How to say in polish and what it means




How to say in polish and what it means


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How to say in polish and what it means


ferry(boat) in polish is prom

fertile in polish is płodny

fertile in polish is żyzny

fertile, good (year) in polish is urodzajny

fertilisation in polish is nawożenie

fertilise in polish is użyźniać

fertilise in polish is zapładniać /zapłodnić

fertilise, enrich the soil in polish is użyźniać

fertiliser, manure in polish is nawozić

festive, holiday (mood) in polish is świąteczny

festivities in polish is obchody

fetch (another), supply in polish is dostawiać /dostawić

fetch! (dog) in polish is aport!

fetters, chains in polish is pęta

feudal in polish is lenny

fiancé in polish is narzecony

fibre in polish is włóknik

fibre in polish is włókno

fiction, fancy, illusion in polish is urojenie

fiction, invention in polish is wymusł

fictitious in polish is zmyślony

fiddlesticks! in polish is austriacki gadanie

fiduciary, trustee in polish is powierniczy

field of vision in polish is pole widzenia

fierce, cruel in polish is srogi

fierce, vehement in polish is zaźarty

fiercely in polish is zażarcie

fiery, ardent in polish is ognisty

fifty-fifty in polish is pół na pół

fight in polish is bić się /po-

fight off, refute in polish is odpierać /odeprzeń

fight tooth and nail in polish is zawzięcie (walcić _)

fight with malnutrition in polish is dożywianie

fight, brawl in polish is bijatyka

fighter plane, pilot in polish is myśliwiec

fighter, militant in polish is bojownik

fighting spirit in polish is bojowy (duch _)

figure of a person, waist in polish is kibić f.

figure skating in polish is jazda figurowa na lodzie

figure skating in polish is łyziarstwo figurowe

figure skating in polish is łyżwiarstwo figurowe

file in polish is pilnik

file in polish is skoroszyt

file documents in polish is archiwizować dokumenty

filibustering in polish is obstrukcja parlamentarna

filing cabinet in polish is szafa na akta

filing card in polish is fiszka

filing clerk in polish is archiwista

fill her up! in polish is pełen bak proszę!

fill the tank in polish is zatankować do pełna

Fill the tank with unleaded, please in polish is bezołowiową do pełna, proszę!

fill up (with feelings, panic, wonder) in polish is napawać

fill up, inspire in polish is napełniać/napełnić

fill with smoke in polish is nadymić

fill, pour into in polish is nalewać /nalać

fillet of venison, saddle of mutton, haunch (deer) in polish is comber

filling (candy), stuffing (meat) in polish is nadzienie

filter (chem.) in polish is sączek

filth in polish is brud

filthy man, slut, pervert in polish is brudas

filthy, foul, obscene in polish is plugawy

fin in polish is statecznik pionowy

fin (fish), flipper in polish is płetwa

fin (plane) in polish is statecznik kierunkowy

final draft in polish is czystopis

final port of cal in polish is port przeznaczenia

financial statement, Treasurer's report in polish is sprawozdanie finansowe

find in polish is zastawać /zastać

find fault with, cling, stick in polish is czepiać się/czepić się

find out in polish is dowiadywać się /dowiedzeć się

find solace in sth in polish is ukojenie (znaleźć - w czymś)

finder in polish is znalazca

findings in polish is ustalenia

fine in polish is mandat karny

fine, delicate, elaborate in polish is misterny

fine, good in polish is udatny

fine, penalty in polish is grzywna

fine, powdered in polish is miałki

fine-tip felt pen in polish is cienkopis

fingernail, toenail in polish is paznokieć

finger-print, corn in polish is odcisk palca

fingerprints in polish is papilarne (linie -)

fingertips in polish is opuszki palców

finish one's drink in polish is dopić/dopijać

finish saying in polish is domówić/domawiać

finishing line in polish is meta

finishing touches in polish is wykończeniowe (prace _)

finite verb in polish is odmienna forma czasownika

Finn in polish is Fin -ka

fins in polish is płetwy

fir tree in polish is jodła

fire hose, fire engine in polish is sikawka

fire insurance in polish is asekuracja od ognia

fire sb in polish is zwolnić kogoś z pracy

fire station in polish is remiza strażacka

fire! in polish is ognia!

fire! in polish is pali się!

fire, launch, riposte* in polish is odpalać/ić

fire/expel from school in polish is wyrzucić kogoś z pracy/szkoły

fire-arms in polish is broń palna

fire-extinguisher in polish is gaśnica

firefly, glow-worm, skylight in polish is świetlik

fire-hose nozzle, water jet in polish is prądownica

fireman in polish is strażak

fireplace in polish is kominek

fire-proof in polish is ogniotrwały

firewood in polish is drwa

fireworks in polish is ognie sztuczne

fir-grove in polish is jedlina

firing squad in polish is pluton egzekucyjny

firmament in polish is sklepienie niebieskie

first aid in polish is pierwsza pomoc

first aid in polish is punkt opatrunkowy

first aid kit in polish is apteczka podręczna

first aid kit, medicine cabinet in polish is apteczka

first degree burn in polish is oparzenie pierwszego stopnia

first draft, rough copy in polish is brudnopis

first rate, prime, select in polish is wyborowy

first-aid kit in polish is apteczka samochodowa

firstborn in polish is pierworodny

first-hand, original in polish is źródłowy

first-rate in polish is pierwszorzędny

first-year (student) in polish is pierwszoklasista (uczeń -)

fiscal charge in polish is obciążenie podatkowe

fish sticks in polish is paluszki rybne

fisherman in polish is poławiacz

fish-farm in polish is gospodarstwo rybne

fishing fleet in polish is flota rybacka

fishing line in polish is węda

fishing net in polish is sieć rybacka

fishing pole in polish is wędka

fishing rod in polish is wędka

fishing, catch in polish is połów

fishpond in polish is staw rybny

fission (bomb) in polish is rozszczepienowa (bomba _)

fist in polish is pięść f.

fist fight in polish is rękoczyn

fist, punch in polish is kułak

fistula in polish is przetoka

fit into in polish is mieścić się /z-

fit, proper in polish is należyty

fitness (physical) in polish is tężyzna (fizyczna)

fitness club in polish is odnowy (centrum -)

fitness, capability in polish is zdatność

fitness, efficiency in polish is sprawność

fitter in polish is monter

fitting-room in polish is przymierzalnia

fix a term in polish is wyznaczać termin

fix one's eyes on s.o. in polish is utkwić wzrok w kimś

fix one's eyes on s.o. in polish is wlepiać w kogoś wzrok

fixed capital in polish is kapitał trwały

fixed capital in polish is majątek trwały

fixed deposit in polish is lokata o stałym oprocentowaniu

fixed interest in polish is odsetki stale

fixed term in polish is ustalony okres

fixed yield investment in polish is inwestycja o stałym oprocentowaniu

fixed, fast in polish is umocowany

fixture in polish is osprzęt

fixtures and fittings in polish is armatura i wyposażenie

fizzle out, fade, subside in polish is wygasać /nąć

flabby in polish is sflaczały

flabby, slack, slender in polish is wiotki

flag of convenience in polish is bandera tania

flag, banner in polish is chorągiew

flagellum in polish is wić

flagship in polish is statek flagowy

flagstaff, shaft of spear in polish is drzewce

flake, peel (off) in polish is złuszczać się

flaky, scaly in polish is łuskowaty

flamethrower in polish is miotacz ognia

flan in polish is placek z owocami

flange in polish is kryza

flank (thin _) in polish is łata

flank, sirloin, brisket in polish is szponder

flap in polish is patka

flap in polish is trzepotać

flare in polish is raca

flare in polish is rakieta oświetlająca

flare pistol in polish is rakietnica

flare up, get mad in polish is zaperzyć się

flash in polish is flesz

flash in polish is lampa błyskowa

flash (bad taste) in polish is pstry

flash in the pan in polish is słomiany ogień

flash, flare in polish is błysk

flashlight in polish is latarka elektryczna

flashlight in polish is podpałka

flashlight, torch in polish is latarka

flashy, fancy in polish is efekiarski

flask in polish is kolba

flat in polish is płaski

flat (music) in polish is bemol

flat (uniform) price in polish is jednolita (cena)

flat dumplings stuffed with cheese in polish is pierogi ruskie

flatmate, roommate in polish is współlokator

flatten out, humble someone in polish is spłaszczyć

flatter in polish is pochlebiać

flatter, gratify in polish is schlebiać

flatterer in polish is chwalca

flatterer in polish is pochlebca

flattering, complimentary in polish is pochlebny

flattery in polish is pochlebstwo

flatulence in polish is wzdęcie

flavoring, spicing, seasoning in polish is przyprawianie

flaw, snag* in polish is feier

flax in polish is len

flea in polish is pchła

flee, disappear in polish is pierzchać

flee, run away in polish is uciekać /uciec

fleece in polish is runo

fleeting, transient in polish is przelotny

flesh-colored in polish is cielisty

fleshtights in polish is cieliste (trykoty _)

flex (muscle), tighten in polish is napinać/napiąć

flex one's muscles in polish is napinać mięśnie

flex one's muscles in polish is prężyć się /na-

flexibility in polish is gibkość

flexible in polish is gibki

flexible hose in polish is giętki wąż

flexible, nimble in polish is giętki

flicker of hope in polish is płomyk nadziei

flight of capital in polish is ucieczka kapitału

flight of stairs in polish is bieg schodowy

flight recorder, black box in polish is czarna skrzynka

flight schedule in polish is rozkład lotów

fling, hurl in polish is ciskać/cisknąć

flint in polish is krzemień

flip through a magazine in polish is przerzucać czasopismo

flip-flops in polish is japonki

flirt, philanderer in polish is bałamut

flirtation, romance in polish is amory

flirtation,. courtship in polish is umizgi pl.

float, drift in polish is unosić się

flog, whip in polish is chłostać, wy-

flood in polish is powódź f.

flood in polish is rozlew

flooded, drunk in polish is zalany

flood-gate in polish is brama powodziowa

floodgate, bleeding, drain in polish is upust

flooding the engine in polish is zalanie silnika

floodlight in polish is naświetlacz

floor board in polish is deska podłogowa

floor finish, fitted carpet in polish is wykładzina podłogowa

floppy disc in polish is dyskietka

flora in polish is roślinność

flotation in polish is urochomienie

flounder in polish is flądra

flourish in polish is zakrętas

flow and ebb, tide in polish is przpływ i odpływ

flow away, drain (salad) in polish is odciekać

flow chart in polish is schemat blokowy

flow of current in polish is przepływ prądu

flow of words in polish is potok słów

flowerbed in polish is kwietnik

flower-pot in polish is doniczka

flowery (style) in polish is kwiecisty (styl _)

fluent, flowing in polish is potoczysty

fluent, proficient in polish is biegły 2

fluff up, loosen, cultivate in polish is spulchniać/spulchnić

fluff, down in polish is puch

fluffy in polish is puszysty

fluid, liquid in polish is ciekły

fluorescent lamp in polish is jarzeniówka

fluorescent lamp in polish is świetlówka

fluoride in polish is fluorek

flush handle in polish is uchwyt spłuczki

flush the toilet in polish is spuszczać wodę

flutter, wobble, shimmy in polish is trzepotanie

fly in polish is fruwać

fly in polish is latać, lecieć /po-

fly in polish is mucha

fly (zipper) in polish is rozporek

fly a flag in polish is rozwijać sztandary

fly away, escape, leak out in polish is ulatywać się /uleciec

fly away, fly about in polish is frunąć

fly into a rage in polish is wpadać we wściekłość

fly past in polish is przelatywać /przelecieć

fly swatter in polish is packa

fly up, soar in polish is ulatać

flying saucer in polish is latający spodek

flyover, overpass, wharf in polish is estakada

flytrap in polish is muchołapka

flywheel in polish is koła zamachowe

flywheel in polish is koło zamachowe

flywheel in polish is zamachowe (koło -)

FM (frequency modulation) in polish is UKF (ultrakrótkie fale)

foal in polish is źrebak

foam in polish is pianka

foam at the mouth in polish is piany na ustach (dostać _)

foam mattress in polish is karimata

foam, sparkle in polish is pienić

foamed polystyrene in polish is styropian

foamy in polish is spieniony

focus in polish is nastawiać na ostrość

focus in polish is nastawiać ostrość

focus in polish is ogniskowa

focus in polish is ogniskować

focus on in polish is skupiać się na

focus, concentrate in polish is zogniskować

fodder in polish is obrok

fodder in polish is pastewny

fog (light) in polish is przeciwmgielny

fog lights in polish is światła przeciwmgłowe

fold (wrinkle) in polish is fałd

fold in four in polish is czworo (składać we _)

fold, crease, plait in polish is fałda

folding chair in polish is fotelik (składany)

folding machine in polish is falcówka

folds, furrows of the brain in polish is bruzdy mózgu

follow advice in polish is usłuchać rady

follow like sheep in polish is owczym pędem (podążać _)

follow s.o. with one's eyes in polish is odprowadzać kogoś wzrokiem

fond of sb in polish is przychylny komuś

fondle, pamper, be meticulous in polish is cackać (się)

font in polish is czcionko

food in polish is strawa

food and drinks in polish is poczęstunek

food chain in polish is łancuch pokarmowy

food poisoning in polish is zatrucie pokarmowe

food traditionally blessed in church before Easter in polish is święconka

fool in polish is durzyć

fool in polish is pozorować

fool around, play the fool in polish is wygłupiać się

foolish, silly in polish is durny

foot brake in polish is hamulec nożny

foot the bill in polish is uiszczać rachunek

foot the bill in polish is uiszczać rachunek

foothold in polish is zaczepienia (punkt -)

footlights in polish is rampa

footnote in polish is dopisek

footnote in polish is przypis

footnote, reference in polish is odnośnik

foot-operated in polish is nożny

footpath in polish is ścieżka

footstool in polish is podnóżek

footwear in polish is obuwie

for a fee in polish is odpłatnie

for good in polish is amen (na -)

for life in polish is dożywocie (na _)

for life, until death in polish is dozgonnie

for the time being in polish is na razie

for the umpteenth time in polish is enty (po raz -)

for the umpteenth time in polish is n-ty (po raz -)

forbid in polish is zabraniać

forced in polish is wymuszony

forced landing in polish is lądowanie przymusowe

force-feed in polish is karmić na siłę

forcible entry in polish is wtargnięcie siłą

ford in polish is bród (na rzece)

forearm in polish is przedramię

foreboding in polish is przeczucie

forefinger, index finger in polish is palec wskazujący

forefront, front page, credits (film) in polish is czołówka

foreign influence in polish is cudzoziemszczyzna

foreign lands, exile in polish is obczyzna

Foreign Legion in polish is Legia Cudzoziemska

foreman in polish is brygadzista

foreman in polish is majster

foreman in polish is mistrz

foreman (mine) in polish is sztygar

forensic examination, post-mortem, autopsy in polish is obdukcja

forensic science in polish is nauki sądowe

foresight in polish is przezorność

foreskin in polish is napletek

forest in polish is bór

forest ranger in polish is leśniczy

foretaste in polish is przedsmak

forethought in polish is zapobiegliwość

forfeit of security in polish is przepadek kaucji

forge in polish is kuć

forge, falsify in polish is podrabiać

forge, sculpture, sculpt, cut in polish is wykuwać /wykuć

forge, smithy in polish is kuźnia

forged, counterfeit in polish is podrobiony

forger in polish is fałszerz

Forget about it. in polish is Wybij to sobie z głowy.

forgetful in polish is zapominalski

forget-me-not in polish is niezapominajka

forget-me-not, daisy in polish is stokrotka

forging in polish is kucie

forging in polish is kuźnictwo

fork (road) in polish is odgałęzienie

fork in the road in polish is rozwidlenie dróg

fork-lift truck in polish is podnośnik widłowy

form a partnership in polish is zawiązywać spółkę z kimś

form an alliance in polish is sprzymierzyć się

form of government in polish is ustrój

form of words in polish is sposób wyrażenie

form, leaflet in polish is druczek

formation flight in polish is lot w szyku

forthcoming in polish is nadchodzący

fortifications in polish is umocnienia

fortified in polish is warowny

fortune teller in polish is wróżbita., wróżka

fortune teller, soothsayer in polish is wróżbiarz (-rka)

fortune, lot in polish is dola

fortune-teller in polish is wrźbiarz

fortune-teller (cards) in polish is kabalerka

forward bend (exercise) in polish is skłon

forward operation in polish is operacja terminowa

forwarding agent in polish is spedytor

forwarding, shipping in polish is wysyłka

fossil in polish is skamielina

fossil in polish is skamieniałość

fossil fuels in polish is kopalnialne (paliwo _)

fossil, antediluvian, obsolete* in polish is przedpotopowy

fossilised in polish is skamieniały

fossilized, numb in polish is skostniały

foster child in polish is przysposobione (dziecko -)

foster child in polish is wychowanek

foster home in polish is dom zastępczy

foster, adoptive, assumed (name) in polish is przybrany

foul weather in polish is szaruga

foul-mouthed, pert, cheeky in polish is pyskaty

foundation (make-up) in polish is podkład (pod makijaż)

founder in polish is zalożyciel

foundry in polish is odlewnia

foundryman in polish is odlewnik

fountain, waterspout in polish is wodotrysk

fox in polish is lis

foxglove in polish is naparstnia

fraction, fragment in polish is ułamek

fracture in polish is złamanie

fragile, brittle, crisp in polish is kruchy

fragment in polish is urywek

fragment, (żelażny) bar in polish is łom

fragmentary in polish is wycinkowy

fragmentary, fractional, horizontal in polish is ułamkowy

fragrance in polish is woń f.

fragrant in polish is wonny

frail in polish is słabowity

frail, flimsy in polish is wątły

frame (door, window) in polish is futryna

frame (picture, glasses), binding (book) in polish is oprawa

frame of mind in polish is samopoczucie

frame sb in polish is wrabiać kogoś

framework in polish is zrąb

franchise holder in polish is ajent

fraud in polish is szalbierstwo

fraudulent in polish is oszukańczy

fraudulent bankruptcy in polish is złośliwy bankrut

fray (material) in polish is strzępić

fray one's nerves in polish is zszarpać komuś nerwy

freak in polish is dziwoląg

freckled in polish is piegowaty

freckles in polish is piegi

free gift in polish is upominek

free gift in polish is upominek

free trade area in polish is obszar wolnoclowy

free trade area in polish is strefa wolnego handlu

free translation in polish is dowolny (przekład -)

free, set free in polish is uwalniać /uwolnić

freedom of assembly in polish is wolność zgromadzeń

freedom of assembly in polish is wolność zrzeszania się

freedom of establishment in polish is wolność przedsiębiorczości

freedom of expression in polish is wypowiedzi (wolność _)

freedom of movement in polish is swoboda przepływu kapitału (osób/towaru/usług)

freedom of movement in polish is wolność poruszanie się

freelance in polish is niezależny

freelancer in polish is strzelec (wolny -)

freeze, set in polish is zastygać /nąć

freezer in polish is zamrażarka

freezer compartment in polish is zamrażalnik

frequency band in polish is pasmo częstotliwości

frequent, repeated in polish is częsty

fresh/sea water in polish is woda słodka/morska

fresh-water in polish is słodkowodny

fret, worry in polish is psuć sobie krwi

friction in polish is cierny

friction in polish is tarcie

friction, attack in polish is natarcie

fried egg in polish is sadzone (jajko -)

fried eggs in polish is jaja sadzone

fried food stand in polish is smażalnia

friend or foe? in polish is swój czy obcy?

friendly game in polish is towarzyski (mecz -)

frieze in polish is fryz

frightened in polish is wylękniony

frightened, intimidated in polish is przelękły

frightful in polish is przerażliwy

frigid in polish is oziębły

frigidity in polish is oziębłość

frill in polish is falbanka

frills, luxury in polish is zbytek

fringe benefits in polish is dodatkowe świadczenia

frisk in polish is obszukiwać

frisk, dance in polish is hasać

frisky in polish is rozbrykany

frolic in polish is dokazywać/dokazać

frolic, romp in polish is baraszkować

frolicking in polish is swawolny

from above in polish is sponad

from above in polish is znad+gen

from afar, by remote control in polish is zdalnie

from among in polish is spomiędzy

from before in polish is sprzed

from behind in polish is spoza

from dawn to dusk in polish is od świtu do zmierzchu

from day to day (stopniowo) in polish is dzień (z - na -)

from everywhere in polish is zewsząd

from head to foot in polish is od stóp do głów

from head to toe in polish is czubka (od _ głowy do pięt)

from out of town in polish is zamiejscowy

from pillar to post in polish is Annasz (od -a do Kajfasza)

from there in polish is stamtąd

from way back in polish is dawien dawna (z _)

frontal lobe in polish is płat czołowy

frostbite, defrosting in polish is odmrożenie

frosty in polish is mrożny

frosty in polish is oszroniony

froth, foam in polish is piana

frown, knit one's brow in polish is chmurzyć czoło

frozen in polish is zamarznięty

frozen assets in polish is aktywa zamrożone

frozen food in polish is mrożonki

fruit drop in polish is landrynka

fruit jelly in polish is kisiel

fruit-farmer in polish is sadownik

fruit-filled dumplings in polish is knedle

fruitless in polish is bezowocny

frustrate, foil in polish is udaremnić

fryer in polish is fytkownica

frying in polish is smażenie

frying pan in polish is patelnia

frying-pan in polish is brytfanna

fuel in polish is podsycać /-ić

fuel for heating in polish is opał

fuel gauge in polish is paliwomierz

fuel rod in polish is pręt paliwowy

fuel ship in polish is bunkrowiec

fuel tank in polish is zbiornik paliwa

fuel, gasoline, petrol in polish is paliwo

fugitive in polish is uciekinier

fugitive, runaway in polish is zbieg

fulfil an obligation in polish is dopełnić obowiązku

fulfil conditions in polish is odpowiadać warunkom

full (of food), satiated in polish is najedzony

full board in polish is pełne wyżywienie

full cream milk in polish is pełnotłuste (mleko _)

full gallop in polish is cwał

full moon in polish is pełnia

full of trouble, uneasy in polish is frasobliwy

full-blown in polish is rozkwitły

full-time in polish is pełnoetatowy

full-time work in polish is praca w pełnym wymiarze godzin

full-time, half-time in polish is etat (na pełen -, no pół -)

fumes, smells in polish is wyziewy

fumigation in polish is odymianie

functional illiteracy in polish is wtórny (analfabetyzm -)

functionally in polish is czynnościowy

fundamental in polish is podstawowy

fund-raising in polish is zdobywanie pieniędzy

funeral march in polish is żałobny marsz

funeral parlor in polish is zakład pogrzebowy

funeral procession in polish is kondukt

funeral service in polish is uroczystości żałobne

fungicide in polish is grzybobójczy

fungus in polish is grzyb

funnel in polish is lejek

funnel, crater in polish is lej

funny in polish is pocieszny

funny in polish is śmieszny

funny in polish is ucieszny

fur lining in polish is błam

fur** in polish is futerko**

fur, coat in polish is sierść

furious in polish is zacietrzewiony

furniture, installation in polish is urządzenie

furrow, groove, rut in polish is bruzda

furtive, stealthily in polish is ukradkowy

fuse in polish is bezpiecznik (topikowy)

fuse in polish is topikowy (bezpiecznik -)

fuse in polish is wkładka bezpiecznikowa

fuse in polish is zapalnik

fuse (detonating _) in polish is lont (wybuchowy)

fuse blow-out in polish is stopienie bezpiecznika

fuse, melt in polish is stopić (się)

fused, molten in polish is stopiony

fuselage in polish is kadłub samolotu

fuss, fun (what a fuss!) in polish is heca (co za _!)

fuss, petty formalities in polish is ceregiele

futility, flimsiness in polish is marność

G7 in polish is Grupa Siedmu (Wielka Siódemka)

gable roof in polish is dwuspadowy (dach -)

gag (press) in polish is zakneblować

gain speed, accelerate in polish is nabierać prędkości

gain time in polish is zyskać na czasie

gain, rise, increase in polish is zwyżka

gait, walk in polish is chód

gallbladder in polish is pęcherzyk żółciowy

gallery in polish is sztolnia

gallows in polish is szubienica

gallows humor in polish is wisielczy humor

galvanising, tin-coating in polish is cynkowanie

gambler in polish is szuler

gambling in polish is hazard

game in polish is łowna (zwierzyna _)

game (animals) in polish is zwierzyna

gander in polish is gąsior

gang in polish is ka

gangplank, gangway in polish is trap

gangrene in polish is zgorzeł f.

