Acronimi ed abbreviazioni nelle Telecomunicazioni
Acronimi ed abbreviazioni nelle Telecomunicazioni
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Acronimi ed abbreviazioni nelle Telecomunicazioni
Cosa significa cosa vuol dire ?
3G | Third generation mobile Services |
3GPP | Third generation Partnership Project |
A3 | GSM authentication algorithm |
A5 | GSM stream cipher algorithm (GSM) |
A8 | SM cipher key generating algorithm (GSM) |
A-bis | BSC-BTS interface |
AAC | Automatic Amplitude Control |
AACS | Asynchronous Address Communications System |
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer |
AAR | Automatic Alternate Routing |
AAS | Adaptive Antenna System |
AAV | Alternate Access Vendors |
ABC | Advanced Broadband Communications |
ABM | Asynchronous Balanced Mode (HDLC) |
ABR | Available Bit Rate (ATM) |
ABS | Alternate Billing Service |
ABSE | Absolute Error |
AC | Access Control (Token Ring, FDDI) |
AC | Authentication Centre |
ACCH | Associated Control Channel |
ACD | Automatic Call Distribution |
ACE | Advanced Communications Experiments |
ACE | Automatic Cross-connection Equipment (also |
known as AXE) | |
ACF | Advanced Communication Function |
ACID | Automated Classification and Interpretation Data |
ACITS | Advisory Committee on Information Technology |
Standardisation (SOG-IT) | |
ACOS | Automatic Coding System |
ACS | Automatic Control System |
ACTE | Approvals Committee for Terminal Equipment |
ACTOM | Advisory Committee on Technical and Operational |
Matters (of Inmarsat) | |
ACTS | Advanced Communications Technologies and |
Services | |
ACU | Antenna Coupling Unit |
ADA | Automatic Data Acquisition |
ADAPTCOM | Adaptive Communication |
ADAS | Automatic Data Analysis System |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ADC | Access Deficit Contribution |
ADCCP | Advanced Data Communications Control |
Procedures (ANSI) | |
ADCT | Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform Coding (video |
coding) | |
ADES | Automatic Digital Encoding System |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
ADLNB | Association of Designated Laboratories & Notified |
Bodies | |
ADM | Adaptive Delta Modulation |
ADP | Automatic Data Processing |
ADPCM | Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation |
ADPE | Automatic Data Processing Equipment |
ADPP | Automatic Data Processing Program |
ADPS | Automatic Data Processing System |
ADR | Airborne Digital Recorder |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
ADSM | Asynchronous Delta Sigma Modulation |
ADT | Automatic Digital Tracking |
ADTI | Automatic Data and Time Indication |
ADTS | Automatic Data Test System |
AECMA | Association Européenne des Constructeurs de |
Matériel Aerospatial (European Association for the | |
Construction of Aero-Space Equipment) | |
AECS | Aeronautical Emergency Communications System |
AENOR | Associación Española de Normalización (Standards |
Association, Spain) | |
AER | Antenna Effective Resistance |
AEROSAT | Aeronautical Satellite System |
AES | Aeronautical Earth Station |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
AFA | Audio Frequency Amplifier |
AFB | Assigned Frequency Band |
AFC | Amplitude Frequency Characteristic |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control |
AFD | Amplitude-Frequency Distortion |
AFM | Amplitude-Frequency Modulation |
AFMES | Automatic Frequency Modulation Eliminating |
System | |
AFNOR | Association Française de Normalisation (Standards |
Association, France) | |
AFS | Aeronautical Fixed Service |
AFSK | Audio Frequency Shift Keying |
AFUTT | Association Française des Utilisateurs de Téléphone |
et des Télécommunications (French Telegraphs and | |
Telephone Users’ Association) | |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AGPOS | Automatic General Purpose Orbital Satellite |
AGS | Automatic Gain Stabilization |
AHS | Antenna Homing System |
AIN | Advanced Intelligent Network |
AIP | Advanced Infrastructure Planning or Advanced |
Information Processing | |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal |
AITS | Acknowledged Information Transfer Service |
(ITU-T) | |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AMDSB | Amplitude Modulation Double Sideband |
AMPS | Advanced Mobile Phone System |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
AMSS | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service |
AMU | Antenna Matching Unit |
ANBFM | Adaptive Narrow-Band FM Modem |
ANI | Automatic Number Identification (ISDN) |
ANL | Automatic Noise Limiter |
ANR | Automatic Network Routing |
ANRAC | Aids to Navigation Radio Control |
ANRS | Automatic Noise Reduction System |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOA | Angle Of Arrival |
AOC | Advice of Charge |
AP | Access Point (UPT) |
APAT | IMTC Application Programming Activity Group |
APD | Amplitude Probability Distribution |
APDU | Application Protocol Data Unit |
APF | Accurate Position Finder |
APFC | Automatic Phase and Frequency Control |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APL | Analogue Private Line |
APON | ATM Passive Optical Network |
APP | Applications Portability Profile |
APS | Automatic Protection Switching |
APSK | Amplitude Phase Shift Keying |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
AQPSK | Adaptive Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
ARB | Aeronautical Radar Beacon |
ARC | Automatic Remote Control |
ARM | Asynchronous Response Mode (HDLC) |
ARNS | Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service |
ARP | Antenna Radiation Pattern |
ART | Automatic Range Tracking |
ART | Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications |
(French Approval Authority) | |
AS | Aeronautical Station |
AS | Anti Spooling |
ASA | Automatic Spectrum Analyzer |
ASB | Asymmetrical Sideband |
ASC | Automatic Sensitivity Control |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information |
Interchange | |
ASE | Averaged Square Error |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASK | Amplitude Shift Keying |
ASN | ATM Switching Network |
ASP | Advanced Speech Processor |
ASR | Answer Seize Ratio |
ASR | Automatic Send-Receive Set |
ASRS | Airborne Satellite Receiving Station |
ASS | Amateur-Satellite Service |
ASU | Acquisition and Synchronization Unit |
ASVD | Analogue Simultaneous Voice and Data |
AT | Assistive Technology |
AT&T | American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation |
ATDM | Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing |
ATDMA | Advanced Time Division Multiple Access |
ATH | ATM Transmission Hierarchy |
ATIS | Automatic Transmitter Identification System |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATR | Automatic Transmitter |
ATRA | Austrian Telecommunications Regulation Authority |
ATS | Air Traffic Services |
ATS | ATM Transmission System |
ATU | Central or Remote: ADSL Transmission Unit |
AU | Adaptation Unit |
AUC | Authentication Centre |
AUI | Attachment Unit Interface |
AUP | Acceptable Use Policy |
AWSW | Antenna Waveguide Switch |
AXE | Automatic Cross-Connection Equipment (also |
known as ACE) | |
AZ | Azimuth |
AZS | Automatic Zero Set |
B-CDMA | Broadband Code Division Multiple Access |
B-ICI | Broadband Intercarrier Interface (ATM) |
B-ISDN | Broadband ISDN |
B-LE | Broadband Local Exchange (B-ISDN) |
B-TA | Broadband Terminal Adapter (B-ISDN) |
B-TE | Broadband Terminal Equipment (B-ISDN) |
BA | Balanced Asynchronous (HDLC) |
BABS | Beam Approach Beacon System |
BABT | British Approvals Board for Telecommunications |
BACP | Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (PPP,ISDN) |
BACT | Advisory Committee on Telecommunications for |
Small Businesses (UK) | |
BAIC | Barring of All Incoming Calls |
BAKOM | Bundesamt für Kommunikation or Federal Office |
for Communication (Switzerland) | |
BAOC | Barring of All Outgoing Calls |
BAP | Bandwidth Allocation Protocol |
BBS | Bulletin Board Service |
BBSK | Binary Phase Shift Keying |
BCCH | Broadcast Control Channel |
BCF | Budget Cross-flow Model |
BCFSK | Binary Code Frequency Shift Keying |
BCI | Broadcast Interference |
BCLB | Broadband Connectionless Bearer Service (ATM) |
BCN | Beacon |
BCN | Broadband Communication Network |
BCOB | Broadband Connection-Oriented Bearer Service |
(ATM) | |
BCPN | Business Customer Premises Network |
BCS | Broadcast Communication System |
BDI | Bearing Deviation Indicator |
BDT | Telecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU |
BEF | Band Elimination Filter |
BER | Bit Error Rate |
BER(T) | Bit Error Rate (Test) |
BERKOM | Berliner Kommunikation (German optical network) |
BEVR | Broadcast Electronic Video |
BF | Binary Function |
BFO | Beat Frequency Oscillator |
BFSK | Binary Frequency Shift Keying |
BIPT | Belgian Institute for Posts and Telecommunications |
BLO | Blocking Signal |
BNS | Broadband Network Service |
BP | Band Pass |
BPM | Bi-phase Manipulation |
BPS | Beacon Portable Set |
BPS | Bits per Second |
BPSK | Binary Phase Shifting Key |
BRF | Band Rejection Filter |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface (ISDN) |
BRITE | Basic Rate Interface Transmission Equipment |
BRLU | Broadband Remote Line Unit |
BS | Base Station |
BS | Broadcasting Satellite |
BSC | Base Station Controller |
BSE | Broadcasting Satellite for Experimental Purposes |
BSI | British Standards Institute |
BSIC | Base Transceiver Station Identity Code |
BSS | Base Station System |
BSS | Basic Synchronised Subset |
BSS | Broadband Switching System |
BSSMAP | Base Station Systems Management Application Part |
BT | Burst Tolerance (ATM) |
BT | Business Telecommunications (as used by ETSI) or |
British Telecom | |
BTNR | British Telecom Network Requirement |
BTR | British Telecom Requirement |
