Technical glossary



Technical glossary


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The information of medicine and health contained in the site are of a general nature and purpose which is purely informative and for this reason may not replace in any case, the council of a doctor or a qualified entity legally to the profession.



Technical terms


Meanings, explanations, notes, information and links about the terminology used in technical applications


Technical glossary


Links to further information about technical terms :


Abrasion abrasion.html
Abrasives abrasives.html
Abstract designs abstract_designs.html
Accelerators accelerators.html
Acetates acetates.html
Acetone acetone.html
Acid acid.html
Acid badgering acid_badgering.html
Acid cut backs acid_cut_backs.html
Acid etching acid_etching.html
Acid polishing acid_polishing.html
Acid resists acid_resists.html
Acid stamping acid_stamping.html
Action levels action_levels.html
Activators activators.html
Actives actives.html
Adventurine glass adventurine_glass.html
Aeolipiles aeolipiles.html
Aerosol sprayers aerosol_sprayers.html
Agar solutions agar_solutions.html
Agate glass agate_glass.html
Aggregates aggregates.html
Air brushes air_brushes.html
Air locks air_locks.html
Air traps air_traps.html
Air twists air_twists.html
Aisles aisles.html
Alabaster (stone) alabaster_stone.html
Alabaster glass alabaster_glass.html
Alabastrons alabastrons.html
Ale glasses ale_glasses.html
Alembics alembics.html
Alexandrite alexandrite.html
Alkali alkali.html
Alkali cleaners alkali_cleaners.html
Alkaline solutions alkaline_solutions.html
Alloys alloys.html
Almorrajas almorrajas.html
Alumina hydrate alumina_hydrate.html
Aluminum design foil aluminum_design_foil.html
Aluminum oxide aluminum_oxide.html
Amber amber.html
Amber stain amber_stain.html
Amberina amberina.html
Ambient light ambient_light.html
Ambulatories ambulatories.html
Amen glasses amen_glasses.html
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists American_Conference_of_Governmental_Industrial_Hygienists.html
American Society for Testing Materials American_Society_for_Testing_Materials.html
Amphorae amphorae.html
Amphoriskos amphoriskos.html
Amulets amulets.html
Analogous colors analogous_colors.html
Anchors anchors.html
Ancient glass ancient_glass.html
Aniline dye aniline_dye.html
Annagelb glass annagelb_glass.html
Annagrun glass annagrun_glass.html
Anneal soaking anneal_soaking.html
Annealing (operation) annealing_operation.html
Annealing (process) annealing_process.html
Annealing chambers annealing_chambers.html
Annealing ovens annealing_ovens.html
Annealing points annealing_points.html
Annealing ranges annealing_ranges.html
Annulars annulars.html
Anodizing anodizing.html
Antique glass antique_glass.html
Applications applications.html
Applied decorations applied_decorations.html
Applique (hot glass) applique_hot_glass.html
Applique (stained glass) applique_stained_glass.html
Apses apses.html
Aqua regia aqua_regia.html
Aqueous solutions aqueous_solutions.html
Arabesque arabesque.html
Architectural glass architectural_glass.html
Argand lamps argand_lamps.html
Argento argento.html
Armatures armatures.html
Arrissing arrissing.html
Art glass (object) art_glass_object.html
Art glass (sheet) art_glass_sheet.html
Artique artique.html
Aryballos aryballos.html
Asbestos asbestos.html
Ashlar ashlar.html
Asphaltus varnish asphaltus_varnish.html
Assistants assistants.html
At the fire at_the_fire.html
At the flame at_the_flame.html
Atmosphere atmosphere.html
Aurene glass aurene_glass.html
Aureoles aureoles.html
Autonomous panels autonomous_panels.html
AV lenses AV_lenses.html
Aventurina glass aventurina_glass.html
Avolio avolio.html
Awning windows awning_windows.html
Back painting back_painting.html
Back up back_up.html
Backgrounds backgrounds.html
Badger blenders badger_blenders.html
Badger brushes badger_brushes.html
Badger hair badger_hair.html
Baits baits.html
Balance (design) balance_design.html
Balances (window) balances_window.html
Ball mills ball_mills.html
Balsam of copaiba balsam_of_copaiba.html
Balusters balusters.html
Banding (decorative) banding_decorative.html
Banding (soldering) banding_soldering.html
Banding wheels banding_wheels.html
Bandwurmglas bandwurmglas.html
Baptisteries baptisteries.html
Bar (glass cane) bar_glass_cane.html
Barcol hardness Barcol_hardness.html
Barilla barilla.html
Baroque glass baroque_glass.html
Barring barring.html
Bars (metal) bars_metal.html
Base glass base_glass.html
Base rings base_rings.html
Bat bat.html
Batch batch.html
Batching bins batching_bins.html
Baths baths.html
Battledores battledores.html
Battuto battuto.html
Bay windows bay_windows.html
Bays bays.html
Bead release bead_release.html
Beading beading.html
Beads (design) beads_design.html
Beads (object) beads_object.html
Bear jars bear_jars.html
Bedding bedding.html
Beeswax beeswax.html
Benches benches.html
Bending bending.html
Bending colors bending_colors.html
Bent glass bent_glass.html
Bentonite bentonite.html
Berkemeyer berkemeyer.html
Berry set berry_set.html
Bevel of compound bead bevel_of_compound_bead.html
Beveling beveling.html
Bevels bevels.html
Bezels bezels.html
Biedermeier style Biedermeier_style.html
Billets billets.html
Biological monitoring biological_monitoring.html
Bird fountains bird_fountains.html
Birefringent glass birefringent_glass.html
Bisque ware bisque_ware.html
Bit bit.html
Bite bite.html
Bitters bottles bitters_bottles.html
Black bottles black_bottles.html
Black patina black_patina.html
Blanchons blanchons.html
Blanks blanks.html
Blankschnitt blankschnitt.html
Blasting cabinets blasting_cabinets.html
Bleeding glass bleeding_glass.html
Blenders blenders.html
Blending blending.html
Blisters blisters.html
Blobbing blobbing.html
Blockers blockers.html
Blocking (hot glass) blocking_hot_glass.html
Blocking (stained glass) blocking_stained_glass.html
Blocks blocks.html
Blood lead levels blood_lead_levels.html
Blood ZZP levels blood_ZZP_levels.html
Bloom bloom.html