gantry crane in polish is bramownica

gap in polish is luka

gap in polish is prześwit

gap, breach in polish is luy

gap, space in polish is szpara

gap-toothed, jagged in polish is szczerbaty

garbage chute in polish is zsyp

garbage collecting in polish is wywóz śmieci

garbage truck in polish is śmieciarka (samochodowa)

garbage truck, dust cart in polish is śmierciarka

Garden of Eden in polish is rajski ogród

garden shed in polish is altana

gardener in polish is ogrodnik

gargle in polish is płukanie gardło

gargle, bubble in polish is bulgotać

garlic in polish is czosnek

garlic press in polish is wyciskacz do czosnku

garment in polish is szata

garnishing in polish is ozdabianie (potrawy) warzywami

gas burner in polish is palnik gazowy

gas cylinder in polish is butla do gazu

gas cylinder in polish is butla gazowa

gas generator in polish is czadnica

gas mask in polish is maska przeciwgazowa

gas tank in polish is bak

gasket, seal, washer (faucet) in polish is uszczelka

gasp, pant in polish is sapać

gastric ulcer in polish is wrzód żołądka

gastritis in polish is nieżyt żołądka

gate in polish is furtka

gate in polish is wrota

gateway to fame in polish is wrota do sławu

gather momentum in polish is rozmachu (nabierać /nabrać)

gather one's thoughts in polish is zebrać myśli

gather pollen from in polish is zbierać pyłek z

gather round, surround in polish is obstępować/obstąpić

gather, pick, summon in polish is zbierać

gathering in polish is zbiorowisko

gathering and hunting in polish is zbieractwo i łowiectwo

GATT in polish is Układ Ogólny w Spawie Ceł i Handlu

gaudy in polish is krzykliwy

gauge (clearance) in polish is skrajnia

gauge (dial _) in polish is sprawdzian (czujnikowy)

gavel in polish is młotek

gaze, stare at in polish is wpatrywać /wpatrzyć się

GB billion, US trillion in polish is bilion

GDP in polish is PKB - produkt krajowy brutto

gearbox, transmission in polish is skrzynka biegów

Gemini in polish is Bliźnięta

genealogy, lineage, pedigree in polish is rodowód

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in polish is Układ Ogólny w Sprawie Taryf Celnych i Handlu

general assembly in polish is zgromadzenie ogólne

general cargo ship in polish is drobnicowiec

general cargo ship in polish is drobnicownik

general cargo, packed goods in polish is drobnica

General Headquarters in polish is ZG (Zarząd Główny)

general meeting in polish is walne zebranie

general system of preferences in polish is ogólny system preferencji

generalisation in polish is uogólnienie

generalise in polish is uogólniać /uogólnić

generating set in polish is zespół prądotwórczy

generation, procreation in polish is rodzenie

generosity in polish is szczodrość

generosity in polish is wielkiduszność

generous, abundant in polish is szczodry

genital, procreative in polish is reproductive, procreative, genetive

genitive in polish is dopełniacz

gentian in polish is goryczka

gentle as a lamb (as) in polish is baranek (łagodny jak -)

gentleman in polish is jegomość

gentry in polish is szlachta

genuflect, kneel down in polish is uklęknać

genuine in polish is niekłamany

Georgian in polish is Gruzin

geranium in polish is pelargonia

germ, embryo in polish is zalążek

German shepherd in polish is owczarek niemecki

German shepherd, Alsatian in polish is wilczur

germinate in polish is kiełkować

gerrymandering in polish is manipulacja przedwyborcze

get out in polish is wyłazić /wyleźć

get a hold of, captivate in polish is opętać

get all mixed up in polish is pokręcić się

get away with it, get off scot-free in polish is ujść bezkarnie

get bogged, sink in polish is wryć się

get bruised in polish is potłuć się

get by begging in polish is wybłagać

get by on sth in polish is wyżyś z czegoś

get carried away in polish is zagalopać się

get cheaper in polish is tanieć

get cold, freeze in polish is marznąć /z-

get complicated in polish is gamatwać (się)

get dirty in polish is powalać się

get down to brass tacks in polish is przejść do sprawy/konkretów

get down work in polish is zabrać się do pracy

get drunk in polish is upijać się

get drunk* in polish is urżnęć się

get enough sleep in polish is dospać

get enthusiastic about sth in polish is zapalić się do czegoś

get hot, sweat in polish is zgrzać się

get into college in polish is zdać na uniwersitet

get into debt in polish is brnąć w długi

get into debt in polish is popaść w długi

get into trouble in polish is napytać sobie biedy

get involved with s.o. in polish is wiązać się w kimś

get lost in conversation in polish is zagadać się

get lost, lose one's way in polish is zabłądzić perf.

get muddy in polish is błocić

get muddy, (shoes) in polish is zabłocić

get o.s. inhot water in polish is nawarzyć sobie piwa

get off (train, bus) in polish is wysiadać /wysiąść

get off a train in polish is wysiąść do pociągu

get off my back in polish is odchrzań się!

get off my back! in polish is odczep się (ode mnie)!

get on sb's nerves in polish is grać komuś na nerwach

get on/board a train in polish is wsiąść do pociągu

get one's health back in polish is odzuskać zdrowie

get one's own way in polish is dopiąć swego

get one's own way in polish is stawiać na swoim

get out of doing sth in polish is wykpić się od robienia czegoś

get out of hand in polish is rozbestwiać się

get out of s.o.'s way in polish is schodzić komuś z drogi

get out of the wrong side of the bed in polish is wstać lewą nogą

get out! in polish is wynos się!

get over, cope with, negotiate in polish is uporać się

get poor in polish is ubożeć

get rid of in polish is pozbywać się

get run over by a car in polish is dostać się pod koła samochodu

get rusty in polish is zardzewieć

get s.o. out of trouble in polish is wybawiać kogoś z kłopotu

get s.o. out of trouble/water in polish is wyciągać kogoś z kłopoty/wody

get sentimental over in polish is roztkliwiać /wić się nad+instr

get side-tracked, distracted in polish is rozdrabniać się

get soaked in polish is zamakać /zamoknąć

get stale, wither in polish is schnąć /wy-

get sth in one's head in polish is ubzdurać coś sobie

get sth in one's head in polish is wbić sobie coś do głowy

get stoned in polish is zalaś się

get sunburnt in polish is spiec się

get the fuck out* in polish is spierdalać /spierdolić

get tired in polish is nużyć się

get to know sb inside out in polish is beczkę (zjeść z kimś _ soli)

get used to sth in polish is osjawać się z czymś

get wet in polish is zamaczać się

get wet in polish is zmoknąć

get wise! in polish is stuknij się!

geyser (elec., gas) in polish is grzałka

geyser, water heater in polish is piecyk gazowy

ghastly in polish is upiorny

ghost in polish is upir

ghost, spectrum in polish is widmo

giant in polish is wielkolud

gibberish in polish is szwargot

gibe, jeer, scoff in polish is docinek

giblets in polish is dróbka

giggle in polish is chichotać

giggle, chuckle in polish is chichot

gilded, gold-plated in polish is złocony

gill in polish is skrzele

gilt, gold-plated in polish is pozłacany

gilt-edged (prime) securities in polish is pierwszorzędne papiery wartościowe

gilt-edged securities in polish is obligacje państwowe

ginger in polish is imbir

gingerbread in polish is miodownik

gingerbread in polish is piernik

gingivitis in polish is zapalenie dziąseł

gippy tummy in polish is przemarsz wojsk

girder bridge in polish is most belkowy

girlish in polish is dziewczęcy

girłs face, kiss in polish is buziak

give a blow job in polish is ciągnąć druta***

give and take in polish is ustępstwa (wzajemne -)

give away, spend, denounce in polish is wydać

give everyone his share in polish is obdzielić

give evidence in polish is zeznawać

give in to sth, yield to sth in polish is ulegać czemuś

give it s.o. straight in polish is wygarnąć komuś

give notice of strike action in polish is dostarczyć notę strajkowę

give one's regards to in polish is przekazywać komuś pozdrowienia

give one's seat to in polish is ustępować komuś miejsce

give s.o. a hard time in polish is kość (dać komuś w -)

give s.o. a lift home in polish is podrzucić komuś do domu

give s.o. a scare in polish is napędzić komuś strachu

give s.o. a thrashing in polish is dobrać się komuś do skóry

give s.o. a ticket in polish is wlepić komuś mandat

give s.o. a tip in polish is cynk (dać komuś -)

give s.o. credit for sth in polish is zaliczać komuś coś

give s.o. tit for tat in polish is ząb za ząb (oddać komuś -)

give s.o., a look/smile in polish is obdarzyć komuś spojrzeniem/uśmiechem

give sb a piggy-back ride in polish is brać kogoś na barana

give sb a ride in polish is podwieźć kogoś

give sb a standing ovation in polish is zgotować owację na stojąco

give sb the third degree in polish is sprać kogoś

give sth as collateral in polish is zastaw (dawać /dać coś w -)

give sth up in polish is krzyżyk (postawić na czymś -)

give the floor in polish is oddać głos

give the floor in polish is udzielić głos

give the floor to s.o. in polish is udzielać komuś głosu

give unanimous support to in polish is murem (stać/stanąć - za +instr)

give up, abandon in polish is poniechać

give up, desist in polish is zaniechać

give up, reproach in polish is zarzucać

give vent sth in polish is ujście (dać - czemuś)

give way, yield in polish is ulegać

glacial in polish is polodowcowy

glacier in polish is lodowiec

gladiola in polish is mieczyk

glance in polish is łypać/ -nąć

glance at in polish is spozierać

gland in polish is gruczoł

glaring, dazzling, flagrant in polish is rażący

glass showcase in polish is gabiotka

glass wool in polish is wata szklana

glassblower in polish is dmucharz dmucacz?(szkła)

glass-fronted display cabinet in polish is kredens przeszklony

glasshouse, greenhouse in polish is szklarnia

glass-works in polish is huta szkłana

glassy in polish is szklisty

glaucoma in polish is jaskra

glaze, enamel (teeth) in polish is szkliwo

glaze, icing in polish is polewa

glazed frost in polish is gołoledź f.

glazier in polish is szklarz

glib in polish is wymowny

glide, push, skim along in polish is sunąć

glider in polish is szybowiec

gliding in polish is szybownictwo

glimpse, catch sight of in polish is ujrzeć (perf)

glitter in polish is połyskiwać

globetrotter in polish is obieżyświat

gloomy in polish is ponury

gloomy, dejected in polish is zasępiony

gloomy, dismal in polish is posępny

glorify in polish is sławić

glorify in polish is wysławiać

glorious, praiseworthy in polish is chlubny

glory in polish is chwała

glory, pride in polish is chluba

gloss, luster in polish is połysk

glossary in polish is słowniczek

glossy in polish is lśniący

glottis in polish is głośnia

glove in polish is rękawica

glove puppet in polish is pacynka

gloves in polish is rękawiczki

glow in polish is jarzyć się

glow in polish is łuna

glow in polish is poświata

glow in polish is żarzyć się

glowing in polish is jarzenie

glow-worm in polish is świetlnik

glue in polish is klej

glue in polish is lep

glue together in polish is sklejać /skleić

glut in polish is przesycenie

glut, forfeit in polish is przesyt

gluteus maximus in polish is mięsień pośladkowy wielki

glutton in polish is łakomczuch

glutton, gourmand in polish is obżartuch

gluttony in polish is obżarstwo

gluttony in polish is żarloczność

gnarled in polish is sękaty

gnawing pain, shooting pain in polish is darcie

GNP in polish is dochód naradowy brutto

GNP in polish is PNB - produkt narodowy brutto

go in polish is chodzić*iść

go and fetch sth in polish is iść po coś

Go away! Get lost! in polish is Idź/Idźcie sobie.

go back on a promise in polish is cofać przyrzeczenie

go back on one's word in polish is cofać słowo

go blank in polish is lukę w pamięci (mieć _)

go by (time), expire in polish is upływać /upłynąć

go down in history in polish is przechodzić do historii

go down on one's knees in polish is kolana (paść na -)

go down, get off in polish is schodzić /zejść

go downhill, decline, erode in polish is podupadać /podupaść

go for a swim in polish is pojść popływać

go full blast, bust one's ass in polish is zapierdalać

go into a slid in polish is wpaść w poślizg

go mouldy in polish is pleśnieć

go out of fashion in polish is wychodzić z mody

go over the top in polish is przeginać (palę)

go pee-pee in polish is siusiu (robić -)

go the little boyś room in polish is pójść za potrzebą

Go to hell! in polish is Idź do diabła!

go to meet one's maker in polish is oddać duszę Bogu

go up in smoke in polish is dym (pójść z -em)

go way too far in polish is przekraczać wszelkie granice

go wild, spread (epidemic) in polish is rozszaleć się

go, step down in polish is schodzić/zejść

goal in polish is bramka

goalkeeper in polish is bramkarz

goat in polish is koza

goblet, wine-cup, bowl in polish is czara

goblin in polish is skrzat

God Almighty in polish is wszechmogący (Bóg -)

goddess in polish is bogini

godfather in polish is ojciec chrzestny

godforsaken, sunken (cheeks) in polish is zapadły

godmother in polish is matka chrzestna

godson, -daughter in polish is chrześniak -czka

goitre in polish is powikszenie tarczycy

goitre in polish is wole

gold mine* in polish is kokosowy interes

gold standard in polish is parytet złota

golddigger in polish is poszukiwacz złota

golden in polish is złocisty

golden rule (the _) in polish is złota zasada wykładni

goldfinch in polish is szczygieł

gold-leaf in polish is folia złota

goldsmith, silversmith in polish is złotnik

golf club in polish is kij golfowy

golf cub in polish is kij do golfa

gonorrhoea in polish is rzeżączka

Good Friday in polish is Wielki Piątek

good fun in polish is bycza zabawa

good harvest, abundance in polish is urodzaj

Good heavens! in polish is bój się Boga!

good intentions in polish is dobre cęci

good looks in polish is dorodność

good looks in polish is uroda

good manners in polish is obycie

good manners, refinement in polish is ogłada

good riddance to bad rubbish in polish is baba z wozu koniom lżej

good sense in polish is rozsządek

good thing in polish is cacanka

good-for-nothing in polish is nicpoń

good-hearted, honest in polish is poczciwy

good-natured in polish is dobroduszny

goods/freight truck in polish is ciężarówka dostawcza

goose in polish is gęsior

gooseberry in polish is agrest -stu -sty

goosebumps, gooseflesh in polish is gęsia skóra (skórka)

goosebumps, shudder in polish is ciarki

gopher in polish is świstak

Gordian knot in polish is węzel gordyjski

gore in polish is bryt

gore, toss, horn in polish is bość

gorge in polish is przełom

gossip in polish is bajczarz (-czarka)

gossip in polish is plotkarz

gossip, rumor in polish is plotka

gossiping woman, gossip in polish is kumoszka

gossipy in polish is plotkarski

gouge out s.o.'s eyes in polish is wyłupić komuś oczy

gourmet in polish is smakosz

gout in polish is dna

gout in polish is podagra

gout, rheumatism in polish is gościec

government in exile in polish is rząd na uchodźstwie

governor in polish is namiestnik

governor in polish is wielkorządca

governor weight in polish is bezładnik regulatora

gown in polish is toga

grab, nab in polish is capnąć perf.

grab, seize in polish is chwycić/chwytać

grace in polish is karencja

grace in polish is wdzięk

gradual, progressive in polish is stopniowy

gradually in polish is stopniowo

gradually/bit by it in polish is pomału

graduate in polish is absolwent

graft in polish is szczepić (rośliny)

grain (of photograph in polish is ziarnistość

grain coarseness in polish is grubość ziarna

grain of truth in polish is ziarno prawdy

grain, corn in polish is ziarno

granary in polish is spichterz

grandiloquent, high flown in polish is górnolotny

grandpa in polish is dziadzunio, dziadzio, dziadziuś

granny in polish is babunia

Granny is about 80 years old. in polish is z osiemdziesiąt lat (Babcia ma _)

grant citizenship in polish is nadać obywatelstwo

grant, subsidy in polish is dotacja

granular, whole grain in polish is ziarnisty

grapevine in polish is poczta pantoflowa

graph in polish is wykres

grasp in polish is pojmować

grasp, catch, seize in polish is uchwycić

grasp, expression, depiction, take (film) in polish is ujęcie

grasp, grip, handle in polish is chwyt

grass hut in polish is chata z trawy

grass snake in polish is zaskroniec

grasshopper in polish is konik polny, pasikonik

grasshopper in polish is pasikonik

grated in polish is tarty

grating in polish is ucieranie na tarce

grating, rasping in polish is zgrzytliwy

gravedigger in polish is grabarz

gravel in polish is żwir

gravitation in polish is ciążenie

gravity in polish is ciężkość

gravity in polish is przyciąganie ziemskie

gravity in polish is siła ciężkości

gravity, seriousness in polish is powaga

graze in polish is wypasać

graze, wound slightly, scratch (o.s.) in polish is drasnąć (się)

grazing in polish is wypas

grease in polish is omaścić

grease, lubricant in polish is smar

grease, oil in polish is natłuszczać

grease, tallow in polish is maź f.

Great Dane in polish is dog

great fun in polish is ubaw

great granddaughter in polish is praswnuczka

great granddaughter in polish is prawnuczka

great grandfather in polish is pradziad

great grandfather, ancestor in polish is praojciec

great grandmother in polish is prababka

great grandson in polish is prawnuk

great-uncle in polish is wujeczny dziadek

greed in polish is chciwość

greed in polish is łapczywość

greed in polish is zachłaność

greediness in polish is łakomstwo

greedy in polish is chciwy

greedy in polish is łakomy

greedy in polish is łapczywy

greedy in polish is łasy

greedy in polish is zachłanny

greedy for sth in polish is łasy na coś

greedy man in polish is chciwiec

green finch in polish is czyżyk

green man in polish is zielony ludzik

Green Party in polish is Partia Zielonych

greengage in polish is renkloda

greenhorn in polish is żółtodziób

greenhouse in polish is palmiarnia

greenhouse effect in polish is efekt cieplarniany

greenhouse, hothouse in polish is cieplarnia

greenish in polish is zielonkawy

greens in polish is zielenina

greet, welcome in polish is witać /przywitać

gregarious, social in polish is stadny

grey in polish is siwy

grey hair in polish is siwizna

grey horse in polish is siwek

grey-haired in polish is siwowłosy

greyhound in polish is chart

grief in polish is zgryzota

grief, sorrow in polish is żałość

grieve, lament in polish is ubolewać

grievous bodily harm in polish is ciężkie uszkodzenie ciała

grill, roast in polish is prażyć

grin in polish is szczerzyć zęby

grin from ear to ear in polish is uśmiech od ucha do ucha

grind one's teeth in polish is zgrzytać zębami

grind, crush, spread (ointment) in polish is rozcierać

grinding, milling in polish is przemiał

grinding, milling, prattling incoherently in polish is mielenie

grindstone in polish is sziflerski (kamień -)

grindstone, grind in polish is monotonna praca

grip, handle in polish is uchwyt

groceries, food products in polish is spożywce artykuły

groin in polish is pachwina

groom in polish is koniuch

groove in polish is żłobek 2

groove, chase in polish is rowek

grope in polish is macać po ciemku

gropingly in polish is omackiem

gross negligence in polish is zaniedbanie rażące

gross registered tonnage in polish is tonaż rejestrowy brutto

ground frost in polish is przymrozek

ground, milled in polish is mielony

ground-breaking in polish is głośny

ground-hog in polish is świstak amerikański

groundless in polish is gołosłowny

grounds (coffee) in polish is fusy (w kawie)

grouse in polish is pardwa

grouse, wooodgrouse in polish is głuszec

grove in polish is gaj

grovel s.o. in polish is czołgać się przed kimś

grow in polish is rosnąć /wy-

grow in polish is urastać

grow back again in polish is odrastać

grow bald in polish is łysieć

grow fat in polish is roztyć się

grow into a man, grow strong in polish is mężnieć

grow into one in polish is zrastać/zrosnąć się

grow into the habit in polish is wejść w zwyczaj

grow larger, stronger in polish is rozrastać się

grow mouldy, reduce swelling in polish is tęchnąć

grow numb in polish is grabieć

grow numb in polish is zdrętweć

grow numb in polish is zgrabieć perf.

grow numb, go to sleep in polish is cierpnąć

grow out of sth in polish is wyrastać z czegoś

grow pale, fade in polish is blednąć

grow stale in polish is czerstwieć

grow stiff, stiffen in polish is kostnieć

grow thin, become scarce in polish is rzednieć

growl in polish is warczeć

grown-up in polish is dorosły (-śli)

growth in polish is porost

grub* in polish is wyżerka*

grub, mush, slop in polish is breja*

grudge s.o. sth in polish is skąpić komuż czegoś /po-

grudge, resentment in polish is ansa (czuċ _ do kogoś)

grudge, resentment in polish is rozżalenie

gruff, surly in polish is burkliwy

grumble in polish is gderać

grumble in polish is utyskiwać

grumble in polish is zrzędziċ na coś

grumble about sth in polish is żalić się na coś

grumble at sth in polish is sarkać na coś

grumble, complain about in polish is sarkać/sarknąć

grumble, growl, purr in polish is pomruk

grumble, rumble (stomach) in polish is burczeć

grumbler in polish is zrzęda

grumbler, dawdler in polish is maruda

grumpy in polish is gderliwy

grumpy in polish is marudny

grumpy in polish is zrzędzący

grumpy fellow in polish is purchawka

grunt in polish is chrząkanie

guarantee in polish is poręczyciel

guarantee in polish is ręczyć

guarantee in polish is wadium

guarantee, bail, warranty in polish is poręczenie

guarantor, endorser in polish is żyrant

guard in polish is strażnik

guard, knee pad in polish is ochraniacz

guard, secret police spy, bodyguard in polish is obstawa

guardian angel in polish is anioł stróż

guardianship in polish is opieka prawna

guerrilla in polish is partyzant

guess in polish is zgadywać

guess in polish is zgadywać /nąć

guess at sth in polish is domyślać się czegoś

guess, assume in polish is odgadywać /odgadnąć

guess, conjecture in polish is domysł

guess, infer in polish is miarkować

guess, supposition in polish is przypuszczenie

guess-work in polish is oparty na domysłach

guest room in polish is pokój gościnny

guffaw in polish is rubaszny śmiech

guideline in polish is wytyczna (-e}

guidelines in polish is wytyczne

guild in polish is cech

guilty conscience in polish is wyrzuty sumienia

guilty verdict in polish is skazujący (wyrok -)

guinea pig in polish is świnka morska

guinea pig (lab) in polish is królik doświadczalny

guinea-fowl in polish is perliczka

gull in polish is czajka

gull in polish is mewa, rybitwa

gullible in polish is łatwowierny

gully in polish is żleb

gumboot, rubber boots in polish is gumiaki

gums in polish is dziąsło

gun boat in polish is kanionerka

gunfire in polish is obstrzał

gunfire, shelling in polish is ostrzał

gunpoint (at _) in polish is muszce (na _)

gunpowder in polish is proch strzelniczy

gunpowder in polish is strzelniczy

guns were fired in polish is bito z dział

gunshot, wound in polish is postrzał

gunsmith in polish is rusznikarz

gush, spout in polish is chlustać/chlusnąć

gush, spout water in polish is tryskać

gust in polish is podmuch wiatru

gut, belly in polish is bandzioch**

gut, belly in polish is bebzon**

guts (stomach and intestines)* in polish is bebech*(bebechy)

gutter in polish is ściek uliczny

gutter press in polish is prasa brukowa

gutter, sewer in polish is rynsztok

gutting in polish is sprawianie ryby

guttural, husky (voice), punishable by death in polish is gardłowy

gym shoes in polish is pantofle gimnastyczne

gym shoes, sneakers in polish is tenisówki

gym shoes, sneakers in polish is trampki

gym suit in polish is strój gimnastyczny

Gypsy in polish is Cygan /ka

Gypsy in polish is cygański

haberdasher in polish is szmuklerz

habit in polish is nawyk

habitual guest, man of the world in polish is bywalec

hack, slash in polish is siec

haddock in polish is łupacz

haddock in polish is plamiak

haemorrhage in polish is krwotok

hail in polish is grad

hail a taxi in polish is przywołać taksówkę

hail of abuse in polish is stek wyzwisk

hailstone in polish is kulka gradu

hailstorm in polish is burza gradowa

hailstorm in polish is gradobicie

hair cracks in polish is ryski

hair dryer in polish is suszarka do włosów

hair on top of head in polish is czub

hairnet in polish is siatka na włosy

hairstyle, hairdo in polish is uczesanie

hairy in polish is owłosiony

hairy in polish is uwłosiony

hairy in polish is włochaty

hairy, shaggy in polish is kosmaty

hairy, shaggy in polish is kudłaty

hake in polish is morszczuk

half (my better-) in polish is połowica (moja-)

half-breed, cross-breed in polish is mieszaniec

half-brother in polish is przyrodni brat

half-closed in polish is prymknięty

half-closed in polish is przymknięty

half-closed eyes in polish is przymrużone oczy

half-life in polish is czas połowicznego zaniku

half-life in polish is okres połowicznego zaniku

half-life in polish is półokres trwania

half-moon, crescent in polish is półksiężyc

halibut in polish is halibut

halibut in polish is płastuga

hall of residents in polish is DS (Dom Studencki)

hallway, corridor in polish is sień f.

halogen acid in polish is chlorowcokwas

halogen derivative in polish is chlorowcopochodna

halogen group in polish is fluorowce

halogenation in polish is chlorowcowanie

hamlet in polish is osada

hamlet in polish is wioska

hammer in polish is wbijać młotkiem

hammer a nail in polish is wbijać gwódź w deskę

hammer on the door/the wall in polish is łomotać do drzwi/w ściane

hammer throw in polish is rzut młotem

hamster in polish is chomik

hand (carry-on) luggage in polish is bagaż ręczny

hand (clock), hint (hourhand) in polish is wskazówka (godzinowa)

hand brake in polish is hamulet ręczny

hand grenade in polish is granat ręczny

hand in a paper in polish is wręczyć pracę

hand in one's notice in polish is wymówienie (składać _)

hand on, attach in polish is uczepić (się)

hand out pamphlets in polish is rozdawać ulotki

hand out, relief in polish is zapomoga

handbook, manual in polish is wademekum

handcuffed in polish is skuty

handcuffs in polish is kajdany

handed down to me from my sister. (These shoes were _) in polish is po siostrze (Buty mam _)

handful in polish is garstka

handicap, flaw in polish is ułomność

handicap, impairment in polish is upośledzenie

handicapped, flawed in polish is ułomny

handicraft in polish is rękodzieł

handkerchief in polish is chustka do nosa

handkerchief, scarf in polish is chusteczka

handle, use sth in polish is obchodzić się z czymś

handmade in polish is wykonany ręcznie

handout, grant, allowance, benefit in polish is zasiłek

handrail, banister in polish is poręcz

Hands up! in polish is Ręce do góry!