BTS | Base Transceiver Station |
BTS | Base Transceiver Station Terminal |
BTS | Broadcast Transmission System |
BW | Band Width or Beam Width |
C-BAT | Cost-Benefit Analysis Toolkit |
C-Net | Analogue cellular system standard |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CABS | Carrier Access Billing System |
CAC | Carrier Access Code |
CAC | Connection Admission Control (ATM) |
CADL | Communication and Data Link |
CAE | Computer-Aided Engineering |
CAGC | Coded Automatic Gain Control |
CAI | Common Air Interface |
CAL | Calibration |
CAMEL | Customised Applications for Mobile Network |
Enhanced Logic | |
CAN | Cosmopolitan Area Network |
CAP | CAMEL Application Protocol |
CAP | Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation |
CAP | Competitive Access Provider |
CAPI | Common ISDN API |
CAS | Channel Associated Signalling |
CAS | Cordless Access Service |
CATscan | Computed Axial Tomodensitometry Scanner |
CAU | Controlled Access Unit (Token Ring) |
CB | Cell Broadcast |
CB | Channel Bank |
CBC | Commission of the European Community |
CBDS | Connectionless Broadband Data Service (ETSI) |
CBI | Cross-Border Interconnect |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate (ATM) |
CBRA | Constant Bit-Rate Adapter |
CBS | Common Base Station |
CBX | Computerised Branch Exchange |
CC | Country Code |
CC | Cross Correlation |
CC | Cross-Connect |
CCA | CENELEC Certification Agreement |
CCBS | Completion to Busy Subscriber |
CCC | CENELEC Electronic Components Certification |
CCCH | Common Control Channel |
CCF | Call Control Function |
CCF | Cross Correlation Function |
CCH | Connections per Circuit per Hour |
CCIR | Comité Consultatif International des |
Radiocommunications (Consultative Committee on | |
International Radiocommunications) International | |
Body | |
CCITT | Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et |
Téléphonique (Consultative Committee on | |
International Telegraphy and Telephony) | |
International body | |
CCS | Common Channel Signalling |
CCSS7 | Common Channel Signalling System Number 7 |
CCU | Central Control Unit |
CD | Call Deflection |
CD | Collision Detection (LAN) |
CDAA | Circularly Disposed Antenna Arrays |
CDAS | Command and Data Acquisition Station |
CDC | Control Data Corporation |
CDM | Code Division Multiplexing |
CDM | Continuous Delta Modulation |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDPD | Cellular Digital Packet Data |
CDR | Call Detail Record |
CE | Conformity European |
CEB | Comité Electrotechnique Belge (Electrotechnical |
Commitee, Belgium) | |
CEC | Commission of the European Community (ies) |
CEI | Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (Electrotechnical |
Committee, Italy) | |
CEIR | Central Equipment Identity Register |
CELEX | EC Legislation database in Eurobases databank |
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation (European |
Standards Committee) | |
CENELEC | Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique |
(European Electrotechnical Standards Committee) | |
CEPT | Conférence des Administrations Européenes des |
Postes et Télécommunications (European | |
Conference of Posts and Telecommunications | |
Administrations) | |
CERN | Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire |
CES | Central Earth Station |
CES | Coast Earth Station |
CESI | Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (Italy) |
CF | Carrier Frequency |
CF | Constant Frequency |
CFB | Call Forward Busy |
CFM | Center Frequency Modulation |
CFNR | Call Forward No Reply |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFS | Carrier Frequency Shift |
CFS | Common Functional Specifications |
CGSA | Cellular Geographical Service Area |
CI | Cell Identity |
CI | Computer Interconnect |
CIC | Carrier Identification Code |
CICS | Customer Information Control System |
CID | Caller Identification |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format |
CIGREF | Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises |
Françaises | |
CILE | Call Information Logging Equipment |
CIM | Coded Impulse Modulation |
CIM | Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
CIR | Channel Impulse Response |
CISPR | International Special Committee on Radio |
Interference | |
CIX | Commercial Internet Exchange |
CLASS | Custom Local Area Signalling Services |
CLI | Calling Line Identity/Identification |
CLID | Calling Line Identification (ISDN, CLASS) |
CLIP | Calling Line Identity Presentation |
CLIR | Calling Line Identification Restriction |
CLNP | Connectionless Network Protocol (ISO, ITU-T) |
CLR | Cell Loss Ratio |
CLTS | Connectionless-mode Transport Service |
CM | Communications Management |
CMC | Coherent Multi Channel (optical transmission) |
CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol |
CMIS | Common Management Information Service |
CMR | Cellular Mobile Radio |
CMRS | Cellular Mobile Radio Telecommunications Service |
CNAE | Customer Network Access Equipment |
CNM | Customer Network Management |
CNR | Carrier to Noise Ratio |
CNS | Complementary Network Service |
CoC | Certificate of Conformance |
CODEC | Coder/Decoder |
CODIT | Code Division Test Bed. |
COFDM | Coding Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex |
COLP | Connected Line Identification Presentation |
COLR | Connected Line Identification Restriction |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation |
CONELRAD | Control of Electromagnetic Radiation |
CoP | Code of Practice |
COS | Characteristic Orbital Spacing |
COSINE | Cooperation for Open Systems Interconnection |
Networking in Europe | |
COST | European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and |
Technical Research | |
CPAF | Customer Premise Access Facility |
CPB | Cell Priority Bit |
CPE | Customer Premise Equipment |
CPN | Customer Premises Network |
CPPW | Circularly Polarized Plane Wave |
CPS | Carrier Pre-Selection Service |
CPSK | Coherent Phase Shift Keying |
CPT | Compatibility test |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CQPSK | Coherent Quadrature Shift Keying |
CR | Community Reception |
CRA | Call Routing Apparatus |
CRAFT | Cooperative Research Action for Technology |
CRAG | Cellular Radio Advisory Group |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Code |
CRIMP | Cross Impact Model |
CRO | Central Radio Office |
CRS | Cellular Radio System |
CRS | Cellular Radiotelephone Service |
CRT | Connexion au Réseau Terrestre (French Switching |
Equipment) | |
CS2 | Capability Set 2 |
CS | Circular Scanning |
CS | Coast Station |
CS | Communication Satellite |
CS | Control Section |
CSA | Carrier Serving Area |
CSCW | Computer Supported Cooperative Work |
CSDN | Circuit Switched Data Network |
CSE | CAMEL Service Environment |
CSELT | Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni or |
Centre for Telecommunications Research and | |
Testing (Italy) | |
CSF | Customer Service Function |
CSI | CAMEL Service Indicator (q.v. SCM) |
CSI | Customer Sited Interconnection |
CSK | Compatible Shift Keying |
CSMA | Carrier-Sense Multiple Access |
CSMA-CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision |
Detection | |
CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision |
Avoidance (LAN) | |
CSPDN | Circuit Switched Public Data Network |
CSTA | Computer Supported Telephony Application |
CSV | Circuit Switched Voice |
CT | Conformance Test |
CT | Cordless Telecommunications Mobility |
CT-1 | European analogue cordless telephone system |
CT-2 | Second generation cordless telephone, Digital |
CTD | Cell Transfer Delay |
CTE | Channel Translation Equipment |
CTI | Computer Telephony Integration |
CTIA | Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association |
CTN | Corporate Telecommunication Network |
CTO | Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation |
CTR | Common Technical Regulation |
CTS | Central Transmitting Station |
CTS | Communications and Tracking System |
CTS | Conformance Testing Service |
CTU | Central Timing Unit |
CTU | Circuit Terminating Unit |
CUG | Closed User Group |
CURTS | Common User Radio Transmission System |
CVSDM | Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation |
CW | Call Waiting |
CWS | Central Wireless Station |
CYTA | Cyprus Telecommunications Agency |
D-AMPS | Digital AMPD (also know as IS-136) |
D/A | Digital-to-Analogue |
DA | Destination Address (LAN) |
DA | Device Address (SNA) |
DAA | Data Access Arrangement |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcasting |
DACAPS | Data Collection and Processing System |
DACC | Direct Access Communication Channel |
DACS | Digital Access Cross Connect Service |
DAE | Data Acquisition Equipment |
DAGC | Delayed Automatic Gain Control |
DAI | Digital Audio Interface (104 kbit/s) |
DAL | Direct Access Line |
DAM | Dynamic Amplitude Modulation |
DAMA | Demand Assignment Multiple Access |
DANAK | Dansk Akkreditering or National Danish |
Accreditation Scheme | |
DAS | Data Acquisition System |
DAS | Dual Attachment Station (FDDI) |
DASD | Direct Access Storage Device |
DASK | Differential Amplitude Shift Keying |
DASS | Digital Access Signalling System |
DASY | Data Analyzer System |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
DATEC | Digital Adaptive Technique for Efficient |
Communications | |
DATPAC | Packet Switched Digital Data Network |
DATS | Data Transmission System |
DAU | Data Acquisition Unit |
DAU | Data Adapter Unit |
DB | Data Byte |
DBC | Decimal-Binary Conversion |
DBK | Data Bank |
DBMS | Data Base Management System |
DBPSK | Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying |
DBS | Data-base System |
DBS | Direct Broadcast by Satellite |
DC | Direct Current |
DCC | Data Communication Channel |
DCCH | Dedicated Control Channel |