Blow molds blow_molds.html
Blow over blow_over.html
Blowers blowers.html
Blowing blowing.html
Blown glass blown_glass.html
Blown three mold glass blown_three_mold_glass.html
Blowpipes blowpipes.html
Blue blue.html
Bluestone glass bluestone_glass.html
Body (design) body_design.html
Body (property) body_property.html
Bolting cloths bolting_cloths.html
Bonding bonding.html
Borate glass borate_glass.html
Borders borders.html
Borosilicate glass borosilicate_glass.html
Borsella borsella.html
Bosses bosses.html
Bottle glass bottle_glass.html
Bow lathes bow_lathes.html
Bowls (component) bowls_component.html
Bowls (vessel) bowls_vessel.html
Bracketing bracketing.html
Breakfast sets breakfast_sets.html
Breaking the score breaking_the_score.html
Bridges bridges.html
Brilliant cut glass brilliant_cut_glass.html
Brilliant cutting brilliant_cutting.html
Bristles bristles.html
British Thermal Unit British_Thermal_Unit.html
Broad glass broad_glass.html
Broken swirl ribbing broken_swirl_ribbing.html
BTU BTU.html
Bubbles bubbles.html
Bullseye cane bullseye_cane.html
Bullseye glass (glass) Bullseye_glass_glass.html
Bullseye Glass Company Bullseye_Glass_Company.html
Bullseye panes bullseye_panes.html
Bullseyes bullseyes.html
Burmese glass burmese_glass.html
Burn marks burn_marks.html
Burners burners.html
Burning fluid burning_fluid.html
Burnishing (copper foil) burnishing_copper_foil.html
Burnishing (general) burnishing_general.html
Butt joints butt_joints.html
Buttering buttering.html
Buttons buttons.html
Cable (glass cane) cable_glass_cane.html
Cable (pattern) cable_pattern.html
Caddies caddies.html
Cadmium selenide pigments cadmium_selenide_pigments.html
Cage cups cage_cups.html
Cake beads cake_beads.html
Calcedonio calcedonio.html
Calcination calcination.html
Calipers calipers.html
Came came.html
Camel hair camel_hair.html
Cameo glass cameo_glass.html
Camera ready art camera_ready_art.html
Campaign campaign.html
Candelabras candelabras.html
Candlesticks candlesticks.html
Cane cane.html
Cannon cannon.html
Canopies canopies.html
Carbon tissue carbon_tissue.html
Carborundum stones carborundum_stones.html
Carnival carnival.html
Carnival glass carnival_glass.html
Carrara glass carrara_glass.html
Carry in boys carry_in_boys.html
Cartoons cartoons.html
Cartouches cartouches.html
Carving (cold glass) carving_cold_glass.html
Carving (hot glass) carving_hot_glass.html
Cased cane cased_cane.html
Cased glass cased_glass.html
Casement windows casement_windows.html
Casing casing.html
Casping casping.html
Casting casting.html
Castors castors.html
Catalysts catalysts.html
Cathedral glass cathedral_glass.html
Cathedrals cathedrals.html
Cats paw glass cats_paw_glass.html
Caulking caulking.html
Celery handles celery_handles.html
Celery vases celery_vases.html
Celsius Celsius.html
Cementing cementing.html
Center for Occupational Hazards Center_for_Occupational_Hazards.html
Centigrade centigrade.html
Ceramic fiber insulation ceramic_fiber_insulation.html
Cerium oxide cerium_oxide.html
CFM CFM.html
Chain loops chain_loops.html
Chairs chairs.html
Chalk glass chalk_glass.html
Chancels chancels.html
Chandeliers chandeliers.html
Channel channel.html
Channel depth channel_depth.html
Channel glazing channel_glazing.html
Channel width channel_width.html
Charging charging.html
Checks checks.html
Chemical durability chemical_durability.html
Chemical saturation chemical_saturation.html
Chiaroscuro chiaroscuro.html
Chill marks chill_marks.html
Chimneys chimneys.html
Chipped glass chipped_glass.html
Chords chords.html
Chromophores chromophores.html
Chucks chucks.html
Chunked chunked.html
Churches churches.html
Cinerary urns cinerary_urns.html
Cinquefoil (design) cinquefoil_design.html
Cinquefoil (object) cinquefoil_object.html
Cintra glass cintra_glass.html
Circle cutters circle_cutters.html
Cire perdue cire_perdue.html
Clamps clamps.html
Clappers clappers.html
Claw beakers claw_beakers.html
Clear clear.html
Clear acid clear_acid.html
Clear casing clear_casing.html
Clear glass clear_glass.html
Clerestories clerestories.html
Clichy rose clichy_rose.html
Cloisonne cloisonne.html
Close millefiori close_millefiori.html
Cloudy glass cloudy_glass.html
Cluthra glass cluthra_glass.html
Coating cement coating_cement.html
COE COE.html
Coefficient of expansion coefficient_of_expansion.html
COH COH.html
Cohesion cohesion.html
Coil base coil_base.html
Coin weight coin_weight.html
Cold colors cold_colors.html
Cold ends cold_ends.html
Cold glass cold_glass.html
Cold glass texturing cold_glass_texturing.html
Cold joints cold_joints.html
Cold painting cold_painting.html
Cold paints cold_paints.html
Cold working cold_working.html
Collages collages.html
Collars collars.html
Colloidal colors colloidal_colors.html
Color intensity color_intensity.html
Color pigments color_pigments.html
Color selection color_selection.html
Color value color_value.html
Colorants colorants.html
Colored glass colored_glass.html
Coloring coloring.html
Colorless colorless.html
Combed decorations combed_decorations.html
Combing combing.html
Commercial glass commercial_glass.html
Compatibile glass compatibile_glass.html
Compatibility testing compatibility_testing.html
Complementary colors complementary_colors.html
Complex curves complex_curves.html
Compositions compositions.html
Compotes compotes.html
Compound (beads) compound_beads.html
Compound (caulking) compound_caulking.html
Compound (material) compound_material.html
Compressor compressor.html
Concave beads concave_beads.html
Concentric paperweights concentric_paperweights.html
Conchoidal conchoidal.html
Condiment sets condiment_sets.html
Cone beakers cone_beakers.html
Cones cones.html
Confetti confetti.html
Consultation agreements consultation_agreements.html
Contemporary glass contemporary_glass.html
Continuous furnace continuous_furnace.html
Controllers controllers.html
Convex beads convex_beads.html
Cool colors cool_colors.html
Copper foil copper_foil.html
Copper foiling copper_foiling.html
Copper patina copper_patina.html
