polish is przeznaczenie

destroy in polish is burzyć

destroy, combat in polish is tępić

destroyer, disturber in polish is burczyciel

destructive (influence, habit), pernicious in polish is zgubny

detached house in polish is dom wolnostający

detailed, meticulous in polish is drobiazgowy

detection (disease) in polish is wykrycie

détente, relaxation in polish is odprężenie

detention centre in polish is areszt dla młodocianych

detention centre in polish is izba zatrzymań

determination, assertiveness in polish is stanowczość

determine, settle in polish is ustalić

determined, dogged, resentful in polish is zawzięty

deterrence in polish is odstraszanie

detox in polish is kuracja odwykowa

detoxicant, antidote in polish is odtrutka

devastate in polish is spustoszyć

devastate, lay to waste in polish is pustoszyć

devastation in polish is pustoszenie

devastation in polish is spustoszenie

developed in polish is zagospodarowany

developed countries in polish is rozwinięte (kraje -)

developer (photo) in polish is wywoływacz

deviate, diverge in polish is zbaczać /zboczyć

deviation in polish is odchylenie

deviation, error in polish is uchyb

device, logo in polish is godło

devote in polish is poświęcać

devote one's time to in polish is poświęcać swój czas na

devotion in polish is poświęcenie

devotion in polish is przywiązanie

devotion, dedication in polish is oddanie

devour in polish is pożerać /pożreć

devour s.o. with one's eyes in polish is pożerać kogoś wzrokiem

devout in polish is bogobojny

dew in polish is rosa

dexterity, skill in polish is zręcznośċ

diabetes in polish is cukrzuca

diabetic in polish is cukrzyk

diabolical in polish is czarci

diagnosis, reconnaissance (mil) in polish is rozpoznanie

diagonal in polish is przekątna

diagonal in polish is przekątnia

diagonal in polish is przkątny

diagonal (line) in polish is przkątna

dial in polish is pokrętło

dialect in polish is narzecze

diameter in polish is średnica

diametrically in polish is biegunowo

diamond-shaped potato dumplings in polish is kopytka

diaper, nappy in polish is pielucha

diaper, nappy in polish is pieluszka, pieluszki

diaphragm in polish is przepona

diarrhoea in polish is rozwolnienie

diary in polish is pamiętnik

diastolic (pressure) in polish is rozkurczony

dice in polish is krajać w kostkę

dichloride in polish is dwuchlorek

dicing in polish is krojenie w kostkę

dick, prick** in polish is chuj**

die in polish is umierać /umrzeć

die (to be starving) in polish is zdychać (z głodu) /zdechnąć

die away in polish is obumierać

die of laughter in polish is konać z śmiechu

die out in polish is wymierać

Die Sonne bricht durch die Wolken. in polish is Słońce wychodzi zza chmur.

die sth red in polish is zabarwiać coś na czerwonego

die, expire in polish is skonać

diesel engine in polish is wysokopręży (silnik -)

diesel locomotive in polish is spalinowa (lokomotywa -)

diesel locomotive in polish is spalinowóz

diesel oil in polish is napędowy (olej -)

diesel oil in polish is olej napędowy

differential in polish is różniczka

differentiate, distinguish in polish is odróżniać /odróżnić

dig a trench, ditch in polish is rów (kopać _)

dig in one's heels in polish is zawziąć się

dig out in polish is wykopać

dig up in polish is rozgrebać

dig up, unearth in polish is odkopywać/odkopać

digest in polish is strawić

digesting liquor in polish is ług warzelny

digestive system in polish is trawienny (układ -)

digital-circuit engineering in polish is cyfronika

dignified in polish is nobliwy

dignitary in polish is dostojnik

dignity in polish is dostojeństwo

digress, deviate from the subject in polish is zbaczać z tematu

dilapidated, run down in polish is obskurny

dilatory in polish is powolny

dilatory in polish is zawieszający

dilatory in polish is zawieszający

dilemma, quandary, indecision in polish is rozterka

dill in polish is koper ogrdowy

dilute in polish is rozcieńczyć

dilute in polish is rozwodnić

dilute in water in polish is rozcieńczyć w wodzie

diluted acid in polish is rozcieńczony (kwas _)

dimensions in polish is gabaryty

diminutive in polish is zdrobniały

dimmed headlights (dipped) in polish is mijania (światła -)

dimmer in polish is ściemniacz

dimple in polish is dolek na twarzy

dinghy, toy top in polish is bączek

dining room in polish is stołowy

dinner-set in polish is serwis

dip, soak in polish is maczać

dip, soak in polish is umoczyć perf.

diphtheria in polish is błonica, dyfteryt

diplomatic breakthrough in polish is przełom dyplomatyczny

direct object in polish is dopełnienie bliższe

direct, drive in polish is kierować

direction finder in polish is pelengator

direction-finder in polish is namiernik

directive in polish is dyrektywa

directive, guideline in polish is wyteczna

directly proportional in polish is wprost proporcjonalny

dirt road in polish is polna droga

dirt-cheap in polish is śmiesznie tani

dirt-cheap in polish is tani jak barszcz

dirty in polish is brudny

dirty o.s., fester (wound) in polish is paprać się

dirty old man in polish is świntuch

dirty, contaminate in polish is zanieczyścić

dirty, slovenly in polish is niechlujny

disability in polish is kalectwo

disadvantaged (the _) in polish is pokrzywdzeni

disagree, deny in polish is zaprzeczać /yć

disappearance, atrophy in polish is zanik

disappoint in polish is rozczarować

disarm in polish is rozbrajać się

disarm, dismantle (a ship) in polish is rozbrajać/rozbroić

disarmament in polish is rozbrojenie

discarding, rejection in polish is brakowanie

discern, diagnose (disease) in polish is rozeznać

discerning, worn in polish is wyrobiony

discharge in polish is wyładowanie

discharged battery in polish is akumulator (rozładowany -)

discipline in polish is karność

disclaim in polish is zrzec się

disclose a secret, confide in polish is zwierzać się

disclose, reveal in polish is ujawniać /nić

disclosure in polish is ujawnienie

disconcert, get off balance in polish is peszyć (się)

disconnect in polish is rozłączyć

discount in polish is bonifikata

discount in polish is zniżka

discount a price in polish is potrącić rabat z ceny

discounted, cut-price in polish is przeceniony

discourage in polish is odbierać ducha

discourage, set against, alienate in polish is zrażać/zrazić

discouragement in polish is zniechnęcenie

discover in polish is odkryć

discover, find in polish is znajdować /znaleść

discovery (make a -) in polish is odkrycie (dokonać -a)