handshake in polish is uścisk dłoni

handsome, good-looking, robust, ripe in polish is dorodny

handsome, pretty in polish is nadobny

handwriting in polish is charakter pisma

handwriting, longhand in polish is pismo odręczne

hand-written, while you wait in polish is odręczny

handy in polish is poręczny

hang in polish is powiesić

hang in polish is wieszać

hang in polish is wieszać /powiesić

hang in polish is wisieć

hang around with s.o. in polish is zadawać się z kimś

hang gliding in polish is lotniarstwo

hang on, cling in polish is przyczepić się

hang one's head in polish is zwiesić głowę

hang up (phone) in polish is odwieszać /odwiesić

hang up (phone) in polish is wylączać się

hang up the phone in polish is odkładać słuchawkę

hanged man in polish is wisielec

hanger, stand, peg in polish is wieszak

hangers (breasts) in polish is wieszaki**

hanging lamp in polish is lampa wisząca

hangman, torturer in polish is oprawca

Happy Easter in polish is alleluja (wesoła -)

Happy New year in polish is siego (do - roku)

harassment, persecution in polish is szykany

harbinger, trailer (film) in polish is zwiastun

hard (fall), profusely (bleed, sweat) in polish is obficie

hard cash in polish is brzęcząca moneta

hard cash in polish is żywa gotówka

hard coal, bituminous coal in polish is węgiel kamienny

hard copy, printout in polish is wydruk

hard currency in polish is waluta wymienialna

hard to digest in polish is ciężko strawny

hard work, grind in polish is harowanie

hard worker in polish is pracownik nie żałujący wysiłku

harden, set, clot, freeze in polish is krzepnąć s/

hardened, confirmed (bachelor) in polish is zatwardziały

hardening agent in polish is utwardzacz

hardening plastics in polish is duroplasty

hard-fought, stiff, implacable in polish is zaciąty

hare in polish is zając

harelip in polish is warga (zajęcza -)

harelip in polish is zajęcza warga

harlequin in polish is pajac

harm, wrong in polish is krzywdzić s/

harmonic in polish is składowa harmoniczna

harmonise in polish is współbrzmieć

harness in polish is uprząż f.

harp in polish is harfa

harp on a subject in polish is ględzić na jakiś temat

harpsichord in polish is klawesyn

harrow in polish is brona

harvest in polish is zbierać plony

harvest in polish is żniwa

harvest in polish is żniwo

harvest festivities in polish is dożynki

harvest, collection in polish is zbiór

has a noble purpose in polish is przywięca mu piękny cel

hash, mince in polish is siekanina

hashish in polish is haszysz

hasten, hurry in polish is śpieszyć się /po-

hasty, eager in polish is pochopny

hatch in polish is wylegać się

hatch (tank), manhole in polish is właz

hatchery, hotbed in polish is wylęgarnia

hatchet in polish is siekierka

hatchet in polish is toporek

hateful, full of hatred in polish is nienawistny

haughtiness in polish is hardość

haughty in polish is hardy

haughty, towering, lofty in polish is wyniosły

haulage in polish is holowanie

haulage company in polish is przewozowa (firma _)

have (every now and then) in polish is miewać

have a big mouth in polish is niewyparzona (mieć - gęba)

have a bite to eat in polish is przegryźć coś

have a blister on.. in polish is pęcherz na… (mieć -)

have a bun in the oven* in polish is chodzić z brzuchem

have a class in polish is odbywać ćwiczenia ze studentami

have a crush on in polish is podkochiwać się w kimś

have a drink in polish is napić się

have a finger in every pie in polish is maczać palce (we wszystkim -)

have a glance in polish is obejrzeć coś

have a knack for sth in polish is dryg (mieć - do czegoś)

have a nap in polish is zdrzemnąć się

have an argument in polish is wdać się w spór

have an ear for music in polish is muzykalne ucho (mieć -)

Have another! in polish is Jeszcze po jednym!

have connections, know the ropes in polish is chody (mieć -)

have designs on s.o. in polish is zakusy (mieć - na coś)

have faith in polish is pokładać ufność

have friends in high places in polish is plecy (mieć -)

have fun, a good laugh in polish is ubawić się

have mercy on s.o. in polish is litować się nad kimś

have mercy on s.o. in polish is ulitować się nad komś

have mercy on s.o. in polish is zmiłować się nad kimś

have no backbone in polish is giętkie plecy (mieć -)

have no effect in polish is spalić na penewce

have no idea of a thing in polish is znać się jak kura na pieprzu

have one's hair done in polish is układać sobe włosy

have one's head in the clouds in polish is bujać w obłokach

have one's period in polish is okres (mieć -)

have one's say in polish is wypowiedzieć swoje zdanie

have self-esteem in polish is cenić się

have sth up one's sleeve in polish is zanadrzu (mieć coś w -)

have the gift of the blab in polish is wygadany (być -m)

have the makings of s.o. in polish is zadatki (mieć - na kogoś)

have the nerve to in polish is czelnym (być na tyle _, żeby...)

have the right of way in polish is mieć pierwszeństwo przejazdu na drodze

have the shits** in polish is sraczkę (mieć -)*

have thick skin in polish is gruboskórnym (być -)

have voting rights in polish is być uprawnionym do głosowania

have/perform an abortion in polish is usuwać ciążę

having equal rights in polish is równouprawniony

having regard to in polish is uwzględniając

Having seen the accident, he stopped the car. in polish is Widawszy wypadek, zatrzymał samochód.

hawkish in polish is jastrzębi

hay in polish is siano

hay fever in polish is katar sienny

haystack in polish is bróg

haze in polish is zamglenie

hazelnut in polish is laskowy orzech

hazelnut in polish is orzech laskowy

H-beam in polish is belka dwuteowa szerokostopowa

H-bomb in polish is wodorowa bomba

he got cold feet in polish is tchórz go obleciał

He has burned his hand. in polish is opatrzył rękę.

he lowered his voice in polish is ściszył głos

He needed some air. in polish is duszno (Było mu _)

he passed with flying colors in polish is śpiewająco (zdał egzamin -)

he shook my hand in polish is podał mi rękę

he was no stranger to in polish is nieobce mu były

head (slang) in polish is łeb*

head (slang) in polish is łepetyna*

head (slang) in polish is makówka*

head (slang) in polish is mózgownica*

head (slang) in polish is pała*

head of cabbage in polish is główka kapusty

head of department in polish is naczelnik wydziału

head off, prevent in polish is zażegnywać /zażegnać

head office in polish is siedziba główna

head over heels in love in polish is zakochany po uszy

head wind in polish is czołowy wiatr

head, difference of levels in polish is spad

head-hunter in polish is łowca głów

head-hunting firm in polish is werbunkowe (biuro _)

headlong, outright in polish is obcesowo

headquarters in polish is dowództwo

headquarters in polish is sztab

headrest in polish is podgłówek

headrest in polish is zagłówek

heads or tails? in polish is orzeł czy reszka?

heal in polish is goić

heal up in polish is zgoić się

health care in polish is opieka zdrowotna

health food in polish is zdrowotne jedzenie

health insurance in polish is ubezpieczenie zdrowotne

health resort, spa in polish is uzdrowisko

health resort, spa in polish is zdrojowisko

healthy appetite (he has a _) in polish is dopisuje (apetyt mu _)

heap (snow, sand) in polish is zwał

heaped (spoon, plate), crested in polish is czubaty

heaps of in polish is zatrzęsienie+gen

hear confessions from s.o. in polish is spowiadać kogoś

hear well in polish is dosłyszeć

hear, catch sound of in polish is słyszeć /u-

hearing in polish is przesłuchanie

hearing in polish is wysłuchanie

hearing aid in polish is aparat słuchowy

hearing impairment in polish is upośledzenie słuchu

hearing in camera in polish is przesłuchanie zamknięte

hearse in polish is karawan

heart attack in polish is atak serca

heart attack in polish is udar serca

heart attack in polish is zawał serca

heart of the matter in polish is meritum sprawy

heart-broken in polish is ze złamanym sercem

heartburn in polish is zgaga

hearth in polish is palenisko

heartlessness in polish is nieczułość

heart-rending in polish is rozdzierający

heat and power generating plant in polish is siłownia skojarzona

heat exchanger in polish is wymiennik ciepła

heat recovery in polish is rekuperacja ciepła

heat, fervor, glow in polish is żar

heater in polish is piecyk

heater, radiator in polish is grzejnik

heath in polish is wrzosowisko

heather in polish is wrzos

heating in polish is nagrzewanie

heating coil in polish is wzbudnik

heating element, heating resistor in polish is element grzejny

heating plant in polish is ciepłownia

heating room in polish is kotłownia

heavenly body in polish is ciało niebieskie

heavy industry in polish is przemysł ciężki

heavy machine gun in polish is cekaem

heavy, dull, languid in polish is ociężały

hedge in polish is żywopłot

hedge scissors, garden shears in polish is sekator

hedgehog, porcupine in polish is jeż

heel in polish is napiętek

heel in polish is obcas

heifer in polish is jałówka

height in polish is wzrost

heir to the throne in polish is następca tronu

heir, successor in polish is spadkobierca

heir, successor, squire in polish is dziedzic

helicopter in polish is śmigłowiec

helium He in polish is hel

hellish, infernal in polish is piekielny

helmet in polish is hełm

helpful in polish is pomocny

helping hand in polish is bratnia dłoń

helpless in polish is bezbronny

helpless in polish is niezaradny

helpless (in the face of) in polish is bezradny wobec+ gen

helter-skelter in polish is łapu-capu (na -)

hem in polish is obrąbek

hem in polish is obszycie

hem in polish is rąbek

hemisphere in polish is półkula

hemisphere in polish is półkula

hemlock in polish is cykuta

hemlock in polish is pietrasznik

hemp in polish is konopie pl.

hen-pecked husband in polish is pantoflarz

hepatitis in polish is zapalenie wątroby

hepatitis in polish is żółtaczka

herald, portend in polish is zwiastować

heraldic, of the nobility in polish is herbowy

herb in polish is zioło

herbal in polish is ziołowy

herbal medicine in polish is ziołolecznictwo

herbal tea in polish is herbata ziołowa

herd, flock in polish is stado

herding instinct in polish is stadny (instynkt -)

hereditary in polish is dziedziczny

heredity, succession (to throne) in polish is dziedziczność

Here's to us! in polish is Nasze kawalerskie!

herewith, hereby in polish is ninieszym

heritage park in polish is skansen

hermaphrodite in polish is obojnak

hermit, recluse in polish is pustelnik

hernia in polish is ruptura

heron in polish is czapla

herpes, cold sore in polish is opryszczka

herpes, lichen in polish is liszaj

he's teething in polish is wyrzynają mu się ząbki

he's thriving in polish is darzy mu się

Hessen (D) in polish is Hesja

hetman, queen (chess) in polish is hetman

hexagon in polish is sześciobok

hexagon in polish is sześciokąt

hibernate in polish is prezimować

hibernate in polish is zapadaś w sen zimowy

hibernation in polish is sen zimowy

hiccup v. in polish is czkać

hiccups in polish is czkawka

hide in polish is chować /s-

hide one's head in the sand in polish is chować głowę w piasek

hide, cover up in polish is ukrywać

hide, obscure in polish is skryć

hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo in polish is chowanego (zabawa w _)

hi-definition in polish is duża wyrazistość

hideous, ghastly in polish is ohydny

hideous, repulsive in polish is szkaradny

hiding-place in polish is kryjówka

hiding-place, locker, glove compartment in polish is schowek

high boots in polish is kozaczki

high chair in polish is wysokie krzesełko z blatem

high cost of living in polish is drożyna

high jump in polish is skok w wzwyż

high jump in polish is skok wzwyż

high jump in polish is wzwyż (skok -)

high priest in polish is arcykaplan

high rise, tower block, skyscraper in polish is wieżowiec

high school diploma in polish is świadectwo dojrzałości

high school graduate in polish is maturzysta /ka

high seas in polish is bałwany morskie

high seas in polish is otwarte morze

high seas in polish is pełne morze

high tide in polish is przypływ

high treason in polish is obraza majestatu

high treason in polish is zdrada stanu

high-grade ore in polish is ruda bogata

high-rise in polish is wysokościowiec

high-speed train in polish is szybkobieżny (pociąg)

high-strung, oversensitive in polish is przeczulony

highway, road in polish is szosa

hijacking in polish is porwanie samolotu

hijacking in polish is uprowadzenie samolotu

hiking boots in polish is traktory

hill in polish is pagórek

hilly in polish is pagórkowaty

hindrance, obstacle in polish is zawada

hinge in polish is zawiasa

hint, allusion in polish is przymówka

hint, insinuation in polish is niedomówienie

hip in polish is biodro

hip flask in polish is piersiówka

hip joint in polish is staw biodrowy

hire (worker) in polish is przyjąć do pracy

hire, rent in polish is wynajmować /wynająć

hire, renting in polish is najem

his belly was rumbling in polish is burczało mu w brzuchu

hiss in polish is syczeć /syknąć

hiss, sizzle,fizzle in polish is syk

hit and run in polish is ucieczka z miejsca wypadku

hit one's elbow in polish is stukać się w łokiec

hit s.o. with sth in polish is ugodzić kogoś czymś

hit the bottle in polish is zaglądać do kieliszka

hit the bulłs eye in polish is strzelić w dziesiątkę

hit, bang, slam in polish is trzaskać /trzasknąć

hitch-hiker in polish is autostopowicz

hit-or-miss in polish is chybił (na - trafił)

HIV-positive in polish is nosiciel wirusa HIV

hoard, save for a rainy day in polish is ciułać ciulać?

hoarse in polish is zachrypnięty

hoarse (from drinking), hung over, drunk in polish is przepity

hoarse, husky in polish is chrapliwy

hoarse, husky in polish is ochrypły

hoarse, husky, grating in polish is chrypliwy

hoarseness, frog in one's throat in polish is chrypka

hoax in polish is mistyfikacja

hoax, take in in polish is wywieść w pole

hock sth in a pawn shop in polish is oddalać coś do lombardu

hocus-pocus in polish is matactwo

hoe in polish is graca

hoe in polish is motyka

hog, pig in polish is wieprz

hoist, extractor, abstract, elevator in polish is wyciąg

hoist, hike (prices) in polish is windować /wy-

hold (cargo) in polish is ładownia

hold one's breath in polish is oddech (wstrzymać -)

hold one's head in one's hands in polish is ujmować się za głowę

hold one's tongue in polish is trzymać język za zębami

hold over in polish is odkładać

hold promise in polish is rokować nadzieje

hold s.o. in one's lap in polish is kolanach (trzymać kogoś na -)

hold up in polish is wstrzymywać

hold up the traffic in polish is wstrzymywać ruch

hold, keep in polish is trzmać /po-

holding company in polish is spółka nadrzędna

hole (earth), dimple in polish is dołek

hole** in polish is dziurka**

holiday-maker in polish is urlopowicz

holidaymaker, vacationer in polish is letnik

hollow in polish is wgłębienie

hollow in polish is wydrążony

hollow in polish is zagłębienie

hollow (sound), rumbling in polish is dudniący

hollow carved out of tree trunk in polish is dziupla

hollow out in polish is wydrążać /yć

holocaust in polish is całopalenie

holster in polish is kabura

holy orders in polish is śluby zakonne

Holy See in polish is Stolica Apostoliska

homebody, family man in polish is domator

homeless in polish is bezdomny

homely in polish is swojski

homely, familiar, tame in polish is swoiski

homework in polish is praca domowa

homework in polish is zadanie domowe

homing missile, target-seeker in polish is pocisk samokierowany

hominid, bozo* in polish is małpolud

homogenous in polish is jednorodny

honest in polish is rzetelny

honest, upright in polish is uczciwy

honesty, integrity in polish is prawność

honeymoon in polish is miesiąc miodowy

honeymoon in polish is miodowy miesiąc

honor with a visit in polish is zagosić u kogoś

honor, dignify in polish is uczcić

honour, cult, respect in polish is cześć

honourable, venerable in polish is czcigodny

hooch, bootleg, illegally distilled liquor in polish is bimber

hood in polish is kaptur

hood (car), bonnet in polish is maska

hoof in polish is kopyto

hook sth on sth in polish is zahaczać coś o coś

hoop skirt in polish is krynolina

hopper in polish is kosz samowyładowczy

hops in polish is chmiel

hopscotch in polish is klasy (gra w -)

horde, herd (horses) in polish is tabun

hordes of people in polish is chmara ludzi

horizontal, level, uninspired in polish is poziomy

horned in polish is rogaty

hornet in polish is szerszeń

horny*, hot* in polish is napalony

horny, hot* in polish is ostry

horror in polish is zgroza

horse chestnut in polish is cisawy

horse chestnut in polish is kasztanowiec

horse fly, blunder, fart, gas tank, spinning top in polish is bąk

horse mackerel in polish is ostrobok

horse meat in polish is konina

horsemanship in polish is hipika

horseradish in polish is chrzan

horse-riding in polish is jeździectwo

horse-shoe in polish is podkowa

horsetail in polish is skrzyp

horsewhip in polish is pejcz

horsewoman in polish is amazonka

hospitality in polish is gościnność

hostage in polish is zakładnik

hostile in polish is wrogi

hot in polish is zgrzany

hot air in polish is drętwa mowa

hot money in polish is lewe pieniądze

hot pursuit in polish is pościg za złodziejem

hot spring (baths, spa) in polish is cieplica (-e)

hot/cold rolling in polish is walcowanie (na gorąco/na zimno)

hot/hotter in polish is gorący/gorętszy

hot-blooded in polish is krewki

hot-galvanising in polish is cynkowanie ogniowe

hot-headed in polish is kąpany (w gorącej wodzie -)

hot-headed, reckless in polish is narwany

hot-tempered in polish is porywczy

hot-tempered man, woman in polish is cholery/k -czka

hot-water heater in polish is piecyk łazienkowy

hound in polish is gończy (pies)

hourglass, egg timer in polish is klepsydra

house arrest in polish is areszt domowy

house boat in polish is łódź mieszkalna

house on stilts in polish is dom na palach

house, hold, seat, contain in polish is mieścić

household member in polish is domownik

housekeeper in polish is gosposia

house-to-house canvassing in polish is akwizycja (domokrężna)

housewife in polish is gospodyni domowa

housing estate, development in polish is osiedle mieszkaniowe

hovercraft in polish is poduszkowiec

howl, shriek in polish is wyć

howling in polish is wycie

HQ in polish is KG (Komenda Główna)

hub in polish is piasta

hubbie in polish is mężulek

hubbie in polish is mężuś

hubcap in polish is kołpak

hue in polish is odcień

hug s.o. in polish is objąć kogoś w ramionach

hug s.o. in polish is uściskać kogoś

hug sb in polish is trzymać kogoś w ramionach

huge appetite in polish is wilczy apetyt

huge bundle in polish is tobół

hull of a ship in polish is kadłub statku

hulled barley in polish is pęczak

hulled barley, peeled barley in polish is pęcak

hum in polish is nucić za-

humanity, human nature in polish is człowieczeństwo

humble in polish is korny

humble oneself, be servile in polish is uniżać się

humble, servile, cringing in polish is uniżony

humble, submissive in polish is pokorny

humiliate in polish is korzyć

humiliate in polish is upokorzyć

humiliation (suffer) in polish is upokorzenie (doznać -)

humility in polish is pokora

humming in polish is nucenie

hummingbird in polish is koliber

humous soil in polish is próchnicza (gleba _)

humus, mould in polish is czarnoziem

hunch, hump in polish is garb

hunchback in polish is garbus

hunchbacked, hooked (nose) in polish is garbaty

Hungarian goulash in polish is paprykarz

hunger for, crave sth in polish is łaknąć czegoś

hunger strike in polish is głodówka

hungry as a wolf in polish is głodny jak wilk

hungry for sth in polish is złakniony czegoś

hunter in polish is myśliwy

hunting in polish is lowiectwo

hunting, chase in polish is łowy pl.

hurdle race in polish is bieg przez płotki

hurdler in polish is płotkarz

hurl down, precipitate (chem.) in polish is strącić

hurricane lamp in polish is lampa sztormowa

hurry, dash in polish is pędzić

hurt someone's feelings, offend in polish is urazić

hurt, ache in polish is boleć /za-

hut, cabin in polish is chata

hydrate in polish is wodzian

hydrated in polish is uwodniony

hydride in polish is wodorek

hydrocarbon in polish is węglowodr

hydrocarbons in polish is węglowodory

hydrochloric acid in polish is solny (kwas -)

hydrochloride in polish is chlorowodorek

hydrofoil in polish is hydropłat

hydrofoil, jetfoil in polish is wodolot

hydrogen in polish is wodór

hydrogen bromide in polish is bromowodór

hydrogen chloride in polish is chlorowodór

hydrogen peroxide in polish is nadtlenek wodoru

hydrogen peroxide solution in polish is woda utleniona

hydrogen sulphate in polish is kwaśny siarczan

hydrometer in polish is areometr

hydroplane, speedboat in polish is ślizgacz

hydrotherapy in polish is wodolecznictwo

hydroxide in polish is wodorotlenek

hymen in polish is błona diewicza

hypertension in polish is nadciśnienie

hyphen, liaison officer (mil.) in polish is łącznik

hypochlorite in polish is podchloryn

hypocrisy in polish is obłuda

hypocrisy in polish is zakłamanie

hypocrite in polish is obłudnica

hypocrite in polish is obłudnik

hypocritical in polish is obłudny

hypocritical, duplicitous in polish is dwulicowy

hypocritical, entangled in a web of lies in polish is zakłamany

hypodermic injection in polish is zastrzyk podskórny

hypodermic, subcutaneous in polish is podskórny

hypotension in polish is niedociśnienie

hypotenuse in polish is przeciwprostokątna

hypothetical in polish is przykładowy

I all but fainted. in polish is Nieomal nie zemdlałem.

I am bored at school in polish is Nudzi mi się w szkole.

I blew it. in polish is Spieprzyłem to.

I call the meeting to order in polish is wznawiam posiedzenie

I can't help laughing in polish is śmiech mnie bierze

I don't give a damn in polish is nosie (mam to w -)

I felt a stabbing pain in my side in polish is zakłuło mnie w boku

I fucked up. in polish is Spieprzyłem sprawę.

I got flu. in polish is Zachorowałem na grypę.

I had diarrhoea in polish is czyściło mnie

I hereby testify in polish is niniejszym zaświadczam

I joined them in polish is przyłączyłem się do nich

I part my hair on the side. in polish is przedziałkiem (czeszę się z _)

I see double in polish is dwoi mi się w oczach

I will have cooked lunch by one o'clock. in polish is Do pierwszej ugotuję obiad.

I.D. in polish is dowód tożsamości

I-beam, flanged beam in polish is belka dwuteowa

ice axe/pick, alpenstock in polish is czekan

ice cream cone in polish is rożku (lody w _)

ice lolly in polish is lód na patyka

ice show in polish is rewia na lodzie

iceberg in polish is góra lodowa

ice-boat in polish is bojer

ice-breaker in polish is lodołamacz

ice-cold, icy in polish is lodowaty

ice-cream parlour in polish is lodziarna

ice-formation in polish is oblodzenie

icicle in polish is sopel

iconoclastic in polish is obrazoburczy

icy in polish is oblodzony

icy road conditions in polish is ślizgawica

icy, glacial in polish is lodowy

ideal, dream in polish is wymarzony

idem in polish is tenże

idle land in polish is odłogi

idle running, idling in polish is bieg jałowy

idle, inert in polish is nieczynny

idleness in polish is próźniactwo

idleness in polish is próżnowanie

idler in polish is leń

idler in polish is próźniak

idling speed (at _) in polish is obrotach (na małych _)

idolatry in polish is bałwochwalstwo

idolise, adore in polish is ubóstwiać

idyllic, pastoral in polish is sielankowy

if anything should happen/just in case in polish is w razie czego

If it's not too much out of your way. in polish is Jeśli to panu nie nadłoży drogi.

if necessary in polish is w razie potrzeby

if only in polish is żeby tylko

if only to in polish is chociaż po to, że...

IGC in polish is konferencja międzyrządowa

ignition (spontaneous) in polish is zapłon (samoczynny)

ignition key in polish is klucz do zapłonu

ignition spark in polish is iskra zapłonowa

ignoramus, know-nothing in polish is nieuk

ignorance in polish is nieuctwo

ignorance* in polish is ciemnota

ill at ease in polish is nieswój

I'll be damned! in polish is skonam (niech -)

I'll pop out for the paper in polish is wyskoczę po gazetę

I'll take you home. in polish is Zabiorę cię do domu.

illegal money changer in polish is cinkiarz

illegible in polish is nieczytelny

illegitimate child in polish is łożu (dziecko z nieprawnego -)

illegitimate, born out of wedlock in polish is nieślubny

illicit in polish is niedozwolony

illiterate in polish is niepiśmienny

ill-suited, mismatched in polish is niedobrany

illusion in polish is złuda

illusion, delusion in polish is przywidzenie

illusion, delusion in polish is ułuda

illusion, reverie, fancy in polish is mrzonka

illusory, deceptive in polish is złudny

ILO in polish is MOP - Miedzynarodowa Organizacja Pracy

I'm fed up with it in polish is bokiem wychodzi (To mi _)

I'm going to Hungary/Lithuania. in polish is Jadę NA Węgry/Litwę.