Copper wheel engraving copper_wheel_engraving.html
Cord cord.html
Core forming core_forming.html
Cores (center) cores_center.html
Cores (mold) cores_mold.html
Cork wheeling cork_wheeling.html
Cornaline d'aleppo cornaline_daleppo.html
Corrosion corrosion.html
Counter enameling counter_enameling.html
Covered twists covered_twists.html
Cowhorns cowhorns.html
Crackel glass crackel_glass.html
Cracking off cracking_off.html
Crackling crackling.html
Craft knives craft_knives.html
Crazing crazing.html
Creamers creamers.html
Crimpers crimpers.html
Cristallo cristallo.html
Crizzling crizzling.html
Crosshatching crosshatching.html
Crown glass crown_glass.html
Crown weights crown_weights.html
Crowns crowns.html
Crucibles crucibles.html
Cruets cruets.html
Crumb beads crumb_beads.html
Crushers crushers.html
Crystal crystal.html
Crystals crystals.html
Cubic feet per minute cubic_feet_per_minute.html
Cullet cullet.html
Cup plates cup_plates.html
Cupping cupping.html
Cupping glass cupping_glass.html
Curing curing.html
Curious glass curious_glass.html
Cusps cusps.html
Custard glass custard_glass.html
Cut glass cut_glass.html
Cut to clear cut_to_clear.html
Cutlines cutlines.html
Cutting (engraving) cutting_engraving.html
Cylinder glass cylinder_glass.html
Cylinders cylinders.html
Dalle de verre dalle_de_verre.html
DAP DAP.html
Daumenglas daumenglas.html
Day tanks day_tanks.html
Daylight daylight.html
Decal paper decal_paper.html
Decal sheets decal_sheets.html
Decanters decanters.html
Decolorizers decolorizers.html
Deep cutting deep_cutting.html
Deer foot deer_foot.html
Depression glass depression_glass.html
Design (general) design_general.html
Designs (stained glass) designs_stained_glass.html
Devitrification devitrification.html
Diamond air traps diamond_air_traps.html
Diamond point engraving diamond_point_engraving.html
Diapering diapering.html
Diatreta diatreta.html
Diatretum diatretum.html
Dichroic glass dichroic_glass.html
Didymium lenses didymium_lenses.html
Die cut stencils die_cut_stencils.html
Die sinkers die_sinkers.html
Digital controllers digital_controllers.html
Dip molds dip_molds.html
Direct emulsion screens direct_emulsion_screens.html
Disc cutters disc_cutters.html
Displacement CFM displacement_CFM.html
Dividing irons dividing_irons.html
Dog tooth motif dog_tooth_motif.html
Dolphin candlesticks dolphin_candlesticks.html
Domes domes.html
Double cruets double_cruets.html
Double glazing double_glazing.html
Double hung windows double_hung_windows.html
Double overlaying double_overlaying.html
Double roll method double_roll_method.html
Double strength glass double_strength_glass.html
Double walled decoration double_walled_decoration.html
Double wipes double_wipes.html
Down drawing down_drawing.html
Drafts drafts.html
Drag ladling drag_ladling.html
Dragon stem goblets dragon_stem_goblets.html
Drapery drapery.html
Drapery glass drapery_glass.html
Draping draping.html
Drawing drawing.html
Drawn antique glass drawn_antique_glass.html
Drawn beads drawn_beads.html
Drawn glass drawn_glass.html
Drawn stems drawn_stems.html
Dresser sets dresser_sets.html
Drilling drilling.html
Drip pans drip_pans.html
Dromedary flasks dromedary_flasks.html
Drop burners drop_burners.html
Dross dross.html
Dry glazing dry_glazing.html
Dry strength dry_strength.html
Duplication molds duplication_molds.html
Dura board dura_board.html
Durometers durometers.html
Dust collectors dust_collectors.html
Dutchmanning dutchmanning.html
Early English windows Early_English_windows.html
Earth colors earth_colors.html
Easels easels.html
East ends east_ends.html
Edge clearance edge_clearance.html
Edge work edge_work.html
Edging line edging_line.html
Effetre glass effetre_glass.html
Egyptian blue egyptian_blue.html
Electrodes electrodes.html
Electroforming electroforming.html
Electrolytes electrolytes.html
Elements elements.html
Embossing embossing.html
Embossing black embossing_black.html
Emerald green emerald_green.html
Emery emery.html
Emery cloths emery_cloths.html
Employee training employee_training.html
Emulsion emulsion.html
Enamel powder enamel_powder.html
Enameling enameling.html
Enamels enamels.html
Encased glass encased_glass.html
Encrustations encrustations.html
End of day glass end_of_day_glass.html
End of the day beads end_of_the_day_beads.html
Endomosaic endomosaic.html
English stipplers English_stipplers.html
Engravers engravers.html
Engraving engraving.html
Epoxy epoxy.html
Essences essences.html
Etching etching.html
Europen antique glass Europen_antique_glass.html
Eutectic points eutectic_points.html
Ewers ewers.html
Exhaust fans exhaust_fans.html
Exhaust systems exhaust_systems.html
Exposure monitoring exposure_monitoring.html
Exterior glazed windows exterior_glazed_windows.html
Exterior stops exterior_stops.html
Eye beads eye_beads.html
Eyes eyes.html
Fabricut fabricut.html
Facades facades.html
Face glazing face_glazing.html
Faceted glass faceted_glass.html
Faceting faceting.html
Facing facing.html
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit.html
Faience faience.html
Fakes fakes.html
Fancy glass fancy_glass.html
Favrile glass favrile_glass.html
Feathering feathering.html
Feet feet.html
Felt wheels felt_wheels.html
Fench new antique glass Fench_new_antique_glass.html
Fenestration fenestration.html
Ferros ferros.html
Ferrules ferrules.html
Fiber blanket fiber_blanket.html
Fiber board fiber_board.html
Fiber paper fiber_paper.html
Fiberglass fiberglass.html
Fids fids.html
Fields fields.html
Figural bottles figural_bottles.html
Figured glass figured_glass.html
Filigrana filigrana.html
Filigrana cane filigrana_cane.html
Filigree glass filigree_glass.html
Fillers fillers.html
Fillets fillets.html
Fined melt fined_melt.html
Finger bowls finger_bowls.html
Finials finials.html
Fining (operation) fining_operation.html
Fining (process) fining_process.html
Finishers finishers.html
Finishing finishing.html
Finishing compoung finishing_compoung.html
Fiorato beads fiorato_beads.html
Fire clay fire_clay.html
Fire over fire_over.html
Fire polishing (hot glass) fire_polishing_hot_glass.html