DCCH | Digital Control Channel |
DCD | Data Correlation and Documentation |
DCDM | Digitally Controlled Delta Modulation |
DCE | Data Communications Equipment |
DCE | Distributed Computing Environment |
DCF | Data Communications Function Block (TMN) |
DCF | Data Count Field |
DCMA | Digital Communication with Multiple Access |
DCMSK | Differentially Coherent Minimum Shift Keying |
DCN | Data Communications Network |
DCP | Digital Communications Protocol |
DCPLMTS | Digital Cellular Public Land Mobile Telephone |
System | |
DCPN | Domestic Customer Premises Network |
DCPSK | Differential Coherent Phase Shift Keying |
DCR | Data Conversion Receiver |
DCS1800 | Digital Communications System1800 MHz. |
DCS | Digital Cellular System |
DCS | Digital Communication System |
DCT | Discrete Cosine Transform |
DCU | Digital Concentor Unit |
DDAS | Digital Data Acquisition System |
DDBS | Distributed Data Base System |
DDD | Digital Data Demodulator |
DDD | Direct Distance Dialling |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange |
DDF | Digital Distribution Frame |
DDH | Data Digital Handling |
DDI | Direct Dialling In |
DDM | Difference Discrete Modulation |
DDM | Digital Data Multiplexer |
DDN | Defence Data Network |
DDPS | Digital Data Processing System |
DDR | Dial-on-Demand Routing |
DDS | Digital Data Service |
DECPSK | Differentially Encoded Coherent Phase Shift Keying |
DECT | Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications |
DEM | Digital Elevation Model |
DEMKO | Danmarks Elektriske Materielkontrol (Electrical |
Testing Laboratory, Denmark) | |
DEPSK | Differential Encoded Phase Shift Keying |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DF | Directional Finding |
DF | Distortion Factor |
DFC | Data Flow Control |
DFFMS | Digital Feedback Frequency Modulation System |
DFM | Digital Frequency Meter |
DFS | Digital Frequency Synthesizer |
DFS | Distributed File System |
DFSK | Double Frequency Shift Keying |
DFT | Diagnostic Function Test |
DFT | Discrete Fourier Transform |
DFT | Distributed Function Terminal (SNA) |
DG | Directorate General (CEC) |
DG | XIII Directorate General XIII from the Commission of |
European Community | |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DHE | Data Handling Equipment |
DHS | Data Handling System |
DICOM | Digital Communication |
DID | Direct Inward Dialling |
DIEL | Advisory Committee on Telecommunications for |
Disabled and Elderly People (UK) | |
DIF | Direction Finder |
DIGICOM | Digital Communication |
DIGISAT | Digital Satellite Service |
DIGS | Digital Communications System |
DILIC | Dual Inline Integrated Circuit |
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Standards |
Institute) | |
DIP | Dual In Line Package (integrated circuits) |
DIS | Digital Identification Signal |
DIS | Draft International Standard |
DIU | Digital Interface Unit |
DJSU | Digital Junction Switching Unit |
DLC | Digital Loop Carrier |
DLE | Digital Local Exchange |
DLG | Digital Line Graph |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library |
DLU | Digital Line Unit |
DM | Delta Modulation |
DM | Disconnected Mode (HDLC) |
DMA | Data Management Amendment |
DMB | Dynamic Multipoint Bridging |
DMC | Desktop Multimedia Conferencing |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DME | Disttributed Management Environment |
DMS | Data Management System |
DMS | Digital Multiplex Switch |
DMSU | Digital Main Switching Unit |
DMW | Decimetric Waves |
DNA | Digital Network Architecture |
DNIC | Data Network Identification Code (X.121) |
DNIS | Dialled Number Idenfication Service |
DNL | Dynamic Noise Limiter |
DNS | Domain Name Service |
DNU | Digital Networking Unit |
DOSE | Direction of arrival by Signal Elimination |
DOV | Data Over Voice |
DPC | Data Processing Centre |
DPCM | Delta Pulse Code Modulation |
DPE | Data Processing Equipment |
DPHM | Differential Phase Modulation |
DPLL | Digital Phase Locked Loop |
DPM | Differential Phase Modulation |
DPNSS | Digital Private Network Signalling System |
DPPM | Differential Pulse Position Modulation |
DPS | Data Processing System |
DPSK | Differential Phase Shift Keying |
DPWM | Differential Pulse Width Modulation |
DQDB | Distributed Queue Dual Bus |
DQPSK | Differential Quadrature Phase Shifting Key |
DR | Distortion Ratio |
DR | Dynamic Range |
DRA | Dielectric Rod Antenna |
DRAMS | Digital Recording and Measuring System |
DRCS | Digital Radio Concentrator System |
DRCS | Distress Radio Call System |
DRP | Directional Radiated Power |
DRS | Data Relay Satellite |
DS | Digital Signal |
DS | Direct Sequence |
DSA | Directory Service Agent |
DSA | Distributed Systems Architecture |
DSB | Double-Sideband |
DSB-SC-AM | Double Sideband-Suppressed Carrier-Amplitude |
Modulation | |
DSB-SC-ASK | Double Sideband-Suppressed Carrier-Amplitude |
Shift Keying | |
DSE | Data Switching Equipment |
DSG | Data Systems Group |
DSI | Detailed Spectrum Investigation (as conducted by |
DSK | Delay Shift Keying |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
DSMA | Digital Sense Multiple Access |
DSN | Derived Services Network |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
DSPS | Digital Signal Processing System |
DSRR | Digital Short Range Radio |
DSS | Digital Subscriber Signalling System (ISDN, |
B-ISDN) | |
DSS | Digital Switched Services |
DSSS | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum |
DSTE | Data Subscriber Terminal Equipment |
DSU | Digital Service Units |
DSVD | Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data |
DTAP | Direct Transfer Application Part |
DTC | Data Transmission Channel |
DTDMA | Distributed Time-Division Multiple Access |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
DTLU | Digital Terminal Line Unit |
DTM | Digital Terrain Model |
DTMF | Dual Tone Multi Frequency |
DTP | Detail Test Plan |
DTS | Digital Transmission System |
DTU | Data Transfer Unit |
DUT | Device Under Test |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcasting |
DVM | Data over Voice Multiplexer |
DVM | Digital Voltmeter |
DVN | Digital Video-Frequency Network |
DVT | Digital Video Terminal |
DWDM | Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing |
DXI | Data Exchange Interface (ATM, SMDS) |
Electronic Mail | |
E/O | Electro-optical Conversion |
EA | Evaluation Authority |
EBCDIC | Ext ended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
EBCS | Electronics Business Communication System |
EBIT | European Broadband Interconnection Trial |
EBU | European Broadcasting Union |
ECFRN | European Consultative Forum for Research |
Networking | |
ECHO | European Commission Host Organization |
ECITC | European Committee for IT Testing and |
Certification | |
ECM | Electronic Countermeasures |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association |
ECP | European Common Proposal |
ECS | Experimental Communications Satellite |
ECSA | European Computing Software Association |
ECSA | Exchange Carriers Standards Association |
ECSS | European Communications Satellite System |
ECTRA | European Committee for Telecommunications |
Regulatory Affairs | |
ECTS | Electronic Custom Telephone System |
ECTUA | European Council of Telecommunications Users |
Association | |
ED | Error Detecting |
EDGE | Enhanced Data-Rates for GSM Evolution |
EDH | Electronic Document Handling |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, |
Commerce, and Trade (ANSI) | |
EDM | Electronic Distance Measurement |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EDR | Equivalent Direct Radiation |
EEMA | European Electronic Mail Association |
EES | Experimental Earth Station |
EESS | Earth Exploration-Satellite Service |
EFR | Enhanced Full Rate |
EFS | End of Frame Sequence (LAN) |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
EFTPOS | Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale |
EGSM | Extended Global System for Mobile |
Communications | |
EH | Electronic Highways |
EHF | Extremely High Frequency |
EI | Expansion Interface |
EIA | Electronics Industry Association |
EIN | European Informatics Network (predecessor of |
Euronet) | |
EIR | Equipment Identity Register |
EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture |
EIUF | European ISDN User Forum |
ELB | Emergency Location Beacon |
EMA | Enterprise Management Architecture |
EMAG | ETSI MIS Advisory Group |
EMC | Electro-magnetic Compatibility |
EMF | Electromagnetic Field |
EMS | Electromagnetic Spectrum |
EMS | Expanded Memory Specification |
EMW | Electromagnetic Wave |
EN | Norme Européenne (European Standard) |
ENF | European Numbering Forum |
ENG | Equivalent Noise Generator |
ENG/OB | Electronic News Gathering/Outside Broadcast |
ENO | European Numbering Office |
ENS | Enterpise Network Services |
ENSO | ETSI National Standardisation Organisations (ETSI) |
ENT | Equivalent Noise Temperature |
ENV | European pre-standard |
EOTC | European Organisation for Testing and Certification |
EPHOS | European Procurement Handbook for Open Systems |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons |
EPIRS | Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon Station |
EPSS | Electronic Packet Switched Data Transmission |
System | |
ER | Essential Requirement(s) |
ERC | European Radiocommunications Committee |
ERMES | European Radio Messaging System |
ERO | European Radiocommunications Office |
ERS | Earth Resources Satellite |
ERS | Effective Receiver Sensitivity |
ERSS | Earth Remote Sensing Satellite |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESB | European Standardisation Board |
ESC | European Standardisation Council |
ESD | European Standards Database |
ESDI | Enhanced Small Device Interface |
ESI | End System Identifier (ATM, ISO) |
ESIG | European SMDS Interest Group |