I'm leaving in polish is idę sobie

I'm mad at you. in polish is zły na ciebie (Jestem _)

I'm not keen on in polish is przepadam (nie _ za)

I'm setting off now. I'm going visiting. in polish is Ruszam w drogę. Idę w odwiedziny.

imaginary in polish is urojony

imagination, fancy in polish is wyobraźnia

imaginativeness in polish is polot

imagine in polish is uroić

imagine (all sorts of things) in polish is roić

IMF in polish is MFW - Miedzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy

imitate in polish is naśadować

imitate s.o. in polish is upodabniać się do kogoś

imitate, mimic in polish is naśladować

imitation in polish is naśladowanie

imitation in polish is podróbka

imitation in polish is prekluzja

immaculate in polish is niepokalany

Immaculate Conception in polish is Niepokolane Poczęcie

immature in polish is niedowarzony

immediate, prompt in polish is bezzwłoczny

immensity in polish is bezmiar

immerse, dip in polish is zanurzać /yć

immersion heater in polish is grzałka nurkowa

immobilise in polish is unieruchamiać

immoral, ill-mannered in polish is nieobyczajny

immoved, immovable in polish is niewrzuszony

immune system in polish is odporniościowy (układ _)

immune system in polish is układ odpornościowy

immunity, absolute privilege in polish is nietykalność

impact assessment in polish is ocena wpływ

impacted tooth in polish is ząb wklinowany

impartial in polish is bezstronny

impartiality in polish is bezstronność

impatience in polish is zniecierpliwanie

impenetrable in polish is nieprzenikniony

imperative in polish is rozkazujący

imperfection in polish is wadliwość

impersonal in polish is bezosobowy

impersonate s.o. in polish is wcielać się w kogoś

impetuous, hot-headed in polish is popędliwy

impetus, momentum in polish is rozpęd

implacable in polish is nieubłagany

implicate in polish is wpłatywać

implicated in in polish is zamieszany w+acc

implied term in polish is warunek dorozumiany

implied, implicit in polish is dorozumiany

imploring in polish is błagalny

import duty in polish is cło wwozowe

importance in polish is doniosłość

important in polish is ważki

importation in polish is wwóz

importunate in polish is natarczywy

importunate in polish is natrętny

importune s.o. with sth in polish is napraszać się komuś z czymś

importune, nag s.o. in polish is naprzykrzać się komuś

impose in polish is wymierzać

impose a customs duty in polish is clić

impose a duty in polish is nakładać cło

impose terms in polish is narzucać warunki

impose, (will, conditions in polish is narzucać

imposition (of an embargo) in polish is nałożenie (embarga)

impostor, fraud in polish is hochsztapler

impotent, decrepit in polish is zniedołężniały

impoverish in polish is zubożać

impoverish, sterilise in polish is wyjaławiać /wyjałowić

impoverished in polish is zubożały

impressive, big in polish is okazały

imprint, footprint, fingerprint, corn in polish is odcisk

improve, upgrade in polish is udoskonalić

improvement in polish is ulepszenie

improvident, inconsiderate in polish is nieopatrzny

impulse in polish is popęd

impulse, enthusiasm in polish is poryw

impunity in polish is bezkarność

impute in polish is przpisywać

impute a motive to sb in polish is przypisywać komuś istnienie motywu

in a flash, quickly in polish is lot (w _)

in a hurry in polish is naprędce

in a trickle, with big drops in polish is ciurkiem (kapać się _)

in absentia in polish is nieobecność (pod _)

in absentia, part-time (studies) in polish is zaocznie

in abundance in polish is dostakiem (pod -)

in advance in polish is za wczasu

in arrears, outstanding in polish is zaległy

in broad daylight in polish is biały (w - dzień)

in broad daylight in polish is w biały dzień

in calf in polish is cielna

in camera in polish is drzwiach (przy zamkniętych _)

in cold blood in polish is krwią (z zimną -)

in daylight in polish is widna (za _)

in daylight, in evidence in polish is widno

in defiance of in polish is przekór (na - dat)

in dono in polish is w darze

in due time in polish is w swoim czasie

in ereditą in polish is w spadku

in exchange, in return in polish is zamian (w _)

in full gear in polish is rynsztunku (w pełnym -)

in gear in polish is biegu (na _)

in good/bad faith in polish is wierze (w dobrym/zły _)

in Hungary in polish is na Węgrzech

in league with in polish is przmierzu (w - z)

in low spirits, bad humour in polish is markotno

in minor key, low-spirited in polish is minorowy

In olden times in polish is Za dawnych czasow.

in one gulp in polish is duszkiem

in one way or another in polish is tak czy inaczej

in one's breast pocket in polish is pazucha (za -ą)

in one's heart of hearts in polish is dnie serce (na _)

In part my hair on the side, in the middle in polish is Czeszę się z przedziałkiem, po środku.

in self-defence in polish is obronie (w - własnej)

in series, tandem in polish is posobnie

in spite of sth in polish is na przekór czemuś

in spring in polish is na wiosnę (w lecie w jesienie w zimie)

in tears in polish is zapłakany

in the dark in polish is po ciemku

in the end in polish is na ostatek

in the meantime in polish is tymczasem

in the North/at midnight in polish is na północy/o północy

in the nude in polish is golasa (na -)

in the rush of events/ideas in polish is natłoku (w - spraw/myśli

in the South/in the afternoon in polish is na południu/po południu

in times past in polish is dawniej

in turn in polish is kolejno

in writing in polish is piśmiennie

inadmissible in polish is niedopuszczalny

inadvertence, transgression in polish is uchybienie

inalienable in polish is nienaruszalny

inalienable in polish is niepozbywalny

inalienable in polish is niezbywalny

inanimate in polish is nieżywotny

inborn, innate, congenital in polish is wrodzony

incandescent in polish is rozżarzony

incense in polish is kazidło

incentive, impulse in polish is pobudka

incentive, stimulus in polish is podnieta

incessant, persistent in polish is ustawiczny

incessant, uninterrupted in polish is bezustanny

incessantly in polish is bez ustanku

incest in polish is kazirodztwo

inch in polish is cal

incidence in polish is częstość

incidence in polish is zapadalność

incident in polish is zajście

incidental costs in polish is koszty uboczne

incidental expenses in polish is wydatki uboczne

incidentally in polish is ubocznie

incidentally, by the way in polish is nawiasem

incision, notch in polish is nacięcie

incisor (tooth), chopper (tool) in polish is siekacz

incite in polish is podjudzać

incite, induce in polish is nakłaniać

incitement to racial hatred in polish is podżegnanie do nienawiści rasowej

inclinations, leanings in polish is zapędy

incline in polish is nastrajać/nastroić

inclined in polish is pochyły

inclined plane in polish is równia pochyła

include sth in sth in polish is włączać coś do czegoś

income bracket in polish is grupa dochodowa

income tax in polish is podatek dochodowy

income, yield in polish is przychód

incompetent in polish is niepowołany

incompetent in polish is nieumiejętny

inconclusive in polish is nietrafny

inconsiderate in polish is niebaczny

inconsiderate in polish is nieoględny

inconsiderate, thoughtless, blank (expression) in polish is bezmyślny

inconsolable in polish is nieutulony

inconspicuous in polish is niepokaźny

inconspicuous in polish is znikomy

incontinent in polish is niepowściągliwy

inconvenient in polish is niedogodny

inconvenient, unwieldly in polish is nieporęczny

incorporate in polish is wcielać /ić

increase in polish is zwiększyć się

increase in value in polish is zyskiwać na wartości

increment in polish is przyrost

incubator in polish is cieplarka

inculcate sth into s.o. in polish is wpajać /wpoić coś komuś

incumbent in polish is ciążący

incur a debt in polish is zaciągnąć dług

incur debts in polish is narobić długów

incur expenditure in polish is narazić się na wydatki

incurable in polish is nieuleczalny

incurably ill in polish is nieuleczalnie chory

indebted in polish is zadłużony

indecency in polish is nieprzyzwoitość

indecency, obscene behaviour in polish is czyn nierządny

indecent in polish is nieprzyzwoity

indecent exposure in polish is nieprzyzwoite obnażenie się

indefinite article in polish is przedimek nieokreślony

indentation, incision, dent in polish is wcięcie

indentikit, composite sketch in polish is pamięciowy (potret -)

Independence Day in polish is Święto Niepodległości (11 listopaa)

independent in polish is niepodległy

independent in polish is niezawisły

independent member in polish is poseł nie zrzeszony

indescribable in polish is nieopisany

index in polish is skorowidz

index, superscript, subscript in polish is wskaźnik

Indian Summer in polish is babie lato

indicate in polish is znamionować

indicative (ling) in polish is oznajmujący

indicative (mood) in polish is orzekający (tryb -)

indictment (act of _) in polish is akt oskarżenia

indigestible in polish is niestrawny

indigestion in polish is niestrawność

indignant in polish is oburzony

indignation in polish is oburzenie

indirect object in polish is dopełnienie dalsze

indirect speech, reported speech in polish is zależna (mowa -)

indispensable in polish is niezbędny

indispensable, essential in polish is nieodzowny

indisposition in polish is niedomaganie

indissoluble in polish is nierozerwalny

indium in polish is ind

individual in polish is osobnik

individual liberties in polish is prawa jednostki

indoor swimming pool in polish is basen kryty

induce, deduce in polish is wnioskować

inducement in polish is zachęta

induction coil in polish is cewka (indukcyjna)

indulgence in polish is pobłażać

indulgence in polish is pobłażliwość

indulgent, lenient in polish is pobłażliwy

indulgent, lenient in polish is wyrozumiały

industrial arbitration tribunal in polish is sąd pracy

industrial design in polish is wzornictwo przemysłowy

industrial espionage in polish is wywiad gospodarczy

industrial safety in polish is BHP (bezpiecieństwo i higiena pracy

industrialised countries in polish is uprzemysłowione (kraje -)

industrious in polish is skrętny

industrious, (busy as a bee) in polish is pracowity

industrious, resourceful, active in polish is obrotny

inedible in polish is nejadalny

inertia in polish is bezładność

inertia in polish is bezwładność

inestimable, priceless in polish is nieoceniony

inevitable in polish is nieuchronny

inexperience in polish is niedoświadczenie

inexperienced in polish is niedoświadczony

inexperienced in polish is nieoświadczony

infallibility in polish is nieomylność

infallible in polish is niechybny

infallible in polish is nieomylny

infamous, vile in polish is niecny

infamy, atrocity in polish is bezeceństwo

infant mortality in polish is umieralność niemowląt

infant, baby in polish is noworodek

infantry in polish is piechota

infantryman, foot soldier in polish is piechociniec

infatuated with s.o. in polish is zadurzony z kimś

infatuated with so in polish is durzyć się w kimś

infatuated, blind in polish is zaślepiony

infatuation, crush, enchantment in polish is zauroczenie

infect in polish is zarazić

infect, poison in polish is zakazić

infection, epidemic in polish is zaraza

infectious in polish is zakaźny

infer, draw a conclusion in polish is wywnioskować

infer, guess, suspect in polish is dorozumieć się /dorozumiewać się (czegoś)

inferiority complex in polish is niższość (kompleks -i)

infinitive in polish is bezokolicznik

infirmary in polish is lecznica

inflame, fester in polish is rozjątrzać (się)

inflame, set on fire in polish is rozżarzać/rozżarzyć

inflamed with hatred in polish is pałać /zapałać nienawiżcia

inflammable in polish is łatwopalny

inflammation, hay fever, colitis in polish is nieżyt

inflate in polish is nadmuchiwać/nadmuchać

inflate, overstate in polish is zawyżać /yć

inflated prices in polish is drożyzna

inflexible in polish is nieugięty

influence peddling in polish is sprzedajność

influence peddling in polish is sprzedajność

influential in polish is wpływowy

informally in polish is domowemu (po _)

informer in polish is donosiciel

informer in polish is kapuś

infrared in polish is podczerwony

infringement, offence, misconduct in polish is wykroczenie

infusion, brew in polish is napar

ingot in polish is sztaba kruszcu

ingot in polish is wlewek

ingrained in polish is zakorzeniony

ingredient, component in polish is składnik

inherit, come into money in polish is dziedziczyć

inheritance, heirloom in polish is scheda

inheritance, legacy in polish is spuścizna

inherited disease in polish is choroba dziedziczna

inhospitable in polish is niegościnny

iniquity in polish is nieprawość

initial capital in polish is zakładowy (kapitał -)

initial v. in polish is parafować

initiate in polish is zapoznawać

initiate s.o. in sth in polish is wtajemniczać /czyć kogoś w coś

initiate, put in practice in polish is wdrażać /wdrożyć

initiation in polish is wtajemniczenie

inject s.o. with sth in polish is wstrzykiwać /knąć coś komuś

injection in polish is wtrysk

injection in polish is zastrzyk

injection mould in polish is forma wytryskowa

injection pump in polish is pompa wytryskowa

injector, ejector in polish is smoczek

injurious in polish is raniąca

injury in polish is obrażenie

injury in polish is uszkodzenie

injury, loss in polish is szwank

ink cartridges in polish is naboje do (wiecznych) piór

ink-jet printer in polish is drukarka atramentowa

ink-jet printer in polish is drukarka strumieiowa

inland in polish is śródlądowy

inland sea in polish is morze śródlądowe

inlay in polish is inktustacja

inlet in polish is otwór wlotowy

inlet in polish is wlew

inline images in polish is wszyste obrazki

inn in polish is karczma

inn in polish is zajazd

innate, natural in polish is przyrodzony

innovative in polish is nowatorski

innumerable, countless in polish is niezliczony

inoculation, grafting in polish is szczepienie

inquire in polish is zasięgać języka

inquiring in polish is dociekliwy

insane* in polish is kopnięty

insanity in polish is obłąkanie

insanity in polish is obłęd

insatiable, unsaturated (chem) in polish is niesacycony

inscription in polish is napis

insect in polish is owad

insensitive to sth in polish is nieczuły na coś

insensitive to sth in polish is niewrażliwy na coś

insert (IUD) in polish is wkładka (antykoncepcyjna)

insert, put in in polish is wkładać

insertion, payment in polish is wkładka

insight (psych) in polish is wgląd

insignificant in polish is błahy

insinuation in polish is domyślnik

insist in polish is nalegać

insist on sth in polish is obstawać przy czymś

insist on sth in polish is upierać się przy czymś

insistence in polish is natarczywość

insolation in polish is nasłonecznienie

insolence, audacity in polish is zuchwalstwo

insolent in polish is bezczelny

insolent, brazen-faced in polish is czelny

insomnia in polish is bezsenność

inspect, vet in polish is lustrować

inspiration in polish is natchnienie

inspire in polish is natchnąć

inspire in polish is tchnąć

inspired in polish is natchniony

instalment in polish is rata

instant coffee in polish is rozpuszczalna (Kawa _)

instantaneous in polish is natychmiastowy

instep in polish is podbicie

instil in polish is wkraplać /wkroplić

institute, initiate, enter into in polish is wszczynać /wszcząć

instruct, teach in polish is uczyć na-

instructions for use in polish is instrukcja użytkowania

instructive in polish is pouczający

instrument panel in polish is tablica przyrządów

instrument reading in polish is odczyt wskazań przyrządu

instrumental case in polish is narzędnik

insubordinate in polish is nieposłuszny

insufficient funds in polish is brak pokrycia

insult in polish is lżuć

insult in polish is urągać

insult in polish is zniewaga

insult, offence in polish is obraza

insult, outrage in polish is obelga

insulting, abusive in polish is obelżywy

insupportable in polish is nieznośny

insurance broker in polish is broker ubezpieczeniowy

insure against fire in polish is ubiezpieczać od ognia

insure o.s. in polish is ubiezpieczać się

insurgent in polish is powstaniec

intact in polish is nietknięty

intact, undisturbed in polish is nienaruszony

intake manifold, inlet pipe in polish is rura dolotowa

integral (math) in polish is całka

integral (math) in polish is całkowy

integrate in polish is scalać/scalić

intelligence (mil) in polish is wywiad

intelligence service in polish is wywiadowcza (służba -)

intelligent in polish is myślący

intend in polish is zamierzać /-yć

intended, deliberate in polish is zamierzony

intense heat in polish is upał

intensify in polish is spotęgować

intensify, escalate in polish is nasilać się

intensity in polish is nasilenie

intensive care unit in polish is OIOM (odział intensywnej opieki medycznej)

intent, purpose in polish is rozmysł

intention, plan in polish is zamysł

intentional, deliberate in polish is umyślny

intentionally in polish is celowo

intercede in s.o.'s favor in polish is ująć się za kimś

intercept in polish is przechwycić

intercept (plane) in polish is przechwytywać

interchangeably in polish is zamiennie

intercom in polish is domofon

intercourse, conjugal life in polish is pożycie

interest on in polish is odsetki od

interest rate in polish is stopa procentowa

interference, disruption in polish is zakłócenie

interim budget in polish is prowizorium budżetowe

interior design in polish is architektura wnętrz

interlocking in polish is ryglowanie

interlocutor in polish is rozmówca

intermediate landing in polish is międzylądowanie

intermediate pumping station in polish is przepompownia

intermission in polish is antrakt

internal (external) auditor in polish is audytor wewnętrzny (zewnętrzny)

internal combustion engine in polish is silniki spalinowe

internal combustion engine in polish is spalinowy (silnik -)

interpretation in polish is wykładnia

interrogative pronoun in polish is zaimek pytający

interrupt in polish is przerywać

interrupt s.o. in polish is wpaść komuż w słowo

interrupted in polish is urywany

intersection in polish is przekrój

interval, distance in polish is odstęp

intervention, speech, appearance in polish is wystąpienie

intimacy in polish is bliskość

intimacy in polish is zażyłość

intimate in polish is poufały

intimate, close in polish is zżyty

intimidate in polish is zastraszać

intimidation in polish is zastraszenie

intoxicate in polish is odurzać /yć

intoxicate in polish is upajać

intoxicating in polish is upojny

intoxication in polish is nietrzeźwość

intoxication in polish is zamroczony alkoholem

intramuscular injection in polish is domięśniowy (zastrzyk -)

intransitive verb in polish is nieprzechodni czasownik

intravenous in polish is dożylny

intricate, baffling in polish is zawiły

introduce sth s.o. in polish is wdrażać kogoś do czegoś

introductory statement in polish is oświadczenie wstępne

intrude, fill, haunt in polish is nachodzić/najść

intruder in polish is intruz

intruder, pushy person in polish is natręt

intrusiveness in polish is natręctwo

invade in polish is najechać

invade in polish is najeżdżać

invade, run into in polish is najeżdżać/najechać na

invader in polish is najeźdźca

invader, conqueror in polish is zaborca

invalid, ailing in polish is schorowany

invariable in polish is nieodmienny

invasion in polish is najazd

invasion in polish is wdarcie

invasion of privacy in polish is naruszenie prywatności

invasion, incursion in polish is wtargnięcie

invent, think up in polish is wymyślać /ić

invented in polish is wydumany

invention in polish is wymysł

invention in polish is wynalazek

inventor in polish is wynalazca

inventory, stock in polish is remanent

inversely proportional in polish is odwrotnie proporcjonalny

invertebrates in polish is bezkręgowce

inverter in polish is falownik

investigate in polish is śledzić

investigate, find out in polish is dociekać/dociec

investigation (preliminary _) in polish is dochodzenie (wstępne)

investigation at the scene of the crime in polish is wizja lokalna

investigative journalism in polish is dziennikarstwo dochodzeniowe

investigator in polish is badacz

investment, contribution, deposit, enclosed matter in polish is wkład

invigorating, refreshing in polish is ożywczy

invincible, insurmountable in polish is niezwyciężony

inviting, enticing in polish is nęcący

involuntary in polish is mimowolny

involuntary, passive, inert in polish is bezwolny

iodide in polish is jodek

iodine tincture in polish is jodyna

ion in polish is jon

ion exchanger in polish is jonit

IOU in polish is rewers

ipso facto in polish is tym samym

IQ in polish is iloraz inteligencji

IQ in polish is współczynnik inteligencji

iridium Ir in polish is iryd

iris in polish is tęczówka

ironically in polish is przekąsem

ironing board in polish is deska do prasowania

irrefutable, incontrovertible in polish is niezbity

irrefutable, unquestionable in polish is niepodważalny

irreparable in polish is niepowetowany

irresistible impulse in polish is impuls nieodparty

irresistible, compelling (argument) in polish is nieodparty

irresponsible, insane in polish is niepoczytalny

irrevocable in polish is nieodwołalny

irrigate in polish is nawadniać/nawodnić

irrigation in polish is nawadnianie

irrigation in polish is nawodienie

irritability in polish is drażliwość

irritate, exasperate in polish is rozdrażnić

irritate, inflame in polish is jątrzyć

irritation, exasperation in polish is rozdrażnienie

ischemia in polish is niedokrwienie

island, traffic island in polish is wysepka

isolate in polish is odosobić

isolate in polish is wyodrębiać

isolate o.s. from in polish is wyobcować się od

isolation in polish is odosobnienie

isosceles triangle in polish is trójkąt równoramienny

issue of a check in polish is wystawienie czeku

issue to a bearer in polish is wystawić na okaziciele

issue, question, matter in polish is zagadnienie

issued capital in polish is kapitał emisyjny

It could rain any moment. in polish is Lada chwila może być deszcz.

It escaped my lips. in polish is Wyrwało mi się to z ust.

It goes in one ear and out the other. in polish is uchem (Jednym - wchodzi, a drugim wychodzi)

it goes without saying in polish is rozumie (to się - samo przez się)

it is drizzling in polish is kropi

it is incumbent on me in polish is ciąży na mnie obowiązek

it is light in polish is widno (jest -)

it is not becoming in polish is uchodzi (to nie -)

It keeps me awake (at night). in polish is spędza sen z powiek. (To mi _)

It leaks. in polish is Cieknie

It runs in the family. in polish is Rodzinne (To -)

it sucks in polish is bani (to jest do _)

it turns out in polish is okazuje się

it will just do* in polish is biedy (od -)

italics in polish is kursywa

italics in polish is pismo pochyłe

itch in polish is świerzbieć

itch (to do something) in polish is swędzić

itch, tingle in polish is swędzenie

item in polish is paragraf

itinerary in polish is trasa podróży

It's a load off my mind. in polish is Kamień spadł mi z serca.

