Grammar articles




Grammar articles


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Grammar articles



Articles are a form of an adjective. They are used in front of nouns too! They are noun markers that modify the noun (it means they limit the noun or make it more specific) 


  • “a” is used before a noun which begin with consonant sounds.

“a” is an indefinite article.  (indefinite means the noun talked about could be any one of more than one)

ex.  a book    a man    a horse   a car   a game


  • “an” is used before a noun that begins with vowel sounds, “an” is an indefinite article.

ex.  an owl   an orange   an eagle   an address   an echo


  • “the” may be used before a noun regardless of its beginning vowel sound. ”The “ is a definite article.  (definite means ‘that one’ specifically and only that one)

   However, when “the” is in front of a word that starts with a vowel the ”e” in “the” makes a long ē sound

ex.  the door   the judge   the eye   the banana   the whale 

     the address   the tree   the envelope   the pencil   the news


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