ESLNT | Equivalent Satellite Link Noise Temperature |
ESMR | Enhanced Specialised Mobile Radio |
ESN | Equipment Serial Number |
ESO | European Standardisation Organisation |
ESP | EBIT Service Project |
ESP | Enhanced Service Provider |
ESPRIT | European Strategic Programme for Research and |
Development | |
ESRS | Electronic Scanning Radar System |
ESS | Electronic Switching System |
ESS | European Standardisation System |
ESS | Experimental Synchronous Satellite |
ESSA | Environmental Survey Satellite |
EST | Earth Station Transmitter |
ESV | Earth Satellite Vehicle |
ETACS | Extended Total Access System |
ETCI | Electro-Technical Council of Ireland |
ETNO | Association of European Public |
Telecommunications Network Operators | |
ETO | European Telecommunications Office |
ETP | European Telecommunications Platform |
ETR | ETSI Technical Report |
ETS | European Telecommunication Standard |
ETSA | European Telecommunication Services Association |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EU | European Union |
EUMETSAT | European Meteorological Satellite Organisation |
EUREKA | European Research Co-operation Agency |
EURESCOM | European Institute for Research and Strategic |
Studies in Telecommunications | |
EUROBIT | European Association of Manufacturers of Business |
Machines and Data Processing Equipment | |
EurOSINET | European OSI Network |
EUSIDIC | European Association of Information Services |
EUTELSAT | European Telecommunications Satellite |
Organisation | |
EVM | Electronic Voltmeter |
EWOS | European Workshop for Open Systems |
EWP | ETSI Work Programme |
FAC | Fully Allocated Costs |
FACCH | Fast Association Control Channel |
FAGC | Fast Automatic Gain Control |
FAL | Frequency Allocation List |
FAM | Frequency Amplitude Modulation |
FAS | Frame Alignment Sequence (T-1, E.1) |
FATDL | Frequency and Time Division Data Link |
FC | Functional Component |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FCCH | Forward Control Channel |
FCS | Facsimile Communication System |
FD | Fault Detection |
FD | Frequency Division |
FD-PSK | Frequency-Differential Phase Shift Keying |
FDD | Frequency Division Duplex |
FDDI | Fibre Distributed Data Interface |
FDDL | Frequency Division Data Link |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplex(ed) |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access |
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
FEI | Federation of the Electronics Industry (UK) |
FES | Fixed Earth Station |
FET | Field Effect Transistor |
FF | Fixed Frequency |
FF | Frequency Feedback |
FFSK | Fast Frequency Shift Keying |
FGMDSS | Future Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
FGS | Fixed Ground Station |
FH | Frequency Hopping |
FH/DS | Frequency-Hopping Direct Sequence |
FIAG | Framework Interconnection Agreement Guidelines |
Fll | Failure Indication Information |
FIM | Field Intensity Meter |
FITL | Fiber In The Loop |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FM | Frequency Multiplexing |
FMC | Fixed Mobile Convergence |
FMH | Function Management Header (SNA) |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications |
Systems | |
FRAD | Frame Relay Access Device |
FRBS | Frame Relay Bearer Service |
FRC | Fixed Radio Communication |
FRF | Frame Relay Forum |
FRM | Functional Reference Model |
FRS | Frame Relay Service |
FS | Frequency Shift |
FSCE | Free Space Communication Equipment |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying |
FSL | Flexible Service Logic |
FSL | Free Space Loss |
FSM | Field Strength Meter |
FSS | Fixed-Satellite Service |
FSS | Frequency-Shift Signal |
FST | Frequency Shift Transmission |
FT | Frequency Tolerance |
FTAM | File Transfer Access & Management |
FTDMA | Frequency and Time Division Multiple Access |
FTM | Frequency Time Modulation |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTTC | Fibre to the Curb |
FTTH | Fiber to the Home |
FUNI | Frame User-to-Network Interface (ATM) |
FVC | Forward Voice Channel |
FWS | Fixed Wireless Station |
GA | General Assembly (ETSI) |
GAP | Generic Access Profiles |
GATT | Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GBSAS | Ground-Based Scanning Antenna System |
GCC | Generic Conference Control |
GCC | Ground Control Center |
GCRA | Generic Cell Rate Algorithm |
GFC | Generic Flow Control (ATM) |
GFI | General Format Identifier (X.25) |
GFPM | Gated Frequency Position Modulation |
GFSK | Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying |
GGE | Ground Guidance Equipment |
GGSN | Gateway GPRS Support Node |
GIO | Generic Interface for Operations (SMDS) |
GIS | Geographical Information System |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GME | Group Modulating Equipment |
GMF | Geomagnetic Field |
GMPCS | Global Mobile Personal Communications System by |
Satellite | |
GMS | Geo-stationary Meteorological Satellite |
GMSC | Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying |
GNCS | Guidance, Navigation and Control System |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GOES | Geo-stationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GOS | Global Observing System |
GoS | Grade of Service |
GOSIP | Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile |
GPIB | General Purpose Interface Bus |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GPRT | General Purpose Radio Transmitter |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPSCS | General Purpose Satellite Communications System |
GRS | Ground Receiving Station |
GS | Geo-stationary Satellite |
GS | Ground Station |
GS | Guidance System |
GSA | GSM System Area |
GSL | Ground-Space Link |
GSLB | Groupe spécial large bande (CEPT group on |
broadband telecommunications) | |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communication |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
GSM | MS GSM Mobile Station |
GSM | PLMN GSM Public Land Mobile Network |
GSMA | Global Scheduling Multiple Access |
GSN | GPRS Support Node |
GSO | Geo-stationary Orbit |
GSS | Geodetic Stationary Satellite |
GSS | Group Switching Subsystem |
GTD | Geometric Theory of Diffraction |
HADM | Hybrid Analog and Digital Modulation |
HADTS | High Accuracy Data Transmission System |
HBS | Home Base-Station |
HCM | High Capacity Multiplexing |
HCSPR | Hundred Call Seconds Per Hour |
HCV | High Capacity Voice |
HDDV | High Definition Digital Video |
HDLC | High-Level Data Link Control |
HDML | Handheld Device Mark-up Language |
HDSL | High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line |
HDT | Host Digital Terminal |
HDTM | Half-Duplex Transmission Module (X.25) |
HDWDM | High Density Wavelength Division Multiplex |
HDX | Half-Duplex |
HES | Home Electronic System(s) |
HF | Height Finder |
HF | High Frequency |
HFAA | High Frequency Airborne Antenna |
HFRDF | High Frequency Radio Direction Finder |
HFRT | High Frequency Radio Transmitter |
HFWB | High Frequency Wire Broadcasting System |
HG | Harmonic Generator |
HGA | High Gain Antenna |
HIPERLAN | High performance local area network |
HIPPI | High Performance Parallel Interface |
HLL | High Level Language |
HLR | Home Location Register |
HMSC | Home Mobile Switching Centre |
HNPA | Home Number Plan Area |
HOSTID | Host Identifier |
HPF | Highest Possible Frequency |
HPR | High Performance Routing |
HSC | Hierarchical Cell Structure |
HSCSD | High Speed Circuit Switched Data |
HSLAN | High Speed LAN |
HSPSD | High-Speed Packet Switched Data |
HSSI | High-Speed Serial Interface (ANSI) |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol (IETF) |
I-ETS | Interim European Telecommunications Standard |
IACS | Inegrated Access and Crossconnect System |
IAFIS | Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification |
System | |
IAGC | Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control |
IAM | Initial Address Message (SS7) |
IANA | Internet Address Naming Authority |
IAPSK | Independent Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying |
IARU | International Amateur Radio Union |
IATCS | International Air Traffic Communication Station |
IAVC | Instantaneous Automatic Volume Control |
IBC | Integrated Broadband Communication |
IBCN | Integrated Broadband Communications Network |
IBN | Integrated Broadband Network |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
ICCB | Internet Control and Configuration Board |
ICD | International Code Designator (ISO) |
ICI | Intercarrier Interface (SMDS) |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICP | Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal (The |
Portuguese Institute of Communications) | |
ICP | Internet Control Protocol |
ICR | Interference-to-Carrier Ratio |
ICS | Integrated Communication System |
ICS | International Code of Signals |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies |
IDA | Integrated Data Access or |
Integrated Digital Access | |
IDI | Initial Domain Identifier (ISO) |
IDLC | Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (Telephony) |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network |
IDNX | Integrated Digital Network Exchange |
IDP | Internet Datagram Protocol |
IDVM | Integrating Digital Voltmeter |
IEC | Interconnection Extension Circuit |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IES | Information Exchange Services |
IESG | Internet Engineering Steering Group |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IFRB | International Frequency Registration Board |
IFS | Interfering Signal |
IFT | International Frequency Table |
IHL | Internet Header Length (IP) |
IIT | Integrated Information Transport |
ILBC | Independent Local Exchange Carrier |
ILF | Infra-Low Frequency |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IMCC | ISDN Management and Co-ordinating Committee |