It's all the same to me. in polish is wszystko jedno (Jest mi _)

it's clearing up in polish is przeciera się

It's clearing up. in polish is Wypogadza się.

it's dawning in polish is dnieje

it's drizzling in polish is siąpi (deszcz)

it's Greek to me in polish is chińszczyzna (to dla mnie -)

it's lashing down in polish is siecze deszcz

it's not that bad in polish is pół biedy

it's plain sailing in polish is łatwizna

it's that time of month in polish is ciotkę (mieć -)

it's that time of month in polish is gośći (mieć -)

I've had it up to here! in polish is potąd (mam tego -)

Ivory Coast in polish is Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej

ivy in polish is bluszcz

jack (cards) in polish is walet

jackdaw in polish is kawka

jack-of-all-trades, DIY man in polish is majster-klepka

jade in polish is szkapa

jail, clink, hovel in polish is ciupa

jamming (radio) in polish is zagłuszanie

janitor, caretaker in polish is woźna

janitor, caretaker, custodian, doorkeeper in polish is dozorca (-rczyni)

jar of jam in polish is słoik (dżemu)

javelin thrower in polish is oszczepnik

javelin, spear in polish is oszczep

jaw in polish is szczęka

jawbone in polish is żuchwa

jaws in polish is paszcza

jay in polish is sójka

jeep, tramp, vagabond in polish is łazik

jerk off in polish is bawić się ptaszkiem**

jerk, tear (fabric) in polish is szarpać

jet in polish is odrzutowy

jet engine in polish is silnik odrzutowy

jet plane in polish is odrzutowiec

jewel, trinket, "gem" in polish is cacko

Jewish hallah in polish is chałka

Jewish quip, sarcastic remark, nonsense (slang) in polish is szmonces

jigsaw in polish is wyrzynarka

jigsaw puzzle, building locks in polish is układanka

jittery in polish is roztrzęsiony

job application in polish is podanie o pracę

job centre, employment exchange in polish is pośrednictwo pracy

job description in polish is zakres obowiązków

job evaluation in polish is wycena pracy

job-work, piecework in polish is akordowa praca

join in polish is sczepiać /pić

join a party in polish is wstąpić do partii

join an organisation in polish is wstępować do organizacji

join the group in polish is dołączać się do grupy

joiner in polish is stolarz

joint committee in polish is komisja mieszana

joint debates in polish is obrady wspólne

joint property of spouses in polish is małżeńska współnota majątkowa

joint, coupling in polish is złącze

joint, den in polish is spelunka

jointly in polish is społem

joke, make fun in polish is żartować /za-

joker in polish is dowcipniś

joker in polish is żartowniś

joker, jester in polish is wesołek

joker, prankster in polish is kawalarz

jollyboat in polish is jolka

jostle in polish is popychać się

jostle in polish is roztrącać/roztrącić

jostle, elbow in polish is trącać

joule in polish is dżul

joystick in polish is drążek

JPC - Joint Parliamentary Committee in polish is wspólna komisja parlamentarna

judge in polish is sędzia

judgement in polish is orzeczenie

judgement, ruling, opinion in polish is orzeczenie

judicial in polish is sądowy

judicial review in polish is kontrola sądowa

judiciary in polish is władza sądownicza

jug, pitcher in polish is dzban

juice extractor in polish is sokowirówka

juicy in polish is soczysty

jump from one thing to another in polish is przeskakiwać /przeskoczyć z tematu na temat

jump rope in polish is skakanka

jump ship in polish is porzucać statek

jump the queue, cut in line in polish is wpychać się do kolejki

jump, excess* in polish is wyskok

jump, leap in polish is skakać /skoczyć

jump, robbery in polish is skok

junction, crucial in polish is węzłowy

junction-box in polish is puszka połączeniowa

junior in polish is młodszy (Jan Kowalski -)

juniper in polish is jałowiec

junk in polish is rupieć

junk mail in polish is przesyłki reklamowe

junk, lumber in polish is rupiecie

junkie in polish is ćpun

Jupiter in polish is Jowisz

jurisdiction in polish is kompetencja

jurisdiction, the judiciary in polish is sądownictwo

jurisprudence in polish is prawoznawstwo

juror, alderman in polish is ławnik

jury in polish is sąd przysięgłych

jury (box) in polish is ława przysięgłych

just once in polish is bodaj raz

just, right in polish is słuszny

jute in polish is juta

juvenile, adolescent in polish is młodociany

kangaroo in polish is kangur

keel (navig) in polish is stępka

keen in polish is zamiłowany

keen, eager in polish is gorliwy

Keep off the grass in polish is Nie deptać trawy

keep one's eyes glued to sth in polish is wlepiać w coś oczy

keep one's fingers crossed in polish is trzymać za kogoś kciuki

keep one's mouth shut in polish is nabrać/nabierać wody w usta

keep out of sth in polish is strzec się czegoś

keep s.o. waiting in polish is kazać komuś na siebie czekać

keep sb company in polish is dotrzymać komuś towarzystwo

keep the change in polish is proszę zatrzymać resztę

keep the change! in polish is reszty nie trzeba!

keep up appearances in polish is zacować pozory

keep up with s.o. in polish is nadążać za kimś

keep up, cope with in polish is nadążać/nadążyć

keep up-to-date with smth in polish is być z czymś na bieżąco

kennel in polish is psia buda

kennel, pack of dogs in polish is psiarnia

kerb, curb in polish is krawężnik

kerosene, lamp oil in polish is nafta

kettle in polish is czajnik

kettle in polish is imbryk

kettledrums in polish is kotły

kettledrums, timpani in polish is kocioł

key in polish is tonacja

kichern in polish is cichować

kick in polish is wierzgać

kick s.o. black and blue in polish is skopać kogoś

kick the bucket in polish is kopyta (wyciągnąć -)

kick the bucket in polish is wyciągnąć kopyta

kick the bucket* in polish is wykorkować

kicks, extraction (mining) in polish is kopanie

kid (goat) in polish is koźlę

kid brother in polish is braciszek

kid, brat in polish is bachor

kidnap, tear up in polish is porywać/porwać

kidnapper in polish is porywacz

kidnapping in polish is porwanie

kidneys in polish is cynaderki

kill two birds with one stone in polish is piec dwie pieczenie przy jednym ogniu

killing (contract)* in polish is mokra robota

kin in polish is powinowaci

kind, gracious in polish is łaskawy

kindergarten in polish is zerówka

kind-hearted in polish is dobrotliwy

kindle the fire in polish is rozniecić ogień

kindle, stir up in polish is niecić

kindness, helpfulness in polish is uczynność

kindred spirit in polish is bratnia dusza

kindred spirit in polish is pokrewna dusza

kingfisher in polish is zimorodek

king's son in polish is królewicz

kipper in polish is pikling

kiss in polish is całus

kitchen range in polish is palenisko kuchenne

kitchen sink in polish is zlew

kitchen utensils, dishes in polish is naczynia kuchenne

kite in polish is kania

kite in polish is latawiec

kitsch in polish is kiczowaty

klutz, nerd, jerk in polish is barani łeb**

knead, mould in polish is urabiać /urobić

kneading in polish is mieszanie ciasta

knee in polish is kolano

knee bend in polish is przysiad

knee joint in polish is staw kolanowy

knee pads in polish is nakolanniki

kneecap in polish is rzepka

knee-deep, knee-high in polish is kolana (po -)

knee-high socks in polish is podkolanówki

kneel down in polish is klękać

kneel down in polish is przyklęknąć

knickers in polish is reformy

knight in polish is rycerz

knight (chess) in polish is skoczek

knit in polish is dziać

knit one's brows in polish is marszczyć brwi

knitting in polish is dziewiarstwo

knitting machine in polish is dziewiarska (maszyna _)

knitwear in polish is dzianina

knock in polish is pukać /za-

knock down in polish is powalić (na ziemię)

knock down in polish is wyburzać

knock down in polish is zburzyć

knock down in polish is zwalać /ić

knock on wood in polish is odpukać w niemalowane drzewo

knock out, stamp in polish is wybić

knock s.o. off his feet in polish is ściąć kogoś z nóg

knock s.o.'s tooth out in polish is wybić komuś ząb

knock, rap in polish is pukać

knocker (door), rattle (instrument) in polish is kołatka

knockers** in polish is dojarki**

knockers** in polish is globusy**

knockers** in polish is mleczarnia**

knockers** in polish is wymioni**

knockers** in polish is wzgórki**

knockers** in polish is zderzaki**

knock-knees in polish is iksy

knock-off time in polish is fajrant

knot (wood) in polish is sęk

knot, tangle in polish is supeł

know how, manage in polish is umieć /potrafić

know sth inside out in polish is palcu (mieć coś w małym -)

know sthg from experience in polish is znać coś z autopsji

knowing (look) in polish is porozumiewaczy

know-it-all in polish is mądrala

knuckle of pork, shank in polish is golonka

kohlrabi in polish is kalarepa

kuemmel in polish is kminkówka

lab coat in polish is chałat

label in polish is metkować

labor (birth) in polish is porodowy

Labor Day 1st Monday Sept in polish is Święto Pracy

labor law in polish is kodeks pracy

laboratory assistant in polish is laborant

laboratory, workroom in polish is pracownia

labor-intensive in polish is pracochłonny

labor-saving in polish is pracooszczędny

Labour (adj.) in polish is laburzystowski

Labrador retriever in polish is labradorski aportujący

lace in polish is koronka

lace curtain in polish is firanka koronka

lack of courage in polish is tchórzostwo

ladder in polish is drabina

ladieś man in polish is babiarz

ladle in polish is chochla

ladybird in polish is biedronka

ladybird in polish is krówka (boża)

lady-killer in polish is podrywacz

lady's man, womaniser in polish is bawidamek

lag behind in polish is zostawać w tyle

laissez-faire in polish is leseferyzm

lamb in polish is jagnię

lamb in polish is owieczka

lame in polish is chromy

lamentable in polish is żałośny

lamprey in polish is minóg morski

lampshade in polish is abażur -ru -ry

land a job somewhere in polish is zahaczyć się gzieś

land o.s. in sth in polish is wrabiać /wrobić się w coś

land of milk and honey in polish is kraj mlekiem i miodem płynący

land reclamation in polish is rekultywacja

land register in polish is kataster

Land Registry in polish is urząd ziemski

Land Registry in polish is urząd ziemski

land surveyor in polish is geodeta

land surveyor in polish is mierniczy

landfill in polish is wysypisko

landing (make a _) in polish is desant (wysadzić _)

landing (stairs) in polish is spocznik

landing (stairway), podium in polish is podest

landing craft in polish is okręt desantowy

landing run, strip in polish is dobieg

landing strip in polish is lądowisko

landing troops in polish is desantowy

landless in polish is bezrolny

landowner in polish is obszarnik

landowner, Earthling in polish is ziemianin -ka

landslide in polish is miażdżące zwycięstwo

landslide in polish is obsunięcie się ziemi

landslide in polish is osuwisko

lap in polish is okrążenie

lap time in polish is międzyczas

lapel in polish is klapel

lapsed, prescribed in polish is przedawniony

larch in polish is modrzew

lard, fat in polish is smalec

lard, pork fat in polish is słonina

lard, suet in polish is sadło

larder, pantry in polish is spiżarnia

large family in polish is liczna rodzina

lark in polish is skrowronek

lark, skylark in polish is skowronek

laryngitis in polish is nieżyt krtani

laryngitis in polish is zapalenie krtani

larynx, voice box in polish is krtań

laser beam in polish is wiązka laserowa

lass, pin-up girl in polish is kociak

last but not least in polish is Rzecz nie mniej ważna

last resort in polish is deska (ostatnia deska ratunku)

last rites in polish is namaszczenie (ostatni -)

last will and testament in polish is ostatnia wola

latch, handle in polish is antaba

latecomer in polish is spóźnialski

latent in polish is utajony

latent defect in polish is wada ukryta

lateral in polish is poboczny

lathe in polish is tokarka

lather, foam in polish is pienić się /s-

Latvian in polish is łotewski

Latvian in polish is Łotysz

laugh at in polish is naśmiewać się/naśmiać się

laugh in one's sleeve in polish is uśmiechać się pod nosem

laugh up one's sleeve in polish is śmiać się do rozpuku

laughing-stock in polish is cel pośmiewiska

laughingstock, butt of ridicule in polish is pośmiewsko

launch (rocket) in polish is wystrzelenie

launch a campaign in polish is rozpocząć kampaję

laurel in polish is wawrzyn

lavish, ample, abundant in polish is sowity

lavish, copious in polish is ssuty

lavish, generous use of sth in polish is szafowanie czymś

lavishness, pomp in polish is wystawność

law enforcement in polish is egzekwowanie prawa

law of succession in polish is prawo spadkowe

law of the jungle in polish is pięść (prawo -)

law-abiding in polish is praworządny

lawn in polish is murawa

lawn in polish is trawnik

lawnmower in polish is kosiarka (do trawy)

lawyer in polish is macenas

laxative in polish is przeczyszczający (środek -)

lay in polish is laicki

lay down one's arms in polish is składać broń

lay down, place in polish is kłaść /położyć

lay eggs in polish is składać jaja

lay from the score in polish is nut (grać z -)

lay the foundations in polish is wznieść fundamenty

layette in polish is wyprawka niemowlęca

laziness in polish is wygodnictwo

lazy, idle in polish is próźniaczy

lazybones in polish is nygus

LCD in polish is wskaźnik ciekłokrystaliczny

lead astray, confuse, flirt in polish is bałamucić (kogoś)

lead Pb in polish is ołów

lead poisoning in polish is ołowica

lead, conduct in polish is wodzić, wieść /powieść

lead, first place in polish is prym

leaded petrol in polish is benzyna etylizowana

leaded petrol in polish is etylina

lead-free (petrol) in polish is benzyna bezołowiowa

lead-free (petrol) in polish is bezołowiowa (benzyna -)

leading in polish is czołowy

leading in polish is przewodni

leaf in polish is liść

leaf through, flick through in polish is kartkować

leaflet in polish is ulotka

leak in polish is przeciek

leak in polish is wyciekać /wyciec

leak, evaporate, make o.s. scarce in polish is ulatniać się /ulotnić

leak, leakage, effluent in polish is wyciek

leak, percolate in polish is przeciekać

leakage (secrets) in polish is przeciekanie (sekretów)

lean (year), infertile, barren in polish is nieurodzajny

lean fellow, poor starving man in polish is chudeusz

lean sth against in polish is opierać się o acc.

lean-to, annex, publishing house in polish is oficyna

leap (take a -) in polish is sus (dać -)

leap year in polish is rok przestępny

learn sth by rote in polish is blachę (wykuć coś na -)

learning fast in polish is pojętny

lease in polish is dzierżawiać -ić

lease (long) in polish is dzierżawa (długoterminowa)

lease, tenancy in polish is dyierżawa

leather strap, belt in polish is rzemień

leave a coalition in polish is wystąpić z koalicji

leave a message in polish is zostawić wiadomość

leave her alone in polish is zostaw ją w spokoju

leave it to me in polish is zostaw to mnie

Leave me alone! in polish is Zostaw mnie samego!

leave sth unsaid in polish is domówić (nie _ czegoś)

leave this world in polish is odejść z tego świata

leavened pastry covered with icing sugar or chocolate in polish is babka

lecher in polish is lubieżnik

lecherous, lustful in polish is obleśny

lecture in polish is odczyt

lecture (to give a - on) in polish is wykład (prowadziś - z)

lecturer in polish is prelegent

lecturer in polish is prelekcja

lecturer in polish is wykładowca

LED in polish is dioda świecąca

leech in polish is pijawka

leek in polish is por

leeward in polish is zawietrzny

left/right hook (boxing) in polish is sierpowy (prawy/lewy

left-handed (person) in polish is mańkut

left-handedness in polish is mańkuctwo

leftist in polish is lewacki

leg in polish is nogawica

leg in polish is udko

legal adviser, solicitor in polish is radca prawny

legal age, majority in polish is pełnoletność

legal basis in polish is podstawa prawna

legal expert in polish is znawca prawa

legal loophole in polish is luka prawna

legal person, entity in polish is osoba prawna

legal personality in polish is osobowość prawna

legal representation in polish is zastępstwo (prawne)

legal, statutory in polish is ustawowy

legal, statutory in polish is ustawowy

legally binding in polish is prawmocny

legislate in polish is ustaniwiać

legislation in polish is prawodawstwo

legislation in polish is ustawodawstwo

legislative in polish is ustawodaczy

legislator in polish is ustawodawca

legislator in polish is utawodawca

legitimacy in polish is prawowitość

legitimate in polish is prawowity

legitimate in polish is zasadny

legitimate expectations in polish is uprawnione oczekiwania

legitimate expectations in polish is uprawnione oczekiwania

leguminous plant, legume in polish is strączkowy (roślina -a)

leguminous plants, legumes in polish is strączkowe (rośliny _)

leitmotif in polish is motyw przewodni

lend limit in polish is pułap kredytu

lending library in polish is wypożyczalnia książek

lens in polish is soczewka

Lent in polish is post (wielki)

Lent in polish is Wielki Post

lentils in polish is soczewica

Leo in polish is Lew

leprosy in polish is trąd

leprous in polish is trądowaty

leprous in polish is trędowaty

let down, drop in polish is spuszczać/spuścić

let slip in polish is przegapić

let slip, let out (secret) in polish is wygadać perf.

lethal in polish is śmiercionośny

Let's have another one before we leave. in polish is napijmy się jeszcze jednego przed wyjściem.

Let's hope the sun shines. in polish is Byle tylko słońce świeciło.

let's just hope (that) in polish is aby tylko

Let's set off. O.K? in polish is No ruszamy.Co?

letter of application in polish is zgłoszenie

letter of credit in polish is akredytywa

letter of notice in polish is awizo

letter of recommendation in polish is polecający (list _)

leukaemia in polish is białaczka

leukocyte in polish is ciałko (białe _)

level in polish is poziomnica

level, flatten in polish is równać

level-headed in polish is zrównoważony

lever in polish is dżwignia

levy duty in polish is oclić

levy, recruitment (army) in polish is pobór

liabilities in polish is pasywa

liability in polish is obciążenie

liable for in polish is odpowiedzalny za

liar in polish is kłamca

liar (dzieci) in polish is kłamczucha

libel in polish is paszkwil

libel, slander in polish is zniesławiać /wić

libellous in polish is paszkwilowy

libellous in polish is zniesławiający

liberal arts in polish is wyzwolone (sztuki -)

Libra in polish is Waga

lick clean in polish is wylizywać

lid, cover in polish is pokrywka

lid, cover in polish is wieko

lie in polish is leżeć /po-

lie down in polish is kłaść się /położyć się

lie down, shape up well in polish is układać się

lie in ambush in polish is czatować

lie in wait for in polish is czaić się na coś

lie in wait, be on the loo-out for in polish is dybać (na kogoś, coś)

lie on guard (dog) in polish is warować

lie supine in polish is wznak (leżeś na -)

lie through one's teeth in polish is nut (kłamać jak z -)

lie, bluff, boasting in polish is blaga

lien, right of lien in polish is prawo zestawu

lieutenant in polish is porucznik

life assurance in polish is asekuracja na życie

life assurance in polish is ubezpieczenie na życie

life belt in polish is koło ratunkowe

life jacket in polish is kamizelka ratunkowa

life jacket in polish is kapok

life philosophy in polish is światopogląd

life sentence in polish is wyrok dożywołniego więzienia

life sentence, life estate, pension in polish is dożywocie

life-belt in polish is pas ratunkowy

lifeboat in polish is szalupa

life-guard, first-aid worker in polish is ratownik

lifelessly in polish is drętwo

lifelong, undying in polish is dozgonny

lift an embargo in polish is uchylić embargo

lift an embargo in polish is znosić embargo

lift immunity in polish is pozbawić immunitetu

lift immunity in polish is uchylić immunitet

lift off, bear (a weight) in polish is unosić

lift the veil of secrecy in polish is uchylić rąbka tajemnicy

lift up in polish is unieść

lift, jack in polish is podnośnik

lift, raise, erect in polish is dźwigać

lift-off, take-off in polish is start

light (food) in polish is lekkostrawny

light (room, apartment) in polish is widny

light a cigarette from another in polish is odpalać papierosa

light bulb in polish is żarówka

light pen in polish is światłopis

light-emitting diode LED in polish is dioda elektroluminescencyjna

lighter in polish is zapalniczka

lighter shade of this colour in polish is jaśniejszy odcień tego koloru

lighthouse in polish is latarnia morska

lightning in polish is błyskawica

lightning in polish is piorun

lightning-rod in polish is piorunochron

light-year in polish is rok świetlny

Like father like son. in polish is Niedaleko pada jabłko od jabłoni.

lilac in polish is bez (bzu bzy)

lily of the valley in polish is konwalia

lily-white in polish is biała jak lilia (mleko, śnieg)

limb, artery in polish is kończyna

lime in polish is wapno

lime (slaked) in polish is wapno (gaszone)

lime nitrogen in polish is azotniak

limestone in polish is wapień

limestone (adj.) in polish is wapienny

limewash in polish is farba wapienna

liming in polish is nawapnianie

limitation (of liability) in polish is przedawnienie (_zobowiązania)

limitation, prescription in polish is przedawnienie

limited company in polish is spółka akcyjna

limited company in polish is spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

limited liability in polish is odpowiedziałność oograniczona

limited partner in polish is komandytariusz

limited partnership in polish is spółka komandytowa

limited, slow-witted, narrow-minded in polish is ograniczony

limits, range in polish is obręb

limp in polish is kuleć

limp, be deficient in polish is chromać

linden in polish is lipa

line break in polish is łamanie wiersza

linen (linseed) in polish is lniany (siemię -)

linen, canvas in polish is płótno

liner in polish is liniowiec

lining in polish is podszewka

lining in polish is wyściółka

lining (detachable) in polish is ocieplacz

link, element. Cell in polish is ogniwo

linseed, flaxseed in polish is siemię lniane

lion cub in polish is lwię, lwiątko

lioness in polish is lwica

lion's share in polish is lwia część

lipstick in polish is pomadka do ust

liquid in polish is ciecz

liquid manure in polish is gnojówka

liquid quenching in polish is hartowanie kąpielowy

liquor store in polish is wyszynk

liquorice in polish is lukrecja

lisp in polish is seplenienie

lisp (have a _) in polish is seplenić

list, quotations in polish is ceduła

listed securities in polish is papiery wartościowe notowane na giełdzie

listed stocks in polish is walory notowane na giełdzie

listen for sth in polish is nasłuchiwać czegoś

listen, P obey in polish is słuchać /usłuchać

literal, word-for-word in polish is dosłowny

literally in polish is dosłownie

literary garbage, trash in polish is szmira

literary output in polish is dorobek pisarza

literature in polish is piśmiennictwo

lithium Li in polish is lit

Lithuanian in polish is litewski

Lithuanian in polish is Litwin

litigation practitioner in polish is adwokat praktyk

litigation-happy in polish is pieniacki

litmus paper in polish is papierek lakmusowy

litter in polish is śmiecić

litter in polish is zaśmiecić/zażmiecać

litter, (clutter up) in polish is zaśmiecać /cić

litter, block, to botch in polish is zawalać /ić

little by little, gradually in polish is po trochu

Little Red Riding Hood in polish is Czerwony Kapturek

live in polish is żyć /przeżyć

live (in) in polish is mieszkać /za-

live at peace with sb in polish is żyć z kimś w przyjaźni

live from hand to mouth in polish is prząść (cienko -)

live out of a suitcase in polish is żyć na walizkach

live to see sth in polish is dożyć czegoś

lively (music, dance) in polish is skoczny

lively, brisk in polish is rześki

liver in polish is wątroba

liver (dish) calf's liver in polish is wątróbka

liver sausage in polish is pasztetowa

liver sausage in polish is wątrobianka

livestock in polish is żywy inwentarz

livestock, live-bait in polish is żywiec

livid, blue in polish is siny

living conditions in polish is bytowe (warunki -)

living conditions in polish is warunki bytowe

living off immoral earnings in polish is kuplerstwo

living room in polish is pokój dzienny

lizard in polish is jaszczurka

load in polish is obciążenie

load distribution in polish is rozkład obciążeń

load weapon, beat up sbody, kill in polish is nabić

load-carrying capacity in polish is obciążalność

loaded (gun), filled (pipe), packed (room) in polish is nabity

loading a gun in polish is ładowanie broni

loaf in polish is bumelować

loaf in polish is próźnować

loaf of bread in polish is bochenek chleba

loafer, do-nothing in polish is nierób

loafer, idler in polish is wałkoń

loafer, shirker, absentee in polish is bumelant

loafing, shirking, absenteeism in polish is bumelanctwo

loan, loan-word in polish is zapożyczenie

loathsome in polish is obrzydły

local dialect in polish is gwara

local/general anaesthetic in polish is znieczulenie miejscowe/ogólne

locate, position in polish is ustalać położenie

locative case in polish is miejscownik

lock, sluice-gate in polish is zastawka 2

locker room/changing room in polish is szatnia

lockjaw in polish is szczękościsk

locksmith in polish is ślusarz

locksmith in polish is śluzarz

locomotor system in polish is ruchowy (układ -)

locust, swarm of insects in polish is szarańcza

lodge securities as collateral in polish is deponować papiery wartościowy w zastaw

lofty in polish is wzniosły

lofty, sublime in polish is szczytny

log in polish is kłoda

log (lumber) in polish is dłużyca (-e)

log cabin in polish is chata z bali

log, bale in polish is bela

log, bale (merchandise) in polish is bal

log, stump in polish is bierwiono

loganberry in polish is jeżynomalina

logging in polish is wycinanie lasu

logging on in polish is witanie się z systemem

loincloth in polish is opaska biodrowa

loincloth in polish is przepaska na biodro

loins in polish is lędźwie

loiter in polish is szwendać się

loiter, waste time in polish is mitrążyć

loitering, wasting time in polish is mitręga

long jump in polish is skok w dal

long time no see, it's been ages! in polish is kopę lat!

long, boring text in polish is dłużyna

longed for in polish is upragniony

longitudinal section in polish is przekrój podłużny

long-life (radioactivity) in polish is długońżyciowy

long-range in polish is dalekosiężny

loo*, john* in polish is kibel

loo, john, can in polish is bardacha***

look after, watch in polish is pilnować /do-

look around for a job in polish is rozglądaś się za pracą

look around, back in polish is oglądać się /obejrzeć się

look down on in polish is pogardzać

look down on others in polish is wynosić się ponad innych

look down on s.o. in polish is spoglądać na kogoś z góry

look forward sth in polish is wyczekiwać czegoś

look healthy in polish is czerstwo wyglądać

look like rain in polish is zanosić się na deszcz

look out for s.o. in polish is wypatrywać kogoś

look over in polish is przepatrywać

looking-glass in polish is zwierciadło

looks in polish is aparycja

loom in polish is krosno

loony, crazy in polish is zbzikowany

loop in polish is pętla

loop, noose, terminus (bus) in polish is pętla

loophole in polish is kruczek prawny

loose in polish is luźny

loose (material) in polish is sypki

loose change in polish is bilon

looter in polish is łupieżca

looter in polish is szabrownik

looting in polish is grabież

looting in polish is plądrowanie

looting in polish is szabrowanie

lorry, truck in polish is ciężarówka

lose in polish is postradać

lose one's breakfast, throw up in polish is puścić kawia

lose the thread of the story in polish is zgubić wątek

lose weight in polish is chudnąć

losing weight, slimming in polish is schudnięcie

loss of blood, expiration, run off, passage of time in polish is upływ

loss of face in polish is blamaż

loss of speech in polish is zanik mowy

loss, cavity (tooth) in polish is ubytek

loss, doom, undoing in polish is zguba

lost in thoughts in polish is zamyślony

lost something, a loser in polish is stratny

lost, stray (bullet) in polish is zabłąkany

loudspeaker, megaphone in polish is głośnik

louse in polish is wesz

lousy in polish is kiepski

lousy, rotten in polish is parszywy

love-affair in polish is miłostka

love-bite in polish is malinka*

love-child in polish is nieprawego łoża (dziecko z _)

love-child in polish is owoc miłości

lovemaking in polish is uprawianie miłości

low card in polish is blotka

low-cut (dress) in polish is wydelkotowany

lower middle-class, narrow minded in polish is drobnomieszczaństwo

Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen, Basse-Saxe) in polish is Dolna Saksonia

lower, let out, cast down (eyes) in polish is spuszczać /spuścić

lowest common denominator in polish is najmniejszy wspólny mianownik

low-interest loan in polish is pożyczka nisko oprocentowana

lowland in polish is nizina

lowland, low-lying in polish is nizinny

LPG in polish is propan-butan

Lt-Col. in polish is ppłk

lubricants in polish is smary

lubricate in polish is natłuścić

lucky streak in polish is fart

lucrative in polish is intratny

luggage lockers in polish is schowki na bagaż

luggage to check in in polish is bagaż do nadania

luggage trolley in polish is wózek bagażowy

lukewarm, unenthusiastic in polish is ciepławy

lullaby in polish is kołysanka

lumber room in polish is graciarnia

lumber room in polish is rypieciarnia

lumberjack, woodcutter in polish is drwal

lump of sugar in polish is kostka cukru

lump sum in polish is ryczałt

lump, clod of earth in polish is bryła ziemi

lunch break in polish is przerwa obiadowa

lung in polish is płuco

lupin(e) in polish is łubin

lure in polish is powab?