discrepancy in polish is niezgodność

discrepancy, divergence in polish is rozbieżność

discrimination in polish is rozeznanie

discus in polish is dysk

discus thrower in polish is dyskobol

disdain in polish is politowanie

disdain, scorn in polish is lekceważenie

disdainful in polish is pogardliwy

disdainful, scornful in polish is wzgardliwy

disgraceful in polish is hańbiący

disgraceful in polish is haniebny

disgraceful, shameful in polish is sromotny

disguise in polish is przebranie

disgust in polish is mierzyć

disgust, repugnance, aversion in polish is odraza

dish drainer in polish is suszarka do naczyń

dish towel in polish is ścierka do naczyń

dish, pan, basin, wash bowl in polish is miska

disharmony, diarrhoea in polish is rozstój

dishcloth, duster in polish is ścierka

dishcloth, scouring pad in polish is zmywak

dishwasher in polish is pomywaczka

dishwashing in polish is mycie naczyń

dishwashing machine in polish is zmywarka do naczyń

dishwater in polish is lura

disinfect in polish is odkażać/odkazić

disinfecting drugs in polish is odkażające (leki -)

disinfection, sterilisation in polish is odkażenie

disinherit in polish is wydziedziczać

disk drive in polish is napęd dysku

disk, puck in polish is krążek

dismantle in polish is pociąć na złom

dismantle in polish is rozbierać na części

dismiss from office in polish is złożyć z urzędu

dismiss s.o. in polish is dymisja (udzielić komuś -i)

dismiss, cancel, retract in polish is odwoływać /odwołać

dismiss, overrule in polish is oddalać

dismissed from work in polish is zwolniony z pracy

disobedience in polish is nieposłuszeństwo

disorder in polish is nieład

disorder, confusion, chaos in polish is bezład -u -dzie

disorderly in polish is nieporządny

disown in polish is wypierać się

disown in polish is wyrzekać się

disown, go back on (word, promise) in polish is wypierać się+gen

disparagement, prejudice in polish is ujma

dispassionate in polish is beznamiętny

dispensary in polish is przychodnia

disperse, scatter in polish is rozpraszać/rozproszyć

display unit in polish is ekranopis

displease, irritate in polish is podrażnić

disposable income in polish is dochód rozporzędzalny

disposed in polish is usposobiony

dispute in polish is rozprawić

disregard in polish is abstrahować od +gen.

disregard, browbeat in polish is poniewierać

disregard, slight in polish is lekceważyć /z-

disrespectful in polish is lekceważący

dissection in polish is sekcja

dissenting opinion in polish is zdanie odrębne

dissolve a coalition in polish is rozwiązać koalicję

dissolve in tears in polish is zalać się łzami

dissuasion in polish is odradzanie

dissuasive in polish is zniechęcający

distance in polish is oddalenie

distant in polish is odlegly

distillery in polish is gorzelnia

distilling of alcohol in polish is gorzelnictwo

distinct, clear in polish is wyraźny

distinction in polish is odznaczenie

distinction in polish is rozgraniczenie

distinguish o.s. in polish is odznaczyć się

distort, warp in polish is wypaczać /yć

distorted in polish is przekłamany

distortion in polish is zniekształcenie

distribution in polish is rozdiał

distribution box in polish is puszka rozgałęźna

distribution rights (foreign press) in polish is debit

distributor in polish is rozprowadzjący

distributor, carrier, newspaper boy in polish is roznosiciel

district in polish is obwodowy

district, perimeter in polish is obwód

distrustful, suspicious in polish is nieufny

diuretic in polish is moczopędny

dive in polish is nur (dać nura)

diver in polish is nurek

divergence in polish is rozbieżność

divergent in polish is rozbieżny

diverse, various in polish is rozliczny

diversify in polish is urozmaicać

diversity in polish is urozmaicenie

divert one's attention in polish is odciągać czyjąś uwagę

divide in polish is skłócać /skłócić

dividend in polish is dzielna

diving in polish is skoki do wody

division of labor in polish is podział pracy

division, distribution in polish is rozdzielenie

divorce in polish is rozwód

divorced in polish is rozwiedzony

divorced man in polish is rozwodnik

divorced woman in polish is rozwódka

DIY'er in polish is majsterkowiec

dizziness in polish is zawroty głowy

dizziness, confusion in polish is kołowaczina

dizzy in polish is zawrotny

DNA in polish is kwas dezoksyrybonukleinowy

do community service in polish is społecznie (pracować -)

do DIY in polish is majsterkować

do drugs* in polish is ćpać

do it all over again in polish is rób to od nowa

do penance in polish is pokutować

do sth reluctantly in polish is łaski (zrobić coś z -)

do the dishes, washing-up in polish is zmywać naczynia

do without sth in polish is obchodzić się bez czymś

do wonders in polish is dokonywać cudów

dock (in court) in polish is ława oskarżonych

docker in polish is portowiec

dogcatcher in polish is rakarz

dog-collar in polish is obroża

doge in polish is doża

dogwood in polish is dereń

doll house in polish is domek dla lalek

domestic heating in polish is grzejnictwo domowe

domesticate in polish is udomawiać /udomowić

domicile in polish is umiejscowić

domino effect in polish is efekt domino

donate blood in polish is oddawać krew

donation in polish is darowizna

donkey in polish is osioł

donkey-work in polish is harówka

donor in polish is darczyńca

donor (atom) in polish is atom donorowy

don't bother in polish is trudź (nie - się!)

don't even think about it! in polish is wypluj to słowo!

Don't stare at me. in polish is Nie gap się na mnie.

Don't try to be cool! in polish is bezczelny (Nie bądź taki _!)

don't you dare! in polish is ani mi się waż!

doodle in polish is bazgranina

doodle in polish is grzymoły

doomed in polish is przesądzony (z góry _)

door (stove) in polish is drzwiczki

door frame in polish is odrzwia

doorbell in polish is dzwonek drzwiowy

door-handle, latch in polish is klamka

doormat, windshield wiper in polish is wycieraczka

door-to-door sales in polish is obwoźny (handel -)

dormire come un ghiro in polish is spać jak suseł

dormitory in polish is akademik

dormitory in polish is bursa

dosage in polish is dawkowanie

dose in polish is dawka

dossier in polish is akta sprawy

dote on sb in polish is zadurzyć się w kimś

dotted line in polish is kropkowana (linia -)

double in polish is zdwajać /zdwoić

double citizenship in polish is podwójne obywatelstwo

double, look-alike in polish is sobotwór

double-barrelled gun in polish is dubeltówka

double-bass in polish is basetla

double-breasted jacket in polish is dwurzędowy garnitur

double-breasted jacket in polish is marynarka dwurzędowa

double-click in polish is podwójne kliknięcie

double-cross, wave, wag in polish is kiwać po-

double-decker bus in polish is autobus piętrowy

double-decker bus in polish is piętrowy (autobus _)

double-edged in polish is obosieczny

doubting Thomas in polish is niedowiarek

dough (money) in polish is szmal

dough, cake in polish is ciasto

doveish in polish is gołębi

dovetail in polish is jaskołczy ogon

down in the dumps (be_) in polish is dołku (być w -)

Down the hatch! in polish is No to lu!