Fire polishing (warm glass) fire_polishing_warm_glass.html
Fire scaling fire_scaling.html
Firing firing.html
Firing cones firing_cones.html
Firing down firing_down.html
Firing glass firing_glass.html
Firing schedules firing_schedules.html
Firing temperature firing_temperature.html
Fissures fissures.html
Fitch hair fitch_hair.html
Fixatives fixatives.html
Fixed windows fixed_windows.html
Flameware flameware.html
Flameworkers flameworkers.html
Flameworking flameworking.html
Flanges flanges.html
Flanging flanging.html
Flash flash.html
Flashback arrestors flashback_arrestors.html
Flashed glass flashed_glass.html
Flashing (hot glass) flashing_hot_glass.html
Flashing (sheet glass) flashing_sheet_glass.html
Flat bouquets flat_bouquets.html
Flemish glass Flemish_glass.html
Flexible shafts flexible_shafts.html
Flint glass flint_glass.html
Flints flints.html
Float glass float_glass.html
Float process float_process.html
Florets florets.html
Flow point flow_point.html
Flutes flutes.html
Fluting fluting.html
Fluxes (glass) fluxes_glass.html
Fluxes (solder) fluxes_solder.html
FNA FNA.html
Foil foil.html
Foiling foiling.html
Folded beads folded_beads.html
Folded rims folded_rims.html
Fonts fonts.html
Foot rings foot_rings.html
Forest glass forest_glass.html
Forgeries forgeries.html
Former molds former_molds.html
Forming forming.html
Founding founding.html
Fourcault method fourcault_method.html
Fractured glass fractured_glass.html
Fracturing fracturing.html
Fragmentations fragmentations.html
Free blowing free_blowing.html
Free blown glass free_blown_glass.html
French chalk french_chalk.html
French embossing French_embossing.html
French semi antique glass French_semi_antique_glass.html
Friggers friggers.html
Frit frit.html
Frit mills frit_mills.html
Frit painting frit_painting.html
Fritting fritting.html
Front putty front_putty.html
Frosted glass frosted_glass.html
Frosting (operation) frosting_operation.html
Frosting (process) frosting_process.html
Frying frying.html
FSA FSA.html
Full antique glass full_antique_glass.html
Full size full_size.html
Full size molds full_size_molds.html
Fuming fuming.html
Furnace glass furnace_glass.html
Furnaces furnaces.html
Fusible glass fusible_glass.html
Fusing (hot glass) fusing_hot_glass.html
Fusing (operation) fusing_operation.html
Fusing (process) fusing_process.html
Gadgets gadgets.html
Gadroon gadroon.html
Gaffers gaffers.html
Galvanic action galvanic_action.html
Gamboge gamboge.html
Garages garages.html
Garnet garnet.html
Gaskets gaskets.html
Gatherers gatherers.html
Gathering (general) gathering_general.html
Gathering (specific) gathering_specific.html
Gathering irons gathering_irons.html
Gauges gauges.html
Gelatin sheets gelatin_sheets.html
Gels gels.html
Gemels gemels.html
Gemmaux gemmaux.html
Gilding gilding.html
Glasfachschules glasfachschules.html
Glass glass.html
Glass bending glass_bending.html
Glass blowing glass_blowing.html
Glass casting glass_casting.html
Glass coloring agents glass_coloring_agents.html
Glass cutters glass_cutters.html
Glass cutting glass_cutting.html
Glass decorators glass_decorators.html
Glass etch glass_etch.html
Glass globs glass_globs.html
Glass houses glass_houses.html
Glass jewels glass_jewels.html
Glass lathes glass_lathes.html
Glass makers' soap glass_makers_soap.html
Glass painting glass_painting.html
Glass paints glass_paints.html
Glass paste glass_paste.html
Glass separator glass_separator.html
Glass shears glass_shears.html
Glass size lines glass_size_lines.html
Glass stainers colors glass_stainers_colors.html
Glassworkers glassworkers.html
Glassworking glassworking.html
Glazes glazes.html
Glaziers glaziers.html
Glazing glazing.html
Glazing compound glazing_compound.html
Glazing knives glazing_knives.html
Glazing laws glazing_laws.html
Globe holders globe_holders.html
Globes globes.html
Globs globs.html
Glory holes glory_holes.html
Glue chip glass glue_chip_glass.html
Goblets goblets.html
Gobs gobs.html
Goethe glass Goethe_glass.html
Gold band mosaic glass gold_band_mosaic_glass.html
Gold glass gold_glass.html
Gold leaf gold_leaf.html
Gold liquid gold_liquid.html
Gold pink glass gold_pink_glass.html
Gold ruby glass gold_ruby_glass.html
Gold sandwich glass gold_sandwich_glass.html
Goldstone goldstone.html
Graal graal.html
Grain grain.html
Granite back glass granite_back_glass.html
Grape flasks grape_flasks.html
Graphite paddle graphite_paddle.html
Graphite pads graphite_pads.html
Gray gray.html
Green glass green_glass.html
Greenstone glass greenstone_glass.html
Greenware greenware.html
Grenade grenade.html
Grid cutting grid_cutting.html
Grinding grinding.html
Grisaille grisaille.html
Grit grit.html
Grizzling grizzling.html
Grog grog.html
Grout grout.html
Grozing grozing.html
Grozing irons grozing_irons.html
Grozing pliers grozing_pliers.html
Guinand guinand.html
Gum arabic gum_arabic.html
H bar H_bar.html
Haike brushes haike_brushes.html
Hake brushes hake_brushes.html
Halation halation.html
Halftone (glass painting) halftone_glass_painting.html
Halftone (screen printing) halftone_screen_printing.html
Hammered glass hammered_glass.html
Hand blown glass hand_blown_glass.html
Hand cast sheet glass hand_cast_sheet_glass.html
Hand coolers hand_coolers.html
Hand engraved hand_engraved.html
Hand presses hand_presses.html
Hard glass hard_glass.html
Hardeners hardeners.html
Harps harps.html
Hausmalers hausmalers.html
Hazard communications hazard_communications.html
Hazard evaluations hazard_evaluations.html
Hazardous materials hazardous_materials.html
Head flasks head_flasks.html
Heart of came heart_of_came.html
Heat resistant glass heat_resistant_glass.html
Heat shaded glass heat_shaded_glass.html
Heat soaking heat_soaking.html
Heat transfering heat_transfering.html
Hedwig beakers Hedwig_beakers.html
Heel balls heel_balls.html
HEPA filters HEPA_filters.html
High heart lead high_heart_lead.html
Hinterglasmalerei hinterglasmalerei.html
Hochschnitt hochschnitt.html
Hofkellereiglas hofkellereiglas.html
Hold times hold_times.html