lure in polish is przynęta

lure in polish is zwabiać /bić

lurk in polish is czyhać

lust in polish is chuć f.

lust in polish is żądza

lust for knowledge in polish is żądza wiedzy

lust for sb in polish is ciągoty (czuć _ do kogoś)

lustful, greedy in polish is pożądliwy

lustful, lewd in polish is lubieżny

lustre, gloss in polish is polor

lute in polish is lutnia

lye, liquor in polish is ług

lymph in polish is chłonka

lymph node in polish is węzeł limfatyczny

lymphatic system in polish is chłonny (układ -)

lynx in polish is ryś

ma guarda un po' in polish is dobra sobie

macaroni in polish is makaron-rurki

macaroni and cheese in polish is makaron zapiekany z serem

mace in polish is kwiat muszkato owy

mace, wand, staff in polish is buława

machine-gun in polish is karabin maszynowy

machine-tool in polish is obrabiarka

made of rags in polish is szmaciany

made of wire in polish is druciany

madman in polish is obłąkany

magenta in polish is karmazynowy

magic wand in polish is róźdżka czarodziejska

magic, conjuring in polish is czarnoksięski

magician, wizard in polish is cudotwórca

magistrate in polish is sędzia pokoj

Magna Carta in polish is Wielka Karta Swobód

magnanimous in polish is wielkoduszny

magnesium in polish is magnez

magnet in polish is magnes

magnify in polish is powiększyć

magnify, increase in polish is zwiększyć

magpie in polish is sroka

mahogany in polish is mahoń

mailing list in polish is lista dyskusyjna

mail-order company in polish is wysyłkowa (firma -)

mail-order trade in polish is wysyłkowy (handel _)

maim, cripple, mutilate in polish is okaleczyć

maimed in polish is okaleczony

main clause in polish is nadrzędne (zdanie -)

Main Customs Office in polish is GUC (Główny Urząd Cel)

mainstream in polish is główny nurt

maintenance in polish is utrzymywanie

maintenance in polish is utrzymywanie

maintenance, upkeep in polish is utrzymanie

majority shareholder in polish is akcjonariusz większościowy

make a bet in polish is zawierać zakład

make a blunder in polish is byka (palnąć _)

make a complaint in polish is złożyć zażalenie

make a dent in, undermine, erode in polish is nadszarpywać/nadszarpnąć

make a duplicate key in polish is dorabiać klucz

make a fire in polish is rozpalić ogień

make a fool of oneself in polish is wygłupić się

make a fool of sb in polish is błażnić się

make a fuss in polish is narobić hałas

make a fuss about sth in polish is wydziwiać na coś

make a long face in polish is zwiesić nos

make a match in polish is swatać

make a mess in polish is napaskudzić

make a mess in polish is świnić /na-

make a mess, cause trouble in polish is narobić

make a mountain out of a molehill in polish is widły (robić z igły -)

make a name for o.s. in polish is wypływać

make a name for o.s. as a speaker in polish is zasłynąć jak mówca

make a nuisance of o.s. in polish is brzuchu (wiercić dziurę w -)

make a payment in polish is wpłaty (dokonywać /dokonać -)

make a pig of o.s. in polish is objadać się

make a reservation in polish is dokonywać rezerwacji

make a scene in polish is urządzć scenę

make a spectacle of o.s. in polish is przedstawienie (robić)

make a stand, resist in polish is stawić opór

make amendments in polish is wnosić poprawki

make amends in polish is wynagrodzić straty

make amends in polish is zadośćuczynić

make amends in polish is zadośćuczynić

make an act of contrition in polish is piersi (bić się w -)

make an appointment in polish is zamawiać wizytę

make an appointment for Monday in polish is umówić się na poniedziałek

make an appointment with s.o. in polish is umawiać się z kimś

make an appointment with the doctor in polish is umówić się na wizytę u lekarza

make an attempt at one's life in polish is targnąć się na życie

make an entrance, move in, to step in in polish is wkraczać /wkroczyć

make classified, top-secret in polish is utajniać /nić

make cutting remarks at s.o. in polish is docinać komuś

make do with sth in polish is obywać się/obyć się czymś

make drunk, ply with liquor in polish is spoić

make ends meet in polish is związać końca z końcem

make faces in polish is stroić miny

make fun in polish is stroić żarty

make fun of in polish is wyśmiewać

make fun of somebody in polish is nabijać się

make laugh in polish is rozśmieszyć

make life miserable, take its toll on s.o. in polish is znaki (dawać komuś we -)

make look younger, rejuvenate, bring new blood into in polish is odmładzać/odmodzić

make matters worse in polish is domiar (na - złego)

make mischief, frolic in polish is broić

make o.s. at home in polish is rozgościć się

make o.s. heard, reply in polish is odzywać się

make one's way, distinguish o.s. in polish is wybić się

make out a policy in polish is wystawić polisę

make penitence in polish is kajać się z powodu czegoś

make plans in polish is układać plany

make representations in polish is składać zażalenie

make s.o. aware of sth in polish is uświadamiać komuś coś

make s.o. believe sth in polish is wmawaić w kogoś coś

make s.o. laugh in polish is rozśmieszać kogoś

make sth available s.o. in polish is udostępiać coś komuś

make the bed in polish is ścielić łóżko

make the bed in polish is słać łóżko /po- or za-

make the best out of a bad deal in polish is robić dobrą minę do złej gry

make the sign of the cross in polish is kreślenie znaku kryża

make the sign of the cross in polish is przeżegnać się

make thin in polish is przerzedzić

make time pass more pleasantly for s.o. in polish is umilać komuś czas

make up for lost time in polish is nadrabiać czas

make up for s.o.'s loss in polish is wynagradzaś komuś stratę

make-up in polish is charakteryzacja

male (plug) in polish is obejmowany

male chauvinist in polish is męski szowinista

male nurse, medical assistant in polish is felczer

malfunction in polish is niesprawność

malice aforethought (with _) in polish is zamiarem bezpośrednim (z _)

malice aforethought (with _) in polish is zamiarem bezpośrednim (z _)

malicious falsehood, slander in polish is pomówienie

malignant tumour in polish is nowotwór złośliwy

malnutrition in polish is niedożywienie

malt, grist in polish is słód

maltreatment in polish is niewłaściwe traktowanie

mamąs boy in polish is maminsynek

mammal in polish is ssak

man of inflexible will in polish is człowiek o nieugiętej woli

man of merit, just, deserved in polish is zasłużony

man of the people in polish is chudopachołek

man of the world, socialite in polish is światowiec

man overboard! in polish is burtą (człowiek za _!)

man overboard! in polish is człowiek za burtą!

manage sth in polish is zarządzać czymś

management in polish is prowadzenie

management, governing body, board of directors in polish is zarząd

managerial in polish is kierowniczy

managing director in polish is dyrektor zarządzający

mane in polish is grzywa

mangy (dog), shabby in polish is wyliniały

man-hour in polish is roboczogodzina

manifest itself in polish is przejawiać się

manliness in polish is męskość

manpower, labor in polish is siła robocza

man-powered aircraft in polish is mięśniolot

manslaughter in polish is mężobójstwo

manslaughter in polish is mord

manslaughter in polish is nieumyłślne zabójstwo

manual, hand-made wrist (watch) in polish is ręczny

manufacture in polish is wytwarzać

manufacture, plant in polish is wytwórnia

manure, dung in polish is gnój

manure, dung in polish is obornik

manure, fertiliser in polish is nawóz

manuscript in polish is rękopis

maple syrup in polish is syrop klonowy

maple, clone in polish is klon

maple, sycamore, plane in polish is jawor

marble in polish is marmur

marbles in polish is kulki

March in polish is marcowy

mare in polish is klacz

margin (profit) in polish is marża

marigold in polish is aksamitka

marigold in polish is nagietek

marigold in polish is nogiatek

Marines in polish is piechota morska

maritime in polish is okrętowy

marjoram in polish is majeranek

mark, label, brand(animals) in polish is znakować /o-

mark, stigma in polish is piętno

mark, stress in polish is zaznaczać /yć

marked, characterised in polish is nacechowany

market (selling price) in polish is zbyt (cena -u)

market gardening in polish is badylarstwo

marketable, in great demand in polish is pokupny

marking, assay, determination in polish is oznaczanie

marksmanship, accuracy, relevance in polish is celność

marquetry in polish is intarsja

marriage of convenience in polish is małżeństwo z rozsądku

marriage settlement in polish is umowa przedślubna

marrow in polish is mlecz

marrow in polish is szpik

marry (of men) in polish is żenić się /o-

marry money in polish is wżenić się w majątek

marry, get married in polish is pobierać się

marsh, bog in polish is moczar (-y)

marshlands in polish is żuławy

marshmallow in polish is prawoślaz lekarski

marshy in polish is bagienny

marsupial in polish is torbacz

martial law in polish is stan wojenny

martyr, sufferer in polish is cierpiętnik

marvellous in polish is cudny

marvellous in polish is przecudny

mascara in polish is tusz do rzęs

masculine gender in polish is rodzaj męski

mashed potatoes in polish is purée ziemniaczane

mashing (potatoes), kneading in polish is ugniatanie

masonry in polish is mularstwo

masonry in polish is murarka

masonry, brickwork in polish is murarstwo

mass meeting, rally in polish is wieczerza

massacre in polish is rzeź f.

mass-produced, serial, repetitive in polish is seryjny

master copy in polish is kopia-matka

masterpiece in polish is arcydzieło

master-slave in polish is nadrzędny-podledły

Masurian Lakes in polish is Pojeziorze Mazurskie

match in polish is zapałka

matching, becoming in polish is dobrany

matchmaker in polish is swat

matchmaking in polish is swaty pl.

material evidence in polish is dowód istotny

maternal in polish is macierzyński

maternity hospital in polish is szpital położniczy

maternity leave in polish is urlop macierzyński

maternity, motherhood in polish is macierzyństwo

matter of life and death in polish is gardłowa sprawa

matters arising in polish is kwestie zaległe

Maundy Thursday in polish is Wielki Czwartek

May Day in polish is święto pierwszomajowe

maze, tangle in polish is plątanina

Mazovia in polish is Mazowsze

meadow, public green space in polish is błonie

mean (person), abject in polish is podły

mean (to do) in polish is chcieć się

meaning, dirty trick in polish is świństwo

meanness, mean trick in polish is podłość

meantime (in the _) in polish is międzyczasie (w _)

measles in polish is odra

measurable in polish is mierzalny

measure in polish is zabieg

measure (cooking) in polish is miarka

measurement, survey in polish is pomiar

measures having equivalent effect in polish is środki o podobnym skutku

measuring tape in polish is miarka taśmowa

meat balls in dough in polish is kłoduny

meat galore in polish is bród (mięsa w _)

meat loaf in polish is rolada mięsna

meat loaf in polish is rzymska (pieczień -)

meat spread in polish is metka

meatball in polish is klopsik

meatballs in polish is pulpety

meatloaf, meatball, flop in polish is klops

meddle with sth in polish is wdawać się w coś

meddle with sth in polish is wścibać w coś

media in polish is przekazu (środki -)

media coverage in polish is sprawodzanie w mediach

mediate,act as go-between in polish is pośredniczyć

mediator in polish is pośrednik

medical certificate in polish is zaświadczenie lekarskie

medical emergency service in polish is pogotowie ratunkowe

Medical School in polish is AM (Akademia Medyczna)

medicine man in polish is czarownik

medicine-man, quack in polish is znachor

mediocre, moderate in polish is mierny

mediocrity in polish is mierność

meditate, ponder (over sth) in polish is dumać (nad czymś)

meditation in polish is rozmyślanie

Mediterranean in polish is śródziemne morze

Mediterranean in polish is środziemny

Mediterranean Sea in polish is Morze środziemne

meek, manageable in polish is potulny

meet requirements in polish is spełniać wymagania

meet with sth in polish is natknąć się na coś

meeting in polish is zebranie

meeting closed to the public in polish is posiedzenie niejawne, tajne, zamknięte

meeting open to the public in polish is posiedzenie jawne

meeting place, venue in polish is miejsce spotkań

melancholy in polish is smętny

melodious in polish is śpiewny

melons** in polish is jabłuszka*

melt in polish is opnieć

melt in polish is rozpuścić

melt in polish is roztapiać

melt in polish is roztopić (się)

melt in polish is topnieć

melt down, away in polish is stopnieć

melt in the crowd in polish is wtapiać się w tłum

meltdown in polish is awaria stopienia reaktora

melting-pot in polish is tygiel

member of the Polish People's Army (W.W.II) in polish is alowiec

member of the SS in polish is esseman

member-state in polish is państwo członkowskie

membrane in polish is błona

memorable in polish is pamiętny

memorandum in polish is notatka

memorisation in polish is zapomiętywanie

memory loss in polish is zanik pamięci

meningitis in polish is opon (zapalenie - mózgowych)

meningitis in polish is zapalenie opon mózgowych

menopause in polish is klimakterium

mental in polish is umysłowy

mental cruelty in polish is znęcanie się (psychiczne)

mental deficiency in polish is ograniczenie umysłowe

mental deficiency, underdevelopment in polish is niedorozwój

mental, intellectual in polish is myślowy

mentality in polish is umysłowość

mentally handicapped in polish is niedorozwinięty

mentally handicapped in polish is upośledzony umysłowo

mentholated spirits in polish is denaturat

mention in polish is nadmienić

mention in polish is wspomnieć

mention of s.o. in polish is wzmianka o kimś

mention, name, change in polish is wymienać /-ić

mention, reference in polish is wzmianka

mercenary in polish is interesowny

mercenary in polish is żołdak

mercenary, freelance in polish is najemnik

merchant marines in polish is flota handlowa

merchant navy in polish is marynarka handlowa

merciful in polish is litościwy

merciful, charitable in polish is miłosierny

merciless, pitiless in polish is nielitościwy

merciless, pitiless, ruthless in polish is bezlitosny

mercuric in polish is rtęciowy

mercury in polish is rtęć

mercury in polish is żywe srebro

mercy in polish is zmiłowanie

merge in polish is zlewać się

meridian in polish is południk

meringue in polish is beza

merit in polish is zasługa

merry, amused in polish is rozbawiony

mesh, be interrelated in polish is zazębiać się

mess in polish is bałagan

mess in polish is galimatias

mess in polish is nieporządek

mess (be all confused) in polish is mętlik (mieć - w głowie)

mess things up in polish is bałaganić/nabałaganić

mess up, talk rubbish in polish is chrzanić/schrzanić

message in polish is przesłanie

message (of the President of the Republic) in polish is orędzie (prezydenta)

messenger in polish is goniec

messenger in polish is posłaniec

Messiah in polish is Mesjasz

metabolism in polish is przemiana materii

metallurgist in polish is hutnik

metallurgy in polish is hutnictwo

metaphor, figure of speech in polish is przenośnia

meteor shower in polish is rój meteorów

meter reader in polish is inkasent (elektrowni)

meticulous work in polish is skrupulatna praca

metropolitan in polish is wielkomiejski

metropolitan (taxes), capital in polish is stołeczny

mew in polish is miauczeć

microbe, micro-organism in polish is drobnoustrój

microwave oven in polish is kuchenka mikrofalowa

middle-class in polish is mieszczański

middle-class, bourgeoisie in polish is mieszczaństwo

midshipman in polish is aspirant

midwife in polish is akuszerka

midwife in polish is położna

migratory in polish is wędrowy

migratory (birds) in polish is przelotne (ptaki)

Milan in polish is Mediolan

milestone in polish is milowy (kamień -)

militant in polish is wojujący

militant in polish is zagorzały 2

military activities in polish is działania

milk in polish is doić

milk maid, milking machine in polish is dojarka

milkmaid, teat in polish is dójka

milkman in polish is mleczarz

Milky Way in polish is Droga Mleczna

mill, grind in polish is mleć

mill, grinder in polish is młyn

millet in polish is proso

millet-groat (porridge) in polish is jaglana kasza

mimosa, feeler in polish is czułek

mince, hamburger in polish is mielone

mincemeat in polish is frykasy

mind one's own business in polish is pilnować swego nosa

mind, intellect spirit in polish is umysł

mind-boggling sums of money in polish is bajońskie sumy

mindful of sth in polish is pomny czegoś

minesweeper in polish is trałowiec

minimum sentence in polish is dolny wymiar karny

minimum wage in polish is płaca na poziome minimum egzystencji

mining in polish is wydobywczy

Ministerstwo Spraw Wewne'trznych i Administracji in polish is MSWiA

Ministry of Defence in polish is MON (Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowy)

Ministry of Privatisation in polish is Własnościowych (Ministerstwo Przekszałceń -)

mink in polish is norka

mink coat in polish is norki

mink coat in polish is pelisa/futro z nórek

minor injury in polish is kontuzja

minority government in polish is rząd mniejszościowy

mint in polish is mennica

minuscule in polish is mulusienki

minutes in polish is sprawozdanie z posiedzenia

miscalculate in polish is przerachować się

miscarriage of justice in polish is pomyłka sądowa

miscarriage, abortion in polish is poronienie

miscarry in polish is poronić

miscarry in polish is ronić

miscellany, variety theater in polish is rozmaitości

mischievous, playful in polish is figlarny

miser, niggard in polish is sknera

miser, niggard, tightwad in polish is skąpiec

miserable, wretched in polish is nędzny

misery (a sorry sight) in polish is nędza (obraz -y i rozpaczy)

mishear in polish is przesłyszeć się

mislead sb in polish is wprowadzać kogoś w błąd

mislead, confuse in polish is mylić /po-

mismatch, misfit in polish is niedopasowanie

misogynist in polish is mizogenik

misplace in polish is zapodziać

misprint in polish is omyłka drukarska

misprint, typo in polish is chochlik drukarski

miss in polish is chybiać

miss in polish is nietrafny strzał

miss (the mark) in polish is chybić celu

miss classes in polish is opuszczać zajęcia

miss one's opportunity in polish is zgapić się

miss the mark in polish is cybić celu

missile in polish is pocisk

missile in polish is pocisk odrzutowy

mist, nebula in polish is mgławista

mistletoe in polish is jemioła

mistress in polish is utzymanka

misty, hazy in polish is zamglony

misty, steamy in polish is zaparowany

misuse of funds in polish is nadużycie finansowe

mix up in polish is gmatwać

mix up, confusion in polish is zmieszanie

mixed lot in polish is zbieranina

mixing bowl in polish is makutra

mixture in polish is mieszanka

mixture ratio in polish is skład mieszanki

moan in polish is biadać nad czymś

moan, groan in polish is stękać

moan, groan, whimper in polish is jęczeć

moat in polish is fosa

mob in polish is chałastra

mob in polish is motłoch

mob law in polish is rządy ulicy

mock (sb), laugh at in polish is przedrzeźniać (kogoś)

mock at sth in polish is drwić z czegoś

mock, ridicule in polish is wykpić perf.

model, standard in polish is wzorcowy

moderate, temperate in polish is umiarkowany

moderation in polish is umiar

moderation, abstinence in polish is wstrzemięźliwość

modest possessions, livestock in polish is chudoba

moisten in polish is wilżyć

moisten in polish is zwilżyć

moisten, soak in polish is zmoczyć

molar in polish is molarny

molar in polish is trzonowy (ząb -)

molar tooth in polish is ząb trzonowy

molasses in polish is melas

mole in polish is kret

mole (on skin) in polish is pieprzyk

molecular in polish is cząsteczkowy

molecular structure in polish is budowa cząsteczki

molecule in polish is drobina (cząsteczka)

molecule in polish is molekuła

molecule, particle in polish is cząsteczka

molehill in polish is kretowisko

molest, annoy, bother in polish is trapić

molten in polish is roztopiony

molten away in polish is stopniały

momentum in polish is pęd

momentum, impetus in polish is rozmach

money order in polish is polecenie wypłaty

money order in polish is przekaz pieniężny

money-box in polish is skarbonka

money-grupper in polish is ciulacz

moneylender in polish is kredytodawca

moneylender in polish is pożyczkodawca

mongrel in polish is kundel

monitor (radio), be on the watch for in polish is nasłuchiwać

monk in polish is zakonnik

monkey business in polish is krętactwo

monkey wrench in polish is klucz francuski

monogamy in polish is jednożeństwo

monoplane in polish is jednopłat

monosaccharides, simple sugars in polish is jednocukry

monosodium glutamate in polish is glutaminian sodu

monoxide in polish is jednotlenek

monstrous in polish is potworny

Montenegro in polish is Czarnogóra

mooch a drink off s.o. in polish is naciągnąć kogoś na drinka

mood in polish is nastrój

mood, disposition in polish is usposobienie

moody, sullen in polish is markotny

moonlight in polish is fuchy (brać _)

Moonlight Sonata in polish is Sonata Księżycowa

moonshine in polish is samogon

moor in polish is cumować

mooring rope in polish is cuma

mooring, docking (space) in polish is cumowanie

mop in polish is miotła z pakuł

mop in polish is zmywak na kiju

mop (head of hair) in polish is czupryna

moral, decent in polish is obyczajny

morbidity in polish is chorobliwość

more and more people are coming in polish is przybywa ludzi

more than enough in polish is aż za dużo

more than, over in polish is przeszło+acc

morgue in polish is kostnica

morning star, dawn in polish is jutrzenka

moron in polish is bałwan**

moron in polish is tłuk

mortal in polish is śmiertelnik

mortal (fear) in polish is paniczny (strach)

mortar in polish is moździeż

mortar (mil) in polish is granatnik

mortgage in polish is obciążać hipoteka

mortgage in polish is zastaw hipoteczny

mortgage debenture in polish is obligacja hipoteczna

mortgage sth in polish is obciążać coś hipoteką

mortuary, morgue in polish is trupiarnia

Moses in polish is Mojżesz

mosque in polish is meczet

mosquito in polish is komar

moss in polish is mech

most certainly in polish is ani chybi

most-favo(u)red nation in polish is kraj najwyższego uprzywilejowania

moth in polish is mół

moth, obscurity in polish is ćma

mother ship in polish is statek baza

Mother Superior in polish is przełożona (siostra -)

mother tongue in polish is mowa ojczysta

mother-of-pearl in polish is macica perłowa

motion, proposal (make, move) in polish is wniosek (zgłaszać /zgłosić -)

motorboat in polish is motorówka

motor-car body in polish is nadwozie samochodu

motorway exit in polish is zjazd z autostrady

mould in polish is forma

mould in polish is odlować

mould in polish is pleśń f.

mouldy in polish is speśniały

mouldy in polish is zapleśniały

mouldy in polish is zbutwiały

moult, shed one's hair in polish is lenieć

mound, embankment in polish is nasyp

mount on horseback in polish is dosiadać konia /dosiąć

mountain bike in polish is rower górski

mountain pass, col in polish is przełęcz

mountain ranges in polish is pasma górskie

mountain rescue team in polish is GOPR

mountaineer in polish is wspinacz

mountaineering in polish is wspinaczka górska

mountainous in polish is górzysty

mountains of work in polish is nawał pracy

mourner in polish is żałobnik

mournful, funeral in polish is żałobny

mourning in polish is żałoba

mousetrap in polish is łapka (na myszy)

moustache, whisker in polish is wąs

mouth (slang) in polish is japa**

mouth one's words in polish is poruszać ustami

mouthpiece in polish is ustnik

mouthpiece in polish is wyraziciel

mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in polish is oddychanie usta-usta

move in polish is posunięcie

move in polish is ruszać się /ruszyć się

move in polish is wyprowadzić się

move in polish is zagranie

move in closer together in polish is ścieśniać szeregi

move in with sb in polish is zamieszkać z kimś

move to another seat, change (trains) in polish is przesiadać /przesiąść

move to the right in polish is przesuwać się na prawo

move, move house in polish is przeprowadzać się

move, stand back, step aside in polish is odsuwać

mover of a bill in polish is poseł wnioskodowca

mover, author of amendment in polish is wnioskodawca

mow (down) in polish is kosic wy-

much cry and little wool in polish is z wielki chmury mały deszcz

much to the children's delight. in polish is ku radości dzieci.

muckracking in polish is pranie budów

mucous membrane in polish is błona ślużowa

mud, muck in polish is błoto

muddle through in polish is przebrnąć

muddy in polish is błotnisty

muddy, slimy in polish is mulisty

mud-hut in polish is lepianka

muff** in polish is meszek**

muff** in polish is szczota**

muffle, soundproof in polish is wyciszać /yć

muffler in polish is tłumik wydechowy

muffler, silencer (gun), damper (piano) in polish is tłumik

mug (face) in polish is facjata*

mug shot in polish is zdjęcie zatrzymanego

mug* (face) in polish is gęba**

mug, rob in polish is obrabowywać

mulberry in polish is morwa

mule, slime, silt in polish is muł

mullet in polish is cefal

mullet in polish is kiełb

multilateral in polish is wielostronny

multilingual in polish is wielojęzyczny

multimeter, volt-ohm-milliammeter in polish is awometr

multiple in polish is wielokrotność

multiple choice test in polish is wielokrotny (test -ego wyboru)

multiple crash in polish is karambol

multiple sclerosis in polish is stwardnienie rozsiane

multiplication factor in polish is krotność

multiplication table in polish is tabliczka mnożenia

multiracial in polish is wielorasowy

multi-talented in polish is wszechstronnie uzdolniony

mumble in polish is kluski w gębie (mieć -)

mumble in polish is kluski w gębie (mieć -)

mumble in polish is mruczeć

mumble, mutter, hint, allude in polish is bąkać/bąknąć (pod nosem)

mumbler, moaner, man of few words in polish is mruk

mumbling in polish is bełkot

mummy in polish is mamusia

mumps in polish is świnka

mum's the word in polish is ani pari z ust

mundane, down-to-earth in polish is przyziemny

mural, wall painting in polish is malowidło ścienne

muscle in polish is mięsień

muscular in polish is mięśniowy

muscular atrophy in polish is zanik mięśny

muscular, brawny in polish is umięśniony

mushrooms in cream sauce in polish is pieczarki w śmietanie

musk-rat in polish is piżmak

Muslim in polish is mahometanin

must in polish is moszcz

musty in polish is zbutwiały

musty, stale in polish is stęchły

mute (person) in polish is niemowa

mute, dumb in polish is niemy

mute, speechless, tongue-tied in polish is oniemały

muted, muffled in polish is stłumiony

mutinous in polish is wichrzycielski

mutinous, riotous in polish is buntowniczy

mutton in polish is baranina

mutual admiration society in polish is towarzystwo wzajemnej adoracji

mutual advantage in polish is obustronna korzyść

mutual funds in polish is fundusze wzajemne

mutual, reciprocal in polish is obopólny

mutually, same to you in polish is nawzajem

muzzle in polish is kaganiec

my compliments to… in polish is ukłony dla…

my hands are frostbitten in polish is odmrożiłam sobie ręce

My head is splitting. in polish is Głowa mi pęka.

