Grammar prepositions




Grammar prepositions


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Grammar prepositions


Prepositions: A preposition is a word that links a noun, pronoun, or gerund to other words. Prepositions can have a variety of meanings:


  • Direction- He's going to the shops.
  • Location- It's in the box.
  • Time- He left after the lesson had finished.
  • Possession- The Government of Italy.


● Prepositional Phrase: A prepositional phrase is the combination of a preposition and its object, a noun, or pronoun.


EG:  He poured sauce over  the pizza.


Note:  Some prepositional phrases can function like single word prepositions. For example, next to, in front of, in order to, etc., are called compound prepositions.


EG: The girl is in front of the boy.


● Adverbial Prepositional Phrase: Prepositional phrases used as adverbs are called adverbial prepositional phrases. Adverbial prepositional phrases modify verbs and can be found almost anywhere in a sentence. An adverbial prepositional phrase will answer the questions how, when, where, how often, how much, how long or to what extent.


EG: The boy is behind the girl. (Answering the adverb question of “where”)

● Adjective Prepositional Phrase: An adjective phrase modifies a noun or a pronoun and answers the questions, which one, how many, how much, or what kind. Almost all adjective prepositional phrases directly follow the nouns or pronouns they modify.


EG: The purple hat with the red feather was for sale in the store. (Answering the adjective question of “which one”)


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Google key word : Grammar nouns file type : doc

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Grammar prepositions


  • Prepositions:

      Prepositions are the words that show relationships between words in a sentence. They tell how the noun/pronoun is related to another word in the sentence. 

Prepositions are always in a group of words called a phrase. The noun/pronoun at the end of the phrase is called the object of the phrase.(what’s being talked about)

ex.  on the floor,   in the sun,  to the store,  around the block

     during the summer,  since yesterday,  without me,  by Tim  



Prepositions show:

  • Where something is (location)

ex.  outside  near  over  under  inside  upon  above  alongside  in


  • Where something is going (direction)

ex.  up  down  in  on  under  through  behind  aboard  around  past


  • When something happens (time)

ex.  during  until  since  as within  till  past  before  after  from


  • Relationships (between a noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence)

ex.  with  by  except  despite  against  among  as  off  without


The most common one-word prepositions used are:

(There are other ones but this list will help you start using prepositions in your sentences.)


aboard               below                in             since

about                beneath              inside        through

above                beside                into                   throughout

across                besides              like                   till

after                  between             near          to

against               beyond              of             toward

along                 but                           off            under

alongside            by                    on             underneath

among               despite               onto                  until

around               down                 out            up  

as                     during               outside       upon  

at                     except               over          with

before                for                            past                   within

behind               from                          round        without


Source :

Web site link:

Google key word : Grammar prepositions file type : doc

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Grammar prepositions


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Grammar prepositions