IME | International Mobile Station Equipment Identity |
IMT | Impulse-Modulated Telemetry |
IMT | International Mobile Telecommunications |
IMTC | International Multimedia Conferencing Consortium |
IMTS | Improved Mobile Telephone Service |
IMUI | International Mobile User Identity |
IMUX | Inverse Multiplexer/Intelligent Multiplexer |
IN | Intelligent Network |
INAP | Intelligent Network Application Part |
INCA | Inter Network Call Accounting System |
INMARSAT | International Marine Satellite Organisation |
INMS | Integrated Network Management System |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite |
Organisation | |
INTUG | International Telecommunications User Group |
IOC | Inter Office Channel |
ION | Integrated Optical Network |
IP | Integrated Peripheral |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPA | Intermediate Power Amplifier |
IPNS | ISDN PBX Networking Specification |
IPNS Forum | A body committed to accelerate the development of |
the QSIG standard by providing co-ordinated input | |
to ECMA | |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights |
IPS | Instructions per Second |
IPSS | International Packet Switching Service |
IPX | Internetwork Packet Exchange |
IRAS | Internet Routing and Access Service |
IRCS | International Radio Call Sign |
IRP | Independent Routing Processor |
IRPA | International Radiation Protection Association |
IRS | International Radio Station |
IRSG | Internet Research Steering Group |
IRT | Integrated Rural Telematics |
IRTA | Integrated Regional Telematics Architecture |
IRTF | Internet Research Task Force |
IS | Information Systems |
IS | Interim Standard (ISO) |
IS | Intermediate System (ETSI TC BT) |
IS-PBX | Integrated Services Private Branch Exchange |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
ISB | Independent Side Band |
ISC | International Switching Centre |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISIS | International Satellite for Ionospheric Studies |
ISL | Intersatellite Link |
ISM | ISDN Standards Management |
ISN | Information Systems Network |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
ISOC | Internet Society |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISTC | International Satellite Transmission Center |
ISTC | International Switching and Testing Center |
ISV | Independent Software Vendor |
IT | Information Technology |
IT&T | Information Technology and Telecommunications |
ITA | International Telegraph Alphabet |
ITC | International Teletraffic Congress |
ITN | Independent Telecommunication Network |
ITSTC | Information Technology Steering Committee |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
ITUSA | Information Technology Users’ Standards |
Association | |
IVDM | Integrated Voice Data Multiplexer |
IVDS | Interactive Video Data Services |
IVDT | Integrated Voice and Data Terminal |
IVN | Intervening Network (ETSI TC BT) |
IVR | Interactive Voice Response |
IVS | Interactive Video Service |
IWU | Interworking Unit (ETSI TC BT) |
JEEC | Joint ECMA ETSI Programme Committee (ETSI) |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group (ISO) |
JPG | Joint Presidents Group |
JRTIC | Joint Radiophone Technical Interfaces Group |
JTC | Joint Technical Committee (EBU/ETSI and |
ISO/IEC) | |
JTCG | Joint Technical Co-ordination Group |
JTM | Job Transfer and Management |
KCS | KTL Certification Services |
KTILA | Development Centre for Telecommunications |
(Greece) | |
KTS | Key Telephone System |
LAA | Linear Array Antenna |
LADS | Local Area Data Service |
LAI | Location Area Identification or Identity |
LAMs | Line Adaptor Modules |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LANS | Local Area Network Services |
LAP | Link Access Procedure (X.25) |
LAPF | Link Access Procedure to Frame Mode Bearer |
Services (FR, ISDN) | |
LAPM | Link Access Procedure for Modems (V.42) |
LAPX | Link Access Procedure half-duplex (X.32) |
LAS | Low-Altitude Observation Satellite |
LASS | Local Area Signalling Services |
LATA | Local Access and Transport Area |
LCM | Line Concentrator Module |
LCN | Local Communication Network |
LCN | Logical Channel Number (X.25) |
LD | Loop Disconnect |
LDDI | Local Distributed Data Interface (ANSI) |
LDM | Linear Delta Modulation |
LDN | Listed Directory Number |
LEC | Local Exchange Carrier |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LEOS | Low Earth Orbit Satellites |
LHCP | Left Handed Circular Polarization |
LHPW | Left-Hand Polarized Wave |
LI | Length Indicator |
LIDB | Line Information Database (ISDN) |
LMC | Land Mobile Communications |
LMDS | Local Multipoint Distribution System |
LMI | Local Management Interface |
LMSS | Land Mobile Satellite Service |
LMT | Local Maintenance Terminal |
LNA | Logarithmic Narrow-Band Amplifier |
LORAN | Long Range Navigation System |
LOSRRS | Line-of-Sight Radio Relay System |
LPCM | Linear Pulse Code Modulation |
LPD | Low Power Device |
LPI | Low Probability of Intercept |
LRN | Long-Range Navigation |
LRRP | Lowest Required Radiated Power |
LSB | Least Signifcant Bit |
LSI | Large Scale Integration |
LSL | Link Support Layer |
LSPSD | Low-Speed Packet Switched Data |
LTE | Line Terminating Equipment |
LTM | Line-Type Modulation |
LTU | Line Termination Unit |
LUF | Lowest Usable Frequency |
LVD | Low Voltage Directive |
MAACS | Multi-Address Asynchronous Communication |
System | |
MAC | Multiplexed Analogue Components or |
Medium Access Control | |
MADS | Multiple Access Data System |
MAF | Management Application Function (TMN) |
MAI | Mobile Allocation Index |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Networks |
MAP | Manufacturing Automation Protocol |
MAP | Mobile Application Part |
MAR | Memory Address Register |
MARISAT | Maritime Satellite Communication System |
MARS | Manned Astronautical Research Station |
MARSAT | Maritime Satellite |
MAS | Multiple Access System |
MASK | Multilevel Amplitude Shift Keying |
MATSE | Mobile Automatic Telephone System - Europe |
MAU | Medium Attachment Unit (Ethernet) |
MBFT | Multipoint Binary Transfer File |
MBR | Maritime Business Radio |
MCC | Mobile Country Code |
MCF | Message Communication Functions (TMN) |
MCL | Mercury Communications Limited |
MCN | Mobile Control Node |
MCPC | Multiple Channel Per Carrier |
MCPR | Multimedia Communication Processing and |
Representation | |
MCR | Minimum Cell Rate (ATM) |
MCS | Multipoint Communication Service |
MCT | Model Compatibility Test |
MCU | Multipoint Control Unit |
MCVF | Multi-Channel Voice Frequency |
MDB | Management Database |
MDBS | Mobile Database Station |
MDF | Main Distribution Frame |
MDNS | Managed Data Network Services |
MDR | Memory Data Register |
MDS | Multipoint Distribution Services |
MDSL | Moderate Speed Digital Subscriber Line |
MDTRS | Mobile Digital Trunked Radio Systems |
ME | Maintenance Entities (TMN) or |
Mobile Equipment | |
MEF | Maintenance Entity Function (TMN) |
MEG | Mobile Experts Group |
MENL | Maximum External Noise Level |
MEO | Medium Earth Orbit |
MEOS | Medium Earth Orbit Satellites |
MExE | Mobile station application Execution Environment |
MF | Multi Frequency or |
Mediation Function Block (TMN) | |
MFC | Multi Frequency Code |
MFKP | Multi-Frequency Key Pulsing |
MFLOPS | Millions of Floating Point Operations Per Second |
MFS | Multiple Frequency Shift |
MHS | Message Handling System |
MIB | Management Information Base (TMN) |
MID | Message Identifier (ATM, SMDS) |
MID | Multiplexing Identifier (ATM) |
MIDA | Multiple Integrated Digital Access (UK) |
MIFR | Master International Frequency Register |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension |
MIN | Mobile ID number |
MINIT | Minimum Interference Threshold |
MIPS | Millions of Instructions Per Second |
MIS | Management Information System |
MLC | Multilink Control Field (X.25) |
MLP | Multilink Protocol (X.25) |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MLS | Multiple Listing Service |
MMDS | Multichannel, Multipoint Distribution System |
MMS | Maritime Mobile Service |
MMSE | Minimum Mean Square Error |
MMSI | Maritime Mobile Service Identities |
MMSS | Maritime Mobile Satellite Service |
MOC | Mobile Originating Call |
MOL | Manned Orbital Laboratory |
MOP | Maintenance Operations Protocol |
MOS | Manned Orbiting Station |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPASK | Multiple Phase Amplitude Shift Keying |
MPOA | Multiprotocol Over ATM |
MPSK | Multilevel Phase Shift Keying |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Agreement |
MRC | Mobile Radiocommunications |
MRCF | Maximum Rate of exchange of Frequency |
MS | Mobile Station |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MSC | Mobile Switching Centre |
MSIN | Mobile Station Identification Number |
MSISDN | Mobile Station International ISDN |
MSK | Minimum Shift Keying |
MSRN | Mobile Station Roaming Number |
MSS | MAN Switching System or Mobile Satellite Service |
MSS | Mobile Satellite System |
MSSC | Mobile Satellite Switching Center |
MSSHO | Mobile Speed Sensitive Handover |
MST | Multi-Service Terminal |
MTA | Mail Transport Agent |
MTA | Message Transfer Agent |
MTS | Message Toll Service |
MTS | Message Transfer System |
MUF | Maximum Usable Frequency |
MVDS | Multipoint Video Distribution System |
MVIP | Multi Vendor Integration Protocol |
MVS | Multiple Virtual Storage |
N-AMPS | Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System |
NA | Network Aspects |
NACD | Network Automatic Call Distribution |
NACS | NetWare Asynchronous Communication Services |
(NetWare) | |
NAMAS | National Measurement Accreditation Service |
NAP | Network Access Point (Internet) |
NAS | Network Application Support |
NBFM | Narrow Band Frequency Modulation |