mycosis in polish is gryzbica

mycosis in polish is grzybica

mysterious in polish is tajemniczy

nag in polish is szkapa 2

nag at s.o. in polish is gderać na kogoś

nail in polish is gwóźdż

nail file in polish is pilnik do paznokci

nail together (planks) in polish is zbić (deski)

nail, pin s.o. down in polish is przycisnąć kogoś do muru

nail, stud in polish is ćwiek

nailhead in polish is główka gwoźdia

naked person in polish is golas

name, appoint in polish is mianować

namely in polish is mianowicie

nanny in polish is niania

nap (have a -) in polish is drzemka (uciąć sobie -ę)

naphtha in polish is benzyna ciężka

narcissus in polish is narcyz

narcotic drugs in polish is leki odurzające

narrative in polish is gawędziarski

narrow sth down sth in polish is zawężać coś do czegoś

narrow, take in (dress), straighten in polish is zwężać /zwęzić

narrow/narrower in polish is wąski/węższy

narrow-minded in polish is małoduszny

narrow-mindedness in polish is ciasnota umysłowa

nasal in polish is nosowy

nasty in polish is paskudny

nasty blister on my left foot. in polish is przykry pęcherz n lewej stopie.

nasty weather in polish is wstrętna pogoda

National Assembly in polish is Zgromadzenie Narodowe

nationalisation in polish is upaństwowienie

nationalist in polish is narodowiec

nation-state in polish is państwo narodowe

native in polish is rodowity

native speaker in polish is rodzimy użytkownik języka

native,aboriginal, local in polish is tubylec

Nativity scene, creche in polish is jasełka

natural gas in polish is gaz ziemny

natural person in polish is osoba fizyczna

natural science in polish is przyrodnoznawstwo

natural sciences in polish is nauki przyrodnicze

natural selection in polish is dobór naturalny

naturalist in polish is przyrodnik

nauseate, make sick in polish is mdlić

nauseating, bland in polish is mdły

nave in polish is nawa

navel in polish is pępek

navigable (river) in polish is spławny

navy in polish is flota wojenna

NDT non-destructive testing in polish is badanie nieniszczące

near by in polish is pod bokiem

near by in polish is tuż obok

neat in polish is składny

neat and tidy in polish is zadbany

neat, tidy in polish is schludny

neat, tidy, orderly in polish is chędogi

nebula in polish is mgławica

necessary evil in polish is zło konieczne

neck in polish is szyjka

neck chain in polish is łańcuszek na szyję

neckerchief, scarf in polish is apaszka

necklace in polish is kolia

necklace in polish is naszyjnik

necrosis in polish is martwica

need, order,P require in polish is potrzebować /za-

needles (of a conifer) in polish is igliwie

negation in polish is przeczenie

negative (reply) in polish is odmowny

negative end in polish is biegun ujemny

negative, contradictory in polish is przeczący

negative, sub-zero in polish is ujemny

neglect oneself in polish is opuszczać się /opuścić się

neglect s.o. in polish is macoszemu (traktować kogoś po -)

neglect, miserable life in polish is poniewierka

neglectful, careless, sloppy in polish is niedbały

negligence in polish is medbatstwo

negligence in polish is niedbalstwo

negligent in polish is zaniedany

negligently in polish is staranności (bez należytej -)

negotiable instrument in polish is zbywalny (dokument -)

negotiate in polish is rokować

negotiate in polish is uzgadniać /uzgodnić

negotiate with s.o. in polish is układać się z kimś

negotiations (take up/ enter into _) in polish is rokowania (podjąć/wszcząć _)

neigh in polish is rżeć

neighborhood in polish is otoczka

neighborhood in polish is sąsiedztwo

neither fish nor fowl in polish is ni pies, ni wydra

neon lamp, tube in polish is neonówka

nephew in polish is bratanek

nephew in polish is synowiec

nephritis in polish is zapalenie nerek

nepotism in polish is kumoterstwo

net profit in polish is czysty (zysk _)

net, grid in polish is siatka

nettle in polish is pokrzywa

neurasthenia, nervous breakdown in polish is rozstrój nerwowy

neurosis in polish is nerwica

neurotransmitter in polish is neuroprzekaźnik

neutralise in polish is zobojętnić

never again in polish is przenigdy

never mind in polish is mniejsza z tym

Never! You're joking! in polish is Gdzież tam!

never-ending job in polish is syzyfowa praca

new arrival in polish is nowoprzybyły

new moon in polish is nów

New Year's resolution in polish is postanowienie noworoczne

new-born in polish is nowo narodzony

newcomer in polish is przybysz

newlyweds in polish is nowożeńcy

news flash in polish is skrót wiadomości

news, rumor in polish is wieść

newsagent in polish is kioskarz

newsboy in polish is gazeciarz

newt in polish is traszka

Next door in polish is Obok

next door in polish is ścianą (za -)

NGO in polish is organizacja pozarządowa

nibble at sth in polish is skubać coś

nice and warm in polish is cieplutki

nick in polish is zwinąć

nickname in polish is przezwisko

niece in polish is synowica

niece (brother's daughter) in polish is bratanica

Nigger (vulg.) in polish is czarnuch

night blindness in polish is kurza ślepota

night life in polish is życie nocne

night owl* in polish is nocny Marek

night safe in polish is trezor

night shift in polish is nocna zmiana

night shift in polish is sztychta nocna

nightingale, good singer in polish is słowik

nightmare, ghost in polish is zmora

nimble, brisk in polish is rączy

nipple in polish is sutka

nipple (vulgar) in polish is cyc

nipple, pacifier in polish is smocek

nipples in polish is sutki**

nit in polish is gnida

nitrate in polish is azotan

nitric in polish is azotowy

nitric acid in polish is azotowy (kwas _)

nitrous in polish is azotawy

no artificial colours in polish is barwników (bez _)

no end of, an overwhelming amount in polish is nawał

no great hurry in polish is pali się (nie -)

no sooner than in polish is natychmiast po tym jak, ledwo

no way! in polish is ani mi się śni!

No way! in polish is Wykluczone!

no way! forget it! in polish is figa z makiem!

noble in polish is szlachetny

nobleman/woman in polish is szlachcic/szlachcianka

Noblesse oblige. in polish is schlachectwo zobowiązuje

nod in polish is kiwać głową

nod, bow in polish is ukłon

noisily, boisterously in polish is szumnie

nomadic in polish is koczowniczy

nomenclature in polish is mianownictwo

nominal damage in polish is szkoda niemajątkowa

nominal damage in polish is szkoda niemajątkowa

nomination of candidates in polish is zgłaszanie kandydatów

nominative, denominator in polish is mianownik

Non calpestare le aiuole! in polish is Nie deptać trawników!

non preoccupare in polish is nic sobie z tego nic rob

non-aggression treaty in polish is układ o nieagresji

non-allied in polish is niezaangażowany

non-disclosure in polish is zatajenie

non-ferrous metals in polish is nieżelazne (metale _)

non-negotiable instrument in polish is dokument niezbywalny

non-profit, unprofitable in polish is niedochodowy

non-returnable in polish is bezzwrotny

non-returnable packaging in polish is opakowanie bezzwrotne

nonsense in polish is brednie

nonsense (talk _) in polish is androny (pleśċ _)

nonsense (talk _) in polish is banialuki (pleść _)

non-stick pan in polish is patelnia teflonowa

non-stop* in polish is ciurkiem

non-taxable in polish is niepodlegający opodatkowanie

non-voting shares in polish is akcje nieme

nook in polish is zakątek

North Pole in polish is Biegun Północny

northern lights in polish is zorza polarna

nose (slang) in polish is kilfon**

nose (slang) in polish is klakson**

nose (slang) in polish is nochal*

nostril in polish is chrapa

nostril in polish is nozdrze

not an ounce in polish is krzta (ani krzty)

not beqt qround the bush in polish is mówić prosto z mostu

not get enough sleep in polish is nie dospać

not in the least! in polish is bynajmniej!

not just anybody in polish is nie byle kto

not to be as good as s.o. in polish is ustępować komuś

not to give a shit for* in polish is olewać

not to sleep a wink in polish is nie zmrużyć oczy

notary (public) in polish is rejent

notch in polish is szczerba

notches in polish is ząbki

note down, enrol in polish is zapisać

note, postscript in polish is przypisek

notebook in polish is notes

notepad in polish is blok

notepad, small pulley in polish is bloczek

notes, diary in polish is zapiski

nothing doing! in polish is numer (ten - nie przejdzie!)

notice (to dismiss), lay-off in polish is wymówienie

notice, perceive in polish is spostrzegać /spostrzec

noticeable in polish is odczuwalny

noticeable in polish is zauważalny

noticeable, perceivable in polish is dostrzegalny

noticeable, perceptible, reachable (person) in polish is uchwytny

noticeboard in polish is tablica ogłoszeń

notification in polish is zawiadomienie

notion, idea in polish is wyobrażenie

notorious, glorious in polish is sławetny

noun in polish is rzeczownik

nourish o.s. in polish is odżywiać się

nourishing cream in polish is odżywczy (krem _)

nourishing, satiating in polish is sytny

nourishment in polish is odżywianie

novel in polish is powieść f.

novelist in polish is powieściopisarz

novice, beginner in polish is nowicjusz

now way I can do that in polish is nijak nie mogę tego zrobić

nozzle, jet in polish is dysza

nuclear fission in polish is rozszczepienie jądra atomowego

nuclear war-head in polish is głowica jądrowa

nucleus in polish is jądro komórkowe

nudge in polish is szturchać /nąć

nugget (gold) in polish is samorodek

nuisance in polish is niedogodność

nuisance in polish is utrapienie

null and void, bygone in polish is niebyły

numb in polish is odrętwiały

numb in polish is zdrętwiały

numb in polish is zgrabiały

numb the pain in polish is łagodzić ból

numb, dry in polish is drętwy

numb, gone to sleep in polish is ścierpły

numberplate in polish is tablica rejestracyjna

numbness, stupor in polish is odrętwienie

numskull, cretin in polish is bezmózgowiec

nun in polish is mniszka

nun in polish is zakonnica

nurse in polish is niańczyć

nurse, fondle in polish is chuchać/chuchnąć na kogoś

nursemaid in polish is bona

nursery (trees) in polish is szkółka

nursery rhymes in polish is wyliczanki dla dzieci

nursery-class teacher in polish is przedszkolanka

nut in polish is dokrętka

nut of a screw in polish is nakrętka

nut, madman in polish is świr

nutcracker in polish is dziadek do orzechów

nutmeg in polish is gałka muszkatołowa

nutritious in polish is pożywny

nymph in polish is boginka

oak forest in polish is dąbrowa

oak tree in polish is dąb

oak wood in polish is dębina

oar, paddle in polish is wiosło

oath of allegiance in polish is przysięga na wierność

oath, sworn attestation (in court) in polish is przysięga

oats in polish is owies

obedience in polish is posłuch

obedience in polish is posłuszeństwo

obese in polish is opasły

obese in polish is otyły

obese, fat in polish is opaly

obey in polish is słuchać się /u-

obey in polish is usłuchać

obey an order in polish is rozkaz (wykonać -)

obey, abide by in polish is przestrzegać /przestrzec

objectiveness in polish is przedmiotowość

obligation, commitment in polish is zobowiązanie

obligatory, compulsory in polish is przymusowy

obliged to do sth in polish is zoboziązany do czegoś

obliging, co-operative in polish is uczynny

oblique, diagonal in polish is ukośny

oblivion in polish is zapomnienie

oblong, elongated, longitudinal, lengthways in polish is podłużny

oboe in polish is obój

obscene, bawdy in polish is sprośny

obsequious, overly polite in polish is ugrzeczniony

observant, perceptive in polish is spostrzegawczy

obstacle in polish is przeszkoda

obstacle race in polish is bieg z przeszkodami

obstetrician in polish is akuszer

obstetrician in polish is położnik

obstetrics in polish is położnictwo

obstinacy in polish is upór

obstructing the police in polish is utrudnianie pracy policji

obstructing the police in polish is utrudnianie pracy policji

obstruction (med) in polish is niedrożność

obtuse angle in polish is kąt rozwarty

obtuse angle in polish is rozwarty kąt

occasional, casual in polish is przygodny

occasional, hit-and-run in polish is dorywczy

occipital lobe in polish is płat potyliczny

occiput in polish is potylica

occupancy in polish is zajmowanie

occupant in polish is lokator

occupation, job in polish is wykonywany (zawód -)

occupational disease in polish is choroba zawodowa

occurrence in polish is występowanie

odd in polish is nieparzysty

odd jobs in polish is dorywcza (praca -)

odd jobs in polish is dorywcze (zajęcia _)

odd number in polish is liczba nieparzysta

odor in polish is odór

oedema, swelling, tumour in polish is obrzęk

oesophagus, throat in polish is przełyk

of morals in polish is obyczajowy

of sound mind in polish is świadomy

off the beaten track in polish is odludziu (na -)

off the top of one's head in polish is z głowy

offal in polish is podroby

offence in polish is przekroczenie

offend in polish is uchybiać

offend s.o. in polish is ubliżać komuś

offended, hurt in polish is urażony

offensive (carry out an _) in polish is natarcie (przeprowadzić _)

offensive weapon in polish is zaczepna (broń _)

offensive, insulting in polish is ubliżający

offensive, susceptible, touchy in polish is obrażliwy

offering, contribution to charity in polish is datek

off-hand, unceremonious in polish is obcesowy

office in polish is urząd

office building in polish is biurowiec

office hours in polish is urzędowanie (godziny -a)

official in polish is urzędowy

official announcement in polish is obwieszczenie (urzędowe)

Official Journal in polish is Dziennik Urzędowy

Official Journal in polish is Dziennik Urzędowy Wspólnot Europejskich

official quotation list in polish is ceduła (urzędowa _ giełdowa)

official superior in polish is zwierzchnik służbowy

official, business (trip) in polish is służbowy

officious in polish is nadgorliwy

officiousness in polish is służbistość

offside (sport), burned up in polish is spalony

offspring in polish is młode decl like adj

ogle, make eyes in polish is mizdrzyć się

Oh, do stop it. in polish is Przestańże.

oil in polish is ropa naftowa

oil can in polish is bańka do oleju

oil rig, well in polish is szyb naftowy

oil shale in polish is olej łupkowy

oil slick in polish is płama ropy na morzu

oil trap in polish is chwytacz oleju

oil well in polish is szyb naftowy

oil well in polish is wiertnia

oil(seed) cake in polish is makuch

oil, lubricate in polish is oliwić /na+

oilcan in polish is oliwiarka

oilcloth in polish is cerata

oil-field in polish is zagłębie naftowe

oilseeds in polish is nasiona oleiste

oilseeds in polish is rośliny oleiste

oilwell in polish is odwiert naftowy

ointment in polish is maść

okra (lady's fingers) in polish is piżmian jadalny

old age, antiquity in polish is starość

old boy, alumnus in polish is wychowanek 2

old fart (vulgar) in polish is pierdzioch

old fashioned in polish is staromodny

old times, ancient in polish is starodawny

old-fashioned, backward in polish is zacofany

old-timer in polish is autoramentu (człowiek dawnego _)

olfactory in polish is węchowy

olive branch in polish is gałążka oliwna

Olympic flame, torch in polish is znicz olimpiski

omen in polish is wróźba

omen, trailer (TV) in polish is zwastun ?

ominous, sinister in polish is złowieszczy

ominous, sinister in polish is złowrogi

omission in polish is opuszczenie

omniscient in polish is wszystkowiedzący

omnivorous in polish is wszystkożerny

on a leash, chain, tether in polish is uwięź (na uwiezi)

on all fours in polish is czworach (na -)

on an empty stomach in polish is czczy (na - żołądek)

on and off, casually in polish is dorywczo

on average in polish is przeciętnie

on call, orderly in polish is dyżurny

on edge, edgewise in polish is kant (na _)

on equal terms in polish is równy (jak - z równym)

on foot in polish is piechotą

on my word in polish is dalibóg

on one's back in polish is wznak, na wznak

on one's back, supine in polish is na wznak

on one's deathbed in polish is łożu (na - śmierci)

on purpose in polish is naumyślnie

on purpose in polish is umyślnie

on purpose, deliberately in polish is rozmyślnie

on record in polish is zaprotokolowany

on sale in polish is wysprzedaży (na _)

on staff, permanent post in polish is etacie (na _)

on the brink of a precipice in polish is skraju (na - przepaści)

on the brink of poverty in polish is skraju (na - nędzy)

on the dole in polish is zasiłku (na _)

on the face of it in polish is na pozór

on the kitchen counter in polish is na blacie kuchennym

on the margins of society in polish is nawiasem (poza -)

on the sly in polish is chyłkiem

on the spot, when needed in polish is doraźnie

on the surface in polish is pozornie

on the top shelf in polish is na górnej półce

on time in polish is czas (na czas)

on time, punctually in polish is terminowo

on top of that in polish is dokładka (na -)

once and for all in polish is raz na zawsze

once upon a time in polish is ongiś

one for the road! in polish is Strzemiennego!

one-day('s) in polish is jednodniowy

one-night stand in polish is przygoda na jedną noc

one-night stand in polish is skok w bok

one-way in polish is jedno kierunkowy

one-way street in polish is jednokierunkowa (ulica -)

one-zloty coin in polish is złotówka

onion in polish is cebula

on-line/off-line in polish is podłączony/odłączony

onlooker in polish is gap

onomatopoeic in polish is dźwiękonaśladowczy

onsider, settle accounts in polish is lubić się /po-

open credit in polish is akredytywa bezdokumentowa

open hearing in polish is rozprawa otwarta

open proceedings in polish is wszcząć postępowanie

open-cast mining, strip mining in polish is eksploatacja naziemna

open-minded in polish is wolny od uprzezeń

operative, in working order, efficient in polish is sprawny

opinion, meaning, notion, conception in polish is mniemanie

opportunity in polish is sposobność

oppress in polish is ciemiężyć

oppress in polish is uciskać

oppress, worry in polish is gnębić

oppress,burden, tread down in polish is uciemiężać

oppressed in polish is uciśniony

oppression in polish is ucisk

oppressive heat in polish is skwar

oppressor in polish is ciemięzca

oppressor in polish is ciemiężyciel

oppressor in polish is ciemiężyciel

opt out in polish is derogacja trwała

optic fibre in polish is światłowód

optical character recognition in polish is odczytanie optycznie pisma

optional in polish is nadobowiązkowy

or more in polish is okładem (z -)

oracle in polish is wyrocznia

oral (medicine) in polish is doustny

orator (eloquent) in polish is krasomówca m.

orchard in polish is sad

orchid in polish is storczyk

ordeal in polish is katorga

order in polish is ład

order in polish is zlecenie

order, command (give a _) in polish is rozkaz

order, command, writ in polish is nakaz

orderly in polish is salowa

orders from above in polish is odgórne zarządzenie

ordinal number in polish is liczebnik porządkowy

ordinal, serial (number) in polish is porządkowy

ordinary(bishop) in polish is ordynariusz

ordinary, common in polish is tuzinkowy

ordinate in polish is rzędna

ordination in polish is święcenia kapłańskie

ore in polish is kruszec

ore in polish is ruda

ore in polish is rura

ore enrichment in polish is wzbogacanie rud

oregano in polish is lebiodka

organ in polish is narząd

organ donation in polish is oddawanie organów

organised crime in polish is związek przestępny

original, natural in polish is samorodny

orphan in polish is sierota

orphanage in polish is dom dziecka

orthodontist in polish is chirurg szczękowy

Orthodox church in polish is cerkiew f.

Orthodox church in polish is cerkiewny

oscillation (electric _) in polish is drgania elektryczne

oscillatory wave in polish is drgająca (fala _)

osseous in polish is kostny

ostrich in polish is struś

other side of the coin in polish is odwrotna strona medalu

otherness in polish is odmienność

otter, bitch (vulg.) in polish is wydra

out of court (settle _) in polish is polubownie (załatwić sprawę _)

out of print, used up in polish is wyczerpany

out of sorts in polish is sos (nie w -ie)

out of stock in polish is brak na składzie

out of the blue in polish is zowąd (ni stąd ni -)

out! in polish is wynocha!

outbid in polish is przelicytować

outcast in polish is wyrzutek (społeczeństwa)

outgoing in polish is ustąpujący

outgoing in polish is ustępujący

outgrowth, teenager, juvenile in polish is wyrostek

outlandish in polish is dziwaczy

outlaw in polish is infamis

outlaw in polish is wyjmować spod prawa

outlaw, exile in polish is banita

outlay in polish is nakład

outlet, estuary, mouth in polish is ujście

outline in polish is konspekt

outline, contour in polish is obrys

outline, draft, sketch in polish is zarys

outpatientś clinic in polish is ambulatorium

out-patients department in polish is przychodnia przyszpitalna

output, efficiency in polish is uzysk

output, production in polish is wydobycie

outrageous in polish is oburzający

outrun in polish is prześcigać /nąć

outside in polish is dworze (na-)

outside in polish is na polu

outsider in polish is postronna (osoba )

outskirts in polish is kraniec miasta

outstanding debt, receivables in polish is wierzytelność -ści

outstanding debts in polish is należności zaległe

oval, cylindrical in polish is obły

ovary in polish is jajnik

oven in polish is piekarnik

over a low heat in polish is na wolnym ogniu

over! (radio) in polish is odbiór!