Holding agents holding_agents.html
Hookahs hookahs.html
Hoppers hoppers.html
Horizontal sliders horizontal_sliders.html
Hot forming hot_forming.html
Hot glass hot_glass.html
Hot working hot_working.html
Hues hues.html
Humidors humidors.html
Humpen humpen.html
Hydrocal hydrocal.html
Hydrofluoric acid hydrofluoric_acid.html
Ice ice.html
Ice glass ice_glass.html
Iconography iconography.html
Inactives inactives.html
Incalmo incalmo.html
Incandescence incandescence.html
Incising incising.html
Inciso inciso.html
Inclusions inclusions.html
Indirect screens indirect_screens.html
Infinite switches infinite_switches.html
Infrared light infrared_light.html
Ingestion ingestion.html
Inhalation inhalation.html
Initial heating initial_heating.html
Inlays inlays.html
Inside casing inside_casing.html
Insulation brick insulation_brick.html
Intaglio intaglio.html
Intarsia intarsia.html
Intercalaire intercalaire.html
Interior glazed windows interior_glazed_windows.html
Internal twists internal_twists.html
Ionic colorants ionic_colorants.html
Ionic migration ionic_migration.html
Iridescence iridescence.html
Iridescent glass iridescent_glass.html
Iridized glass iridized_glass.html
Iridizing solutions iridizing_solutions.html
Isothermal glazing isothermal_glazing.html
Isotropic materials isotropic_materials.html
J channel J_channel.html
Jacks jacks.html
Jacobite glass Jacobite_glass.html
Jambs jambs.html
Jar mills jar_mills.html
Jelly glass jelly_glass.html
Jewels jewels.html
Jigs jigs.html
Joints joints.html
Juxtaposition juxtaposition.html
Kalkglas kalkglas.html
Kantharos kantharos.html
Kaolin kaolin.html
Kicks kicks.html
Kiln brick kiln_brick.html
Kiln carving kiln_carving.html
Kiln formed glass kiln_formed_glass.html
Kiln forming kiln_forming.html
Kiln furniture kiln_furniture.html
Kiln posts kiln_posts.html
Kiln shelves kiln_shelves.html
Kiln sitters kiln_sitters.html
Kiln wash kiln_wash.html
Kiln working kiln_working.html
Kilns kilns.html
Knapping knapping.html
Knops knops.html
Knurling knurling.html
Kohl tubes kohl_tubes.html
Krateriskos krateriskos.html
Krautstrunks krautstrunks.html
Kugler glass kugler_glass.html
Kunckel red glass kunckel_red_glass.html
Kuttrolf kuttrolf.html
Labels labels.html
Lacy pattern glass lacy_pattern_glass.html
Lagynos lagynos.html
Laminate laminate.html
Laminated glass laminated_glass.html
Laminated safety glass laminated_safety_glass.html
Lamp jigs lamp_jigs.html
Lampblack lampblack.html
Lampwork beads lampwork_beads.html
Lampworkers lampworkers.html
Lampworking lampworking.html
Lancets lancets.html
Lanterns lanterns.html
Lathe cutting lathe_cutting.html
Lathekins (copper foil) lathekins_copper_foil.html
Lathekins (lead came) lathekins_lead_came.html
Lathes lathes.html
Latticino latticino.html
Lattimo lattimo.html
Laub und bandelwerk laub_und_bandelwerk.html
Lausha glass lausha_glass.html
Lava cloth lava_cloth.html
Lavender oil lavender_oil.html
Layered glass layered_glass.html
Lead burden lead_burden.html
Lead came lead_came.html
Lead crystal lead_crystal.html
Lead exposure lead_exposure.html
Lead glass lead_glass.html
Lead joints lead_joints.html
Lead knives lead_knives.html
Lead lines lead_lines.html
Lead poisoning lead_poisoning.html
Lead release lead_release.html
Lead standards lead_standards.html
Lead vises lead_vises.html
Leaded glass leaded_glass.html
Leading (operation) leading_operation.html
Leading (window) leading_window.html
Leading up leading_up.html
Leaf leaf.html
Leaf (lead came) leaf_lead_came.html
Leaf cane leaf_cane.html
Lehr lehr.html
Lens cutters lens_cutters.html
Lentoid flask lentoid_flask.html
Light light.html
Light spectrum light_spectrum.html
Light table light_table.html
Lily pad decorations lily_pad_decorations.html
Lime lime.html
Lime green lime_green.html
Line sifters line_sifters.html
Linear designs linear_designs.html
Linen smoothers linen_smoothers.html
Liners liners.html
Lion mask stems lion_mask_stems.html
Lip wraps lip_wraps.html
Lippers lippers.html
Liquidus temperature liquidus_temperature.html
Lithyalin lithyalin.html
Liver of sulfur liver_of_sulfur.html
Lost wax casting lost_wax_casting.html
Lotus bud beakers lotus_bud_beakers.html
Loving cups loving_cups.html
Low expansion colors low_expansion_colors.html
Luster (property) luster_property.html
Luster decals luster_decals.html
Luster essences luster_essences.html
Luster powder luster_powder.html
Lusters (material) lusters_material.html
Machine drawn antique glass machine_drawn_antique_glass.html
Machine guards machine_guards.html
Maestros maestros.html
Mahl sticks mahl_sticks.html
Maigeleins maigeleins.html
Mandrels mandrels.html
Maquettes maquettes.html
Marbled glass marbled_glass.html
Marbles marbles.html
Marbling marbling.html
Marinite marinite.html
Marquetry marquetry.html
Marvering marvering.html
Marvers marvers.html
Masonic glass masonic_glass.html
Mastic mastic.html
Material safety data sheets material_safety_data_sheets.html
Matrix matrix.html
Matte finishes matte_finishes.html
Matting matting.html
Matts matts.html
Maturing maturing.html
Maturing temperature maturing_temperature.html
Maul sticks maul_sticks.html
Medallion windows medallion_windows.html
Medallions medallions.html
Media media.html
Medical removal medical_removal.html
Melt melt.html
Mending lead mending_lead.html
Mercury bottles mercury_bottles.html
Mercury oxide yellow mercury_oxide_yellow.html
Merese merese.html
Mesh counts mesh_counts.html
Metal (glass general) metal_glass_general.html
Metal (lead came) metal_lead_came.html
Metaling metaling.html
Metallic lusters metallic_lusters.html
Metallic overglazing metallic_overglazing.html
Metallic oxides metallic_oxides.html
Mezza forma mezza_forma.html
Mica mica.html
Milchglas milchglas.html
Milled threading milled_threading.html
Millefiori millefiori.html
Mineral spirits mineral_spirits.html
Minor bench burners minor_bench_burners.html
Mirror monograms mirror_monograms.html
Miter cuts miter_cuts.html
Mixed opalescent glass mixed_opalescent_glass.html
Mohs' scale Mohs_scale.html