NBPSK | Narrow-Band Phase-Shift Keying |
NBPSKT | Narrow Band Phase-Shift Keying Telegraphy |
NBVM | Narrow-Band Voice Modulation |
NCCF | Network Communication Control Facility |
NCCN | Network Charge Change Notice |
NCFSK | Non coherent Frequency Shift Keying |
NCO | Numerical Control Oscillator |
NCOP | Network Code of Practice |
NCP | NetWare Core Protocol (NetWare) |
NCTE | Network Channel Terminating Equipment |
NDIS | Network Device Interface Standard |
NE | Network Element (TMN) |
NEF | Network Element Function Block (TMN) |
NEMKO | Norwegian Board for Testing and Approval of |
Electrical Equipment | |
NETC | National Electronics Test Centre (Ireland) |
NETID | Network Identifier |
NFM | Narrow-Band Frequency Modulation |
NFS | Network File System |
NHRP | Next Hop Routing Protocol |
NI | Network Interface |
NIC | Network Identification Code |
NIC | Network Interface Card (LAN) |
NICC | Network Interoperability Consultative Committee |
NICE | Network Information and Control Exchange |
NID | Network Interface Device |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
(USA) | |
NIUF | North American ISDN Users Form |
NL | Network Layer |
NLDM | Network Logical Data Manager |
NLPID | Network Layer Protocol Identifier |
NLSP | NetWare Link Service Protocol |
NM | Network Management |
NM | Network Module |
NMC | Network Management Centre |
NMP | Network Management Protocol |
NMRS | National Mobile Radio System |
NMS | Network Management System |
NMSI | National Mobile Station Identification number |
NMSS | National Multipurpose Space Station |
NMT | Nordic Mobile Telephone System |
NN | Network Node |
NNG | National Number Group |
NNI | Network Node Interface (ATM) |
NNI | Network-to-Network Interface (FR) |
NOAF | Network Operator Facility |
NOCC | Network Operations Control Centre |
NORC | Network Operators Research Committee |
NP | Network Performance |
NP | Number Portability |
NPA | Numbering Plan Area |
NPC | Network Parameter Control (ATM) |
NPDU | Network Layer Protocol Data Unit |
NPI | Numbering Plan Identification |
NRA | National Regulatory Authority |
NREN | National Research and Education Network (USA) |
NSAI | National Standards Authority of Ireland |
NSAP | Network Service Access Point |
NSAPA | Network Service Access Point Address (ISO) |
NSC | Network Service Centre |
NSOs | National Standards Organisations |
NSP | Native Signal Processing |
NSP | Network Service Protocol |
NSPC | National Sound-Program Center |
NSS | Navigation Satellite System |
NT | Network Termination (ISDN) |
NTA | Telestyrelsen or National Telecom Agency, |
Denmark | |
NTE | Network Terminating Equipment |
NTI | National Telecom Inspectorate (Iceland) |
NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information |
Administration | |
NTO | Network Terminal Option |
NTP | Network Termination Point |
NTRA | Norwegian Telecommunications Regulatory |
Authority | |
NTS | Number Translation Service |
NTU | Network Termination Unit |
NUI | Network User Identification |
ÖN | Österreichisches Normungsinstitut or Austrian |
Standards Institute | |
ÖVE | Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik or |
Austrian Association for Electrotechnology | |
OBCS | On-Board Communication Station |
OC | Optical Carrier (SONET) |
OCC | Other Common Carriers |
OCHC | Operator Call Handling Centre |
ODA | Office Document Architecture |
ODA | Omnidirectional Antenna |
ODIF | Open Document Interchange Format |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and |
Development | |
OEIC | Opto-electronic Integrated Circuit |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplex |
OFM | Optical Frequency Multiplexing |
OFTEL | Office of Telecommunications (UK) |
OID | Object Identifier |
OLC | Optical Loop Carrier |
OLI | Optical Line Inlet |
OLO | Optical Line Outlet |
OLO | Other Licensed Operator |
OLR | Overall Loudness Rating |
OLTE | Optical Line Terminating Equipment |
OMC | Operations and Maintenance Centre |
OME | Operator Mobile Exchange |
OMP | Open Market Provision |
ONA | Open Network Architecture |
ONC | Open Network Computing |
ONMS | Open Network Management System |
ONP | Open Network Provision |
ONU | Optical Network Unit |
OOE | Organisation Outside ETSI |
OQASK | Offset Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keying |
OQPSK | Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
OQRSK | Orthagonal Quadrature PSK |
ORB | Omnidirectional Radiobeacon |
ORM | Optically Remote switching Module |
OS | Operating System |
OSF | Operations Systems Function Block (TMN) |
OSI | Open System Interconnect(ion) |
OSI/NMF | OSI Network Management Form |
OSINET | OSI Network |
OSIRM | Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model |
(ISO ITU-T) | |
OSITOP | Open Systems Interconnecting/Technical and Office |
Protocol | |
OSS | Operation Support Systems |
OTE | Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (Greece) |
OTE | Operator Tandem Exchange |
OTF | Optimum Traffic Frequency |
OWF | Optimum Working Frequency |
PABX | Private Automatic Branch Exchange |
PAC | Programme Advisory Committee (ETSI) |
PACS | Personal Access Communications System |
PACT | Public Access Cordless Telephony |
PAD | Packet Assembler/Disassembler |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PAMR | Public Access Mobile Radio |
PBP | Packet Burst Protocol |
PBX | Private Branch Exchange |
PC | Path Control |
PC | Program Counter |
PCA | Position of Closed Approach |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board |
PCB | Process Control Block |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect |
PCI | Pre-Connection Inspection or |
Programmable Communication Interface | |
PCIA | Personal Communications Industry Association |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International |
Association | |
PCN | Personal Communications Network |
PCR | Peak Cell Rate (ATM) |
PCS | Personal Communication Services |
PCSN | Private Circuit Switching Network |
PCT | Private Communication Technology |
PCU | Premises Control Unit |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant |
PDBM | Pulse Delay Binary Modulation |
PDC | Personal Digital Cellular |
Portable Document Format (Adobe) | |
PDH | Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy |
PDM | Pulse-Duration Modulation |
PDMA | Polarization Division Multiple Access |
PDN | Public Data Network or |
Partial Distinguished Name (TMN) | |
PDOP | Position Dilution Of Position |
PDS | Power Density Spectrum |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
PEAN | Pan-European ATM Network |
PED | Portable Electronic Devices |
PEP | Peak Envelope Power |
PES | Personal Earth Station |
PET | Planning Exercise in Telecommunications |
technologies (forerunner of RACE) | |
PEV | Peak Envelope Voltage |
PF | Presentation Function (TMN) |
PFC | Phase Frequency Characteristic |
PFD | Phase-Frequency Detector |
PFD | Power Flux Density |
PFM | Pulse-Frequency Modulation |
PH | Packet Handler (ISDN) |
PHDM | Phase Difference Modulation |
PICS | Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PINX | Private Telecommunications Network Exchange |
PITCOM | Parliamentary Information Technology Committee |
(UK) | |
PIXIT | Protocol Implementation Extra Information for |
Testing | |
PLC | Programming Logic Controller |
PLISO | Plesisochronous |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop |
PLM | Pulse Length Modulation |
PLMN | Public Land Mobile Network |
PLMTS | Public Land Mobile Telephone System |
PLP | Packet Layer Protocol (X.25) |
PLU | Primary Logical Unit |
PM | Phase Modulation |
PM | Physical Medium |
PMA | Physical Medium Attachment |
PMBS | Packet Mode Bearer Service |
PMD | Physical Medium Dependent (FDDI) |
PML | Permitted Maximum Level |
PMN | Public Mobile Network |
PMR | Private Mobile Radio |
PMS | Permitted Maximum Signal |
PMSN | Public Mobile Satellite Network |
PNM | Pulse Number Modulation |
PNNI | Private Network Node Interface (ATM) |
PNO | Public Network Operator |
PNT | Private Network Termination |
POC | Point Of Connection (switch connection) |
POCSAG | Post Office Code Standards Advisory Group |
POD | Programmable Option Devices |
POI | Point Of Interconnect (network connection) |
PON | Passive Optical Network |
POSI | Promotion of OSI |
POSIT | Profiles for Open Systems Interworking |
Technologies | |
POTS | Plain Old Telephone Service |
PPS | Precise Positioning Service |
PRI | Primary Rate Interface (ISDN) |
PRM | Pulse Rate Modulation |
PRN | Pseudo Random Noise |
PRS | Premium Rate Service |
PRSIG | Pacific Rim SMDS Interest Group |
PS | Paging Systems |
PSAR | Programmable Synchronous/ Asynchronous |
Transmitter | |
PSB | Public Service Board |
PSC | Public Service Commission |
PSD | Phase Sensitive Detector |
PSD | Power Spectrum Density |
PSDN | Packet Switched Data Network |
PSE | Packet Switching Exchange |
PSK | Phase Shift Keying |
PSM | Pulse Spacing Modulation |
PSN | People with special needs |
PSN | Public Switched Network |
PSPDN | Packet Switched Public Data Network |
PSPM | Pulse Symmetrical Phase Modulation |
PSTN | Public Switched Telecommunications Network |
PSU | Power Supply Unit |
PTI | Packet Type Identifier (X.25) |
PTI | Payload Type Identifier (ATM) |
PTM | Packet Transport Mode |
PTN | Public Telecommunication Network |
PTNX | Private Telecommunications Network Exchange |
PTO | Public Telecommunication Operator |
PTS | Public Telecommunications System |
PTT | Post, Telephone, and Telegraph |
PTTNS | Public Telecommunications Transport Networks and |
Services | |
PUC | Public Service Commission |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit |
PVN | Private Virtual Network |
PVP | Permanent Virtual Paths |
PWM | Pulse-Width Modulation |
PWT | Personal Wireless Telephone |