overburden, overwork in polish is przeciążenie

overburdened with work in polish is przeciążony pracy

overcoat in polish is palto

overcoat in polish is płaszcz

overcurrant in polish is przetężenie

overdevelopment in polish is przewołanie

overdose in polish is przedawkować

overdraft in polish is debet

overdraft in polish is przekroczenie konta

overdraw one's account in polish is przekroczyć saldo/stan konta

overdrawn credit in polish is przekroczony (kredyt _)

overdrive, step-up gear in polish is nadbieg

overdue in polish is przekroczony

overestimate, overrate in polish is przeceniać /nić

overexposed in polish is prześwietlony

over-fed, bloated in polish is wyżarty

overful, overcrowded in polish is przepełniony

overgrow in polish is obrastać

overgrown, unshaven in polish is obrośnięty

overhead price in polish is cena ryczałtowa

overhead, slide projector in polish is rzutnik (slajdów)

overhear, eavesdrop in polish is podsłuchiwać

overjoyed in polish is uradowany

overlap in polish is zachodzić na siebie

overlook in polish is przeoczyć

overlook, override, pass over in polish is pomijać

overmanning in polish is nadmiar siły roboczej

overpaid in polish is przepłacany

overpopulated in polish is przeludniony

overpopulatlon in polish is przeludnienie

override in polish is lekceważyć

override a veto in polish is obalić weto

overriding interest in polish is interes nadrzędny

overrule in polish is stanowić ponad

overrule, set aside in polish is uchylać

overseas in polish is zamorski

overshoe in polish is śniegowiec

oversight in polish is przeoczenie

oversight, neglect in polish is niedopatrzenie

oversleep in polish is zasypiać/zaspać

oversteering in polish is nadsterowność

overtake, pass in polish is wyprzedzenie

over-the-counter market in polish is wtórny rynek akcji

overthrow, abolish, in polish is obalić

overtime in polish is dogrywka

overtime in polish is godziny nadliczbowe

overtime in polish is nadgodziny

overturn cars in polish is przewracać samochody

overturn, upset in polish is przewracać

overvoltage protection in polish is zabezpieczenie nadpięciowe

overweight in polish is nadwaga

overwhelm in polish is zmiażdżyć

overwhelm, overpower in polish is obezwładniać/ -ić

overwhelming in polish is przytłaczający

overwhelming, general, plenary (meeting) in polish is walny

overwork in polish is zapracowywać/zapracować

overworked in polish is spracowany

ovulation in polish is jajeczkowanie

owl in polish is sowa

own resources in polish is środki własne

owner-occupied flat in polish is włażnościowy (mieszkanie -)

ox, steer in polish is wół

oxidant in polish is utleniacz

oxidation in polish is utletnianie

oxide in polish is tlenek

oxidise in polish is utleniać się

oxygen in polish is tlen

oxygen mask in polish is maska tlenowa

oxygenate in polish is natleniać

oyster in polish is ostryga

pace, plod along, strut in polish is stąpać

pacemaker in polish is rozrusznik

Pacific Ocean in polish is Ocean Spokojny

Pacific ocean in polish is Ocean Spokojny

pacifier in polish is smoczek

pack animal in polish is juczne (zwierzę -)

pack of dogs in polish is sfora

pack of lies in polish is stek kłamstw

pack up (things)*, blow it in polish is nawalać /ić

package, gang* in polish is paczka

packed lunch in polish is prowiant (suchy -)

packer in polish is pakowacz

paddleboat in polish is statek kołowy

paddock, subterfuge, catwalk in polish is wybieg

paddy wagon in polish is więżniarka

padlock in polish is kłódka

pagan, heathen in polish is poganin-poganka

pagan, heathen in polish is pogański

page layout in polish is układ graficzny strony

page, bellboy in polish is goniec hotelowy

pagination in polish is paginacja

paid by the day in polish is dniówkowy

painful, intense in polish is dotkliwy

painstaking work in polish is staranna praca

paint in polish is malować /na-

paint roller in polish is rolka do malowania

paint roller in polish is wałek do malowania

paint shop in polish is lakierna

painting in polish is malowidło

palatable, digestible food in polish is strawna

palate in polish is podniebienie

pale in polish is blady

pale, stake in polish is pal

Palm Sunday in polish is Niedziela Palmowa

palm tree in polish is palma

pampered, spic-and-span in polish is wychuchany

pancake pastry with apples in polish is jabłka w cieście

panel(l)ing in polish is boazeria

panic in polish is popłoch

pansey in polish is bratek

pant, gape in polish is ziać

pant, wheeze in polish is dyszeć

panties, knickers in polish is majtki

pants, trousers in polish is portki

papacy in polish is papiestwo

Papal Nuncio in polish is nuncjusz papieski

paper clips in polish is spinacze

paper cutter in polish is gilotyna

paper pulp in polish is ścier

paper towels in polish is serwetki papierowe

paperhanger in polish is tapeciarz

paperwork in polish is papierkowa robota

parable, tale in polish is przypowieść

parachute jumper in polish is skoczek spadochronny

parachuting in polish is spadochroniarstwo

parachutist in polish is skoczek spadochronowy

parade sth in polish is afiszować się (z) czymś

parade, display in polish is popis

paraglider, hang-glider in polish is lotnia

paragon of virtue in polish is wzór cnót

paragraph in polish is akapit

paragraph, lavatory in polish is ustępliwy

parallel in polish is prosta równoległa

parallel (latitude) in polish is równoleżnik

parallel bars in polish is drążek (drążki) (gymnastyczne)

parallel bars in polish is porącze

parallel bars in polish is poręcze (symetryczne)

parallel to in polish is równoległy

paralysis in polish is bezwład

parasite in polish is pasożyt

parasite, sponger in polish is darmozjazd

parasympathetic nervous system in polish is przywspółczulny (układ nrewowy -)

parboiling in polish is podgotowywanie potrawy

parcel, errand in polish is posyłka

pardon in polish is ułaskawiać /wić

pardon, indulgence in polish is odpust

parent company in polish is firma macierzysta

parent directory in polish is katalog nadrzędny

parental leave in polish is wychowawczy (urlop -)

parenthesis, brackets in polish is nawias

parenthetical in polish is nawiasowy

parent-teacher's meeting in polish is wywiadówka

paring knife in polish is obierania (nóż do _)

parish church in polish is fara

parking meter in polish is zegar parkingowy

parking place (rear end)** in polish is garaż**

parliamentary group in polish is koło parlamentarne

parliamentary privilege in polish is immunitet poselski

parochial in polish is zaściankowy

parole in polish is warunkowe (zwolnienie -)

parole in polish is zwalniać warunkowo

parsley in polish is natka pietruszki

parsley in polish is pietruszka

parsnip in polish is pasternak

parson, rector, parish priest in polish is proboszcz

part of speech in polish is część mowy

partial in polish is cząstkowy

partiality, bias in polish is stronniczość

participle in polish is forma imięsłowa

particle (alpha, beta) in polish is cząstka (alfa, beta)

particularly in polish is zwłaszcza

parting, separation in polish is rozstanie

partisan, supporter in polish is stronnik

partition in polish is przegroda

partition-wall in polish is przepierzenie

partly, in a way in polish is poniekąd

partner (silent _) in polish is wspólnik (cichy _)

partnership, company in polish is spółka

partnership, connivance in polish is wspóludział

partridge in polish is kuropatwa

party congress in polish is zjazd partii

pass in polish is mijać (na drodze)

pass a budget in polish is uchwalić budżet

pass a law in polish is uchwalać

pass a resolution in polish is przyjąć uchwałę

pass by, elapse in polish is minąć

pass to the centre-forward (soccer) in polish is centra

pass water in polish is oddawać mocz

pass, overtake (car) in polish is wyprzedzać

pass, spend time, round up (cattle) in polish is spędzać /spędzić

passer-by, pedestrian in polish is przechodzień

passing acquaintance in polish is przygodna znajomość

passion in polish is namiętność

passionate in polish is zapamiętały

passionate, keen in polish is namiętny

passive resistance in polish is bierny opór

Passover in polish is Pascha

password in polish is hasło

past participle in polish is imięsłów bierny

pasture land (in the mountains) in polish is hala

pasture, feed in polish is żer

pasture, grazing land in polish is pastwisko

pat on the back in polish is klepać kogoś po plecach

patch (cabbage) in polish is zagon

patch (land) in polish is grządka

patch (up) in polish is łatać za/

patch-work in polish is łatanina

patent application in polish is zgłoszenie praw patentowych

patent leather shoes in polish is lakierki

patent office in polish is urząd patentowy

patent office in polish is urząd patentowy

patent office in polish is urząd patentowy

patent pending in polish is patent zgłoszony

paternoster in polish is dźwig okrężny

path in polish is dróżka

pathetic in polish is żenujący

pathological, morbid in polish is chorobliwy

patience in polish is cierpliwość

patient in polish is cierpliwy

patisserie, bakery in polish is ciastkarnia

patrol (scouts), host in polish is zastęp

pattern in polish is wzorek

pattern (clothes) in polish is wykrój

patterned in polish is wzory (we -)

pauper, destitute person in polish is nędzarz

pause to catch one's breath in polish is nabrać tchu

pave in polish is brukować

pavement in polish is bruk

paw in polish is łapa

pawn in polish is pionek

pawn (chess), perpendicular, department in polish is pion

pawn a watch in polish is zastawiać zegarek

pawn note in polish is rewers zastawny

pay in polish is płacić /za-

pay in polish is uiszczać /uiścić

pay compliments in polish is prawić komplementy

pay for sth in polish is pokutować /od- za coś

pay in kind in polish is natura, płacić w naturze

pay off, repay a debt in polish is spłacić

pay raise in polish is podwyższenie

pay s.o. a visit in polish is składać komuś wizytę

pay the earth for sth in polish is płacić krocie na coś

pay tribute in polish is składać hołd

pay, allowance, salary in polish is uposażenie

payable on sight in polish is awista (płatny _)

pay-as-you-go in polish is zliczanie kosztów postępowania

payback, rebate, return, phrase in polish is zwrot

pay-day in polish is dzień wypłaty

payee in polish is remitent

paying party in polish is alimentator

payload in polish is ciężar użyteczny

payment in polish is wpłata

payment authority in polish is upoważenie do wypłaty

payment notice in polish is wezwanie płatnicze

payment(of a bill, rent) in polish is uiszczenie

payroll in polish is siatka płac

PE (physical education) in polish is WF (wychowanie fizyczne)

peace agreement in polish is porozumienie pokój

peaceful coexistence in polish is pokojowe współistnienie

peace-maker in polish is parlamentariusz

peach, peachtree in polish is brzoskwinia

peacock (proud as a -) in polish is paw (dumny jak -)

peak load in polish is obciążenie szczytowe

peak period in polish is okres szczytowy

peak, promontory in polish is cypel

peak, summit in polish is wierzchołek

peanut in polish is fistaszek

peanut in polish is orzech ziemny

peanut butter in polish is masło orzechowy

pear in polish is gruszka

pear, pear-tree in polish is grusza

pearl barley in polish is perlówka

pearls for swine in polish is perły (rzucać _ przed wieprze)

peasant in polish is wieśniak

peasantry in polish is chłopstwo

peat in polish is torf

pebble in polish is kamyk

pebble beach in polish is kamienista plaża

pecan nut in polish is orzech laskowy (amerykański -)

pedantry in polish is drobiazgowość

peddler, hawker in polish is domokrążca

pedestal, plinth, socle in polish is cokół

peel, shell, elect, choose in polish is obierać

peeler in polish is obierak do warzyw

peeling (fruit, vegetables)food in polish is obieranie

peepers (eyes) in polish is ślepia*

peephole, inspection opening in polish is wziernik

peephole, sight, viewfinder in polish is wizjer

peeping Tom, eavesdropper in polish is ciekawski

peep-show in polish is fotoplastykon

peer in polish is człowiek równy

peer in polish is par

peer, contemporary in polish is rówieśnik

peerage in polish is parostwo

peerage in polish is parowie

peg, plug in polish is czop

peg, stake in polish is palik

pellet in polish is grudka

pelletizing in polish is grudkowanie

pellets in polish is pasza granulowana

pelvic in polish is biodrowy

pelvis in polish is miednica

pen (pig) in polish is zagroda

pen pal in polish is przyjaciel koresponencyjny

pen refill in polish is wkład do długopisu

penalty in polish is rzut karny

pencil case in polish is piórnik

pencil lead in polish is rysik

pencil moustache in polish is wąsik

pencil sharpener in polish is temperówka

pendant in polish is wisiorek

pendant, key ring in polish is breloczek

pending in polish is toku (w _)

pending in polish is toku (w _)

pending in polish is zawisły

pending case (in court), lis pendens? in polish is sprawa w toku

pendulum in polish is wahadło

penetrate in polish is przedostać

penetrate sth, get to the core in polish is wnikać /wnikąć

penetrating, discerning in polish is wnikliwy

penetrating, sharp in polish is przenikliwy

penholder in polish is obsadka

peninsula in polish is półwysep

penitence in polish is pokuta

penny in polish is pens

pensioner in polish is emeryt

pentagon in polish is pięciobok

pentathlon in polish is pięciobój

penultimate in polish is przedostatni

peony in polish is piwonia

pepper mill in polish is młynek do pieprzu

pepper shaker in polish is pieprzniczka

peppermint in polish is mięta pieprzowa

peptic ulcer in polish is wrzód trawienny

per capita in polish is głowę (na -)

per se in polish is sobie (w _)

perceptible, noticeable in polish is wyczuwalny

perception in polish is dostrzeganie

perch, bass in polish is okoń

perchlorate in polish is nadchloran

percolate in polish is przesiąkać

percussive in polish is udarowy

perdere il filo in polish is tracić wątek

perennial in polish is bylina

perfect participle in polish is imięsłów uprzedni

perfection in polish is doskonałość

perfective imperfective in polish is dodkonany -niedokonany

perforated in polish is dziurkowany

perform in polish is wykonywać

performance in polish is wyniki

performance (engine) in polish is osiągi

performance, appearance, ledge in polish is występ

performer in polish is odtwórca

pericardium in polish is osierdzie

periodic table in polish is okresowy układ pierwiastków

periodic table of elements in polish is układ okresowy pierwiastków

periosteum in polish is okostna

peripheral nervous system in polish is obwodowy układ nerwowy

peripheral nervous system in polish is układ nerwowy obwodowy

peritoneum in polish is otrzewna

peritonitis in polish is zapalenie otrzewnej

periwinkle, myrtle in polish is barwinek

perjure in polish is krzywoprzysięgać

perjury in polish is fałszywe zeznanie

perjury in polish is krzywoprzysięctwo

perjury in polish is krzywoprzysięstwo

permeable in polish is drożny

permeable in polish is przepuszczalny

permit in polish is przepustka

peroxide in polish is nadtlenek

perpendicular in polish is prostopadła (linia _)

perpendicular line in polish is prosta prostopadła

persecute in polish is prześladować

persecute in polish is szykanować

persecution in polish is prześladowanie

persecutor in polish is prześladowca

persist, insist in polish is upierać się

persistence in polish is zawziętość

persistent, tenacious in polish is nieustęliwy

personal in polish is osobisty

personality cult in polish is kult jednostki

personify, embody in polish is uosabiać

perspiratory in polish is napotny

persuade in polish is przekonywać /przekonać

persuade s.o. to do sth in polish is skłaniać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś

pertinent, relevant in polish is odnośny

pertusis, whooping cough in polish is krzytusiec

perverse, contrary in polish is przekorny

perverse, subversive in polish is przewrotny

perversity, viciousness in polish is przewrotność

pervert in polish is zboczeniec

perverted in polish is zboczony

pessimism in polish is zwątpienie

pester s.o. for sth in polish is nagabywać kogoś o coś

pestilent in polish is morowy

pet in polish is zwierzę domowe

pet, caress in polish is pieścić się

peter, cock** in polish is fiut**

petty cash in polish is gotówka podręczna

petty thief, pilferer in polish is złodziejaszek

petty, fussy, meticulous in polish is małostkowy

phantom, apparition in polish is zjawa

PHARE-Poland and Hungary - Assistance or restructuring their economies in polish is Program Pomocy Polsce i Węgrom w Restrukturyzacji Gospodrki (PHARE)

phase inverter in polish is odwracacz fazy

pheasant in polish is bażant

phone booth in polish is budka telefoniczna

phonetics in polish is głosownia

phoney, trashy in polish is lipny

photovoltaic cell in polish is komórka fotowoltaiczna

photovoltaic cell in polish is ogniwo fotoelektryczne

physical education in polish is wychowanie fizyczne

piano tuner in polish is stroiciel fortepianów

pica in polish is cycero

pick one's nose in polish is dłubać w nosie

pick out (mistakes) in polish is wychwytywać /cić

pick up a station in polish is złapać (stację)

pick-a-stick in polish is bierki

picket in polish is pikieta

picket line in polish is linea pikiety

pickle, gherkin in polish is korniszon

pickled herring in polish is moskalik

pickled shank in polish is golonka peklowana

pickles in polish is marynaty

pick-pocket in polish is rzezimieszek

pick-up truck, van in polish is półcieżarowy (samochód _)

picnic in polish is majówka

picture of health in polish is okaz zdrowia

pie chart in polish is kołowy (diagram -)

pie chart in polish is wykres kołowy

pie, paté in polish is pasztet

piebald in polish is łaciaty

piece of cake* in polish is bułka z masłem

piece of cake* in polish is małe piwo

pier in polish is molo

pier, jetty in polish is pirs

pier, jetty, gangway in polish is pomost

pierce in polish is przesywać /przeszyć

piercing, cutting through in polish is przebicie

piercing, impressive in polish is przejmujący

pig in polish is świnia

pigeon in polish is gołąb

pigeon in polish is gołąbek

pigeon in polish is golębica

pigeonhole in polish is szufladować

piglet in polish is prosiak

pig's blood soup in polish is czernina

pig's knuckles/trotters in polish is nogi wieprzowe

pigsty in polish is chlew

pigtail in polish is warkoczyk

pike perch, zander in polish is sandacz

pike, perch in polish is szczupak

pile (of wood) in polish is stos (układać w -)

pile driving in polish is pogrążanie pali

pile it on thick in polish is bajerować

pile up, accumulate in polish is piętrzyć

pile up, fail in polish is nawalić

pile, heap in polish is pryzma

pile-driver in polish is kafar

pilgrim in polish is pątnik

pillar, column, pole in polish is słup

pillory, whipping post in polish is pręgierz

pillow-case in polish is poszewka

pillow-case in polish is powloczka

pimento, allspice in polish is ziele angielskie

pimp in polish is alfons

pimp in polish is sutener

pimple in polish is krosta

pimple in polish is pryszcz

pimply, spotty in polish is pryszczaty

pin in polish is kręgiel

pin up in polish is upinać /upiąć

pinafore in polish is fartuszek

pinch (shoes), dig into skin in polish is ugniatać

pinch* in polish is zwędzić

pine (tree) in polish is sosna

pine wood in polish is sośnica

pine, fir in polish is choinka

pineal gland in polish is szyszynka

pineapple 2)rascal, rogue in polish is ananas

pining, yearning, longing for in polish is stęskniony

pious, religious in polish is nabożny

pip (apple, orange), stone, seed in polish is pestka

pipe bend in polish is krzywak rurowy

pipe dream in polish is marzenie ściętej głowy

pipeline in polish is ciąg rur

pipe-line in polish is rurociąg

Pisces in polish is Ryby

piss in polish is odlać się***

piss (vulg.) in polish is szczać

piss off* in polish is wkurzać /yć

pistil (bot.) in polish is słupek

piston head in polish is główka tłoka

piston, crowd in polish is tłok

pitchfork in polish is widły pl.

pith, marrow, essence in polish is rdzeń

pituitary gland in polish is przysadka mózgowa

placate s.o. in polish is ugłaskiwać kogoś

place a veto in polish is weto (zgłaszać /zgłosić - wobec +gen)

place, put in polish is umieszać

place, set in polish is stawiać /po-

plague, pest, jungle in polish is dżuma

plaice in polish is płastuga (gładzica)

plain in polish is gładki

plain in polish is równina

plainclothes in polish is cywilu (w _)

plaintiff in polish is oskarżyciel

plaintiff in polish is powód

plait, blabber in polish is pleść /s- or za-

plane in polish is hebel

plane in polish is heblować

plane (tool) in polish is strug

plane, level in polish is równia

planned (economy), state-owned in polish is uspołeczniony

planned economy in polish is gospodarka planowa

planning permission in polish is pozwolenie na budowę

plant in polish is sadzić

plant evidence in polish is fabrykować dowody

plant, seedling in polish is sadzonka

planter in polish is sadzarka

plasma in polish is osocze

plaster (work) in polish is tynk

plastered in polish is sztywny z przepicia

plasterer in polish is ekspedient/katynkarz

plastic in polish is sztuczne tworzywo

plastic in polish is tworzyno sztuczne

plastic in polish is tworzywo

plateau in polish is płaskowyż

platform ticket in polish is peronówka

platinum blonde in polish is platynowa blondynka

platitude in polish is frazes

play (musical instrument) in polish is grać /za-

play a trick in polish is spłatać figla

play an encore in polish is bisować

play blind man's bluff in polish is ciuciubabka (bawić się w -ę)

play bridge/poker in polish is rżnąć w brydża/pokera

play by ear in polish is grać ze słuchu

play by ear in polish is słuchu (grać ze -)

play hide-and-seek in polish is bawić się w chowanego

play tag in polish is berka (grać w _)

play tag in polish is grać w berka

play tricks in polish is psocić

play truant in polish is wagary pl. (iść na -)

play truant, hooky in polish is wagarować

play, enjoy oneself in polish is bawić się /za-

player (CD, video, cassette) in polish is odtwarzacz

playful in polish is filuterny

playground in polish is ogródek jordanowski

playpen in polish is kojec

playwright in polish is dramaopisarz

plea in polish is odpowiedź pozwanego

plea bargaining in polish is ugoda sądowa

plea bargaining in polish is ugoda sądowa

plead in polish is bronić w sprawie

plead s.o.'s case in polish is ujmować się za kimś

plead, pester, show the door in polish is wypraszać

pleasing to the eye in polish is przyjemny dla oka

pleasure, satisfaction, delight in polish is rozkosz f.

pleat skirt in polish is spódnica plisowana

pledge, bond (sign a pact with the devil) in polish is cyrograf (podpisać -)

pledge, pawnshop in polish is lombard

plenary assembly in polish is zgromadzenie plenarne

plentiful in polish is obfity

pliers in polish is cążki

pliers in polish is cęgi

pliers in polish is kombinerki

plot in polish is fabuła

plot of land in polish is działka

plot, conspiracy in polish is spisek

plot, conspiracy in polish is sprzysiężenie

plot, contrive in polish is ukartować perf.

plot, scheme v. in polish is knuć

plough in polish is pług

plough, work hard in polish is orać

ploughing, drudgery* in polish is orka

ploughman in polish is oracz

ploughshare in polish is lemierz

plow, plough in polish is zaorać

pluck up one's courage in polish is zebrać się na odwagę

pluck, pick, plume in polish is skubać /nąć

plucky guy in polish is chwat

plug and play in polish is podłącz i pracuj

plug and socket in polish is sprzęgnik

plug in in polish is włączać wtyczkę

plug sth in in polish is włączać coś do sieci

plug, insertion in polish is wtyczka

plug, obstruct in polish is czopować

plum in polish is śliwka

plum in polish is węgierka

plum jam in polish is powidła

plum tree in polish is śliwa

plumage in polish is upierzenie

plumber in polish is hydraulik

plumber, pipefitter in polish is hydraulnik

plump, spongy in polish is pulchny

plunder, ransack in polish is plądrować

plunder, rob in polish is łupić

ply s.o. with drink in polish is poić /s- kogoś

plywood in polish is dykta

plywood in polish is sklejka

ply-wood in polish is sklejka

PMS (pre-menstrual stress) in polish is ZNP (zespół napięcia przedmiesiączkowego)

pneumatic tire, tube, air chamber in polish is dętka

pneumonia in polish is zapalenie płuc

poached eggs in polish is jaja w koszulkach

poacher, trespasser in polish is kłusownik

poaching in polish is klusownictwo

pocket-knife in polish is nożyk

pockmarked in polish is ospowaty

pod in polish is strąk

point of contact, contact (elec) in polish is styk

point of intersection in polish is punkt przecięcia

point of order in polish is wniosek formalny

pointed, sharp in polish is spiczesty

pointless, missed, unsuccessful in polish is chybiony

poison v. in polish is otruć

poison, depress in polish is struć

poisoning in polish is zatrucie

poisonous in polish is jadowity

poke, pick one's teeth in polish is dłubać

poker in polish is pogrzebacz

polar in polish is biegunowy

polar cat in polish is niedźwiedź biały

pole vault in polish is skok o tyczce

pole, perch in polish is tyczka

pole, rod in polish is żerdź f.

pole, rod, life preserver in polish is drąg

police beat in polish is rewir policyjny

policy holder in polish is beneficjent polisy

policy holder in polish is posiadacz policy

poliomyelitis in polish is choroba Heinego-Medina

poliomyelitis in polish is zapalenie istoty szarej

Polish cheese speciality in polish is oscypek

Polish collops (beef slices with onion an mushrooms in red wine sauce) in polish is zrazy polskie

Polish fried cookies, dry twigs in polish is chrust

Polish roast pork with prunes in polish is schab po polsku ze śliwkami

Polish State Railways in polish is PKP (Polskie Koleje Państwowe)

polite, courteous in polish is układny

political in polish is ustrojowy

political affiliation in polish is przynależność partyjna

political correctness in polish is politycza poprawność

political group in polish is ugrupowanie polityczne

polka-dot in polish is groszki (w -)

poll tax in polish is podatek pogłówny

pollen count in polish is stężenie pyłków

pollination in polish is zapylanie

polluter pays principle in polish is zasada ,,truciciel płaci''

polonium in polish is polon

polygamy in polish is wielożeństwo

polygon in polish is wielokąt

polygon in polish is wielokąt

polysaccharides in polish is wielocukri

pomegranate in polish is granat

Pomerania in polish is Pomorze

Pomeranian in polish is pomorski

pomp, splendor in polish is przepych

pompous in polish is patetyczny

pompous, resonant in polish is huczny

pond, joint (anat) in polish is staw

ponder in polish is przemyśliwać

ponder how to do in polish is rozmyślać

pony in polish is kuczyk

pony, ponytail in polish is kucyk

ponytail in polish is koński ogon

pool in polish is pula

pool in polish is rozlewisko

pool in polish is sadzawka

poop* in polish is rufa**

poor in polish is ubogi

poor substitute for sth in polish is namiastka czegoś

poor thing in polish is nieborak

poor thing in polish is niebożę

popcorn in polish is prażona kukurydza

poplar in polish is topola

poppy (flower) in polish is mak

poppy seed cake in polish is makownik

poppy seed strudel in polish is makowiec

populace in polish is pospólstwo

populace, mob in polish is popólstwo

popular in polish is lubiany

popular, in demand in polish is wzięty

popularity in polish is poczytność

popularity in polish is wzięcie

population boom, baby boom in polish is wyż demograficzny

porcupine in polish is jeżozwierz

pork in polish is wieprzowina

pork chop in polish is kotlet schabowy z kością

pork chop in polish is schabowy (kotlet -)

pork chops in polish is zrazy wieprzowe

pork scratchings in polish is skwarki

pork-chop in polish is schab

porous in polish is porowaty

porpoise in polish is morświn

porridge, oatmeal in polish is owsianka

port of arrival in polish is port docelowy

port of registry in polish is port macierzysty

port side in polish is burta (lewa _)

port side in polish is lewa burta

portable,metaphorical in polish is przenośny

portare via in polish is uwieźć

porter in polish is tragarz

portfolio in polish is teka

portfolio (minister without a _) in polish is teki (minister bez _)

porthole in polish is iluminator

portly in polish is zażywny

positive charge in polish is ładunek dodatni

positive end in polish is biegun dodatni

positive, assertive, firm in polish is stanowczy

positive, real in polish is rzeczowy

possessive in polish is dzierżawczy

possessive pronoun in polish is zaimek dzierżawczy

possum in polish is opos

post a notice in polish is rozlepiać ogłoszenie

post of a (legal) advisor in polish is radcostwo

postal money order in polish is przekaz pocztowy

post-birth in polish is porozbiorowy

posterior, rump, saddle (lamb) in polish is zad

posterity, future generations in polish is potomność

postman in polish is doręczyciel pocztowy

post-mortem in polish is pozgonny

postpone in polish is odłożyć

postpone in polish is przełożyć

postpone, defer in polish is odraczać /odroczyć

postponement, adjournment, reprieve in polish is odroczenie

pot plant in polish is roślina doniczkowa

pot, pan in polish is garnek


For the terms may also exist other translation definitions and meanings, the translation meaning and definition indicated above are indicative not be used for medical and legal or special purposes.


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