Down, boy (to a dog) in polish is Do nogi!

downcast, subdued in polish is zgaszony

downhill in polish is zjazdowy

downhill skiing in polish is naciarstwo zjazdowe

downhill skiing in polish is zjazdowe (naciarstwo _)

downhill slide, congress in polish is zjazd

download in polish is ściągać program

downloading in polish is ściąganie

Down's syndrome in polish is zespół Downa

down-time, outage in polish is przestój 2

dowry in polish is posag

dowry in polish is wiano

doze, lurk in polish is drzemać

draft in polish is pociągnięcie

draft in polish is przeciąg

draft in polish is wezwanie do wojska

draft in polish is zanurzenie

draft (US) in polish is wcielać do wojska

draft dodger in polish is migający się od służby

draft resolution in polish is projekt uchwały

draft, draw up a budget in polish is sporządzić projekt budżetu

draftsman in polish is kreślarz

drag in polish is włóczyć

drag along, crawl, hang (smoke) in polish is wlec się

drag as far as in polish is dowiec

drag o.s. out of bed in polish is zwlekać się z łóżka

drag on in polish is przeciągnąć się

drag one's feet in polish is powłoczyć nogami

drag one's feet, shuffle along in polish is człapać

drag out in polish is wywlekać /wywec

drag studying or reading, drudge in polish is ślęczeć

drag, haul in polish is wlec

drag-and-drop in polish is przeciągnij i upuść

dragée in polish is drażetka

dragged out, pulled out in polish is wyrwany

dragonfly in polish is ważka

drain in polish is osuszać

drain in polish is studzienka ściekowa

drain (med) in polish is sączek

drain(pipe) in polish is dren

drain, dehydrate in polish is odwadniać /odwodnić

drainage in polish is odwadnianie

draining in polish is odcedzanie

draining in polish is odsączanie

draining board in polish is opiekacz do naczyń

drake in polish is kaczor

drape, curtain in polish is stora

draperś hall in polish is sukiennice

draw apart, be a permissive girl in polish is puszczać się

draw back (curtains), tilt (head) in polish is odchylać/ić

draw by lots in polish is wylosować

draw near, reach in polish is docierać/dotrzeć

draw on the account in polish is podejmować z rachunku

draw s.o. away from his/her work in polish is odrywać kogoś od pracy

draw up a report in polish is sporządzić sprawodzanie

drawbridge in polish is most podnoszony

drawbridge in polish is most zwodzony

drawing desk in polish is stół kreślarski

drawing to scale in polish is rysunek w skali

drawing-board in polish is rysownica

drawl in polish is cedzenie/przeciąganie słów

drawl in polish is cedzić przez zęby

drawl in polish is cedzić wy- słowa

drawn (face), pinched in polish is ściągnięty

drawn out, lingering in polish is przeciągły

dreamy in polish is marzycielski

dredge, scooper, drag net in polish is draga

dredger in polish is bagier

dredger in polish is bagrownica

dredger in polish is pogłębiarka

dredging in polish is bagrowanie

drenched with sweat in polish is zlany potem

dress in polish is odziewać się

dress (a wound) in polish is opatrzyć (ranę)

dress a wound in polish is opatrywać ranę

dress o.s. in polish is stroić się

dress up, adorn in polish is stroić

dressed up, smart, elegant in polish is strojny

dressed up, spruced up in polish is wystrojony

dressing gown, bathrobe in polish is szlafrok

dressmaker in polish is krawcowa

dribble, trickle in polish is kapać

dried up in polish is zeschnięty

dried up, withered, wasted away in polish is uschły

drift netter in polish is lugier

drift, float in polish is spłwać

drift-net in polish is dryfujący sieć

drill in polish is musztra

drill in polish is świder

drill in polish is wiercić

drill bit in polish is koronka wiertnicza

drill lathe in polish is wietarko-tokarka

drill, bit in polish is wiertło

drilling in polish is wiernictwo

drilling machine in polish is wietarka

drilling technology in polish is wiertnictwo

drilling, boring in polish is wiercenie

drink in polish is pić /wy-

drink like a sponge in polish is pić jak szewc

drinking spree in polish is biba

drinking water in polish is pitna (woda)

drinks cabinet in polish is barek

drip (Baxter) in polish is kroplówka

drip with water/blood in polish is ociekać (wodą/krwią)

drip, leak in polish is ciec/cieknąć

drip, ooze in polish is sączyć się

drive away,shove aside (snow), brush hair aside) in polish is odgarniać/odgarnąć

drive nails in polish is wbijać gwóździe

drive on, urge in polish is popędzać

drive s.o. an early grave in polish is wpędzać kogoś do grobu

drive s.o. around town in polish is onwozić/obwieźć kogoś po mieście

drive shaft in polish is napędowy (wał -)

drive shaft in polish is wał napędowy

drive, propel in polish is napędzać/napędzić

driver, steering wheel, handlebars in polish is kierownica

driveway in polish is droga dojazdowa

driveway in polish is podjazd

drizzle in polish is deszczyk

drizzle in polish is kapuśniaczek

drizzle in polish is mżawka

drizzle v. in polish is mżyć

drizzle, cabbage soup in polish is kapuśniak

droop, wilt, sink in polish is oklapnać

droopy in polish is obwisły

drop in polish is upuszczać /upuścić

drop forging in polish is kucie matrycowe

drop in on s.o. in polish is wpadać do kogoś

drop off (car), disembark in polish is wysadzać /dzić

drop out of school in polish is porzucić szkolę

droplet of milk in polish is kapka mleka

dropper in polish is kroplomierz

dropper in polish is zakraplacz

dropweight, pile hammer in polish is baba kafara

drought in polish is posucha

drown, melt in polish is topić (się)

drowsy, sluggish in polish is ospały

drudge in polish is popychadło

drudge in polish is wół roboczy

drudgery in polish is dłubanina

drudgery in polish is mozolna praca

drudgery in polish is niewdzięczna praca

drudgery in polish is nużąca praca

drugs in polish is odurzające (środki -)

drugs, dope in polish is prochy

drum brake in polish is hamulec bębnowy

drummer in polish is dobosz

drumstick in polish is pałeczka

drunk and disorderly in polish is naruszający porządek publiczny w stanie nietrzeźwym