PXML | Private Exchange Master List |
Q-bit | Qualified data bit (X.25) |
QA | Quality Assurance or |
Q-Adapter | (TMN) |
QAF | Q-Adapter Block (TMN) |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QASK | Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keying |
QCIF | Quarter CIF |
QDPSK | Quaternary Differential Phase Shift Keying |
QFM | Quantized Frequency Modulation |
QoS | Quality of Service |
QPM | Quantized Phase Modulation |
QPSX | Queued Packet Synchronous Exchange |
QUAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QWA | Quarter Wave Antenna |
R&TTE | Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment |
RA | Radiocommunications Agency |
RACE | Research and Development in Advanced |
Communications Technologies in Europe | |
RACH | Random Access Channel |
RACOM | Random Communication |
RADAG | Radar Guidance |
RADAR | Radio Detection and Ranging |
RADAT | Radar Data Transmission |
RADIC | Radio Interior Communication |
RADSL | Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line |
RAI | Remote Alarm Indication |
RAS | Remote Access Server (Remote LAN) |
RBBS | Residential Broadband Service |
RBN | Radiobeacon |
RBS | Radio Beacon Station |
RC | Reference Configuration |
RCC | Reverse Control Channel |
RCE | Remote Channel Extenders |
RCF | Routing Control Field |
RCM | Radar Counter Measures |
RCS | Radio Command System |
RCS | Radiocommunication Service |
RCSS | Random Communications Satellite System |
RD | Routing Domain (ATM, ISO) |
RDF | Radio Direction Finder |
RDF | Route Designator Field |
RDS | Radio Data System |
RDSS | Radio Determination Satellite Service |
RDT | Remote Data Transmitter |
RDTD | Restricted Differential Time Delay |
REE | Radio Electronic Equipment |
RegTP Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post | |
REM | Ring Error Monitor |
REN | Ringer Equivalent Number |
RES | Radio Equipment and Systems |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFA | Random Fixed Access |
RFCP | Radio Frequency Compatibility Program |
RFH | Remote Frame Handler (ISDN) |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RIC | RACE Industrial Consortium |
RIF | Routing Information Field (Source Routing) |
RII | Routing Information Indicator (Source Routing) |
RIM | Request Initialisation Mode (HDLC) |
RIO | Reference Interconnection Offer |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
RISE | Retrieval and Interchange of Standards in Europe |
project | |
RLR | Receive Loudness Rating |
RLS | Radiolocation Service (Station) |
RLSD | Receive Line Signal Detector |
RM | Resource Management |
RMC | RACE Management Committee |
RMON | Remote Network Monitoring |
RNC | Radio Network Control |
RNF | Receiver Noise Figure |
RNS | Radio-navigation Service |
RNSS | Radio-navigation Satellite Service |
ROH | Receiver Of-Hook |
ROMP | Remote Operations Microprocessor |
RoR | Rate of Return |
ROSE | Remote Operation Service Element (Application Layer) |
RP | Registration Point |
RR | The ITU Radio Regulations |
RPC | Radar Processing Center |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call |
RPG | Random Pulse Generator |
RPM | Random Phase Modulation |
RPS | Radio-Paging System |
RPS | Ring Parameter Server |
RPSK | Relative Phase Shift Keying |
RRS | Radio Relay Station |
RS | Remote Station |
RSB | Residual Sideband |
RSCV | Route Selection Control Vector |
RSEMS | Remote Sensing of the Electromagnetic Spectrum |
RSM | Remote Switching Module (telephony) |
RSS | Remote Switch Subsystem |
RT | Real Time |
RT | Remote Terminal |
RTC | Radiotelephone Communication |
RTM | Reference Test Method |
RTR | Radio Teletype Receiver |
RTSC | Regional Telematic Service Centre |
RTSE | Remote Transfer Service Element (Application Layer) |
RTU | Remote Telemetry Units |
RXLEV | Received Signal Level |
RXQUAL | Received Signal Quality |
S-DAB | Satellite Digital Audio Broadcasting |
S/N | Signal to Noise ratio |
SA | Source Address |
SAACH | Slow Associated Control Channel |
SAAL | Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer (ATM) |
SABM | Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (HDLC) |
SABME | Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended (HDLC) |
SAC | Service Access Code |
SAM | System Administration Module |
SAMSARS | Satellite-Based Maritime Search and Rescue System |
SAP | Source Access Point |
SAPI | Service Access Point Identifier (LAPD) |
SAR | Segmentation and Reassembly (ATM) |
SARBE | Search and Rescue Beacon |
SARM | Set Asynchronous Response Mode (HDLC) |
SART | Search and Rescue Radar Transponder |
SAS | Simple Attachment Scheme |
SAS | Small Astronomical Satellite |
SATAN | System Administrator Tool for Analysing Networks |
SBAS | Steerable-Beam Antenna System |
SBS | Satellite Business System |
SBSVC | Selective Broadcast Signalling Virtual Channel (B-ISDN) |
SCA | System Communication Architecture |
SCADA | Supervisory Control And Data |
SCAM | Spectrum Characteristics Analysis Measurement |
SCCP | Signalling Connection Control Part |
SCE | Service Creation Environment |
SCEF | Service Creation Environment Function (TMN) |
SCF | Service Control Function (TMN) |
SCFM | Subcarrier Frequency Modulation |
SCFS | Subcarrier Frequency Shift |
SCP | Service Control Point |
SCP | Session Control Protocol |
SCPC | Single Channel per Carrier |
SCR | Sustained Cell Rate (ATM) |
SCSI | Small Computer Systems Interface |
SCVF | Single Channel Voice Frequency |
SDDS | Satellite Data Distribution System |
SDF | Specialised Database Functions (TMN) |
SDF | Spectral Density Function |
SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDM | Space Division Multiplexing |
SDPLL | Sampled Data Phase Locked Loop |
SDPS | Satellite Data Processing System |
SDSL | Single-line Digital Subscriber Line |
SDSL | Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
SDSU | SMDS Data Service Unit |
SDTS | Satellite Data Transmission System |
SDU | Service Data Unit |
SE | Support Equipment (TMN) |
SEF | Support Entity Function (TMN) |
SEMKO | Swedish Institute for Testing and Approval of |
Electrical Equipment | |
SES | Satellite Earth Stations |
SEV | Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein (Swiss Electrotechnical Association) |
SEWG | Spectrum Engineering Working Group of CEPT ERC |
SEWS | Satellite Early Warning System |
SFM | Space Frequency Modulation |
SFS | Start of Frame Sequence (LAN) |
SFTS | Standard Frequency and Time Signals |
SGML | Standard Generalised Markup Language |
SHF | Super High Frequency |
SHOSAC | Shore-to-Ship Distress Alerting Channel |
SI | Statutory Instruments (UK) |
SIF | Signalling Information Field |
SIG | Special Interest Group |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
SIMD | Single Instruction stream Multiple Data stream |
SINs | British Telecom Suppliers’ Information Notes |
SIO | Scientific and Industrial Organisations (ITU-T) |
SIP | SMDS Interface Protocol |
SIR | Sustained Information Rate (SMDS) |
SITA | Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques |
SITS | Special Investigation Test Schedule (UK) |
SJF | Shortest Job First |
SKL | Station-Keeping Satellite |
SLC | Subscriber Loop Carrier |
SLEE | Service Logic Execution Environment |
SLPR | Stationless Packet Radio |
SLR | Send Loudness Rating |
SLSA | Single Line Switching Apparatus |
SMAF | Service Management Agent Function (TMN) |
SMAP | System Management Application Part |
SMART | Strategy for Mobile Advanced Radio |
Telecommunications (initiative of DG XIII/D) | |
SMAX | Satellite Multiple-Access Communication System |
SMDS | Switched Multimegabit Data Service |
SMF | Service Management Function (TMN) |
SMG | Special Mobile Group |
SMI | Structure of Management Information |
SMIP | Strategic Management Information Plan |
SMP | Simple Management Protocol |
SMP | Switching Module Processor |
SMR | Specialised Mobile Radio |
SMRS | Specialized Mobile Radio System |
SMS | Satellite Multiservice System |
SMSC | Satellite Mobile Switching Center |
SMT | Surface Mounting Technology |
SMTA | Single-line Multi-Extension Telephone Apparatus |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SN | Sequence Number (ATM, DQDB, SMDS) |
SN | Subscriber Number |
SN | Switching Network (SNA) |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture |
SNAP | Subnetwork Access Protocol |
SNI | Subscriber Network Interface |
SNL | Satellite Network List |
SNP | Sequence Number Packet (or Protection) |
SNRM | Set Normal Response Mode (HDLC) |
SNRME | Set Normal Response Mode Extended (HDLC) |
SNT | System Noise Temperature |
SOGIT | Senior Officials Group for Information Technology |
SOL | System Oriented Language |
SONET | Synchronous Optical Network |
SOS | Space Operation Service |
SOUP | Spectrum Orbit-Utilization Program |
SP | Signalling Point (ANSI) |
SPACS | Satellite Packet Communication System |
SPADATS | Space Detection and Tracking System |
SPAG | Standards Promotion and Application Group SA |
SPAN | Space Communications Network |
SPARC | Scalable Performance Architecture |
SPC | Stored Programme Control |
SPCN | Satellite Personal Communication Network |
SPDC | Spectral Density |
SPDU | Session Protocol Data Unit |
SPID | Service Profile Identifier (ISDN) |
SPM | Subscriber Private Meter |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact |
SPOT | Satellite Positioning and Tracking |
SPS | Signalling Protocols and Switching |
SPTN | Single Protocol Transport Network |
SQFM | Symmetric Quadratic Frequency Modulation |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SQPSK | Shift Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
SRAM | Static Random Access Memory |
SREJ | Selective Reject (HDLC) |
SRES | Space Research Earth Station |
SRF | Specialised Resources Function (TMN) |