Moil moil.html
Moisture traps moisture_traps.html
Molar flasks molar_flasks.html
Mold blowing mold_blowing.html
Mold blown glass mold_blown_glass.html
Mold marks mold_marks.html
Mold pressing mold_pressing.html
Mold release mold_release.html
Molded beads molded_beads.html
Molds (hot glass) molds_hot_glass.html
Molds (warm glass) molds_warm_glass.html
Monel metal monel_metal.html
Monoiastic monoiastic.html
Monomers monomers.html
Monteiths monteiths.html
Mops mops.html
Mosaic glass mosaic_glass.html
Mosaic millefiore mosaic_millefiore.html
Mosaics mosaics.html
Mosque lamps mosque_lamps.html
Moss agate glass moss_agate_glass.html
Motifs motifs.html
Mottle glass mottle_glass.html
Mouth blown glass mouth_blown_glass.html
Muffle glass muffle_glass.html
Muffle kilns muffle_kilns.html
Muffles muffles.html
Muffs muffs.html
Mullers mullers.html
Mullion mullion.html
Mullite mullite.html
Muntins muntins.html
Murano glass murano_glass.html
Murrina murrina.html
Murrine murrine.html
Murrini murrini.html
Murrino murrino.html
Mushrooming mushrooming.html
Nappys nappys.html
Narthex narthex.html
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health National_Institute_of_Occupational_Safety_and_Health.html
National Toxicology Program National_Toxicology_Program.html
Natron natron.html
Natural textures natural_textures.html
Naves naves.html
Necking necking.html
Nefs nefs.html
Negative painting negative_painting.html
Negative printing negative_printing.html
Negative space negative_space.html
Neon neon.html
Neon lighting neon_lighting.html
Network mosaic glass network_mosaic_glass.html
Newel posts newel_posts.html
Newels newels.html
Nichrome nichrome.html
Nippers nippers.html
Nipping nipping.html
Nipples nipples.html
Nipt diamond waies nipt_diamond_waies.html
Noodles noodles.html
Norman slabs norman_slabs.html
North sides north_sides.html
Nozzles nozzles.html
NTP NTP.html
Nuggets nuggets.html
Nuppenbechers nuppenbechers.html
Oaktag oaktag.html
Obscure glass obscure_glass.html
Obsidian obsidian.html
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational_Safety_and_Health_Administration.html
Oculus oculus.html
Oenochoes oenochoes.html
Off hand off_hand.html
Ogee ogee.html
Oil cutter oil_cutter.html
Oil of spike oil_of_spike.html
Omom omom.html
Omphalos bowl omphalos_bowl.html
Opal glass opal_glass.html
Opalescent glass opalescent_glass.html
Opaque enamels opaque_enamels.html
Openwork openwork.html
Optic molds optic_molds.html
Optical glass optical_glass.html
Opus sectile opus_sectile.html
Orange orange.html
Ormolu ormolu.html
Oro oro.html
Out of square design out_of_square_design.html
Outlining pens outlining_pens.html
Overblow overblow.html
Overfiring overfiring.html
Overglazes overglazes.html
Overlays overlays.html
Overshooting glass overshooting_glass.html
Overshot glass overshot_glass.html
Ox hair ox_hair.html
Oxidation oxidation.html
Oxides oxides.html
Oxidizing flame oxidizing_flame.html
Paint mills paint_mills.html
Painted glass painted_glass.html
Palladian windows palladian_windows.html
Pallet knives pallet_knives.html
Pallets pallets.html
Palm column flasks palm_column_flasks.html
Palm cups palm_cups.html
Panels panels.html
Panes panes.html
Paperweights paperweights.html
Parallax parallax.html
Parcioffi parcioffi.html
Parisons parisons.html
Passglas passglas.html
Paste paste.html
Pastorales pastorales.html
Patching cement patching_cement.html
Pate de verre pate_de_verre.html
Patella cups patella_cups.html
Patina patina.html
Patinaing patinaing.html
Pattern molded glass pattern_molded_glass.html
Pattern molding pattern_molding.html
Pattern shears pattern_shears.html
Patterns patterns.html
Peach blow glass peach_blow_glass.html
Peepholes peepholes.html
Pegging pegging.html
PEL PEL.html
Perimeters perimeters.html
Permissible exposure limits permissible_exposure_limits.html
Pezzato pezzato.html
Phiales phiales.html
Photo sensitive glass photo_sensitive_glass.html
Pi dividers pi_dividers.html
Pickle pickle.html
Pickup decorating pickup_decorating.html
Piece molds piece_molds.html
Piggins piggins.html
Pigments pigments.html
Pigs pigs.html
Pilgrim flasks pilgrim_flasks.html
Pillar molded glass pillar_molded_glass.html
Pin holes pin_holes.html
Pincers pincers.html
Pits pits.html
Pivoted windows pivoted_windows.html
Placque placque.html
Plaque plaque.html
Plasticine plasticine.html
Plating plating.html
Plique du jour plique_du_jour.html
Plumbein glass plumbein_glass.html
Plumbism plumbism.html
Points points.html
Pokals pokals.html
Polariscopes polariscopes.html
Polishing polishing.html
Polycandelons polycandelons.html
Polychromatic polychromatic.html
Polyester polyester.html
Polyester epoxy polyester_epoxy.html
Pomona Pomona.html
Pontil marks pontil_marks.html
Pontils pontils.html
Porringers porringers.html
Ports ports.html
Posset pots posset_pots.html
Post technique post_technique.html
Posts posts.html
Pot life pot_life.html
Pot metal pot_metal.html
Pot metal glass pot_metal_glass.html
Potash potash.html
Potash glass potash_glass.html
Potassium lime glass potassium_lime_glass.html
Pots pots.html
Pounce bags pounce_bags.html
Pounds per square inch pounds_per_square_inch.html
Powder powder.html
Precious metal liquid precious_metal_liquid.html
Predellas predellas.html
Presbyteries presbyteries.html
Preserving jars preserving_jars.html
Pressed glass pressed_glass.html
Presses presses.html
Pressure pots pressure_pots.html
Primary colors primary_colors.html
Printies printies.html
Printies printies.html
Projects projects.html
Prunts prunts.html
PSI PSI.html
Pulegoso pulegoso.html
Pulling pulling.html
Pulmonary edema pulmonary_edema.html
Pumice pumice.html
Punch bowls punch_bowls.html
Punties punties.html
Purple purple.html
Putty putty.html
Puzzle glass puzzle_glass.html
Pyrex Pyrex.html
Pyrometers pyrometers.html
Pyrometric cones pyrometric_cones.html
Pyrosols pyrosols.html
Pyxis pyxis.html
Q colors Q_colors.html
Quarries quarries.html
Quatrefoils quatrefoils.html
Quill work quill_work.html
Quills quills.html