drunk, bloated in polish is opity

drunk, tipsy in polish is wstawiony

drunken, riotous in polish is bachiczny

dry as a bone in polish is suchy jak pieprz

dry dock in polish is dok suchy

dry ice in polish is dwutlenek węgla stały

dry out in polish is zasuszać /yć

dry wine in polish is wytrane (wino -)

dry-clean in polish is czyścić chemicznie

drying-out in polish is odwyk

drying-out clinic in polish is odwykówka

dual controls in polish is dwuster

dubbing in polish is montaż zapisu dźwięku

dubbing in polish is podkładanie dźwięku

duchess, princess in polish is księżna

duchy, principality in polish is księstwo

duckling in polish is kaczątko

ductile in polish is ciągliwy

due diligence in polish is należyta staranność

due, outstanding in polish is należny

duel (challenge to a-) in polish is pojedynek (wyzwyć na-)

dug-out in polish is ziemianka

duke in polish is książe

dulcimer in polish is cymbały

dull in polish is tępy

dull, flat, lustreless in polish is matowy

dull, sickening in polish is mdło

dull, unintelligent in polish is niepojętny

duly in polish is należycie

duly in polish is słusznie

dumbbell in polish is hantle

dumbbell in polish is sztangielka

dumb-bells in polish is ciężarki gimnastyczne

dumbness in polish is niemota

dump truck in polish is wywrotka

dump, (slag) heap in polish is hałda

dump, heap in polish is usypisko

dump, tip in polish is wysypisko śmieci

dumpling in polish is pyza

dumpling(s) in polish is kluska -I

dumplings made from potatoes, flour, eggsand cottage cheese in polish is kluski leniwe

dumpy in polish is pękaty

dumpy, stocky in polish is krępy

dung in polish is bydlęcy (nawóz _)

dung in polish is łajno

dungarees in polish is ogrodniczki

dungarees, overalls in polish is kombinezon

dungeon, tower in polish is baszta

duodenum in polish is dwunastnica

duplex in polish is dom dwurodzinny

duplicate in polish is powielać

duplicate in polish is wtórnik

duplicator in polish is powielacz

duress (under _) in polish is przymusem (pod _)

dusk, nightfall in polish is zmrok

dust in polish is pył

dust in polish is ścierać kurze

dust cover in polish is obwoluta

dust, powder in polish is miał

dust, sprinkle with powder in polish is napylać

duster in polish is miotełka do kurzu

duster in polish is ściereczka do kurzu

dusting machine in polish is opylacz

dustman, garbage man in polish is śmieciarz

dustpan in polish is śmietniczka

dusty in polish is pylisty

dusty in polish is zakurzony

Dutch courage in polish is pijacka odwaga

Dutchman in polish is Holender -ka

duty in polish is powinność

duty (be on _) in polish is służbie (być na _)

duty, obligation in polish is obowiązek

duty-free in polish is wolny od cła

duvet, quilt, comforter in polish is kołdra

dwarf in polish is karłowaty

dwarf in polish is karzeł

dwarfish in polish is skarłowaciały

dyeing in polish is wybarwienie

dyeing machine in polish is barwiarka

dyeing machine in polish is farbiarka

dynamo, generator in polish is prądnica

dysentery in polish is czerwonka

dyspnea, shortness of breath in polish is duszność

EAEA - European Atomic Energy Agency in polish is EWEA - Europejska Wspólnota Energii Atomowej

eager, anxious in polish is żądny

eager, willing in polish is skwapliwy

eagerly in polish is ochoczo

EAGGF in polish is Europejski Fundusz Orientacji i Gwarancji dla Rolnictwa

eagle eye in polish is orli wzrok

eagle-owl in polish is puchacz

eardrum in polish is błona bębenkowa

ear-drum in polish is bębenek

earlobe in polish is płatek uszny

early bird in polish is ptaszek (ranny -)

early vegetable in polish is nowalijka

early, prompt in polish is rychły

earn a living in polish is zarabiać na życie

earnings, receipts in polish is wpływy

earphone, headphone in polish is słuchawka

earplugs in polish is zatyczka do uszu

earth up in polish is okopywać

earth, ground (elec) in polish is uziemiać

earth, ground (elec.) in polish is uziemienie

earthed, grounded (elec) in polish is uziemiony

earthly, worldly in polish is doczesny

earthworm in polish is dżdżownica

easel in polish is sztaluga

easel in polish is sztalugi

Easter egg in polish is jajko święcone

Easter egg shell in polish is wydmuszka

Easter meal in polish is święcone

easy terms in polish is dogodne warunki

easy to live with in polish is nietrudny w pożyciu

eat greedily (fam), corrode in polish is żreć

eat one's fill in polish is najeść się

eat out in polish is jeść poza domem

eat up in polish is wyjadać

eat up, devour, eat away (profits) in polish is zjeść

eaves, hood in polish is okap

eavesdropping in polish is podsłuchiwanie

eavesdropping, wire tapping in polish is podsłuch

ebony in polish is heban

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in polish is EBOR - Europejski Bank Odbudowy i Rozwoju

echinoderms in polish is szkarłupnie

echo, reply in polish is odzew

echo, report in polish is odgłos

eclipse in polish is zaćmienie

Economic and Social Committee in polish is Komitet Ekonomiczno-Społeczny

economic recovery, boom in polish is ożywienie gospodarcze

economical, thrifty in polish is gospodarny

eczema in polish is wyprysk

edelweiss in polish is szarotka

edge in polish is krawędź f.

edge in polish is obrzeże

edge in polish is skraj

edge, crease, swindle in polish is kant

edible in polish is jadalny

edifying, exemplary in polish is budujący

edition, issuance, denunciation, surrender in polish is wydanie

editorial in polish is wstępniak

educated in polish is wykszałcony

EEA - European Economic Area in polish is EOG - Europejski Obszar Gospodarczy

EEC - European Economic Community in polish is EWG Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza

EEC European Economic Community in polish is EWG

effeminate in polish is zniewieściały

effervescence in polish is musowanie

efficiency (thermal) in polish is sprawność (cieplna)

effluent plume in polish is smuga radioaktywna

effrontery, nerve, cheek in polish is czelność

effusive in polish is wylewny

egg cup in polish is kieliszek do jaj

egg slicer in polish is krajarka do jaj

egg-beater, carpet beater in polish is trzepaczka

egghead* in polish is jajogłowy

eggshell in polish is skorupka (od) jajka

ego, self, psyche in polish is jaźń f.

egoist in polish is samolub

egoist in polish is sobek

egret in polish is czapla biała

EIB - European Investment Bank in polish is EBI - Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny

Einstein's theory of relativity in polish is Teoria względności Einsteina

ejaculation in polish is wytrysk (mieć _)

eke out an existence in polish is biedować

elastic, energetic in polish is sprężysty

elasticity in polish is sprężystość

elbow in polish is kolanko

elbow in polish is łokieć

elbows in polish is makaron-kolanka

elderly in polish is leciwy

elders in polish is starszyzna

electioneer in polish is agitować

elective, eligible in polish is obieralny

electric drill in polish is wiertarka elektryczny

electric hand welder in polish is spawadełko

electric switch in polish is wyłącznik elektryczny

electric/gas cooker in polish is kuchenka elektryczna/gazowa

electrical charge in polish is ładunek elektryczny

electrical socket in polish is gniazdko wtyczkowe

electrifying (news, sight) in polish is piorunujący

electron donor in polish is elektronodawca

element in polish is żywiół

element (chem.) in polish is pierwiastek

elemental in polish is żywiołowy

elevated, lofty in polish is podniosły

elevation, haughtiness in polish is wyniosłość

elf in polish is duszek

eligibility in polish is prawo wyborcze bierne

eligibility in polish is wybieralność

eligible in polish is wybieralny

eliminate a competitor in polish is wyprzeć konkurenta

elimination of quantitative restrictions in polish is znoszenie ilościowych

elk, moose in polish is łoś

elm in polish is wiąz

eloquence in polish is krasomówstwo

eloquence, gift of the gab in polish is swada

elusive in polish is nieuchwytny

emaciated in polish is wycieńczony

emaciated, drawn (face) in polish is wynędziały

emaciation in polish is wycieńczenie

emanate sth in polish is ziać czymś

embarrassed in polish is onieśmielony

embarrassed in polish is zakłopotany

embarrassing in polish is krępujący

embellish, beautify in polish is upiększać /yć

embezzle, misappropriate in polish is sprzeniewierzać

embezzle, misappropriate in polish is przywłaszczać

embezzlement in polish is malwersacja

embezzlement in polish is sprzeniewierzenie

embezzler in polish is malwersant

embodiment in polish is ucieleśnienie

embody in polish is ucieleśniać /ić

embolism in polish is zator mózgowy

embossed in polish is wytłaczany

embossing in polish is gofrowanie

embrace, assumption (power), accession (throne) in polish is objęcie

embrace, hug in polish is uścisk

embrace, hug, squeeze (hand) in polish is uścisnąć

embrace, include in polish is obejmować

embroidered in polish is wyszywany

embroidery in polish is haft

embroil, entangle in polish is motać

embryo in polish is zarodek

emerald in polish is szmaragd

emergence, surfacing (water), outpouring (personal) in polish is wynurzenie

emergency powers in polish is uprawnienia nadzwyczajne

emergency powers in polish is uprawnienia nadzwyczajne

emergency repair in polish is naprawa doraźna

emery board in polish is pilnik do pięt

EMI European Monetary Institute in polish is Europejski Instytut Walutowy

emigration, low tide, mouth (river) in polish is odpływ

eminent in polish is znamienity

emperor in polish is cesarz

emphasise in polish is uwydatniać /nić

emphasise in polish is uwypuklać /ić

emphysema in polish is rozedma

empire in polish is cesarstwo

employee in polish is pracobiorca

employer in polish is pracodawca

employment, position, job in polish is posada

empress in polish is cesarzowa

empty stomach (on an _) in polish is czczo (na _)

empty, become deserted in polish is opustoszeć

EMS - European Monetary System in polish is ESM - Europejski System Monetarny

EMU in polish is UGW - Unia Gospodarczo-walutowa

enact in polish is nadawać moc prawną

encampment in polish is obozowisko

enchanting in polish is czarujący

enclose in polish is dołączać

encore in polish is bisowanie

encore in polish is zagrać (zaśpiewać) na bis

encounter, meet in polish is spotykać (się) /spotakać

encourage in polish is ośmieliać /ić

encourage, embolden in polish is ośmielać /ośmielić

encouragement in polish is doping

encouragement, incentive in polish is zachąta

encryption in polish is utajnianie

end in tears in polish is skończyć się tylko na łzach

endanger in polish is narażać/narazić

endeavor in polish is usiłowanie

endeavor, see to, try one's best in polish is starać się /po-

endeavor, strive in polish is usiłować

endeavors in polish is zabiegi

endocrine in polish is dokrewny

endocrine system in polish is układ wewnątrz-wydelniczy

endocrine system in polish is wydzielania wewnętrznego (układ -)

endorse in polish is żyrować

endorse a check in polish is indosować czek

endorsement in polish is indos

endorsement in polish is żyro

endurance, persistence in polish is wytrwanie

endurance, stamina in polish is wytrzymałość

enema in polish is lewatywa

energy conservation in polish is zachowanie energii

energy input in polish is energia pobrana

energy-consuming in polish is energochłonny

energy-saving in polish is energosczcędny

enforce the law in polish is wprowadzić prawo

engage in conversation in polish is nawiązać rozmowę

engagement in polish is zaręczyny

engine room in polish is hala maszyn

engine room in polish is maszynownia

engine spluttering in polish is dławienie się silnika

engine trouble in polish is niedomaganie silnika

engraver in polish is grawer

engraving in polish is rytować

engraving in polish is rytownictwo

engraving, illustration in polish is rycina

engrossed in sth in polish is zasłuchany w coś

enlargement in polish is powikszenie

enlarger in polish is powiększalnik

enlightened in polish is oświecony

enlightenment in polish is oświecenie

enlist in polish is zaciągnąć się do wojska

enrolment, registration, entry in polish is wpis

ensilage in polish is pasza kiszona

ensilage, silage in polish is kiszonka

ensilage, silage in polish is silosowanie

enslave in polish is ujarzmić

enslavement in polish is zniewolenie

entangle in polish is plątać

entangle, complicate in polish is wiklać

entangle, twist around in polish is oplatać /opleść

enter a room in polish is wkraczać do sali

enter into account in polish is liczyć się /po-

enteritis in polish is nieżyt jelit

entertain in polish is bawić /za-

entertainment expenses in polish is wydatki na reprezentację

enthusiasm in polish is zapał

entitle in polish is uprawniać

entitle in polish is uprawniać

entitled (be - to) in polish is uprawniony (być -m do czegoś)

entourage in polish is świta

entrance examination in polish is egzamin wstępny

entrance, accession (to the throne) in polish is wstąpienie

entrance, doorway, driveway in polish is wjazd

entrap, ensnare in polish is usidłać

entrenched in polish is ustalony

entrenched in polish is ustalony

entry into force in polish is wejście w życie

entry visa in polish is wizja wjazdowa

envious in polish is zawistny

environmental science in polish is sozologia

envoy, correspondent (press) in polish is wysłannik

EPC European Political Cooperation in polish is Europejska Wspólnota Polityczna

epidermis in polish is naskórek

epidural in polish is nadoponowe (znieczulenie _)