SRI | SIP Relay Interface (SMDS) |
SRT | Source Routing Transparent |
SRTP | Sequenced Routing Table Protocol |
SRTS | Synchronous Residual Time Stamp |
SS7 | Signalling System 7 |
SS | Spread Spectrum |
SSAP | Source Service Access Point |
SSB | Single Side Band |
SSBM | Single Sideband Modulation |
SSF | Service Switching Function (TMN) |
SSM | Single Segment Message (DQDB, SMDS) |
SSMA | Spread Spectrum Multiple Access |
SSP | Service Switching Point |
SSP | Switch-to-Switch Protocol |
SSS | Subscriber Switching Subsystem |
SST | Synchronous Service Transport |
SSWAM | Single Side Wideband Analog Modulation |
ST | Signalling Terminal |
STAG | Security Techniques Advisory Group (ETSI) |
STD | Subscriber Trunk Dialling |
STDM | Statistical Time Division Multiplexing |
STE | Signallling Terminal Equipment |
STE | Spanning-Tree Explorer (LAN) |
STEM | Strategic Telecommunication Evaluation Model |
STES | Small Transportable Earth Station |
STM | Synchronous Transfer Mode |
STMR | Sidetone Masked Loudness Rating |
STP | Signalling Transfer Point |
STRATSAT | Strategic Satellite System |
STS | Synchronous Transport Signal (SONET) |
SVC | Signalling Virtual Channel (ATM) |
SVC | Switched Virtual Circuit (Packet Switching) |
SYNTRAN | Synchronous Transmission |
T-DAB | Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting |
TD-CDMA | Time Division Code Division Multiple Access |
TA | Terminal Adapter (ISDN) |
TAC | Telecommunications Administrations Centre (Finland) |
TACS | Total Access Communications Systems |
TAPI | Telephony API |
TARM | Telephone Answering and Recording Machine |
TASI | Time Assigned Speech Interpolation |
TB | Transparent Bridging |
TBB | Trans-national Broadband Backbone |
TBR | Technical Basis for Regulation (ETSI) |
TC | Transmission Control |
TC | Transport Connection |
TCAM | Telecommunications Access Method (SNA) |
TCAP | Transaction Capabilities Application Part |
TCIF | Telecommunications Industry Forum |
TCM | Time Compression Multiplexing |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TCU | Telecommunications Control Unit (SNA) |
TCU | Trunk Coupling Unit |
TDCP | Time Division Circular Polarization |
TDD | Time Division Duplexing |
TDDN | Time-Division Digital Network |
TDF | Time Division Filtering |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TDMS | Time Division Multiplex System or Transmission |
Distortion Measuring Set | |
TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite |
TDS | Time Division Switching |
TE | Terminal Equipment |
TEDIS | Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems |
TEI | Terminal Endpoing Identifier (LAPD) |
TELCO | The generic name of telephone companies |
throughout the world encompasses RBOC’s LEC’s | |
and PTT’s | |
TES | Transportable Earth Station |
TETRA | Trans European Trunked Radio |
TFD | Time and Frequency Dissemination |
TFTS | Terrestrial Flight Telephone System |
TGCS | Transportable Ground Communications Station |
TIA | Telecommunications Industry Association (UK) |
TIG | Terminal Interoperability Group |
TIM | Transmitter Intermodulation |
TINA | Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture |
TIS | Technical Information Sheets ( UK) |
TJF | Test Jack Frame |
TLD | Top-Level Domain |
TLH | Transport Layer Header |
TLP | Transmission Level Point |
TLS | Transparent LAN Service |
TM | Terminal Multiplexer |
TM | Transmission and Multiplexing |
TMA | Telecommunication Managers Association (UK) |
TMN | Telecommunications Management Network |
TMS | Time-Multiplexed Switch |
TMSI | Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity |
TMTI | Temporary Mobile Terminal Identity |
TMUI | Temporary Mobile User Identity |
TOPS | Traffic Operator Position System |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
TP | Transaction Processing |
TP | Transport Protocol (ISO) |
TP | Twisted Pair |
TPAU | Twisted Pair Attachment Unit |
TPDU | Transport Protocol Data Unit |
TPMR | Trunk Private Mobile Radio |
TR | Token Ring |
TRA | Traffic Routing Administration |
TRAC | Technical Recommendations Application Committee |
TRAPI | Transport API |
TRAU | Transcoder and Rate Adaption Unit |
TSAP | Transport Service Access Point |
TSC | Transit Switching Centre |
TSM | Time Switch Module |
TSRM | Telecommunication Standards Reference Manual |
TSRRS | Tropospheric Scatter Radio-Relay System |
TSS | Telecommunication Standardisation Sector (ITU-T) |
TSS | Trunk and Signalling Subsystem |
TTL | Time to Live (Internet) |
TTP | Trial Termination Point (TMN) |
TTRS | Transportable Transmit and Receive Station |
TUA | Telecommunications Users Association (UK) |
TUG | Telecommunication User Group |
TWA | Two-Way Alternate (HDLC) |
TWS | Two-Way Simultaneous (HDLC) |
UA | Unbalanced Asynchronous (HDLC) |
UA | Unnumbered Acknowledgement (HDLC) |
UAN | User Access Node |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter |
UBR | Unspecified Bit Rate (ATM) |
UCA | Utility Communications Architecture |
UCD | Uniform Call Distribution |
UCS | Universal Communications Standards |
UDI | Unrestricted Digital Information (ISDN) |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
UET | Unattended Earth Terminal |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency (within the range of |
300-3000MHz) | |
UI | Unnumbered Information (HDLC) |
UISG | Utility Industry Standards Group |
UITS | Unacknowledged Information Transfer Sercice |
(ITU-T) | |
ULL | Unbundling the Local Loop |
UMB | Upper Memory Block |
UMS | Unmanned Multifunction Satellite |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems |
UN | Unbalanced Normal |
UNITE | User Network for Information exchange on |
Telecommunications in Europe | |
UNMA | Unified Network Management Architecture |
UOS | Unmanned Orbital Satellite |
UP | Unnumbered Poll |
UPC | Usage Parameter Control (ATM) |
UPCS | Universal Personal Communications Services |
UPS | Uninterruptable Power Supply |
UPT | Universal Personal Telecommunications |
UPTAA | UPT Access Address |
UPTAC | UPT Access Code |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
URM | Usage Reference Model |
USART | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver |
Transmitter | |
USAT | Ultra Small Aperture Terminal |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USC | Universal Service Contribution |
USO | Universal Service Obligation |
USP | Universal Service Provider |
USRT | Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter |
UTP | Unshielded Twisted pair (Physical Layer) |
UTRA | Universal Terrestrial Radio Access |
UUS | User to User Signalling |
UWB | Ultra-Wideband |
VADS | Value Added Data Services |
VANS | Value Added Network Services |
VAP | Value-Added Process |
VAS | Value Added Services |
VBNS | Very High Speed Backbone Network Service |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate (ATM) |
VBR-NRT | Variable Bit Rate-Non-Real-Time (ATM) |
VBR-RT | Variable Bit Rate-Real-Time (ATM) |
VC | Virtual Channel (ATM) |
VC | Virtual Circuit (PSN) |
VC | Virtual Container (SDH) |
VCC | Virtual Channel Connection (ATM) |
VCS | Virtual Circuit Switch |
VDE | Verein Deutscher Elektroingenieure (Society of |
German Electrical Engineers) | |
VDSL | Very High-speed Digital Subscriber Line |
VDT | Visual Display Terminal |
VDU | Visual Display Unit |
VEWS | Very Early Warning System |
VF | Voice Frequency |
VHDSL | Very High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line |
VHE | Virtual Home Environment |
VHF | Very High Frequency (within the range |
30-300MHz) | |
VI | Vector Identifier |
VIP | VINES Internet Protocol |
VL | Vector Length |
VLAN | Vitual LAN |
VLBI | Very Long Baseline Interferometry |
VLBR | Very Low Bit Rate |
VLF | Very Low Frequency |
VLR | Visitor Location Register |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VMS | Voice Messaging System |
VNS | Vehicle Navigation System |
VP | Virtual Path |
VPC | Virtual Path Connection |
VPDN | Virtual Private Data Network |
VPI | Virtual Path Identifier |
VPLMN | Visited Public Land Mobile Network |
VPN | Virtual Private Networks |
VRC | Vertical Redundancy Check |
VSA | Vector Signal Analyser |
VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
VSB | Vestiginal Sideband |
VT | Virtual Terminal (ISO) |
VTE | Virtual Terminal Environment |
VTOA | Voice and Telephony Over ATM |
VTP | Virtual Terminal Protocol (ISO) |
WACS | Wireless Access Communications System |
WAIS | Wide Area Information Services |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protcol |
WARC | World Administration Radio Conference |
WATS | Wide Area Telecommunications Service |
WB/BB | Wideband/Broadband |
WBDTS | Wide Band Data Transmission System |
WBFM | Wideband Frequency Modulation |
WBT | Wideband Transmitter |
WDM | Wavelength Division Multiplex |
WIN | Wireless Intelligent Network |
Winsock | Windows socket API |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
WLL | Wireless in the Local Loop |
WLL | Wireless Local Loop. |
WM | Wireless Manager |
WPBX | Wireless Private Branch Exchange |
WPR | Wind Profiler Radar |
WRC | World Radio Conference |
WS | Work Station |
WSF | Work Station Function Block (TMN) |
WT | Wireless Transceiver |
WWW | World Wide Web (IETF) |
XA | Exchange Access (SMDS) |
XDF | Extended Distance Feature |
XDSL | X-Type Digital Subscriber Line |
XID | Exchange Identification (HDLC) |
XMS | Extended Memory Specification |
XPD | Atmospheric Depolarization Effect |
YIG | Yttrium Iron Garnet |
ZBTSI | Zero Byte Times Slot Interchange |
ZCS | Zero Code Suppression |
ZIS | Zone Information Socket |
ZIT | Zone Information Table |
ZNIIS | Central Research Telecommunication Institute Russia |
ZST | Zone Standard Time |
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