Quincunx quincunx.html
Rabbets rabbets.html
Radiant heat radiant_heat.html
Rag rag.html
Raised diamond cutting raised_diamond_cutting.html
Raking raking.html
Rapid cool rapid_cool.html
Rapid heat rapid_heat.html
Raspberry prunt raspberry_prunt.html
Raw batch raw_batch.html
Reactive glass reactive_glass.html
Reamy glass reamy_glass.html
Rebound rebound.html
Red sable red_sable.html
Redox redox.html
Reducing reducing.html
Reducing atmosphere reducing_atmosphere.html
Reduction frit reduction_frit.html
Reed glass reed_glass.html
Reflected light reflected_light.html
Refraction refraction.html
Refractive indexes refractive_indexes.html
Refractory materials refractory_materials.html
Registration registration.html
Reglets reglets.html
Regulators regulators.html
Reichsadler humpen reichsadler_humpen.html
Reinforcing rods reinforcing_rods.html
Relief relief.html
Relief cutting relief_cutting.html
Repousse repousse.html
Reredos reredos.html
Resin resin.html
Resistance wires resistance_wires.html
Resists resists.html
Respirators respirators.html
Reticello reticello.html
Retorti retorti.html
Retorts retorts.html
Reverse foil engraving reverse_foil_engraving.html
Reverse painting reverse_painting.html
Rheostats rheostats.html
Rhines rhines.html
Rhytons rhytons.html
Ribbed bowls ribbed_bowls.html
Ribbon glass ribbon_glass.html
Rigaree rigaree.html
Riggers riggers.html
Ring mottled glass ring_mottled_glass.html
Ringers ringers.html
Ripple ripple.html
Ripple glass ripple_glass.html
Rock crystal rock_crystal.html
Rock crystal engraving rock_crystal_engraving.html
Rod rod.html
Rod forming rod_forming.html
Roll ups roll_ups.html
Rolled edges rolled_edges.html
Rolled glass rolled_glass.html
Rolled textures rolled_textures.html
Roman foot roman_foot.html
Romanesque romanesque.html
Rondelles rondelles.html
Rondels rondels.html
Rose cane rose_cane.html
Rose windows rose_windows.html
Rotary polishing rotary_polishing.html
Rouge rouge.html
Roughing (beveling) roughing_beveling.html
Roughing (finishing) roughing_finishing.html
Roundels roundels.html
Roving roving.html
Rummers rummers.html
Running running.html
Running pliers running_pliers.html
SA SA.html
Saddle bars saddle_bars.html
Safety glass safety_glass.html
Sagging (operation) sagging_operation.html
Sagging (process) sagging_process.html
Salt cellars salt_cellars.html
Salvers salvers.html
Sanctuaries sanctuaries.html
Sand sand.html
Sand carving sand_carving.html
Sand casting sand_casting.html
Sand core technique sand_core_technique.html
Sandblasting sandblasting.html
Sanding sanding.html
Sandstone sandstone.html
Sashes sashes.html
Satake glass satake_glass.html
Satin glass satin_glass.html
Sawing sawing.html
Scale scale.html
Scarabs scarabs.html
Scavo scavo.html
Scheuers scheuers.html
Schmelzglas schmelzglas.html
Schwarzlot schwarzlot.html
Score lines score_lines.html
Scores scores.html
Scoring scoring.html
Scratching scratching.html
Screen printing screen_printing.html
Scribed antique glass scribed_antique_glass.html
Scrubs scrubs.html
Sculpting sculpting.html
Scum scum.html
Sealants sealants.html
Seals seals.html
Seam marks seam_marks.html
Secondary colors secondary_colors.html
Sections sections.html
Seeds seeds.html
Seedy glass seedy_glass.html
Selenium colors selenium_colors.html
Semi antique glass semi_antique_glass.html
Semi opal antique glass semi_opal_antique_glass.html
Separator separator.html
Servitors servitors.html
Setting setting.html
Shading shading.html
Shards shards.html
Shear marks shear_marks.html
Shearings shearings.html
Shears shears.html
Sheet copper sheet_copper.html
Sheet glass sheet_glass.html
Shelf life shelf_life.html
Shelf paper shelf_paper.html
Shelf primer shelf_primer.html
Shims shims.html
Shops shops.html
Shot glass shot_glass.html
Shuttering shuttering.html
SIC SIC.html
Sick glass sick_glass.html
Side firing kilns side_firing_kilns.html
Sidonian glass sidonian_glass.html
Sight lines sight_lines.html
Silesia silesia.html
Silica silica.html
Silicate of soda silicate_of_soda.html
Silicates silicates.html
Silicon carbide silicon_carbide.html
Silicosis silicosis.html
Silk silk.html
Silk screening silk_screening.html
Silver leaf silver_leaf.html
Silver liquid silver_liquid.html
Silver stain silver_stain.html
Silvered glass silvered_glass.html
Silveria glass silveria_glass.html
Single glazed windows single_glazed_windows.html
Single hung windows single_hung_windows.html
Single roll method single_roll_method.html
Single strength glass single_strength_glass.html
Sintering sintering.html
Siphon blasters siphon_blasters.html
Size of the bead size_of_the_bead.html
Sizing sizing.html
Sketches sketches.html
Skyphos skyphos.html
Skystals skystals.html
Slab glass slab_glass.html
Slag glass slag_glass.html
Sliders sliders.html
Slip slip.html
Slumped glass slumped_glass.html
Slumping (operation) slumping_operation.html
Slumping (process) slumping_process.html
Slurry slurry.html
Smalti smalti.html
Smoothing smoothing.html
Snake thread decorations snake_thread_decorations.html
Snaps snaps.html
Snuff boxex snuff_boxex.html
Soaking soaking.html
Soda soda.html
Soda lime glass soda_lime_glass.html
Sodium flare sodium_flare.html
Sodium silicate sodium_silicate.html
Soffietta soffietta.html
Soft brick soft_brick.html
Soft glass soft_glass.html
Softening point softening_point.html
Solder solder.html
Soldering soldering.html
Soldering irons soldering_irons.html
Solid color opalescent glass solid_color_opalescent_glass.html
Soliflore soliflore.html
Sommerso (object) sommerso_object.html
Sommerso (technique) sommerso_technique.html
South side south_side.html
Spacers spacers.html
Spandrel glass spandrel_glass.html
Spatter glass spatter_glass.html
Spatulas spatulas.html
Spechters spechters.html
Spiders spiders.html
Spill holders spill_holders.html
Spoon holders spoon_holders.html
Sport cups sport_cups.html
Spray guns spray_guns.html
Spring lines spring_lines.html
Sprinklers sprinklers.html
Sputtering sputtering.html
Squeegee oil squeegee_oil.html
Squeegees squeegees.html