epilepsy in polish is padaczka

Epiphany in polish is święto Trzech Króli (6 stycznia)

epitome, embodiment in polish is uosibnienie

equal rights in polish is równoprawnienie

equals in polish is równa się (2+2 = 4)

equate in polish is przyrównać

equation (math), comparison in polish is równanie

equator in polish is równik

equidistant in polish is jednakowo odległy

equilateral (triangle) in polish is równoboczny (trójkąt -)

equinox in polish is równonoc

equipment, furnishings in polish is wypsażenie

equipped, provided with in polish is opatrzony czymś

equivalent in polish is równoważny

erase, rub out in polish is wytreć

erase, rub out in polish is zetrzeć

ERDF in polish is EFRR - Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

erect in polish is nastroszyć

erect in polish is wyprostowany

erection in polish is wzwód

erroneous in polish is mylny

erroneous in polish is omyłkowy

erudition in polish is naukowość

escalate in polish is wzmagać

escalate in polish is zaostrzać się

escalator in polish is ruchome schody

escalator in polish is schody ruchome

escape in polish is uchodzić

escape in polish is ucieczka

escape in polish is uciekać się /uciec się

escape s.o.' attention in polish is umknąć czyjejś uwadze

escape, run away in polish is umykać /umknąć

escort vessel in polish is eskortowiec

ESCS - European Coal and Steel Community in polish is EWWiS - Europejska Wspólnota Węgla i Stali

essence, substance in polish is treść f.

essential, original in polish is rdzenny

essere un buono a nulla in polish is być do niczego

establish a firm in polish is założyć firmę

establish oneself, settle down in polish is urządzać się /-ić

established, admitted in polish is przyjęty

estate car, station wagon in polish is combi (samochód _)

estimate in polish is obliczać

estimate in polish is wycena

Estonian woman in polish is Estonka

estuary, river mouth in polish is ujście rzeki

état de droit, rule of law in polish is państwo prawne

etch in polish is wytrawiać /wić

etching in polish is akwaforta

eternal in polish is wiekuisty

ethereal in polish is zwiewny

ethnic in polish is narodowościowy

ethnic cleansing in polish is czystki etniczne

ethnology in polish is ludoznawstwo

ETUC in polish is Konfederacja Europejskich Związków Zawodowych

ETUC European Trade Union Conferderation in polish is Europejska Konfederacja Związków Zawodowych

etymology in polish is słoworód

eulogy in polish is panegiryk

eulogy in polish is pochwała

eunuch in polish is rzezaniec

European Council in polish is Rada Europejska

European Currency Unit in polish is europejska jednostka monetarna

European Free Trade Association in polish is Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Wolnego Handlu

evade responsibility in polish is uchylać się od odpowiedzialności

evade sth, weasel out of sth in polish is wymigiwać się od czegoś

evade tax in polish is uchylać się od płacenia podatków

evade tax in polish is uchylać się od płacenia podatków

evaporate in polish is odparować

evaporate in polish is parować

evaporate in polish is wywietrzeć

evaporate, leak in polish is ulatniać (się)

evaporate, ward off, refute in polish is odparowywać/odparować

evaporation in polish is parowanie

evaporation, vaporisation in polish is odparowanie

evasion, runaway, playground in polish is wybieg

evasive in polish is wykrętny

evasive in polish is wymijający

evasive, non-committal in polish is wymijający

even (number) in polish is parzysty

even number in polish is liczba parzysta

even, uniform in polish is równomierny

eventually in polish is koniec końców

eventually in polish is z czasem

every five weeks/months/years in polish is co pięć tygodni/miesięcy/lat

every other day in polish is co drugi dzień

evict in polish is wyeksmitować

evict in polish is wykwarterować

evict, displace in polish is wysiedlać /ić

eviction, expulsion in polish is eksmisja

evidence in polish is dowody

evidence in polish is oznaka

evident in polish is jawny

evil, devil in polish is licho

evildoer, villain, wrong-doer in polish is złoczyńca

evoke in polish is wywołać emocję

evolutionary in polish is rozwojowy

exact, correct, right in polish is trafny

exaggerate in polish is wyolbrzymiać /mić

exaggerated in polish is przesadny

exaggeration in polish is przesada

examine, have a look around in polish is oglądać /obejrzeć

excavations in polish is wykopaliska

excavator in polish is koparka

exceed the speaking limit in polish is przekroczyć czas przemówienie

exceed the speed limit in polish is przekroczyć dopuszczalną prędkość

exceed the time limit in polish is przekrocić czas przemówienie

excellent in polish is celujący

excellent in polish is wyborny

excellent in polish is zawołany

except in polish is prócz

exception to the rule in polish is wyjątek od reguły

excess (a freak of nature) in polish is wybryk (natury)

excessive in polish is zbytni

excessive fuel consumption in polish is przepał

excessive, stiff (price) in polish is wygórowany

excessively in polish is nader

exchange, conversation in polish is zamiana

exchangeable in polish is zamienny

excipient in polish is zaro/bka

excise tax in polish is akcyza

excitable in polish is pobudliwy

excited molecule in polish is cząsteczka wzbudzona

exclamation in polish is wykrzyknik

exclamatory in polish is wykrzyknikowy

exclusive in polish is wyłączny

excrement, faeces in polish is odchody

excrement, stool in polish is kał

excretory system in polish is wydalniczy (układ -)

excruciating pain in polish is rozdzirający (ból -)

excursion, trip in polish is wycieczka

excusable in polish is wybaczalny

excuse, forgive in polish is wybaczać /-yć

excuse, justification, excuse note (school) in polish is usprawiedliwienie

excuse, justify in polish is usprawiedliwać /wić

executioner, hangman in polish is kat

executive in polish is wykonawczy

executive committee in polish is komitet wykonawczy

executive manager in polish is dyrektor naczelny

executive power, the executive in polish is władza wykonawcza

exemplary sentence in polish is przykładna kara

exemplary, model in polish is popisowy

exemplary, model in polish is wzorowy

exempt (from taxes) in polish is zwolniony (od podatku)

exempt from duty in polish is zwolnić od cło

exemption, exclusion in polish is wyłączenie

exercise bike in polish is rower treningowy

exercise book, notebook in polish is zeszyt

exercise one's right in polish is wykonywać swoje prawo

exert o.s. in polish is biednić się

exert o.s. in polish is silić się

exert o.s. in polish is wytężać się

exert pressure on in polish is nacisk (wywierać/wywrzeć - na+acc)

