John Michell




John Michell


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John Michell


John Michell "On the means of discovering the distance, magnitude etc. of the fixed stars ... " Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1784) 35-57, &, Tab III Russell McCormmach and Christa Jungnickel, Cavendish, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1996, ISBN 0-87169-220-1. Clyde R Hardin, "The scientific work of the Reverend John Michell", Annals of Science, 22 27-47 (1966) Russell McCormack, "John Michell and Henry Cavendish: Weighing the stars", British Journal for the History of Science 4 126-155 (1968) Gary Gibbons, "The man who invented black holes [his work emerges out of the dark after two centuries]", New Scientist, 28 June pp.


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John Michell


Astronomia e astronomi famosi



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Astronomia e astronomi famosi