Squirrel hair squirrel_hair.html
Stackers stackers.html
Stain stain.html
Stained glass stained_glass.html
Standard Industrial Classification Standard_Industrial_Classification.html
Stationary stops stationary_stops.html
Stems stems.html
Stemware stemware.html
Stencil material stencil_material.html
Stenciling stenciling.html
Stencils (cold glass) stencils_cold_glass.html
Stencils (general) stencils_general.html
Stick lighting stick_lighting.html
Stickwork stickwork.html
Stippling stippling.html
Stirrup cups stirrup_cups.html
Stones stones.html
Stop gapping stop_gapping.html
Stopping knives stopping_knives.html
Stops stops.html
Strain cracks strain_cracks.html
Strain points strain_points.html
Strata strata.html
Streaky glass streaky_glass.html
Streamer streamer.html
Strength of glass strength_of_glass.html
Stress stress.html
Stressometers stressometers.html
Stretch glass stretch_glass.html
Striations striations.html
Strigils strigils.html
Striker (tool) striker_tool.html
Striker glass striker_glass.html
Striking striking.html
Stringer stringer.html
Stringer glass stringer_glass.html
Studio glass studio_glass.html
Studio glass movement studio_glass_movement.html
Subsurface subsurface.html
Sulphides sulphides.html
Suncatchers suncatchers.html
Superimposing superimposing.html
Support bars support_bars.html
Surfaces surfaces.html
Suspensions suspensions.html
Swirled ribbing swirled_ribbing.html
System 96 System_96.html
T bar T_bar.html
Table sets table_sets.html
Tack fusing tack_fusing.html
Tack soldering tack_soldering.html
Taglia taglia.html
Tangent tangent.html
Tanks tanks.html
Tapersticks tapersticks.html
Tapping tapping.html
Tazze tazze.html
Teardrops (general) teardrops_general.html
Teardrops (specific) teardrops_specific.html
Temperature temperature.html
Tempered glass tempered_glass.html
Templates templates.html
Terrazzi terrazzi.html
Tesserae tesserae.html
Tested compatible tested_compatible.html
Texture texture.html
Texture firing texture_firing.html
Thermal expansion thermal_expansion.html
Thermal shock thermal_shock.html
Thermocouples thermocouples.html
Thinfire paper thinfire_paper.html
Threading threading.html
Threshold limit values threshold_limit_values.html
Thumb wax thumb_wax.html
Tie wires tie_wires.html
Tiebacks tiebacks.html
Tiffany lamps tiffany_lamps.html
Time weighted averages time_weighted_averages.html
Tin scope lamps tin_scope_lamps.html
Tin side tin_side.html
Tinning tinning.html
Tinted glass tinted_glass.html
TLV TLV.html
Toddy plates toddy_plates.html
Toilet bottles toilet_bottles.html
Tongs tongs.html
Tooling tooling.html
Tools tools.html
Top firing kilns top_firing_kilns.html
Torches (flameworking) torches_flameworking.html
Torches (hot glass) torches_hot_glass.html
Total body burden total_body_burden.html
Toxic dust respirators toxic_dust_respirators.html
Toxic materials toxic_materials.html
Tracers tracers.html
Tracery tracery.html
Tracing tracing.html
Tracing lines tracing_lines.html
Traditional designs traditional_designs.html
Trailing trailing.html
Trails trails.html
Training programs training_programs.html
Trammels trammels.html
Transepts transepts.html
Translucent translucent.html
Transmittance transmittance.html
Transmitted light transmitted_light.html
Transom windows transom_windows.html
Transparent transparent.html
Transparent colors transparent_colors.html
Trefoils (garland) trefoils_garland.html
Trefoils (window) trefoils_window.html
Trick glass trick_glass.html
Triptychs triptychs.html
Trivets trivets.html
Trulla trulla.html
Tubes tubes.html
Tungsten carbide tungsten_carbide.html
Tureens tureens.html
Turquoise turquoise.html
Tusche tusche.html
TWA TWA.html
Twisted cane twisted_cane.html
Twists twists.html
Tympanae tympanae.html
Ultraviolet light ultraviolet_light.html
Under cuts under_cuts.html
Undercoats undercoats.html
Undercutting undercutting.html
Underfires underfires.html
Underlays underlays.html
Unguentariae unguentariae.html
Units units.html
Uranium glass uranium_glass.html
Valances valances.html
Values values.html
Vase caps vase_caps.html
Vaseline glass vaseline_glass.html
Vehicles vehicles.html
Vellum vellum.html
Vents vents.html
Vertical draw method vertical_draw_method.html
Vesica vesica.html
Vetro a fili vetro_a_fili.html
Vetro a reticello vetro_a_reticello.html
Vetro a retorti vetro_a_retorti.html
Vetro di trina vetro_di_trina.html
Vices vices.html
Victory beakers victory_beakers.html
Viscosity viscosity.html
Viscous viscous.html
Vitreous paints vitreous_paints.html
Vitri fusaille vitri_fusaille.html
Vitrification vitrification.html
Vitrolite vitrolite.html
Warm colors warm_colors.html
Warm glass warm_glass.html
Warzenbecher warzenbecher.html
Washes washes.html
Wasters wasters.html
Water glass (chemical) water_glass_chemical.html
Water glass (glass) water_glass_glass.html
Water sets water_sets.html
Waxing up waxing_up.html
Weathering weathering.html
Weeping glass weeping_glass.html
West ends west_ends.html
Wet belts wet_belts.html
Wet blanket wet_blanket.html
Wetting off wetting_off.html
What you see is what you get what_you_see_is_what_you_get.html
Wheel engraving wheel_engraving.html
Whetstones whetstones.html
Whimsy whimsy.html
Whipping whipping.html
Whiskey sets whiskey_sets.html
White glass white_glass.html
Whiting whiting.html
Whiting whiting.html
Williamite glass Williamite_glass.html
Window glass window_glass.html
Windows windows.html
Wine set wine_set.html
Winged goblets winged_goblets.html
Wipe on/wipe off wipe_on_wipe_off.html
Wire cloths wire_cloths.html
Wire glass wire_glass.html
Wire screens wire_screens.html
Wispy glass wispy_glass.html
Witch balls witch_balls.html
Worden system worden_system.html
Working ranges working_ranges.html
Wound glass beads wound_glass_beads.html
Wrapping wrapping.html
Wrythen wrythen.html
Yard of ale yard_of_ale.html
Yellow yellow.html
Yokes yokes.html
Z sections Z_sections.html
Zanfirico zanfirico.html
Zinc came zinc_came.html
Zwischengoldglas zwischengoldglas.html


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