exhaust in polish is wydech

exhaust in polish is wydmuch

exhaust fan in polish is ekshaustor

exhaust fumes in polish is spaliny

exhaust gas in polish is gazy spalinowe

exhaust pipe in polish is rura wydechowa

exhaust pipe, tailpipe in polish is wydechowa (rura -)

exhibit in polish is exponat

exhibit (trial) in polish is dowód rzeczowy

exhibition goods in polish is eksponat

exile in polish is emigracja przymusowa

exile in polish is wyganiec

exile in polish is wygnanie

exile in polish is zsyłać

exile (person) in polish is zesłaniec

exile, life of crime in polish is banicja

exit visa in polish is wiza wyjazdowa

exorbitance in polish is zdzierstwo

expanse in polish is przestworze

expansion in polish is rozprężanie

expect in polish is spodziewać się

expect sth in polish is nastawiać się na coś

expect, wait in polish is czekać /za-

expectantly, with anticipation in polish is wyczekująco

expedition, trousseau in polish is wyprawa

expel (from school), excrete in polish is wydalać /ić

expel from school in polish is wydalić z szkoły

expel, banish in polish is wygnać

expense, expenditure in polish is rozchód

expense, outlay in polish is wydatek

experience in polish is doznawać /doznać

experience in polish is przeżycie

experienced, familiar, well-mannered in polish is obyty

experienced, knowledgeable, travelled in polish is bywały

experiment in polish is doświadczenie

experimental in polish is doświadczalny

expert in polish is rzeczoznawcza

expert in polish is znawca czegoś

expert opinion in polish is orzeczenie biegłe

expert, practised in polish is wprawny

expiration in polish is wygaśnięcie

expiration date in polish is data wygaśnieniu

expiration of a mandate in polish is wygaśnienia mandatu

expired in polish is przeterminowy

expiry date in polish is data upływu ważności

expiry date in polish is data wygaśnięcia

explain oneself in polish is tłumaczyć się /prze-

explanatory statement in polish is uzasadnienie

exploitation in polish is wyzysk

explorer, spotlight in polish is szperacz

explosive, hot-tempered in polish is wybuchowy

export in polish is wywóz

export duty in polish is wywozowe (cło -)

export license in polish is zezwolenie wywozu

expose o.s. in polish is narażać się

expose, bare, reveal in polish is odsłaniać /odsłonić

exposed (to,risk) in polish is narażonym (być _ na ryzyko)

exposure in polish is naświetlanie

express consent in polish is wyraźna zgoda

express o.s. in polish is wyrazić się

express o.s. in polish is wysławiać się /wysłowić

express, swear in polish is wyrażać się

expression, phrase in polish is wyrażenie

expressive, distinct (nose, cheek) in polish is wyrazisty

expressiveness, clarity in polish is wyrazistość

expropriation in polish is zagarnięcie

expulsion, dismissal in polish is wydalenie

exquisite in polish is wykwintny

exquisite in polish is wytworny

extended family in polish is dalsza rodzina

extended, outstretched in polish is wyciągnięty

extension cord in polish is przedłużacz

extension cord, 2-3-way adapter in polish is rozgałęziacz

extension ladder in polish is drabina wysuwana

extension number (phone) in polish is numer wewnętrzny

extensive, spacious in polish is obszerny

extensive, wide, broad in polish is rozległy

extensively in polish is obszernie

extenuating circumstances in polish is okoliczności łagodzące

extermination, annihilation in polish is zagłada

extinct volcano in polish is wygasły wulkan

extinct, deserted in polish is wymarły

extinction in polish is wyginięcie

extortion, blackmail in polish is wymuszenie

extract a tooth in polish is wyrywać ząb

extract, abstract in polish is wypis

extract, mine, to get out in polish is wydobywać /wydobyć

extraction gallery in polish is chodnik eksploatacyjny

extraction solvent in polish is ekstrahent

extramarital affair in polish is romans pozamałżeński

Extraordinary General Meeting in polish is Nadzwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie

extraordinary, remarkable in polish is nietuzinkowy

extravagance in polish is rozrzutność

extreme in polish is krańcowy

exuberant, abundant in polish is bujny

exuberant, wild, exaggerated in polish is wybujały

exudation in polish is wysięk

eye blink, split second in polish is oka mgnienie

eye socket in polish is oczodół

eyeball in polish is gałka oczna

eyeball, knob, scoop (ice cream) in polish is gałka

eyebrow(s) in polish is brew, brwi

eye-catching in polish is przyciągający wzrok

eyehole in polish is judasz

eyelash in polish is rzęsa

eye-lid in polish is powieka

eyeliner in polish is konturówka do powiek

eyepiece in polish is okular

eyes (slang) in polish is gały*

eyes (slang) in polish is oczęta*

eyes (slang) in polish is patrzały*

eyes red from crying. in polish is oczy czerwone od płaczu.

eyes wide open in polish is oczy szeroko otwarte

eyeshadow in polish is cień do powiek

eyesore in polish is brzydactwo

eyesore, an abomination in polish is szkarada

eyewitness in polish is naoczny świadek

eyewitness in polish is świadek naoczny

fabric in polish is tkanina

fabricate sth in polish is wyssać coś z palca

fabulous in polish is bajeczny

face a charge in polish is odpowiadać na zarzuty

face s.o./turn one's back on s.o. in polish is obrócić się do kogoś przodem/tylem

face the facts in polish is patrzeć prawdzie w oczy

face, kiss, mouth* in polish is buzia

face-lift in polish is lifting twarzy

facetious in polish is żartobliwy

facial hair in polish is zarost

facilities in polish is udogodnienia

facilities (payment _) in polish is udogodnienie (płatnicze)

fact-finding committee in polish is wyjaśniająca (komisja -)

factor in polish is czynnik

factor, multiplier (math.) in polish is mnożnik

factually, business-like, to the point in polish is rzeczowo

fad in polish is nowinka

fad, whim in polish is zachcianka

fade (away) in polish is płowieć

fade away in polish is zwiędnąć

fade, die away, quiet down in polish is cichnąć

faded in polish is spłowiały

faded in polish is wyblakły

faded in polish is zwiędły

faggot* in polish is ciota

fail in polish is omieszkać

fail, be killed in polish is polec

fail, flunk an exam in polish is oblać egzamin

failure in polish is niewydolność

failure to appear in polish is niestawiennictwo

faint in polish is mdleć ze/

faint in polish is omdlały

faint in polish is zemdleć

faint (light), slender (chance, hope) in polish is nikły

faint, dim, vague in polish is niewyraźny

fainting in polish is zemdlenie

fair in polish is jarmark

fair price in polish is godziwa (cena _)

fair words butter no parsnips in polish is cacanka (obiecanka _ a głupiemu radość)

fairly good-looking in polish is nieszpetny

fairy tale, fib in polish is bajoczka

faith healer in polish is uzdrowiciel

fake in polish is podrabiany

fake in polish is upozorowywać

fake in polish is upozorowywać

fake an injury. in polish is udać rannego

fake v. in polish is fingować

fake, trashy in polish is bublowaty

falcon in polish is sokół

falcon, hawk in polish is jastrząb

fall in polish is upadek

fall (down), rain in polish is padać, upadać /upaść

fall asleep in polish is usnąć

fall down in polish is powalić się

fall into a reverie in polish is rozmarzyć się

fall into arrears, be behind in polish is zalegać z czymś)

fall off, break away in polish is odpadać

fall on deaf ears in polish is próźnię (trafić w -)

fall out of love with s.o. in polish is odkochiwać/ odkochać się w kimś

fall out with s.o. in polish is poróżnić się z kimś

fall prey to in polish is paść łupem

fall prey to sb in polish is łupem(paść - kogoś)

fall silent, calm down in polish is uciszać się

fall to one's knees in polish is obsuwać się/obsunąć na kolana

fall to pieces, collapse in polish is rozpadać się

fall, inheritance in polish is spadek

fall, rush in polish is wpadać /wpaść

fallen, bankrupt (to the bitter end) in polish is upadły (do upadłego)

fallopian tube in polish is jajowód

fallow, idle land in polish is ugór

familiar, intimate in polish is zażyły

Familiarity breeds contempt in polish is Poufałość rądzi pogardę

familiarity with sth in polish is obycie z czymś

family man in polish is dzieciaty (człowiek _)

fan in polish is wachlować (się)

fanatic in polish is oszołom

fancy, "itch", whim in polish is chętka

fancy-dress ball in polish is reduta

FAO in polish is Organizacja do spraw Wyżwienia i Rolnictwa

far from the truth in polish is dalekie (od prawdy)

farewell address in polish is pożegnalna

far-fetched in polish is naciągany

farina in polish is mączka

farm hand in polish is rataj

farm hands in polish is czeladź folwarcza

farm handś living quarters in polish is czworak

farm out in polish is zlecać pracę na zewnątrz

farmer (carpinthiam Mts.) in polish is gazda

farm-hand in polish is parobek

farming subsidies in polish is dotowanie rolnictwe

farmland in polish is uprawne (pole _)

Faroe Islands in polish is Wyspy Owcze

far-sighted, provident in polish is zapobiegliwy

farsightedness in polish is dalekowzroczność

fart in polish is bengal***

fart (vulgar), stink up in polish is pierdzieć

fashion show in polish is pokaz mody

fast in polish is pościć

fast in polish is post

fast lane in polish is lewy pas

fasten seatbelts in polish is zapiąć pasy

fasten, fix, secure in polish is przymocować

fasten, hitch in polish is umocować

fasten, nail in polish is przybić

fasten, pin up in polish is spinać

fastener, paper clip in polish is spinacz

fastidious, particular in polish is wyredny

fast-selling, in demand in polish is chodliwy

fast-track, accelerated in polish is przyspieszony

fat in polish is gruby

fat in polish is spasły

fat, grease in polish is okrasa

father-in-law in polish is teść

fatigue, pain, torment in polish is męka

fatigues in polish is moro

fatso in polish is grubas

fatten in polish is spaść

fatty tissue in polish is tłuszczowa (tkanka -)

fatty* in polish is tłuścioch

fault (St. Andrews -) in polish is uskok (św. Andrzeja)

fault, defect in polish is wada

favor in polish is sprzyjać

favor s.o. in polish is sprzyjać komuś

favorable in polish is przychylny

favour, grace, clemency, mercy in polish is łaska

favouritism in polish is faworyzowanie

fawn in polish is płowy

fawn on so in polish is łasić się do kogoś

fawn upon sb in polish is płaszczyć się (przed kimś)

fear of sth in polish is obawa przed czymś

fear, terror in polish is bojaźń f.

feasibility study in polish is analiza wykonalności

feasibility test in polish is test wykalności

feasibility, practicability in polish is wykonalność

feast, banquet in polish is uczta

feather bed in polish is pierzyna

feathers in polish is pierze pl.

feature, quality in polish is cecha

feature, trait in polish is rys

Fee Office in polish is Kwestura

feebleminded in polish is pośledzony

feed in polish is żywić

feed, fodder in polish is pasza

feedback in polish is sprężenie zwrotne

feedback in polish is sprzężenie zwrotne

feeder, feeding mechanism in polish is podajnik

feedlot in polish is tuczarnia bydła

feel at home in polish is swoisko (czuć się -)

feel blue in polish is czuć się przybitym/przegranem

feel blue in polish is przegranym (czuć się -)

feel blue in polish is przybitym (czuć się -)

feel disgust, loathe in polish is brzydzić się

feel down in polish is czuć się przygnębnionym

feel free in polish is Czuć się swobodnie

feel guilty in polish is poczuwać się do winy

feel low in polish is mętnie (czuć się -)

feel nostalgia in polish is cnić się

feel, finger in polish is macać

feel, finger in polish is obmacać

feel, grope for in polish is wymacać perf.

feel, look younger in polish is odmłodnieć

feeling for rhythm in polish is wyczucie rytmu

feeling for the language in polish is wyczucie językowe

feldspar in polish is skaleń

feline in polish is koci

fell (a tree) in polish is ściąć (drzewo)

fell indignant about sth in polish is oburzać się na coś

fell trees in polish is ścinać drzewa

fell, chop down (tree) in polish is ścinać (drzewo)

fell, smell in polish is czuć /po-

fellow man, creature in polish is bliźni

felony, crime, misdemeanor in polish is występek

felt in polish is filc

felt in polish is pilśń f.

felt in polish is wojłok

felt-tip pen in polish is pisak

female performer in polish is odtwórczyni

femur, thigh-bone in polish is kość udowa

fence in polish is ogradzać

fence in polish is parkan

fence in polish is paser

fence in polish is płot

fence, enclosure in polish is ogrodzenie

fencer in polish is szermierz

fencing in polish is szermierka

fencing in polish is szrmierka

fender bender, broken glass, breakage in polish is stłuczka

fender, bumper post in polish is odbój

fender, mudguard in polish is błotnik

fennel in polish is koper włoski

fern in polish is paproć f.

ferric in polish is żelazowy

ferrous in polish is żelazawy


For the terms may also exist other translation definitions and meanings, the translation meaning and definition indicated above are indicative not be used for medical and legal or special purposes.


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